Exemple #1
 def scorers(self, driver) -> typing.List[Player]:
     xp = ".//div[@class='tabs__group']"
     clicks = [(By.ID, "tabitem-top_scorers")]
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, self.link + "/standings", xp, clicks=clicks)
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     rows = tree.xpath('.//div[@id="table-type-10"]//div[contains(@class,"table__row")]')
     players = []
     for i in rows:
         items = i.xpath('.//text()')
         items = [i.strip() for i in items if i.strip()]
         uri = "".join(i.xpath(".//span[@class='team_name_span']//a/@onclick")).split("'")
             tm_url = "http://www.flashscore.com/" + uri[3]
         except IndexError:
             tm_url = ""
             p_url = "http://www.flashscore.com/" + uri[1]
         except IndexError:
             p_url = ""
         rank, name, tm, goals, assists = items
         country = "".join(i.xpath('.//span[contains(@class,"flag")]/@title')).strip()
         flag = transfer_tools.get_flag(country)
         players.append(Player(rank=rank, flag=flag, name=name, link=p_url, team=tm, team_link=tm_url,
                               goals=int(goals), assists=assists))
     return players
Exemple #2
 def player_competitions(self, driver) -> typing.List[str]:
     xp = './/div[contains(@class, "subTabs")]'
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, self.link + '/squad', xp)
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     options = tree.xpath(xp + "/div/text()")
     options = [i.strip() for i in options]
     return options
Exemple #3
 def by_link(cls, link, driver=None):
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, link, xpath=".//div[@class='team spoiler-content']")
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     country = tree.xpath('.//h2[@class="tournament"]/a[2]//text()')[0].strip()
     league = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="teamHeader__name"]//text()')[0].strip()
     title = f"{country.upper()}: {league}"
     return cls(url=link, title=title)
Exemple #4
 def by_id(cls, comp_id, driver=None):
     url = "http://flashscore.com/?r=2:" + comp_id
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, url, xpath=".//div[@class='team spoiler-content']")
     url = selenium_driver.get_target_page(driver, url)
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     country = tree.xpath('.//h2[@class="tournament"]/a[2]//text()')[0].strip()
     league = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="teamHeader__name"]//text()')[0].strip()
     title = f"{country.upper()}: {league}"
     return cls(url=url, title=title)
Exemple #5
 def players(self, driver, tab=0) -> typing.List[Player]:
     xp = './/div[contains(@class,"playerTable")]'
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, self.link + "/squad", xp)
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     tab += 1  # tab is Indexed at 0 but xpath indexes from [1]
     rows = tree.xpath(f'.//div[contains(@class, "playerTable")][{tab}]//div[contains(@class,"profileTable__row")]')
     players = []
     position = ""
     for i in rows:
         pos = "".join(i.xpath('./text()')).strip()
         if pos:  # The way the data is structured contains a header row with the player's position.
                 position = pos.strip('s')
             except IndexError:
                 position = pos
             continue  # There will not be additional data.
         name = "".join(i.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"")]/a/text()'))
         try:  # Name comes in reverse order.
             player_split = name.split(' ', 1)
             name = f"{player_split[1]} {player_split[0]}"
         except IndexError:
         country = "".join(i.xpath('.//span[contains(@class,"flag")]/@title'))
         flag = transfer_tools.get_flag(country)
         number = "".join(i.xpath('.//div[@class="tableTeam__squadNumber"]/text()'))
             age, apps, g, y, r = i.xpath(
                 './/div[@class="playerTable__icons playerTable__icons--squad"]//div/text()')
         except ValueError:
             age = "".join(i.xpath('.//div[@class="playerTable__icons playerTable__icons--squad"]//div/text()'))
             apps = g = y = r = 0
         injury = "".join(i.xpath('.//span[contains(@class,"absence injury")]/@title'))
         if injury:
             injury = f"<:injury:682714608972464187> " + injury  # I really shouldn't hard code emojis.
         link = "".join(i.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"")]/a/@href'))
         link = f"http://www.flashscore.com{link}" if link else ""
             number = int(number)
         except ValueError:
             number = 00
         pl = Player(name=name, number=number, country=country, link=link, position=position,
                     age=age, apps=apps, goals=int(g), yellows=y, reds=r, injury=injury, flag=flag)
     return players
Exemple #6
 def by_id(cls, match_id, driver=None):
     url = "http://www.flashscore.com/match/" + match_id
     src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, url, xpath=".//div[@class='team spoiler-content']")
     tree = html.fromstring(src)
     home = "".join(tree.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "tname-home")]//a/text()')).strip()
     away = "".join(tree.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "tname-away")]//a/text()')).strip()
     ko = "".join(tree.xpath(".//div[@id='utime']/text()")).strip()
     ko = datetime.datetime.strptime(ko, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
     country_league = "".join(tree.xpath('.//span[@class="description__country"]//text()'))
     comp_link_raw = "".join(tree.xpath('.//span[@class="description__country"]//a/@onclick'))
     country, competition = country_league.split(':')
     country = country.strip()
     competition = competition.strip()
     comp_link = "http://www.flashscore.com" + comp_link_raw.split("'")[1]
     return cls(url=url, home=home, away=away, time=ko, kickoff=ko, league=competition, comp_link=comp_link,
Exemple #7
    def fetch_fixtures(self, driver, subpage) -> typing.List[Fixture]:
        link = self.link + subpage
        src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, link, './/div[@class="sportName soccer"]')
        # Ugly, but, whatever.
            logo = driver.find_element_by_xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"logo")]')
            if logo != "none":
                logo = logo.value_of_css_property('background-image')
                self.logo_url = logo.strip("url(").strip(")").strip('"')
        except NoSuchElementException:
        tree = html.fromstring(src)
        fixture_rows = tree.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"sportName soccer")]/div')
        league, country = None, None
        fixtures = []
        for i in fixture_rows:
                fixture_id = i.xpath("./@id")[0].split("_")[-1]
                url = "http://www.flashscore.com/match/" + fixture_id
            except IndexError:
                cls = i.xpath('./@class')
                # This (might be) a header row.
                if "event__header" in str(cls):
                    country, league = i.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "event__title")]//text()')
                    league = league.split(' - ')[0]

            # score
                score_home, score_away = i.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"event__scores")]/span/text()')
            except ValueError:
                score_home, score_away = None, None
                score_home = int(score_home.strip())
                score_away = int(score_away.strip())

            home, away = i.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"event__participant")]/text()')

            time = "".join(i.xpath('.//div[@class="event__time"]//text()'))
            for x in ["Pen", 'AET', 'FRO', 'WO']:
                time = time.replace(x, '')
            if "'" in time:
                time = f"âš½ LIVE! {time}"
            elif not time:
                time = "?"
            elif "Postp" in time:
                time = "🚫 Postponed "
            elif "Awrd" in time:
                    time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time.strip('Awrd'), '%d.%m.%Y')
                except ValueError:
                    time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time.strip('Awrd'), '%d.%m. %H:%M')
                time = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
                time = f"{time} 🚫 FF"  # Forfeit
            else:  # Should be dd.mm hh:mm or dd.mm.yyyy
                    time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%d.%m.%Y')
                    if time.year != datetime.datetime.now().year:
                        time = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
                except ValueError:
                    dtn = datetime.datetime.now()
                        time = datetime.datetime.strptime(f"{dtn.year}.{time}", '%Y.%d.%m. %H:%M')
                    except ValueError:
                        time = datetime.datetime.strptime(f"{dtn.year}.{dtn.day}.{dtn.month}.{time}", '%Y.%d.%m.%H:%M')
            is_televised = True if i.xpath(".//div[contains(@class,'tv')]") else False
            fixture = Fixture(time, home.strip(), away.strip(), score_home=score_home, score_away=score_away,
                              country=country.strip(), league=league.strip(), url=url)

        return fixtures
Exemple #8
    def refresh(self, driver, for_discord=False):    # This is a very intensive, full lookup
        xp = ".//div[@id='utime']"
        src = selenium_driver.get_html(driver, self.url, xp)
        tree = html.fromstring(src)
        # Some of these will only need updating once per match
        if self.kickoff is None:
            ko = "".join(tree.xpath(".//div[@id='utime']/text()"))
            ko = datetime.datetime.strptime(ko, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
            self.kickoff = ko
        if self.referee is None:
            text = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="content"]//text()')
            ref = "".join([i for i in text if "referee" in i.lower()]).strip().replace('Referee:', '')
            venue = "".join([i for i in text if "venue" in i.lower()]).strip().replace('Venue:', '')
            self.referee = ref
            self.stadium = venue
        if self.country is None or self.league is None:
            country_league = "".join(tree.xpath('.//span[@class="description__country"]//text()'))
            comp_link_raw = "".join(tree.xpath('.//span[@class="description__country"]//a/@onclick'))
            country, competition = country_league.split(':')
            country = country.strip()
            competition = competition.strip()
            comp_link = "http://www.flashscore.com" + comp_link_raw.split("'")[1]
            self.country = country
            self.league = competition
            self.comp_link = comp_link
        if not for_discord:
            scores = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="current-result"]//span[@class="scoreboard"]/text()')
            self.score_home = int(scores[0])
            self.score_away = int(scores[1])
            self.formation = self.get_formation(driver)
            self.table = self.get_table(driver)
        event_rows = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="detailMS"]/div')
        events = []
        for i in event_rows:
            event = MatchEvent()
            if "Header" in i.attrib['class']:
                parts = [x.strip() for x in i.xpath('.//text()')]
                event.type = "header"
                event.description = " ".join(parts)
                if "Penalties" in parts:
                    self.penalties_home = parts[1]
                    self.penalties_away = parts[3]
                team = i.attrib['class']
                event.team = self.home if "home" in team else self.away
                for node in i.xpath("./*"):
                    node_type = node.attrib['class']
                        event.description = node.attrib['title']
                        print(f'Event description found: {event.description}')
                    except KeyError:
                    # Check if events actually exist
                    if "empty" in node_type:
                        event.type = "No events in half"

                    # Time box
                    if "time-box" in node_type:
                        time = "".join(node.xpath('.//text()')).strip()
                        event.time = time
                    # Event types: Disciplinary
                    elif "y-card" in node_type:
                        event.type = "booking"
                    elif "yr-card" in node_type:
                        event.type = "2yellow"
                    elif "r-card" in node_type:
                        event.type = "dismissal"
                    # Event types: Scoring
                    elif "penalty-missed" in node_type:
                        event.type = "Penalty miss"
                    elif "soccer-ball" in node_type:
                        event.type = "goal"
                    # Event type: Video Assistant Referee Review
                    elif "var" in node_type:
                        event.type = "VAR"
                        event.note = "".join(node.xpath('.//text()')).strip('()')
                    # Event type: Substitution
                    elif node_type == "icon-box substitution-in":
                        event.type = "substitution"
                    elif node_type == "substitution-in-name":
                        event.player_on = ''.join(node.xpath('.//a/text()')).strip()
                    elif node_type == "substitution-out-name":
                        event.player_off = ''.join(node.xpath('.//a/text()')).strip()
                    # Player info
                    elif "participant-name" in node_type:
                        event.player = ''.join(node.xpath('.//text()')).strip()
                    elif "assist" in node_type:
                        event.assist = "".join(node.xpath('.//text()')).strip('()')
                    # Event notes
                    elif any(x in node_type for x in ["subincident-name", "note-name"]):
                        event.note = "".join(node.xpath('.//text()')).strip('()')
                        print('Error in match', self.home, "vs", self.away, self.url)
                        print("unhandled node", node_type, team)
        self.events = events
        # TODO: Fetching images
        self.images = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="highlight-photo"]//img/@src')