Exemple #1
    def eval_template(template, sobject=None, parent=None, snapshot=None):
        ''' generic method to values an sobject template expression'''
        # parse the pattern string
        expression = re.compile(r'{([\w|\.|\#]+\[?\d?\]?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        if not temp_list:
            #return template
            # put in the ability to add expressions
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot
            xp = ExpressionParser()
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            if test != result:
                return result


        # if nothing is found, temp_list is empty
        if not temp_list:
            temp_list = []

        # the main sobject
        if sobject:
            project = sobject.get_project()
            project = Project.get()

        result = template
        for part in temp_list:

            if part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarasions
                object, attr = part.split(".")

                index = -1
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))

                if object == "sobject":
                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)

                elif object == "parent":
                    if not parent:
                        parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if parent:
                        value = parent.get_value(attr)
                        value = ''

                elif object in ["login", "user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_security().get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)

                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                if index != -1:
                    value = re.split("[/._]", value)
                    value = value[index]

                value = part

            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, str(value))

        return result
Exemple #2
    def _test_schema(my):
        # prod type test
        prod_proj_code = "sample3d"
        if Project.get_by_code(prod_proj_code):
            prod_schema = Schema.get_by_project_code(prod_proj_code)
            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/asset')
            my.assertEquals('prod/asset_library', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/sequence')
            my.assertEquals('prod/episode', parent_type)
            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/shot')
            my.assertEquals('prod/sequence', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('sthpw/task')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('sthpw/note')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)
            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/render')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)
            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/submission')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)
        schema = Schema.get_by_project_code("unittest")
        # create a new search_type
        schema.add_search_type("unittest/car", parent_type='unittest/person', commit=False)

        schema.add_search_type("unittest/house", parent_type='unittest/person', commit=False)
        parent_type = schema.get_parent_type('unittest/city')
        my.assertEquals('unittest/country', parent_type)

        # get all of the child types
        child_types = schema.get_child_types('unittest/person')
        #print "CHILD TYPES ", child_types
        expected = ['unittest/person_in_car', 'unittest/house']
        my.assertEquals(True, expected[0] in child_types)
        my.assertEquals(True, expected[1] in child_types)

        # create a new schema that has the unittest as the parent
        new_schema = SearchType.create(Schema.SEARCH_TYPE)
        new_schema.set_value("code", "unittest/custom")
        new_schema_xml = '''
        <schema parent='unittest'>
        <search_type name='unittest/account'/>
        <connect from='unittest/person' to='unittest/account' type='hierarchy'/>
        <connect from='*' to='unittest/poof' type='hierarchy'/>

        # get search_types defined in this schema
        search_types = new_schema.get_search_types(hierarchy=False)
        my.assertEquals(1, len(search_types) )

        # get all search_types
        search_types = new_schema.get_search_types()

        # add bunch of dummy initial tasks to the person
        initial_tasks = Task.add_initial_tasks(my.person, 'task')

        # check status_log static trigger
        single_task = initial_tasks[0]
        from pyasm.search import Search

        to_status = Search.eval('@GET(sthpw/status_log.to_status)', sobjects=[single_task], single=True)
        my.assertEquals(to_status, "Assignment")
        single_task.set_value('status', "Test Done")

        to_status = Search.eval("@GET(sthpw/status_log['@ORDER_BY','id desc'].to_status)", sobjects=[single_task], single=True)
        my.assertEquals(to_status, "Test Done")

        # get tasks with get_all_children()
        tasks = my.person.get_all_children("sthpw/task")
        my.assertEquals(len(initial_tasks), len(tasks) )

        # get notes with get_all_children()
        Note.create(my.person, "test note", context='default')
        Note.create(my.person, "test note2", context='default2')
        notes = my.person.get_all_children("sthpw/note")
        my.assertEquals(2, len(notes) )

        schema = Schema.get()
        if Project.get_by_code('sample3d'):
            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/asset','sthpw/snapshot')
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/asset','sthpw/task')
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/shot','sthpw/note')
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

        relationship = schema.get_relationship('sthpw/file','sthpw/snapshot')
        my.assertEquals(relationship, 'code')
        relationship = schema.get_relationship('sthpw/project_type','sthpw/project')
        my.assertEquals(relationship, 'code')

        relationship = schema.get_relationship('unittest/car','unittest/house')
        my.assertEquals(relationship, None)

        # test parent filter search in sample3d
        if Project.get_by_code('sample3d'):
            from pyasm.prod.biz import *

            shot = Shot.get_by_code('RC_001_001')
            if not shot:
                shot = Shot.create('RC_001_001', 'Some test shot')
            asset = SearchType.create('prod/asset')
            for x in xrange(3):
                ShotInstance.create(shot, asset, 'unittest_veh_001', unique=False) 
            instances = ShotInstance.get_by_shot_and_asset(shot, asset)
            parent_type = 'prod/shot'
            parent_search = Search(parent_type)
            search = Search('prod/shot_instance') 
            search.add_filter('asset_code', asset.get_code())
            # we want the base here
            sobject_type = search.get_search_type_obj().get_base_key()

            schema = Schema.get()
            relationship = schema.get_relationship(sobject_type, parent_type)
            parents = parent_search.get_sobjects()
            if parents:
                if relationship in ["code", "id", "search_type"]:
            sobjects = search.get_sobjects()
            my.assertEquals(len(instances), len(sobjects))

            relationship_attrs = schema.get_relationship_attrs('sthpw/transaction_log','sthpw/sobject_log')
            rev_relationship_attrs = schema.get_relationship_attrs('sthpw/sobject_log','sthpw/transaction_log')
            for attrs in [ relationship_attrs,  rev_relationship_attrs]:
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('from_col'), 'transaction_log_id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('to_col'), 'id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('from'), 'sthpw/sobject_log')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('to'), 'sthpw/transaction_log')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('relationship'), 'id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('disabled'), None)

Exemple #3
    def naming_to_file(my, template, sobject, snapshot, file=None, ext=None, file_type=None):
        # chr001_model_v004_00001.ext

        version_padding = Config.get_value("checkin", "version_padding")
        if version_padding:
            version_padding = int(version_padding)
            version_padding = 3
        version_expr = "%%0.%dd" % version_padding

        # the main sobject
        project = sobject.get_project()

        # parse the pattern string
        expression = re.compile(r'{([\w|\.|\#]+\[?\d?\]?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        if not temp_list:
            #return template
            # put in the ability to add expressions
            from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
            xp = ExpressionParser()
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot,
                'file': file
            file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
            base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
            if base_type =='directory':
                base = file_name
                ext = None
                base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
            if not ext:
                value = None
                # external ext starts with a .
                ext = ext.lstrip(".")
                value = ext
            vars = {'EXT': value, 'BASEFILE': base}
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects, vars=vars)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            # don't allow / in filename
            test = test.replace("/", "_")
            if test != result:
                return result

        result = template
        for part in temp_list:
            index = -1
            if part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarations
                object, attr = part.split(".")
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))

                if object == "sobject":
                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "snapshot":
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if attr in ['version', 'revision']:
                        if value:
                            value = version_expr % int(value)
                            value = "0"*version_padding
                    #value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "file":
                    if attr == 'file_type':
                        if file_type:
                            value = file_type
                            value = 'main'
                        value = file.get_value(attr)

                elif object == "parent":
                    parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if not parent:
                        value = "NO_PARENT"
                        value = parent.get_value(attr)
                elif object in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "project":
                    project = Project.get()
                    value = project.get_value(attr)
                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                # use implicit declarations
                attr = part

                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))    

                if attr == "context":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "snapshot_type":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "version":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding
                elif attr == "revision":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding

                elif attr.startswith("#"):
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value("version")

                    expr = "%%0.%sd" % len(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = expr % int(value)
                        value = "0" * len(attr)

                elif attr == "basefile":
                    file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
                    base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
                    if base_type =='directory':
                        value = file_name
                        base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
                        value = base
                elif attr == "ext":
                    if not ext:
                        file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
                        base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
                        if base_type =='directory':
                            value = ''
                            base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
                            value = ext.lstrip(".")
                        # external ext starts with a .
                        ext = ext.lstrip(".")
                        value = ext
                elif attr in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value("login")

                elif attr == "file_type":
                    if file_type:
                        value = file_type
                        value = 'main'

                elif attr.startswith('date'):
                    # {date,%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S]}
                    import time
                    parts = attr.split(",", 1)
                    if len(parts) == 2:
                        format = parts[1]
                        format = "%Y%m%d"
                    value = time.strftime(format, time.localtime())

                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)

            # tbis applies to context for now
            if index != -1:
                value = re.split("[/]", value)
                if len(value) <= index:
                    value = '!'
                    value = value[index]

            #if not value:
            #    raise NamingException("Value for part [%s] is empty" % part)
            if isinstance(value, int):
                value = str(value)
            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, value)

        # don't allow / in filename, 
        # FIXME: it's not put in get_filesystem_name since it
        # is used for directory name also, need to modify that
        result = result.replace("/", "_")
        # post process result so that it looks good
        result = Common.get_filesystem_name(result)

        return result
Exemple #4
    def naming_to_dir(my, template, sobject, snapshot, file=None, file_type=None):
        # shot/SEQ001/shot_001

        # the main sobject
        project = sobject.get_project()

        # parse the pattern string
        expression = re.compile(r'{([\w|\.|\#]+\[?\d?\]?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        if not temp_list:
            #return template

            # put in the ability to add expressions
            from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
            xp = ExpressionParser()
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot,
                'file': file
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            if test != result:
                return result

        # version padding defaults
        version_padding = Config.get_value("checkin", "version_padding")
        if version_padding:
            version_padding = int(version_padding)
            version_padding = 3
        version_expr = "%%0.%dd" % version_padding

        # use simplified expressions
        result = template
        for part in temp_list:
            index = -1
            if part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarasions
                object, attr = part.split(".")
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))
                if object == "sobject":
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(sobject)
                        value = sobject.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "snapshot":
                    if not snapshot:
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(snapshot)
                        value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if attr in ['version', 'revision']:
                        if value:
                            value = version_expr % int(value)
                            value = "0"*version_padding
                elif object == "search_type":
                    search_type_obj = sobject.get_search_type_obj()
                    value = search_type_obj.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "parent":
                    parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if not parent:
                        value = "NO_PARENT"
                        if attr == 'timestamp':
                            value = my._get_timestamp(parent)
                            value = parent.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "project":
                    project = Project.get()
                    value = project.get_value(attr)
                elif object in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "file":
                    if attr == 'file_type':
                        if file_type:
                            value = file_type
                            value = 'main'
                        value = file.get_value(attr)

                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                # use implicit declarations
                attr = part
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))
                if attr in ['context','snapshot_type','version','revision'] \
                    and not snapshot:
                if attr == "context":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "snapshot_type":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "version":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding
                elif attr == "revision":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding

                elif attr.startswith("#"):
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value("version")
                    expr = "%%0.%sd" % len(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = expr % int(value)
                        value = "0" * len(attr)

                elif attr.startswith("id"):
                    value = "%0.5d" % sobject.get_id()

                elif attr in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value("login")

                elif attr == "file_type":
                    if file_type:
                        value = file_type
                        value = 'main'
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(sobject)
                        value = sobject.get_value(attr)

            if index != -1:
                value = re.split("[/]", value)
                if len(value) <= index:
                    value = '!'
                        value = value[index]
                    except IndexError, e:
                        value = ""

            if not sobject.is_insert() and not value:
                value = ""
                #raise NamingException("Naming convention error: Value for part [%s] is empty" % part)

            if isinstance(value, int):
                value = str(value)
            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, value)
Exemple #5
    def _test_schema(my):
        # prod type test
        prod_proj_code = "sample3d"
        if Project.get_by_code(prod_proj_code):
            prod_schema = Schema.get_by_project_code(prod_proj_code)
            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/asset')
            my.assertEquals('prod/asset_library', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/sequence')
            my.assertEquals('prod/episode', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/shot')
            my.assertEquals('prod/sequence', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('sthpw/task')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('sthpw/note')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/render')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)

            parent_type = prod_schema.get_parent_type('prod/submission')
            my.assertEquals('*', parent_type)

        schema = Schema.get_by_project_code("unittest")
        # create a new search_type


        parent_type = schema.get_parent_type('unittest/city')
        my.assertEquals('unittest/country', parent_type)

        # get all of the child types
        child_types = schema.get_child_types('unittest/person')
        expected = ['unittest/person_in_car', 'unittest/house']
        my.assertEquals(True, expected[0] in child_types)
        my.assertEquals(True, expected[1] in child_types)

        # create a new schema that has the unittest as the parent
        new_schema = SearchType.create(Schema.SEARCH_TYPE)
        new_schema.set_value("code", "unittest/custom")
        new_schema_xml = '''
        <schema parent='unittest'>
        <search_type name='unittest/account'/>
        <connect from='unittest/person' to='unittest/account' type='hierarchy'/>
        <connect from='*' to='unittest/poof' type='hierarchy'/>

        # get search_types defined in this schema
        search_types = new_schema.get_search_types(hierarchy=False)
        my.assertEquals(1, len(search_types))

        # get all search_types
        search_types = new_schema.get_search_types()

        # add bunch of dummy initial tasks to the person
        initial_tasks = Task.add_initial_tasks(my.person, 'task')

        # check status_log static trigger
        single_task = initial_tasks[0]
        from pyasm.search import Search

        to_status = Search.eval('@GET(sthpw/status_log.to_status)',
        my.assertEquals(to_status, "Assignment")
        single_task.set_value('status', "Test Done")

        to_status = Search.eval(
            "@GET(sthpw/status_log['@ORDER_BY','id desc'].to_status)",

        my.assertEquals(to_status, "Test Done")

        # get tasks with get_all_children()
        tasks = my.person.get_all_children("sthpw/task")
        my.assertEquals(len(initial_tasks), len(tasks))

        # get notes with get_all_children()
        Note.create(my.person, "test note", context='default')
        Note.create(my.person, "test note2", context='default2')
        notes = my.person.get_all_children("sthpw/note")
        my.assertEquals(2, len(notes))

        schema = Schema.get()
        if Project.get_by_code('sample3d'):
            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/asset',
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/asset', 'sthpw/task')
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

            relationship = schema.get_relationship('prod/shot', 'sthpw/note')
            my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_code')
            #my.assertEquals(relationship, 'search_type')

        relationship = schema.get_relationship('sthpw/file', 'sthpw/snapshot')
        my.assertEquals(relationship, 'code')
        relationship = schema.get_relationship('sthpw/project_type',
        my.assertEquals(relationship, 'code')

        relationship = schema.get_relationship('unittest/car',
        my.assertEquals(relationship, None)

        # test parent filter search in sample3d
        if Project.get_by_code('sample3d'):
            from pyasm.prod.biz import *

            shot = Shot.get_by_code('RC_001_001')
            if not shot:
                shot = Shot.create('RC_001_001', 'Some test shot')
            asset = SearchType.create('prod/asset')
            asset.set_value('code', 'unittest010')
            asset.set_value('name', 'unittest010')
            for x in xrange(3):

            instances = ShotInstance.get_by_shot_and_asset(shot, asset)
            parent_type = 'prod/shot'
            parent_search = Search(parent_type)
            parent_search.add_filter('code', 'RC_001_001')

            search = Search('prod/shot_instance')
            search.add_filter('asset_code', asset.get_code())
            # we want the base here
            sobject_type = search.get_search_type_obj().get_base_key()

            schema = Schema.get()
            relationship = schema.get_relationship(sobject_type, parent_type)
            parents = parent_search.get_sobjects()
            if parents:
                if relationship in ["code", "id", "search_type"]:

            sobjects = search.get_sobjects()
            my.assertEquals(len(instances), len(sobjects))

            relationship_attrs = schema.get_relationship_attrs(
                'sthpw/transaction_log', 'sthpw/sobject_log')
            rev_relationship_attrs = schema.get_relationship_attrs(
                'sthpw/sobject_log', 'sthpw/transaction_log')
            for attrs in [relationship_attrs, rev_relationship_attrs]:
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('from_col'), 'transaction_log_id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('to_col'), 'id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('from'), 'sthpw/sobject_log')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('to'), 'sthpw/transaction_log')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('relationship'), 'id')
                my.assertEquals(attrs.get('disabled'), None)

Exemple #6
    def eval_template(template, sobject=None, parent=None, snapshot=None):
        ''' generic method to values an sobject template expression. '''
        #NOTE: no file kwarg
        # parse the pattern string
        #expression = re.compile(r'{([\w|\.|\#]+\[?\d?\]?)}')
        expression = re.compile(r'{(.*?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        xp = ExpressionParser()
        if not temp_list:
            #return template
            # put in the ability to add expressions
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            if test != result:
                return result


        # if nothing is found, temp_list is empty
        if not temp_list:
            temp_list = []

        # the main sobject
        if sobject:
            project = sobject.get_project()
            project = Project.get()

        result = template
        for part in temp_list:
            index = -1

            if part.startswith(("@","$")):
                env_sobjects = {
                    'snapshot': snapshot,
                value = xp.eval("{%s}" % part, sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects, vars=vars, single=True)
            elif part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarasions
                object, attr = part.split(".")

                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))

                if object == "sobject":
                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)

                elif object == "parent":
                    if not parent:
                        parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if parent:
                        value = parent.get_value(attr)
                        value = ''

                elif object in ["login", "user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_security().get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)

                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                if index != -1:
                    value = re.split("[/._]", value)
                    value = value[index]

                value = part

            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, str(value))

        return result
Exemple #7
    def naming_to_dir(my, template, sobject, snapshot, file=None, file_type=None):
        # shot/SEQ001/shot_001

        # the main sobject
        project = sobject.get_project()

        # parse the pattern string
        expression = re.compile(r'{(.*?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
        xp = ExpressionParser()
        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        if not temp_list:
            #return template

            # put in the ability to add expressions
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot,
                'file': file
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            if test != result:
                return result

        # version padding defaults
        version_padding = Config.get_value("checkin", "version_padding")
        if version_padding:
            version_padding = int(version_padding)
            version_padding = 3
        version_expr = "%%0.%dd" % version_padding

        # use simplified expressions
        result = template

        for part in temp_list:
            index = -1

            if part.startswith(("@","$")):
                env_sobjects = {
                    'snapshot': snapshot,
                    'file': file
                value = xp.eval("{%s}" % part, sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects, single=True)
            elif part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarasions
                object, attr = part.split(".")
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))
                if object == "sobject":
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(sobject)
                        value = sobject.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "snapshot":
                    if not snapshot:
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(snapshot)
                        value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if attr in ['version', 'revision']:
                        if value:
                            value = version_expr % int(value)
                            value = "0"*version_padding
                elif object == "search_type":
                    search_type_obj = sobject.get_search_type_obj()
                    value = search_type_obj.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "parent":
                    parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if not parent:
                        value = "NO_PARENT"
                        if attr == 'timestamp':
                            value = my._get_timestamp(parent)
                            value = parent.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "project":
                    project = Project.get()
                    value = project.get_value(attr)
                elif object in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "file":
                    if attr == 'file_type':
                        if file_type:
                            value = file_type
                            value = 'main'
                        value = file.get_value(attr)

                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                # use implicit declarations
                attr = part
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))
                if attr in ['context','process','snapshot_type','version','revision'] \
                    and not snapshot:
                if attr in ["context","process","snapshot_type"]:
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "version":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding
                elif attr == "revision":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding

                elif attr.startswith("#"):
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value("version")
                    expr = "%%0.%sd" % len(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = expr % int(value)
                        value = "0" * len(attr)

                elif attr.startswith("id"):
                    value = "%0.5d" % sobject.get_id()

                elif attr in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value("login")

                elif attr == "file_type":
                    if file_type:
                        value = file_type
                        value = 'main'
                    if attr == "timestamp":
                        value = my._get_timestamp(sobject)
                        value = sobject.get_value(attr)

            if index != -1:
                value = re.split("[/]", value)
                if len(value) <= index:
                    value = '!'
                        value = value[index]
                    except IndexError, e:
                        value = ""

            if not sobject.is_insert() and not value:
                value = ""
                #raise NamingException("Naming convention error: Value for part [%s] is empty" % part)

            if isinstance(value, int):
                value = str(value)
            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, value)
Exemple #8
    def naming_to_file(my, template, sobject, snapshot, file=None, ext=None, file_type=None):
        # chr001_model_v004_00001.ext

        version_padding = Config.get_value("checkin", "version_padding")
        if version_padding:
            version_padding = int(version_padding)
            version_padding = 3
        version_expr = "%%0.%dd" % version_padding

        # the main sobject
        project = sobject.get_project()

        # parse the pattern string
        expression = re.compile(r'{(.*?)}')
        #expression = re.compile(r'{([\w|\.|\#]+\[?\d?\]?)}')
        temp_list = expression.findall(template)

        result = template
        from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
        xp = ExpressionParser()
        # if nothing is found, then just return parse through an expression
        if not temp_list:
            #return template
            # put in the ability to add expressions
            env_sobjects = {
                'snapshot': snapshot,
                'file': file

            file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
            base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
            if base_type =='directory':
                base = file_name
                ext = None
                base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
            if not ext:
                value = None
                # external ext starts with a .
                ext = ext.lstrip(".")
                value = ext
            vars = {'EXT': value, 'BASEFILE': base}
            result = xp.eval(template, sobject, mode='string', env_sobjects=env_sobjects, vars=vars)
            test = template
            test = test.replace("{", "")
            test = test.replace("}", "")
            # don't allow / in filename
            test = test.replace("/", "_")
            if test != result:
               return result
        base = None

        if file:
            file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
            base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
            if base_type =='directory':
                base = file_name
                ext = None
                base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
                # passed in ext takes prescedence
                if not ext:
                    ext = file_ext

        if not ext:
            value = None
            # external ext starts with a .
            ext = ext.lstrip(".")
            value = ext

        vars = {'EXT': value, 'BASEFILE': base}

        for part in temp_list:
            index = -1
            if part.startswith(("@","$")):
                env_sobjects = {
                    'snapshot': snapshot,
                    'file': file
                value = xp.eval("{%s}" % part, sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects, vars=vars, single=True)
            elif part.find(".") != -1:
                # explict declarations
                object, attr = part.split(".")
                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))

                if object == "sobject":
                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "snapshot":
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if attr in ['version', 'revision']:
                        if value:
                            value = version_expr % int(value)
                            value = "0"*version_padding
                    #value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "file":
                    if attr == 'file_type':
                        if file_type:
                            value = file_type
                            value = 'main'
                        value = file.get_value(attr)

                elif object == "parent":
                    parent = sobject.get_parent()
                    if not parent:
                        value = "NO_PARENT"
                        value = parent.get_value(attr)
                elif object in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value(attr)
                elif object == "project":
                    project = Project.get()
                    value = project.get_value(attr)
                    raise NamingException("Can't parse part [%s] in template" % part)

                # use implicit declarations
                attr = part

                if attr.endswith(']'):
                    # ugly, but it works
                    attr, index = attr.split("[")
                    index = int(index.rstrip("]"))    

                if attr in ["context","process","snapshot_type"]:
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                elif attr == "version":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding
                elif attr == "revision":
                    value = snapshot.get_value(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = version_expr % int(value)
                        value = "0"*version_padding

                elif attr.startswith("#"):
                    if not snapshot:
                    value = snapshot.get_value("version")

                    expr = "%%0.%sd" % len(attr)
                    if value:
                        value = expr % int(value)
                        value = "0" * len(attr)

                elif attr == "basefile":
                    file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
                    base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
                    if base_type =='directory':
                        value = file_name
                        base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
                        value = base
                elif attr == "ext":
                    if not ext:
                        file_name = file.get_value("file_name")
                        base_type = file.get_value("base_type")
                        if base_type =='directory':
                            value = ''
                            base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
                            value = ext.lstrip(".")
                        # external ext starts with a .
                        ext = ext.lstrip(".")
                        value = ext
                elif attr in ["login","user"]:
                    login = Environment.get_login()
                    value = login.get_value("login")

                elif attr == "file_type":
                    if file_type:
                        value = file_type
                        value = 'main'

                elif attr.startswith('date'):
                    # {date,%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S]}
                    import time
                    parts = attr.split(",", 1)
                    if len(parts) == 2:
                        format = parts[1]
                        format = "%Y%m%d"
                    value = time.strftime(format, time.localtime())

                    value = sobject.get_value(attr)

            # tbis applies to context for now
            if index != -1:
                value = re.split("[/]", value)
                if len(value) <= index:
                    value = '!'
                    value = value[index]

            #if not value:
            #    raise NamingException("Value for part [%s] is empty" % part)
            if isinstance(value, int):
                value = str(value)
            elif value is None:
                value = ""
            result = result.replace("{%s}" % part, value)

        # don't allow / in filename, 
        # FIXME: it's not put in get_filesystem_name since it
        # is used for directory name also, need to modify that
        result = result.replace("/", "_")

        # remove trailing . if any
        if result and result[-1] == '.':
            result = result[:-1]
        # post process result so that it looks good
        result = Common.get_filesystem_name(result)

        return result
Exemple #9
class Naming(SObject):

    SEARCH_TYPE = "config/naming"

    # Commenting this out.  File names can be anything.  We cannot and should
    # not enforce what people think are correct file names for whatever
    # purpose they happen to need it for.

    def validate(my):

        sandbox_dir_naming = my.get_value('sandbox_dir_naming', no_exception=True)
        dir_naming = my.get_value('dir_naming', no_exception=True)

        if sandbox_dir_naming and sandbox_dir_naming.endswith('/'):
            raise TacticException('sandbox_dir_naming should not end with /')
        if dir_naming and dir_naming.endswith('/'):
            raise TacticException('dir_naming should not end with /')
        #file_name = my.get_value('file_naming')
        #p = re.compile('.*\.({ext}|\w+)$')
        #if not p.match(file_name):
        #    raise TacticException('file_naming has to end with .{ext} or .xxx')

    def get_by_search_type(search_type):

        # if the project is in admin, then skip this step because there is
        # no database
        # FIXME: this should be handle more gracefully elsewhere
        if Project.get_project_name() == "admin":
            return ""

        naming_dict = Container.get("Naming:cache")
        if naming_dict == None:

            naming_dict = {}
            Container.put("Naming:cache", naming_dict)

            search = Search(Naming)
            namings = search.get_sobjects()

            for naming in namings:
                #value = naming.get_value("file_naming")
                naming_dict[naming.get_value("search_type")] = naming

        return naming_dict.get(search_type)

    get_by_search_type = staticmethod(get_by_search_type)

    def has_versionless(cls, sobject, snapshot, versionless=''):
        '''check to see if a naming is defined''' 
        return cls.get(sobject, snapshot, versionless, mode='check') != None
    has_versionless = classmethod(has_versionless)

    def get(sobject, snapshot, versionless='', file_path='', mode='find'):
        The special check mode is used in versionless to check whether a
        naming convention is defined.  It should only be called by

        mode: find - find the naming
              check - check that a naming is defined
        if not versionless and snapshot:
            version = snapshot.get_value("version")
            if version == -1:
                versionless = 'latest'
            elif version == 0:
                versionless = 'current'
                versionless = ''

        # get the project of the sobject
        project_code = sobject.get_project_code()

        if versionless:
            cache_key = "Naming:cache:%s:%s" % (project_code, versionless)
            cache_key = "Naming:cache:%s" % project_code

        naming_dict = Container.get(cache_key)
        if naming_dict == None:

            naming_dict = {}
            Container.put(cache_key, naming_dict)
            namings = Container.get("Naming:namings")
            if namings == None:
                    search = Search(Naming)
                    namings = search.get_sobjects()
                except SearchException, e:
                    # it is possible that there is no naming table
                    # in this project.  This is possible if the datbase
                    # is just a resource
                    if str(e).find("does not exist for database"):
                        namings = {}
                Container.put("Naming:namings", namings)

            for naming in namings:
                # depending on whether the snapshot is latest or current
                # switch which column we are looking at
                n_versionless = ''
                latest = naming.get_value("latest_versionless",no_exception=True)
                current = naming.get_value("current_versionless",no_exception=True)

                if versionless == 'latest':
                    if latest == True:
                        n_versionless = 'latest'
                elif versionless == 'current':
                    if current == True:
                        n_versionless = 'current'
                    if latest == True or current == True:
                        n_versionless = "XXX"
                n_search_type = naming.get_value("search_type")
                n_snapshot_type = naming.get_value("snapshot_type")
                n_context = naming.get_value("context")
                key = "|".join( [n_search_type.strip(), n_snapshot_type.strip(), n_context.strip(), str(n_versionless)])
                #key = "|".join( [n_search_type.strip(), n_snapshot_type.strip(), n_context.strip()])
                naming_list = naming_dict.get(key)
                if naming_list == None:
                    naming_list = []
                    naming_dict[key] = naming_list


                #naming_dict[key] = naming
        # build the key
        search_type = sobject.get_base_search_type()
        snapshot_type = 'file'
        context = ''

        # supports */<subcontext> and <context>/* 
        context_list = []
        snapshot_version = None

        if snapshot:
            snapshot_type = snapshot.get_value("snapshot_type")
            snapshot_version = snapshot.get_value("version")
            context = snapshot.get_value("context")
            if context:
                if context.find('/') == -1:
                    context_list.append('%s/*' %context)
                    parts =  context.split('/')
                    cont = parts[0]
                    subcontext = "/".join(parts[1:])
                    context_list.append('*/%s' %subcontext)
                    context_list.append('%s/*' %cont)


        # get the keys to look for
        keys = []
        if mode == 'check' or snapshot_version in [-1, 0]:
            for context in context_list:
                keys.append("%s|%s|%s|%s" % (search_type, snapshot_type, context, versionless ) )
                keys.append("%s||%s|%s" % (search_type,  context, versionless ) )
            keys.append("%s|%s||%s" % (search_type, snapshot_type,  versionless ) )
            keys.append("%s|||%s" % (search_type, versionless ) )


            for context in context_list:
                keys.append("%s|%s|%s|%s" % (search_type, snapshot_type, context, versionless ) )
                keys.append("%s||%s|%s" % (search_type,  context, versionless ) )
                keys.append("%s|%s|%s|" % (search_type, snapshot_type, context) )
                keys.append("%s||%s|" % (search_type, context) )

            keys.append("%s|%s||%s" % (search_type, snapshot_type,  versionless ) )
            keys.append("%s|%s||" % (search_type, snapshot_type) )
            keys.append("%s|||%s" % (search_type, versionless ) )
            keys.append("%s|||" % (search_type) )

            # these 2 are questionable, we should always include search_type
            for context in context_list:
                keys.append("||%s|" % (context) )
            keys.append("|%s||" % (snapshot_type) )


        naming = None
        from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
        xp = ExpressionParser()
        base_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)
        if not ext:
            value = None
            # external ext starts with a .
            ext = ext.lstrip(".")
            value = ext
        vars = {'EXT': value, 'BASEFILE': base}
        env_sobjects = {'snapshot': snapshot }

        for key in keys:
            if naming:
            naming_list = naming_dict.get(key)
            if naming_list:
                # now that we have the namings, evaluate the expression
                default_naming = None
                for tmp_naming in naming_list:
                    expr = tmp_naming.get_value("condition", no_exception=True)

                    # if there is no expression, then this is the default
                    # for this match
                    if not expr:
                        default_naming = tmp_naming
                    elif xp.eval(expr, sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects, vars=vars):
                        naming = tmp_naming

                    # this extra check of not naming is for precaution 
                    if not naming and default_naming:
                        naming = default_naming

        return naming