Exemple #1
def fit_curve():
	global data
	fa = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
	if fa != None:
		pa = fa[1]
		rc = abs(1.0 / pa[1])
		dispmsg(_('RC = %5.2f mSec')%rc)
		dispmsg(_('Failed to fit the curve with V=Vo*exp(-t/RC)'))
Exemple #2
def fit_curve():
	global data
	fa = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
	if fa != None:
		pa = fa[1]
		rc = abs(1.0 / pa[1])
		dispmsg(_('RC = %5.2f mSec')%rc)
		dispmsg(_('Failed to fit the curve with V=Vo*exp(-t/RC)'))
def fit_curve():
	global data, running
	if running == True or len(data[0])==0:
	f = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
	if f != None:
		g.line(data[0], f[0], 1)
		k = 1.38e-23    # Boltzmann const
		q = 1.6e-19     # unit charge
		Io = f[1][0]
		a1 = f[1][1]
		T = 300.0		# Room temp in Kelvin
		n = q/(a1*k*T)
		s = _('Fitted with Diode Equation : Io = %5.2e mA , Ideality factor = %5.2f')%(Io,n)
		msg.config(text = s)
def fit_curve():
    global data, running
    if running == True or len(data[0]) == 0:
    f = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
    if f != None:
        g.line(data[0], f[0], 1)
        k = 1.38e-23  # Boltzmann const
        q = 1.6e-19  # unit charge
        Io = f[1][0]
        a1 = f[1][1]
        T = 300.0  # Room temp in Kelvin
        n = q / (a1 * k * T)
        s = _(
            'Fitted with Diode Equation : Io = %5.2e mA , Ideality factor = %5.2f'
        ) % (Io, n)
Exemple #5
def fit_curve():
	global data
	p.write_outputs(2)			# Do some DC work to find the resistance of the Inductor
	Rext = 	float(Res.get())
	vtotal = 5.0				# Assume OD1 = 5 volts
	v = p.get_voltage(2)
	if v > 4.8:					# Means user has connected OD1 to A2
		vtotal = v
	Vind = p.get_voltage(0)     # voltage across the Inductor
	i = (vtotal - Vind)/Rext
	Rind = Vind/i
	print v,Rind
	fa = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
	if fa != None:
		pa = fa[1]
		print pa
		par1 = abs(1.0 / pa[1])
		dispmsg(_('L/R = %5.3f mSec : Rind = %5.0f Ohm : L = %5.1f mH')%(par1, Rind, (Rext+Rind)*par1))
		dispmsg(_('Failed to Fit. Try fitting V=Vo*exp(-tR/L) with Xmgrace'))
def fit_curve():
	global data
	p.set_state(10,1)			# Do some DC work to find the resistance of the Inductor
	Rext = 	float(Res.get())
	vtotal = 5.0				# Assume OD1 = 5 volts
	v = p.get_voltage(3)
	if v > 4.8:					# Means user has connected OD1 to A2
		vtotal = v
	Vind = p.get_voltage(1)     # voltage across the Inductor
	i = (vtotal - Vind)/Rext
	Rind = Vind/i
	# print v,Rind
	fa = eyemath.fit_exp(data[0], data[1])
	if fa != None:
		pa = fa[1]
		# print pa
		par1 = abs(1.0 / pa[1])
		dispmsg(_('L/R = %5.3f mSec : Rind = %5.0f Ohm : L = %5.1f mH')%(par1, Rind, (Rext+Rind)*par1))
		dispmsg(_('Failed to Fit. Try fitting V=Vo*exp(-tR/L) with Xmgrace'))