Exemple #1
    def anova(self, model1, model2, anovaVar="aov1"):

		Performs a model comparison using the R `anova()` function. The models
		should be fitted and given a name first, using `RBridge.lmer()`.

		model1		--	The name of the first model.
		model2		--	The name of the first model.

		Keyword arguments:
		anovaVar	--	The R variable to store the `anova()` output in.

		A DataMatrix with the output for the model comparison.

        if os.path.exists(".rbridge-anova.csv"):
        self.write("%s <- anova(%s, %s)" % (anovaVar, model1, model2))
        self.call('write.csv(%s, ".rbridge-anova.csv")' % anovaVar)
        while not os.path.exists(".rbridge-anova.csv"):
            # Try this a few times, because sometimes the csv hasn't been written
            # yet
        for i in range(10):
                dm = CsvReader(".rbridge-anova.csv").dataMatrix()
        dm.rename("f0", "model")
        return dm
def plotRegr(exp):
	Plots data for one experiment.
	exp		--- {"004A", "004B"}
	src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_False.csv' % exp
	dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix()
	R = RBridge()

	fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,3))
	plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15)
	# Plot hline:
	plt.axhline(0, color = "black", linestyle = "--")
	legend = True
	for sacc in [1, 2]:
		colList = [green[1], orange[1], blue[1]]
		for contrast in dm.unique("contrast_side"):
			print "contrast side = ", contrast
			print "sacc = ", sacc
			_dm = dm.select("contrast_side == '%s'" % contrast)
			lmeRegr(R, _dm, sacc=sacc, corr=False, \
			color = colList.pop(),stats=False, legend = contrast.strip("_"))
		if legend:		
			plt.legend(frameon = False, loc='best')
			legend = False
	plt.savefig("Timecourse_contrast_per_cond%s.png" % exp)
	def __init__(self, path='data', ext='.csv', delimiter=',', quote='"',

			Constructor. Reads all csv files from a specific folder.

				desc:	The folder containing the csv files.
				type:	[str, unicode]
				desc:	The extension of the csv files, or None to parse all
				type:	[str, unicode, NoneType]
				desc:	The column delimiter.
				type:	[str, unicode]
				desc:	The character used for quoting columns.
				type:	[str, unicode, NoneType]				
				desc:	The maximum number of files to process, or `None` to
						process all.
				type:	[int, NoneType]

		print 'Scanning \'%s\'' % path
		self.dm = None
		l = sorted(os.listdir(path))
		if maxN != None:
			l = l[:maxN]
		for fname in l:
			if ext == None or os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == ext:
				print 'Reading %s ...' % fname,
					cr = CsvReader(os.path.join(path, fname),
						delimiter=delimiter, quote=quote)
					warnings.warn('Failed to read %s' % fname)
				dm = cr.dataMatrix()
				while '__src__' not in dm.columns():
						# Apparently this can go wrong sometimes, presumably
						# due to a low-level bug. It appears to be safe to just
						# try again.
						dm = dm.addField('__src__', dtype=str)
						print 'Trying again ...'
				dm['__src__'] = fname
				if self.dm == None:
					self.dm = dm
					self.dm += dm
				print '(%d rows)' % len(dm)
def crossExpDescriptives(dm):

	for exp in ['exp1', 'exp2', 'exp3']:
		dm = CsvReader('data/%s.data.csv' % exp).dataMatrix()
		if exp == 'exp1':
			dm = dm.select('trialType == "control"')
		elif exp == 'exp3':
			print dm.collapse(['cond'], 'rt')
			lm = stats.R.lmer('rt ~ cond + (1+cond|subject_nr)')
			print lm
		rt = dm['rt']
		print 'Exp = %s' % exp
		print 'N = %d' % len(rt)
		print 'RT = %.2f ms (%.2f)' % (rt.mean(), rt.std())
		a = np.loadtxt('data/%s.fixdur.csv' % exp)
		print 'Fixdur = %.2f ms (%.2f)' % (a.mean(), a.std())
def addCog(dm):
	Use NEW CoG calculation.

	# Get cog dictionary:
	f = "compare cogs/cog_per_stim_004C.csv"
	cogDm = CsvReader(f).dataMatrix()

	dm = dm.addField("xCog", default = -1000)
	for i in dm.range():
		stimName = dm["object"][i]
		flip = dm["handle_side"][i]
		symm = dm["symm"][i]
		if symm == "symm":
		xCogUnrot = cogDm.select("name == '%s'" % stimName, verbose = False)["xCog"][0]
		if flip == "left":
			xCog = xCogUnrot * -1
		elif flip == "right":
			xCog = xCogUnrot
		dm["xCog"][i] = xCog
		#print "object = ", stimName
		#print "symm = ", symm
		#print "flip = ", flip
		#print "cog = ", xCog
	return dm
Exemple #6
# Constants:
fName = "/home/lotje/Documents/PhD Marseille/Studies/004 - Single-object experiment - Handle-orientation effect/analysis 004/simulation/data.csv"

heavyHandle = ["chisel", "screwdriver", "sharpeningsteel"]

printSum = False

if __name__ == "__main__":
	# Get dictionary containing w and h of imaginary boxes around the stimuli:
	boxDict = drawBox.boxDict()

	# OpenSesame output file is opened as dm. The fixation values will 
	# be added to this dm.
	dm = CsvReader(fName, delimiter = ",").dataMatrix()
	# The varialbe 'corrDirection' is determined in ascParser,
	# and doesn't exist for the simulation data.
	# Therefore we add it manually:
	dm = dm.addField("corrDirection", dtype = str)
	# Make new column headers:
	for sacc in range(1,4):
		# Landing position:
		dm = dm.addField('endX%s' % sacc, dtype=str)
		dm = dm.addField('endY%s' % sacc, dtype = str)
		# Normalised landing position:
		dm = dm.addField('endX%sNorm' % sacc, dtype = str)
Exemple #7
the analyses of experiment 1 and 2.

# Import modules:
from exparser.CsvReader import CsvReader

# Constants:

xc = 1024/2
yc = 768/2

ythr = 100

if __name__ == "__main__":
	dm = CsvReader('data.csv').dataMatrix()
	dm = dm.select('mask_side == "control"')
	dm = dm.select('symm == "asymm"')
	#dm = dm.select('gap == "overlap"')
	#dm = dm.select('handle_side == "right"')

	#dm = dm.select('object == "screwdriver"')

	# X coordinates, where positive values indicate a deviation towards the handle
	dm = dm.addField('refix1', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('refix2', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('refix3', dtype=float)

	# Timestamps for each fixation
	dm = dm.addField('tfix1', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('tfix2', dtype=float)
Exemple #8
def refixLaunch(exp,corr=False, trim=True, bins=8):
	src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_True.csv' % exp
	dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix()
	lat1 = "saccLat1"
	lat2 = "saccLat2"
	if corr:
		fix1 = "endX1CorrNormToHandle"
		fix2 = "endX2CorrNormToHandle"
		fix1 = "endX1NormToHandle"
		fix2 = "endX2NormToHandle"
	for var in [lat1, lat2, fix1, fix2]:
		dm = dm.select("%s != ''" % var)
	# Trim the data
	if trim:
		dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"],lat2, 
		dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__")
		dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__")
		dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"], fix2,
	dm = dm.addField('saccLat2_perc', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.calcPerc(lat2, 'saccLat2_perc', nBin=bins)
	cmLat1 = dm.collapse(['saccLat2_perc'], lat1)	
	cmX = cmLat2 = dm.collapse(['saccLat2_perc'], lat2)
	cmFix1 = dm.collapse(['saccLat2_perc'], fix1)
	cmFix2 = dm.collapse(['saccLat2_perc'], fix2)
	fig = plt.figure(figsize = (3,6))
	plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15)
	colList = [orange[1], blue[1]]
	nRows = 3
	nCols = 1
	nPlot = 0
	lTitles = ["Landing pos 2", "Landing pos 1"]
	for cmY in [cmFix2, cmFix1]:#, cmLat1]:
		#nPlot +=1
		#plt.subplot(nRows, nCols, nPlot)
		color = colList.pop()
		plt.plot(cmX['mean'], cmY['mean'], marker = 'o', color=color, \
			markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor=color, \
		plt.xlabel("Sacc lat 2")

	plt.legend(lTitles, frameon=False, loc='best')
	plt.axhline(0, linestyle = "--", color = gray[3])
	plt.savefig("Launch_site_refixations_%s_corr_%s.png" % (exp, corr))
Exemple #9
def plotContrast(exp = "004B", trim=True, inclSim=True,stats=True,norm=False):
	Plots landing positions as a function of contrats manipulation per saccade,
	for Exp 1 and Exp 2, relative to CoG.
	Keyword arguments:
	trim		--- (default=True)

	# Get dm:
	src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_False.csv' % exp
	dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix()

	colList = ["#f57900", "#3465a4"]
	lLegend = ["Saccade 1", "Saccade 2"]

	fig = plt.figure(figsize = (3,4))
	plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15)
	yLim = [-.07, .12]

	for sacc in ["1", "2"]:
		dv = "endX%sNorm" % sacc
		saccVar = "saccLat%s" % sacc

		# Get dm:	
		# Only on-object:
		dm = onObject.onObject(dm, sacc,verbose=False)
		if trim:
			dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__")
			dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__")
			dm = dm.selectByStdDev(keys = ["file"], \
			dv = dv,verbose=False)
			dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__")
			dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__")
			dm = dm.selectByStdDev(keys = ["file"], dv = saccVar,\

		# Collect mean and error bar per saccade:
		lM = []
		lErr = []
		if norm:
			# Normalize across handle side:
			dm = dm.removeField("normDV")
			dm= dm.addField("normDV", dtype = float)
			dm= dm.withinize(dv, "normDV", \
					["handle_side"], whiten=False)
			dv = "normDV"

		for contrast in dm.unique("contrast_side"):
			contrast_dm = dm.select("contrast_side == '%s'" % contrast,\
				verbose = False)
			cm = contrast_dm.collapse(["file"], dv)

			M = cm["mean"].mean()
			SE = cm['mean'].std() / np.sqrt(len(cm))
			CI = SE * critVal
		if stats:
			# Run a full LME
			print "Exp = ", exp
			print "DV = ", dv
			print "trim = ", trim
			print "norm = ", norm
			print "saccVar = ", saccVar
			lmeContrast(R, dm, dv, saccVar, exp=exp)
			xData = range(len(lM))
			yData = lM
			yErr = lErr

		col = colList.pop()
		plt.errorbar(xData, yData, yerr=yErr, fmt='o-', marker = "o", \
			color = col, markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor=col, \
	plt.axhline(0, linestyle = "--")
	plt.legend(lLegend, frameon = False)
	plt.axhline(0, color = "black", linestyle = "--")
	plt.xlabel("High-contrast side")
	spacing = 0.5
	xTicks = range(0,3)
	xLabels = ["Left", "Control", "Right"]
	plt.xticks(xTicks, xLabels, rotation = .5)
	plt.xlim(min(xTicks)-spacing, max(xTicks)+spacing)
	plt.savefig(os.path.join(dst,"Contrast_Effect_%s_trim_%s_norm_%s.png") \
		% (exp, trim, norm))