Exemple #1
    def compute(self, args, same):
        """Perform all operations for this set of downsamplers.

        :param args:            arguments
        :param args.dbase_file: database file
        :param args.dbase:      connected database
        :param args.proj:       name of the current project
        :param args.silent:     `True` if using silent mode
        :param args.met_same:   unchanged metrics
        :param args.metrics:    current metrics
        :param args.do_op:      updates the displayed progress
        :param args.image:      name of the image
        :param args.image_dir:  directory to store results for this image
        :param args.master:     master image to downsample
        :param same:            `True` if possibly accessing an existing table
        :type args:             :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        :type args.dbase_file:  `path`
        :type args.dbase:       :class:`database.Database`
        :type args.proj:        `string`
        :type args.silent:      `boolean`
        :type args.met_same:    `dict`
        :type args.metrics:     `dict`
        :type args.do_op:       `function`
        :type args.image:       `string`
        :type args.image_dir:   `path`
        :type args.master:      `path`
        :type same:             `boolean`

        is_same = self.same and same

        # Compute for all downsamplers.
        for args.downsampler in self.downsamplers:
            # Create a directory for this downsampler if necessary.
            if len(self):
                args.downsampler_dir = tools.create_dir(args.image_dir,

            # Compute for all ratios.
            for ratio in self.ratios:
                ratio.compute(args, self.downsamplers, is_same)

            # Remove the directory for this downsampler.
            if len(self):
                shutil.rmtree(args.downsampler_dir, True)
Exemple #2
    def compute(self, args):
        """Perform all operations for this set of images.

        :param args:            arguments
        :param args.dbase_file: database file
        :param args.dbase:      connected database
        :param args.proj:       name of the current project
        :param args.silent:     `True` if using silent mode
        :param args.met_same:   unchanged metrics
        :param args.metrics:    current metrics
        :param args.do_op:      updates the displayed progress
        :type args:             :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        :type args.dbase_file:  `path`
        :type args.dbase:       :class:`database.Database`
        :type args.proj:        `string`
        :type args.silent:      `boolean`
        :type args.met_same:    `dict`
        :type args.metrics:     `dict`
        :type args.do_op:       `function`

        # Compute for all images.
        for args.image in self.images:
            # Make a copy of the test image.
            if len(self):
                args.image_dir = tools.create_dir(args.proj, args.image)
                args.master = os.path.join(args.image_dir, 'master.tif')
                shutil.copyfile(self.images[args.image], args.master)

            # Compute for all downsamplers.
            for downsampler in self.downsamplers:
                downsampler.compute(args, self.same)

            # Remove the directory for this image.
            if len(self):
                shutil.rmtree(args.image_dir, True)
Exemple #3
    def compute(self, args, old=None):
        """Perform all operations.

        :param args:             arguments
        :param args.prog:        name of the calling program
        :param args.dbase_file:  database file
        :param args.proj:        name of the current project
        :param args.silent:      `True` if using silent mode
        :param args.met_same:    unchanged metrics
        :param args.metrics:     current metrics
        :param args.config_file: current configuration file
        :param args.config_bak:  previous configuration file
        :param old:              old configuration entries to be removed
        :type args:              :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        :type args.prog:         `string`
        :type args.dbase_file:   `path`
        :type args.proj:         `string`
        :type args.silent:       `boolean`
        :type args.met_same:     `dict`
        :type args.metrics:      `dict`
        :type args.config_file:  `path`
        :type args.config_bak:   `path`
        :type old:               :class:`argparse.Namespace`

        # Setup verbose mode.
        if not args.silent:
            prg = progress.Progress(args.prog, args.proj, len(self))
            args.do_op = prg.do_op
            cleanup = prg.cleanup
            complete = prg.complete
            prg = []
            args.do_op = lambda *a, **k: None
            cleanup = lambda: None
            complete = lambda: None

        # Backup any existing database file.
        dbase_bak = '.'.join([args.dbase_file, 'bak'])
        if os.path.isfile(args.dbase_file):
            shutil.copyfile(args.dbase_file, dbase_bak)

        # Open the database connection.
        args.dbase = database.Database(args.dbase_file)

        success = True
            # Remove old database tables.
            if old:
                                       old.downsamplers, old.ratios)

            # Create the project folder if it does not exist.

            # Compute for all images.
            for image in self.images:
        except StandardError as std_err:
            success = False
            error = std_err
            # Remove the project directory and close the database.
            shutil.rmtree(args.proj, True)

            if success:
                # Backup the project file.
                shutil.copyfile(args.config_file, args.config_bak)

                # Delete the database backup.
                if os.path.isfile(dbase_bak):

                # Indicate completion and restore the console.
                del prg
                # Restore the previous database file.
                if os.path.isfile(dbase_bak):
                    shutil.move(dbase_bak, args.dbase_file)

                # Restore the console
                del prg

                # Print an error message.
                print error
Exemple #4
    def compute(self, args, downsamplers, same):
        """Perform all operations for this set of ratios.

        :param args:                 arguments
        :param args.dbase_file:      database file
        :param args.dbase:           connected database
        :param args.proj:            name of the current project
        :param args.silent:          `True` if using silent mode
        :param args.met_same:        unchanged metrics
        :param args.metrics:         current metrics
        :param args.do_op:           updates the displayed progress
        :param args.image:           name of the image
        :param args.image_dir:       directory to store results for this image
        :param args.master:          master image to downsample
        :param args.downsampler:     name of the downsampler
        :param args.downsampler_dir: directory to store dowsampled images
        :param downsamplers:         downsamplers to use
        :param same:                 `True` if accessing an existing table
        :type args:                  :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        :type args.dbase_file:       `path`
        :type args.dbase:            :class:`database.Database`
        :type args.proj:             `string`
        :type args.silent:           `boolean`
        :type args.met_same:         `dict`
        :type args.metrics:          `dict`
        :type args.do_op:            `function`
        :type args.image:            `string`
        :type args.image_dir:        `path`
        :type args.master:           `path`
        :type args.downsampler:      `string`
        :type args.downsampler_dir:  `path`
        :type downsamplers:          `dict`
        :type same:                  `boolean`

        is_same = self.same and same

        # Compute for all ratios.
        for args.ratio in self.ratios:
            if len(self):
                args.small = os.path.join(args.downsampler_dir,
                                          '.'.join([args.ratio, 'tif']))

                # Create a directory for this ratio.
                ratio_dir = tools.create_dir(args.downsampler_dir, args.ratio)

                # Downsample master.tif by ratio using downsampler.
                #  {0} input image path (master)
                #  {1} output image path (small)
                #  {2} downsampling ratio
                #  {3} downsampled size (width or height)
                        args.master, args.small,
                        args.ratio, self.ratios[args.ratio]

            if is_same:
                # Access the existing database table.
                args.table = '_'.join([args.image,
                                       args.downsampler, args.ratio])
                args.table_bak = args.dbase.backup_table(args.table,
                # Create a new database table.
                args.table = args.dbase.add_table(
                    args.image, args.downsampler, args.ratio, args.metrics)

            # Compute for all upsamplers.
            for upsampler in self.upsamplers:
                upsampler.compute(args, is_same)

            # Remove the directory for this ratio.
            if len(self):
                shutil.rmtree(ratio_dir, True)

            # Delete the backup table.
            if is_same: