Exemple #1
def populate_registry(fpath):
    import entities
    import registry
    h5in = tables.openFile(fpath, mode="r")
    h5root = h5in.root
    for table in h5root.entities:
    globals_def = {}
    if hasattr(h5root, 'globals'):
        for table in h5root.globals:
            if isinstance(table, tables.Array):
                global_def = normalize_type(table.dtype.type)
                global_def = get_fields(table)
            globals_def[table.name] = global_def
    return globals_def
Exemple #2
def entities_from_h5(fpath):
    from entities import Entity
    h5in = tables.open_file(fpath)
    h5root = h5in.root
    entities = {}
    for table in h5root.entities:
        entity = Entity.from_table(table)
        entities[entity.name] = entity
    globals_def = {}
    if hasattr(h5root, 'globals'):
        for table in h5root.globals:
            if isinstance(table, tables.Array):
                global_def = normalize_type(table.dtype.type)
                global_def = get_fields(table)
            globals_def[table.name] = global_def
    return globals_def, entities
Exemple #3
def entities_from_h5(fpath):
    from entities import Entity
    h5in = tables.open_file(fpath)
    h5root = h5in.root
    entities = {}
    for table in h5root.entities:
        entity = Entity.from_table(table)
        entities[entity.name] = entity
    globals_def = {}
    if hasattr(h5root, 'globals'):
        for table in h5root.globals:
            if isinstance(table, tables.Array):
                global_def = {'type': normalize_type(table.dtype.type)}
                global_def = {'fields': get_fields(table)}
            globals_def[table.name] = global_def
    return globals_def, entities
Exemple #4
def assert_valid_type(array, wanted_type, allowed_missing=None, context=None):
    if isinstance(wanted_type, list):
        wanted_fields = wanted_type
        # extract types from field description and normalise to python types
        actual_fields = get_fields(array)

        # check that all required fields are present
        wanted_names = set(name for name, _ in wanted_fields)
        actual_names = set(name for name, _ in actual_fields)
        allowed_missing = set(allowed_missing) if allowed_missing is not None \
                                               else set()
        missing = wanted_names - actual_names - allowed_missing
        if missing:
            raise Exception("Missing field(s) in hdf5 input file: %s"
                            % ', '.join(missing))

        # check that types match
        common_fields1 = sorted((name, type_) for name, type_ in actual_fields
                                if name in wanted_names)
        common_fields2 = sorted((name, type_) for name, type_ in wanted_fields
                                if name in actual_names)
        bad_fields = []
        for (name1, t1), (name2, t2) in zip(common_fields1, common_fields2):
            # this can happen if we have duplicates in wanted_fields
            assert name1 == name2, "%s != %s" % (name1, name2)
            if t1 != t2:
                bad_fields.append((name1, t2.__name__, t1.__name__))
        if bad_fields:
            bad_fields_str = "\n".join(" - %s: %s instead of %s" % f
                                       for f in bad_fields)
            raise Exception("Field types in hdf5 input file differ from those "
                            "defined in the simulation:\n%s" % bad_fields_str)
        assert isinstance(wanted_type, type)
        actual_type = normalize_type(array.dtype.type)
        if actual_type != wanted_type:
            raise Exception("Field type for '%s' in hdf5 input file is '%s' "
                            "instead of '%s'" % (context, actual_type.__name__,
Exemple #5
            def fdef2field(name, fielddef):
                initialdata = True
                output = True
                default_value = None

                if isinstance(fielddef, Field):
                    return fielddef
                elif isinstance(fielddef, (dict, str)):
                    if isinstance(fielddef, dict):
                        strtype = fielddef['type']
                        initialdata = fielddef.get('initialdata', True)
                        output = fielddef.get('output', True)
                        default_value = fielddef.get('default', default_value_by_strtype[strtype])
                    elif isinstance(fielddef, str):
                        strtype = fielddef
                        default_value = default_value_by_strtype[strtype]
                        raise Exception('invalid field definition')
                    dtype = field_str_to_type(strtype, "field '%s'" % name)
                    assert isinstance(fielddef, type)
                    dtype = normalize_type(fielddef)
                return Field(name, dtype, initialdata, output, default_value)
Exemple #6
def assert_valid_type(array, wanted_type, context=None):
    if isinstance(wanted_type, list):
        wanted_fields = wanted_type
        # extract types from field description and normalise to python types
        actual_fields = get_fields(array)

        # check that all required fields are present
        wanted_names = set(name for name, _ in wanted_fields)
        actual_names = set(name for name, _ in actual_fields)
        missing = wanted_names - actual_names
        if missing:
            raise Exception("Missing field(s) in hdf5 input file: %s"
                            % ', '.join(missing))

        # check that types match
        common_fields1 = sorted((name, type_) for name, type_ in actual_fields
                                if name in wanted_names)
        common_fields2 = sorted((name, type_) for name, type_ in wanted_fields
                                if name in actual_names)
        bad_fields = []
        for (name1, t1), (name2, t2) in zip(common_fields1, common_fields2):
            # this can happen if we have duplicates in wanted_fields
            assert name1 == name2, "%s != %s" % (name1, name2)
            if t1 != t2:
                bad_fields.append((name1, t2.__name__, t1.__name__))
        if bad_fields:
            bad_fields_str = "\n".join(" - %s: %s instead of %s" % f
                                       for f in bad_fields)
            raise Exception("Field types in hdf5 input file differ from those "
                            "defined in the simulation:\n%s" % bad_fields_str)
        assert isinstance(wanted_type, type)
        actual_type = normalize_type(array.dtype.type)
        if actual_type != wanted_type:
            raise Exception("Field type for '%s' in hdf5 input file is '%s' "
                            "instead of '%s'" % (context, actual_type.__name__,
Exemple #7
            def fdef2field(name, fielddef):
                initialdata = True
                output = True
                default_value = None

                if isinstance(fielddef, Field):
                    return fielddef
                elif isinstance(fielddef, (dict, str)):
                    if isinstance(fielddef, dict):
                        strtype = fielddef['type']
                        initialdata = fielddef.get('initialdata', True)
                        output = fielddef.get('output', True)
                        default_value = fielddef.get(
                            'default', default_value_by_strtype[strtype])
                    elif isinstance(fielddef, str):
                        strtype = fielddef
                        default_value = default_value_by_strtype[strtype]
                        raise Exception('invalid field definition')
                    dtype = field_str_to_type(strtype, "field '%s'" % name)
                    assert isinstance(fielddef, type)
                    dtype = normalize_type(fielddef)
                return Field(name, dtype, initialdata, output, default_value)
Exemple #8
def get_fields(array):
    dtype = array.dtype
    return [(name, normalize_type(dtype[name].type)) for name in dtype.names]
Exemple #9
def get_fields(array):
    dtype = array.dtype
    field_types = dtype.fields
    return [(name, normalize_type(field_types[name][0].type))
            for name in dtype.names]
Exemple #10
def get_fields(array):
    dtype = array.dtype
    return [(name, normalize_type(dtype[name].type)) for name in dtype.names]