def main(): """ Get file list from args and execute """ global args args = parser.parse_args() add_destination(log_stdout) for filename in args.filename: try: print('Loading {}'.format(color.cyan(filename))) if from_file(filename): result ='Success.') else: result ='No match.') print('==> {}'.format(result)) except ParserException as exc: print(color.yellow('ERROR parsing file %s: %s' % (filename, exc))) except (ConnectionException, ProxyException) as exc: print( color.yellow('ERROR connecting to host in file %s: %s' % (filename, exc))) except ExploException as exc: print(color.yellow('ERROR in file %s: %s' % (filename, exc)))
def pretty_print_request(req): """ Print a request """ output = '{} {} {}\n'.format(color.yellow(req.method), color.cyan(req.url), color.grayscale[14]('HTTP/1.1')) output += '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(color.grayscale[14](k), color.cyan(v)) for k, v in req.headers.items()) output += '\n\n{}'.format(req.body) Message.log(level='request', message=output)
def log_stdout(message): if 'message' in message: level = message.get('level', '') if level == 'request' or level == 'response': if args and not args.verbose: return print('\n') level_msg = color.yellow('Warning: ') if level == 'warning' else '' print("{}{}".format(level_msg, message['message']))
def pretty_print_response(res): """ Print a response """ # Status line output = color.yellow('HTTP') + color.grayscale[14]('/1.1 %s %s\n' % (res.status_code, res.reason)) # Headers for name, value in res.headers.items(): output += '%s: %s\n' % (color.grayscale[14](name), color.cyan(value)) output += '\n' # Body output += res.text Message.log(level='response', message=output)