def parse(s, globals=None, conditional_context=None, expression=True,
    if not isinstance(s, basestring):
        return s

    # this prevents any function named something ending in "if"
    str_to_parse = s.replace('if(', 'where(')
    str_to_parse = and_re.sub(r'\1&\2', str_to_parse)
    str_to_parse = or_re.sub(r'\1|\2', str_to_parse)
    str_to_parse = not_re.sub(r'\1~', str_to_parse)

    mode = 'eval' if expression else 'exec'
        c = compile(str_to_parse, '<expr>', mode)
    except SyntaxError:
        # SyntaxError are clearer if left unmodified since they already contain
        # the faulty string

        # Instances of this class have attributes filename, lineno, offset and
        # text for easier access to the details. str() of the exception
        # instance returns only the message.
    except Exception, e:
        raise add_context(e, s)
    #    field/link actually exist in the context it is used.
    # the Token class above was my first naive try at doing that, however,
    # it's not as easy as I first thought because functions need to be
    # delayed too.
    if conditional_context is not None:
        for var in c.co_names:
            if var in conditional_context:

    if globals is not None:

    context['__builtins__'] = None
    if expression:
            return eval(c, context)
        #IOError and such. Those are clearer when left unmodified.
        except EnvironmentError:
        except Exception, e:
            raise add_context(e, s)
        exec c in context

        # cleanup result
        del context['__builtins__']
        for funcname in functions.keys():
            del context[funcname]
        return context