Exemple #1
def test_play_sound():
    """Test playing a sound
    data = np.zeros((2, 100))
    play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True)
    assert_raises(ValueError, play_sound, data[:, :, np.newaxis])
Exemple #2
def test_play_sound():
    """Test playing a sound."""
    data = np.zeros((2, 100))
    play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True)
    assert_raises(ValueError, play_sound, data[:, :, np.newaxis])
    # Make sure Pyglet can handle a lot of sounds
    for _ in range(100):
        snd = play_sound(data)
        # we manually stop and delete here, because we don't want to
        # have to wait for our Timer instances to get around to doing
        # it... this also checks to make sure calling `delete()` more
        # than once is okay (it is).
Exemple #3
def test_play_sound():
    """Test playing a sound."""
    data = np.zeros((2, 100))
    play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True)
    assert_raises(ValueError, play_sound, data[:, :, np.newaxis])
    # Make sure Pyglet can handle a lot of sounds
    for _ in range(100):
        snd = play_sound(data)
        # we manually stop and delete here, because we don't want to
        # have to wait for our Timer instances to get around to doing
        # it... this also checks to make sure calling `delete()` more
        # than once is okay (it is).
Exemple #4
def test_play_sound(backend, hide_window):  # only works if windowing works
    """Test playing a sound."""
    data = np.zeros((2, 100))
    play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, play_sound, data[:, :, np.newaxis])
    # Make sure each backend can handle a lot of sounds
    for _ in range(10):
        snd = play_sound(data)
        # we manually stop and delete here, because we don't want to
        # have to wait for our Timer instances to get around to doing
        # it... this also checks to make sure calling `delete()` more
        # than once is okay (it is).
Generate more advanced auditory stimuli

This shows the methods that we provide that facilitate generation
of more advanced stimuli.

import numpy as np

from expyfun.stimuli import convolve_hrtf, play_sound, window_edges

fs = 44100
dur = 0.5
freq = 500.
# let's make a square wave
sig = np.sin(freq * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(dur * fs, dtype=float) / fs)
sig = ((sig > 0) - 0.5) / 5.  # make it reasonably quiet for play_sound
sig = window_edges(sig, fs)

play_sound(sig, norm=False, wait=True)

move_sig = np.concatenate([convolve_hrtf(sig, fs, ang)
                           for ang in range(-90, 91, 15)], axis=1)
play_sound(move_sig, norm=False, wait=True)

import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
t = np.arange(move_sig.shape[1]) / float(fs)
mpl.plot(t, move_sig.T)
mpl.xlabel('Time (sec)')
    # generate sinewaves & RMS normalize
    wavs = [np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) for f in freqs]
    wavs = [rms / np.sqrt(np.mean(w**2)) * w for w in wavs]

    # collect into dictionary & save
    wav_dict = {n: w for (n, w) in zip(names, wavs)}
    if save_as == 'hdf5':
        num_reps = num_trials // num_freqs + 1
        trials = np.tile(range(num_freqs), num_reps)
        trial_order = rng.permutation(trials[0:num_trials])
            'trial_order': trial_order,
            'freqs': freqs,
            'fs': fs,
            'rms': rms
        write_hdf5(op.join(output_dir, 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'),
    elif save_as == 'wav':
        for n in names:
            write_wav(op.join(output_dir, n + '.wav'), wav_dict[n], int(fs))
    return wav_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    wav_dict = generate_stimuli()
Exemple #7
# noise vocoder
data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode='noise')
data_noise = data_noise * 0.01 / rms(data_noise)
# sinewave vocoder
data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode='tone')
data_tone = data_tone * 0.01 / rms(data_tone)
# poisson vocoder
data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode='poisson', rate=400)
data_click = data_click * 0.01 / rms(data_click)

# combine all three
cutoff = data.shape[-1] // 3
data_allthree = data_noise.copy()
data_allthree[cutoff:2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff:2 * cutoff]
data_allthree[2 * cutoff:] = data_click[2 * cutoff:]
snd = play_sound(data_allthree, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
# snd = play_sound(data, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

ax1 = mpl.subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax1.plot(t, data)
ax2 = mpl.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
ax2.plot(t, data_noise)
ax3 = mpl.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax1)
Exemple #8
This shows the methods that we provide that facilitate generation
of more advanced stimuli.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from expyfun import building_doc
from expyfun.stimuli import convolve_hrtf, play_sound, window_edges

fs = 24414
dur = 0.5
freq = 500.
# let's make a square wave
sig = np.sin(freq * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(dur * fs, dtype=float) / fs)
sig = ((sig > 0) - 0.5) / 5.  # make it reasonably quiet for play_sound
sig = window_edges(sig, fs)

play_sound(sig, fs, norm=False, wait=True)

move_sig = np.concatenate(
    [convolve_hrtf(sig, fs, ang) for ang in range(-90, 91, 15)], axis=1)
if not building_doc:
    play_sound(move_sig, fs, norm=False, wait=True)

t = np.arange(move_sig.shape[1]) / float(fs)
plt.plot(t, move_sig.T)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
    # strings for the filenames / dictionary keys
    freq_names = [str(int(f)) for f in freqs]
    names = ['stim_%s_%s' % (n, f) for n, f in enumerate(freq_names)]

    # generate sinewaves & RMS normalize
    wavs = [np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) for f in freqs]
    wavs = [rms / np.sqrt(np.mean(w ** 2)) * w for w in wavs]

    # collect into dictionary & save
    wav_dict = {n: w for (n, w) in zip(names, wavs)}
    if save_as == 'hdf5':
        num_reps = num_trials // num_freqs + 1
        trials = np.tile(range(num_freqs), num_reps)
        trial_order = rng.permutation(trials[0:num_trials])
        wav_dict.update({'trial_order': trial_order, 'freqs': freqs, 'fs': fs,
                         'rms': rms})
        write_hdf5(op.join(output_dir, 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'),
                   wav_dict, overwrite=True)
    elif save_as == 'wav':
        for n in names:
            write_wav(op.join(output_dir, n + '.wav'), wav_dict[n], int(fs))
    return wav_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    wav_dict = generate_stimuli(save_as=None)
Exemple #10
# noise vocoder
data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode='noise')
data_noise = data_noise * 0.01 / rms(data_noise)
# sinewave vocoder
data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode='tone')
data_tone = data_tone * 0.01 / rms(data_tone)
# poisson vocoder
data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode='poisson', rate=400)
data_click = data_click * 0.01 / rms(data_click)

# combine all three
cutoff = data.shape[-1] // 3
data_allthree = data_noise.copy()
data_allthree[cutoff:2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff:2 * cutoff]
data_allthree[2 * cutoff:] = data_click[2 * cutoff:]
snd = play_sound(data_allthree, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
# snd = play_sound(data, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax1.plot(t, data)
ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
ax2.plot(t, data_noise)
ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax1)
ax3.specgram(data_noise, Fs=fs)
Exemple #11
This shows how to generate texture coherence stimuli.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from expyfun.stimuli import texture_ERB, play_sound

fs = 24414
n_freqs = 20
n_coh = 18  # very coherent example

# let's make a textured stimilus and play it
sig = texture_ERB(n_freqs, n_coh, fs=fs, seq=('inc', 'nb', 'sam'))
play_sound(sig, fs, norm=True, wait=True)

# Let's look at the time course
t = np.arange(len(sig)) / float(fs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(t, sig.T, color='k')
ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='Amplitude (normalized)', xlim=t[[0, -1]])

# And now the spectrogram:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 2))
img = ax.specgram(sig, NFFT=1024, Fs=fs, noverlap=800)[3]
img.set_clim([img.get_clim()[1] - 50, img.get_clim()[1]])
ax.set(xlim=t[[0, -1]], ylim=[0, 10000], xlabel='Time (sec)',
Exemple #12

This shows how to make simple vocoded stimuli.

@author: larsoner

import numpy as np

from expyfun.stimuli import vocode_ci, play_sound, window_edges, read_wav
from expyfun import fetch_data_file

data, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file('audio/dream.wav'))
data = window_edges(data[0], fs)
t = np.arange(data.size) / float(fs)
data_ci = vocode_ci(data, fs, mode='noise', order=4, verbose=True)

# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
#snd = play_sound(data, fs, norm=False, wait=False)
snd = play_sound(data_ci, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
ax1 = mpl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax1.plot(t, data)
ax2 = mpl.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
ax2.plot(t, data_ci)
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
Exemple #13
This shows how to generate texture coherence stimuli.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from expyfun.stimuli import texture_ERB, play_sound

fs = 24414
n_freqs = 20
n_coh = 18  # very coherent example

# let's make a textured stimilus and play it
sig = texture_ERB(n_freqs, n_coh, fs=fs, seq=('inc', 'nb', 'sam'))
play_sound(sig, fs, norm=True, wait=True)

# Let's look at the time course
t = np.arange(len(sig)) / float(fs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(t, sig.T, color='k')
ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='Amplitude (normalized)', xlim=t[[0, -1]])

# And now the spectrogram:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 2))
img = ax.specgram(sig, NFFT=1024, Fs=fs, noverlap=800)[3]
img.set_clim([img.get_clim()[1] - 50, img.get_clim()[1]])
ax.set(xlim=t[[0, -1]],