def test_design_from_spec(): spec = { 'name': 'test1', 'order': 'Shuffle', 'n': 2, 'ivs': { 'a': [True, False], 'b': [1, 2, 3] }, } assert Design.from_dict(spec) == ('test1', Design( { 'a': [True, False], 'b': [1, 2, 3] }, ordering=Shuffle(2))) spec = { 'name': 'test2', 'some_extra_field': ['blah'], 'number': 3, } assert Design.from_dict(spec) == ('test2', Design(extra_data={ 'some_extra_field': ['blah'] }, ordering=Shuffle(3))) spec = { 'name': 'test3', 'ordering': { 'class': 'Sorted', 'order': 'ascending', }, 'ivs': { 'a': [1, 2, 3] }, } assert Design.from_dict(spec) == ('test3', Design( ivs={'a': [1, 2, 3]}, ordering=Sorted(order='ascending'))) spec = { 'name': 'test4', 'order': ['CompleteCounterbalance', 3], } assert Design.from_dict(spec) == ('test4', Design( ordering=CompleteCounterbalance(3))) spec.pop('name') assert Design.from_dict(spec) == Design(ordering=CompleteCounterbalance(3))
def test_bad_heterogeneity(): main_structure = [ ('participant', Design(ivs={ 'a': [1, 2], 'b': [1, 2] }, ordering=Shuffle(3))), ('session', Design(ivs={'design': ['practice', 'test']}, design_matrix=[[0], [1], [1]])), ] other_structures = { 'practice': [ ('block', Design()), ('trial', Design(ivs={'difficulty': [1, 2]}, ordering=Shuffle(20))), ], 'test': [ ('block', Design(ordering=CompleteCounterbalance(2))), ('trial', Design(ivs={'difficulty': [1, 3, 5, 7]}, ordering=Shuffle(5))), ], } with pytest.raises(ValueError):, **other_structures)
def make_manual_exp(): tree =[('participant', [Design(ordering=Shuffle(2))]), ('block', [Design(ivs={'b': [0, 1, 2]}, ordering=CompleteCounterbalance())]), ('trial', [Design({'a': [False, True]}, ordering=Shuffle(4))]), ]) exp = exp.add_callback('trial', trial) return exp
def make_standard_exp(): exp = Experiment.basic(('participant', 'block', 'trial'), {'block': [('b', [0, 1, 2])], 'trial': [('a', [False, True])]}, ordering_by_level={'trial': Shuffle(4), 'block': CompleteCounterbalance(), 'participant': Shuffle(2)}) exp.add_callback('trial', trial) return exp
def test_counterbalance(): for n in range(1, 3): o = CompleteCounterbalance(n) _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_3) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_3), iv_values, 1 o = CompleteCounterbalance() _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_2_2) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_2_2), iv_values, 1 o = CompleteCounterbalance() _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_WITH_REPEAT) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len( CONDITIONS_WITH_REPEAT), iv_values, 2
def test_counterbalance(): for n in range(1, 3): o = CompleteCounterbalance(n) _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_3) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_3), iv_values, 1 o = CompleteCounterbalance() _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_2_2) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_2_2), iv_values, 1 o = CompleteCounterbalance() _, iv_values = o.first_pass(CONDITIONS_WITH_REPEAT) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_WITH_REPEAT), iv_values, 2
def make_blocked_exp(): exp = Experiment.blocked({'a': [False, True]}, 2, block_ivs={'b': [0, 1, 2]}, orderings={'trial': Shuffle(4), 'block': CompleteCounterbalance()}) exp.add_callback('trial', trial) return exp
def test_reprs(): for ord in (CompleteCounterbalance(), Shuffle(), LatinSquare(), Ordering(), Sorted()): yield check_repr, ord
def test_counterbalance_generator_condition(): n = 2 o = CompleteCounterbalance(n) _, iv_values = o.first_pass(c for c in CONDITIONS_3) yield check_unique, o, iv_values yield check_counterbalance_number, o, len(CONDITIONS_3), iv_values, 1
def test_design_tree(): trial_matrix = np.array( [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [-1.41421356, 0.1], [1.41421356, 0.1], [0, -1.41421356], [0, 1.41421356], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]] ) # pyDOE.ccdesign(2) with two 0.1 elements to prevent symmetry in the IVs. trial_iv_names = ['a', 'b'] trial_iv_values = [None, None] block_ivs = {'block': [1, 2]} participant_iv_names = ('A', 'B') participant_iv_values = [[1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] trial_design = Design(ivs=zip(trial_iv_names, trial_iv_values), ordering=Shuffle(3), design_matrix=trial_matrix) block_design = Design(block_ivs, ordering=CompleteCounterbalance()) practice_block_design = Design() participant_design = Design(dict( zip(participant_iv_names, participant_iv_values)), ordering=Ordering(10)) levels_and_designs = OrderedDict([('participant', participant_design), ('block', [practice_block_design, block_design]), ('trial', trial_design)]) tree = tree.add_base_level() levels, designs = zip(*tree.levels_and_designs) yield check_identity, designs[1][0], participant_design yield check_identity, designs[2][0], practice_block_design yield check_identity, designs[2][1], block_design yield check_identity, designs[3][0], trial_design yield check_equality, len(tree), 4 yield check_equality, tree[3], ('trial', [trial_design]) yield check_equality, next(tree).levels_and_designs, next( tree).levels_and_designs, tree.levels_and_designs[1:] tree_with_participant_base = next(tree) tree_with_block_base = next(tree_with_participant_base) yield (check_equality, tree_with_block_base.levels_and_designs, next(next(tree)).levels_and_designs, [('block', [practice_block_design, block_design]), ('trial', [trial_design])]) tree_with_trial_base = next(tree_with_block_base) yield (check_equality, tree_with_trial_base.levels_and_designs, [ ('trial', [trial_design]) ], next(tree_with_block_base).levels_and_designs) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(tree_with_trial_base) for design, iv_names, iv_values, n, data, matrix in zip( [designs[1][0], designs[2][0], designs[2][1], designs[3][0]], [['A', 'B', CompleteCounterbalance.iv_name], [], ['block'], ['a', 'b'] ], [[[1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [0, 1]], [], [[1, 2]], [None, None]], [10 * 2 * 2 * 3, 1, 2, 3 * len(trial_matrix)], [{}, {}, { CompleteCounterbalance.iv_name: 0 }, {}], [None, None, None, trial_matrix]): yield check_design, design, iv_names, iv_values, n, data, matrix yield check_design_matrix, designs[3][0].get_order(), ['a', 'b' ], [None, None ], trial_matrix