Exemple #1
def release_complex_code(code_strs, code_place, xde_dict, ges_dict):

    cplx_expr = code_strs.replace('Cplx_Asgn: ', '')
    left_vara, righ_expr = cplx_expr.split('=')[:2]
    left_vara, righ_expr = left_vara.strip(), righ_expr.strip().strip(';')

    # if complex expres is a tensor expres, make summation first
    if left_vara.find('_') != -1 \
    or righ_expr.find('_') != -1 :

        expr_list = idx_summation(left_vara, righ_expr, xde_dict)

        for expres in expr_list:

            cplx_list = expres.split('=')
            cplx_objt = cmplx_expr(cplx_list[1])

            for ri, cmplexpr in zip(['r', 'i'], cplx_objt.complex_list):
                ges_dict['code'][code_place] \
                    .append(f'$cc {cplx_list[0]}{ri}={cmplexpr};\n')

        cplx_objt = cmplx_expr(righ_expr)

        for ri, cmplexpr in zip(['r', 'i'], cplx_objt.complex_list):
            ges_dict['code'][code_place] \
                .append(f'$cc {left_vara}{ri}={cmplexpr};\n')
Exemple #2
def release_code(xde_lists,code_place,pfelacpath,code_use_dict):

    for code_strs in xde_lists['code'][code_place]:

        regxrp = regx.search(r'Insr|Tnsr|Cplx|Oprt|Func',code_strs,regx.I)

        if regxrp == None:

            # Insert C code
            if regxrp.group() == 'Insr':

            # Tensor expres summation
            elif regxrp.group() == 'Tnsr':

                vect_expr = code_strs.replace('Tnsr_Asgn: ','')
                left_vara, righ_expr = vect_expr.split('=')[:2]
                left_vara, righ_expr = left_vara.strip(), righ_expr.strip().strip(';')

                expr_list = idx_summation(left_vara, righ_expr, xde_lists)
                for expres in expr_list:
                    code_use_dict[code_place].append('$cc '+expres+';\n')

            # complex expres expansion
            elif regxrp.group() == 'Cplx':
                cplx_expr = code_strs.replace('Cplx_Asgn: ','')
                left_vara, righ_expr = cplx_expr.split('=')[:2]
                left_vara, righ_expr = left_vara.strip(), righ_expr.strip().strip(';')

                # if complex expres is a tensor expres, make summation first
                if left_vara.find('_') != -1 \
                or righ_expr.find('_') != -1 :
                    expr_list = idx_summation(left_vara, righ_expr, xde_lists)
                    for expres in expr_list:
                        cplx_list = expres.split('=')
                        cplx_objt = cmplx_expr(cplx_list[1])
                        for ri,cmplexpr in zip(['r','i'], cplx_objt.complex_list):
                            code_use_dict[code_place] \
                                .append('$cc {}{}={};\n'.format(cplx_list[0],ri,cmplexpr))
                    cplx_objt = cmplx_expr(righ_expr)
                    for ri,cmplexpr in zip(['r','i'], cplx_objt.complex_list):
                        code_use_dict[code_place] \
                            .append('$cc {}{}={};\n'.format(left_vara,ri,cmplexpr))

            # the operator resault assignment
            elif regxrp.group() == 'Oprt':
                path_oprt = pfelacpath+'ges/pde.lib'
                file_oprt = open(path_oprt, mode='r')
                oprt_expr = code_strs.replace('Oprt_Asgn: ','')

                # singularity and volume operators
                for oprt_key in ['singular','vol']:
                    if oprt_expr.find(oprt_key) != -1:
                        oprt_strs, oprt_find = '', 0

                        for line in file_oprt.readlines():
                            oprt_start_file = regx.match('sub '+oprt_expr,line,regx.I)
                            oprt_end_file   = regx.match('end '+oprt_expr,line,regx.I)
                            if oprt_start_file != None:
                                oprt_find = 1
                            if oprt_end_file     != None:
                                oprt_find = 0
                            if oprt_find == 1:

                        xde_lists[oprt_key] = oprt_strs

                # other operators as grad, div, curl...
                if  oprt_expr.find('singular') == -1 \
                and oprt_expr.find('vol') == -1 :

                    # split aa=grad.xy(x,y,u) to aa, grad.xy, [x,y,u]
                    left_vara, righ_expr = oprt_expr.split('=')[:2]
                    oprt_name, oprt_vars = righ_expr.split('(')[:2]
                    oprt_vars = oprt_vars.rstrip(')').split(',')

                    temp_vars = []
                    # expand vector variable list [x_i,a_i...] --> [x,y,z,a1,a2,...]
                    for vara in oprt_vars:
                        if vara.count('_') == 0:
                        elif vara.count('_') == 1:
                            vect_var = vara.split('_')[0]
                            temp_list = xde_lists['vect'][vect_var].copy()
                            temp_vars += temp_list
                        elif vara.count('_') == 2:
                            matr_var = vara.split('_')[0]
                            temp_list = xde_lists['matrix'][matr_var].copy()
                            for matr_row in temp_list:
                                temp_vars += matr_row
                    oprt_vars = temp_vars.copy()

                    oprt_strs,oprt_find = '',0
                    # find operator in pde.lib
                    for line in file_oprt.readlines():
                        oprt_start_file = regx.search('sub '+oprt_name,line,regx.I)
                        oprt_end_file   = regx.search('end '+oprt_name,line,regx.I)
                        if oprt_start_file != None:
                            oprt_find = 1
                            # find variables of operator in pde.lib
                            temp_vars = line.split('(')[1].rstrip().rstrip(')').split(',').copy()
                        if oprt_end_file   != None:
                            oprt_find = 0
                        if oprt_find == 1:

                    # replace default variable by operator variable
                    if len(oprt_vars) == len(temp_vars):
                        for oprt_var, temp_var in zip(oprt_vars, temp_vars):
                            oprt_strs = oprt_strs.replace(temp_var,oprt_var)

                    # assign to a temporary list type of 'fvect' or 'fmatr' 
                    # used for derivative of 'disp' variables in Func_Asgn step
                    # Oprt_Asgn: [a] = opr(*,*) ----------- @L opr f a * *
                    if  left_vara[0]  == '[' \
                    and left_vara[-1] == ']' :
                        expr_list = oprt_strs.rstrip().split('\n')

                        if left_vara.count('_') == 0: # may be fault tackle
                            expres = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') + '='
                            for strs in expr_list:
                                expres += strs

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 1:
                            var = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('_')[0]
                            for ii in range(len(expr_list)):
                                xde_lists['fvect'][var][ii+1] = expr_list[ii]

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 2:
                            var = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('_')[0]
                            row, clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][var][:2]))
                            for ii in range(row):
                                for jj in range(clm):

                    # assign to derivative of distributed known variables such as last step 'disp' resault
                    # Oprt_Asgn: a = opr(*,*) ----------- @L opr [svm] a * *
                    elif left_vara[0]  != '[' \
                    and  left_vara[-1] != ']' :
                        oprt_strs = oprt_strs.replace('[','{').replace(']','}')
                        expr_list = oprt_strs.rstrip().split('\n')

                        if left_vara.count('_') == 0:
                            expres = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']')+'='
                            for strs in expr_list:
                                expres += strs
                            code_use_dict[code_place].append('$cv '+expres)

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 1:
                            expres = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('_')[0]
                            if len(xde_lists['vect'][expres]) == len(expr_list)+1:
                                for ii in range(len(expr_list)):
                                    code_use_dict[code_place] \
                                        .append('$cv '+ xde_lists['vect'][expres][ii+1] + '=' + expr_list[ii])

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 2:
                            expres = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('_')[0]
                            matr_len = int(xde_lists['matrix'][expres][0]) \
                                     * int(xde_lists['matrix'][expres][1])
                            temp_list = xde_lists['matrix'][expres].copy()
                            if matr_len == len(expr_list):
                                ii = 0
                                for lists in temp_list:
                                    for strs in lists:
                                        code_use_dict[code_place].append('$cv '+strs+'='+expr_list[ii]+'\n')
                                        ii += 1

            elif regxrp.group() == 'Func':

                tnsr_expr = code_strs.replace('Func_Asgn: ','')
                left_vara, righ_expr = tnsr_expr.split('=')[:2]
                left_vara, righ_expr = left_vara.strip(), righ_expr.strip()

                # assign the temporary list type of 'fvect' or 'fmatr'
                # to the list type of 'vect' or 'matrix'
                if  left_vara[0]  != '[' \
                and left_vara[-1] != ']' :

                    # Func_Asgn: a = b[*,*] --------- @W a b * *
                    if regx.search(r'[a-z]+[0-9a-z]*\[([0-9],)*[0-9]?\]',righ_expr,regx.I) != None \
                    and righ_expr[-1] == ']':

                        # read right variable index list
                        righ_vara = righ_expr.split('[')[0]
                        if righ_expr[-1] == ']' and righ_expr[-2] == '[':
                            if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                righ_idxs = list(range(int(xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][0])))
                            elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:
                                righ_idxs = list(range(int(xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][0]) \
                            righ_idxs = [x + 1 for x in righ_idxs]
                            righ_idxs = righ_expr.split('[')[1].rstrip(']').split(',')

                        if left_vara.count('_') == 0:
                            expres = left_vara + '='

                            if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                for idx in righ_idxs:
                                    expres += xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][int(idx)]

                            elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:

                                row, clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][:2]))

                                fmatr = xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][2:len(xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara])]

                                for idx in righ_idxs:
                                    expres += fmatr[math.ceil(int(idx)/clm)-1][int(idx)%clm-1]


                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 1: 
                            left_name = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            expr_list = []
                            temp_list = xde_lists['vect'][left_name].copy()

                            if len(temp_list) == len(righ_idxs):

                                if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                    for vara,idx in zip(temp_list,righ_idxs):

                                elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:

                                    row,clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][:2]))
                                    fmatr   = xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][2:len(xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara])]
                                    for vara,idx in zip(temp_list,righ_idxs):

                            code_use_dict[code_place] += expr_list

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 2:
                            left_name = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            expr_list = []
                            matr_len = int(xde_lists['matrix'][left_name][0]) \
                                     * int(xde_lists['matrix'][left_name][1])

                            temp_list = xde_lists['matrix'][left_name].copy()

                            if matr_len == len(righ_idxs):
                                if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                    idx = 0
                                    for lists in temp_list:
                                        for vara in lists:

                                elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:
                                    fmatr = xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][2:len(xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara])]
                                    i = 0
                                    for matr_row in temp_list:
                                        for matr_vara in matr_row:
                                            idx = righ_idxs[i]
                                            i += 1

                            code_use_dict[code_place] += expr_list

                # assign the temporary list type of 'fvect' or 'fmatr'
                # to the list type of 'fvect' or 'fmatr'
                elif left_vara[0]  == '[' \
                and  left_vara[-1] == ']' :

                    left_vara = left_vara.lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
                    # Func_Asgn: [a] = b[*,*] --------- @S a b * *
                    if regx.search(r'[a-z]+[0-9a-z]*\[([0-9],)*[0-9]?\]',righ_expr,regx.I) != None \
                    and righ_expr[-1] == ']':

                        # read right variable index list
                        righ_vara = righ_expr.split('[')[0]
                        if righ_expr[-1] == ']' and righ_expr[-2] == '[':
                            if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                righ_idxs = list(range(int(xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][0])))
                            elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:
                                righ_idxs = list(range(int(xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][0]) \
                            righ_idxs = [x + 1 for x in righ_idxs]
                            righ_idxs = righ_expr.split('[')[1].rstrip(']').split(',')

                        if left_vara.count('_') == 0:
                            expres = left_vara + '='

                            if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                for idx in righ_idxs:
                                    expres += xde_lists['fvect'][righ_vara][int(idx)]

                            elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                            and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:

                                row,clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][:2]))
                                fmatr = xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][2:len(xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara])]

                                for idx in righ_idxs:
                                    expres += fmatr[math.ceil(int(idx)/clm)-1][int(idx)%clm-1]


                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 1: 
                            left_name = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            vect_len  = len(xde_lists['fvect'][left_name])

                            if vect_len == len(righ_idxs) + 1:

                                if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                    for idx,ii in zip(righ_idxs,range(vect_len)):
                                        xde_lists['fvect'][left_name][ii+1] = \

                                elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:

                                    row, clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][righ_vara][:2]))

                                    for idx,ii in zip(righ_idxs,range(vect_len)):
                                        xde_lists['fvect'][left_name][ii+1] = \

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 2:
                            left_name = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            expr_list = []
                            matr_len = int(xde_lists['fmatr'][left_name][0]) \
                                     * int(xde_lists['fmatr'][left_name][1])

                            if matr_len == len(righ_idxs):
                                if 'fvect' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fvect']:
                                    for ii,idx in zip(range(matr_len),righ_idxs):
                                        xde_lists['fmatr'][left_name][math.ceil(ii/clm)+1][ii%clm-1] = \

                                elif 'fmatr' in xde_lists \
                                and righ_vara in xde_lists['fmatr']:
                                    for ii,idx in zip(range(matr_len),righ_idxs):
                                        xde_lists['fmatr'][left_name][math.ceil(ii/clm)+1][ii%clm-1] = \
                        righ_expr = righ_expr.replace('[','').replace(']','')

                        expr_list = idx_summation(left_vara,righ_expr,xde_lists)

                        if left_vara.count('_') == 1:
                            left_vara = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            row = int(xde_lists['fvect'][left_vara][0])
                            for ii in range(row):
                                xde_lists['fvect'][left_vara][ii+1] = \

                        elif left_vara.count('_') == 2:
                            left_vara = left_vara.split('_')[0]
                            row,clm = list(map(int,xde_lists['fmatr'][left_vara][:2]))
                            for ii in range(row):
                                for jj in range(clm):
                                    xde_lists['fmatr'][left_vara][ii+2][jj] = \