Exemple #1
def perform_regret_analysis(results,
                          outcomeNames = []):
    perform a RAND-style regret analysis. That is, calculate regret across 
    all runs. Regret is here understood as the regret of the policy of 
    interest as compared to the best performing other policy. 
    Identify the case in which the regret is maximized. Show a 2-d slice 
    across two specified uncertainties, which contains the case where the 
    regret is maximized. So, in this slice all the uncertainties apart from 
    the 2 specified, are equal to their value in the case were the regret 
    is maximized. 
    Function requires a full factorial sampling as the experimental design
    to work.
    results             default returnValue from modelEnsemble.runExperiments()
    policyOfInterest    name of policy for which you want to calculate the 
    uncertainty1        the uncertainty across which you want to slice
    uncertainty2        the uncertainty across which you want to slice
    resolution          resolution used in generating the full factorial
    outcomeNames        if provided, this should be a list of names of outcomes 
                        where high is bad the normalized results for these 
                        outcomes will be reverted
    NOTE: please provide the actual uncertainty, not their name
    regret          1-d array that specifies the regret of policy to 
                    all other policies
    def getIndex(range, resolution, value):
        helper function to transform a case to an index in the regretPlotArray
        return ((resolution-1) * (value- range[0]))/ (range[1]-range[0]) 
    regret, cases, uncertainties = calculate_regret(results, 

    # transform regret into a dictionary for quick lookup    
    regretDict = {}
    for entry in zip(cases, regret):
        regretDict[entry[0]] = entry[1]

    #identify maximum regret case
    maximumRegret, case = max_regret(regret, cases)
    # generate the cases that should be in the slice
    # by generating the cases we need for the slice here
    # and combining it with the dict structure, we can fill the 
    # slice up quickly 
    # another alternative approach would be to filter the available cases
    # based on the case that maximizes the regret. Only the specified 
    # uncertainties should be allowed to vary. This, however, would require 
    # us to go over the entire list of cases which can potentially become 
    # very slow
    sampler = FullFactorialSampler()
    designs = sampler.generate_design([uncertainty1, 
    designs = [design for design in designs]
    # get the indexes of the uncertainties
    # we use the max regret case and only modify the entries for
    # the uncertainties across which we want to slice
    index1 = uncertainties.index(uncertainty1.name)
    index2 = uncertainties.index(uncertainty2.name)
    # deduce the shape of the slice
    if len(designs) < resolution**2:
        resolution1 = len(set(np.asarray(designs)[:, 0]))
        resolution2 = len(set(np.asarray(designs)[:, 1]))
        shape = (resolution1, resolution2)
        shape = (resolution, resolution)
    regretPlot = np.zeros(shape)  
    case = list(case)
    for design in designs:
        case[index1] = design[0]
        case[index2] = design[1]
        # map case values back to index in regretPlot
        i = int(round( getIndex(uncertainty1.get_values(), 
                                design[0]), 0)) 
        j = int(round( getIndex(uncertainty2.get_values(), 
                                design[1]), 0))
        # retrieve regret for particular case
            a = regretDict.get(tuple(case))
#            print a
            regretPlot[i, j] = np.max(a)
        except KeyError as e:
            EMAlogging.exception('case not found')
            raise e
    return regretPlot