Exemple #1
    tcur_CaT = 0.0
    tcur_BK = 0.0
    tcur_SK = 0.0

    tca_count_det = 0.0
    tca_count_stoch = 0.0

    for m in submemb_tets:
        ctriID = submemb_tets_surftris[m]
        V = sim_stoch.getTriV(ctriID)
        Si = sim_det.getTetConc(m, 'Ca_det')
        cur_CaP_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaP_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                So * 1.0e3)
        cur_CaT_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaT_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                So * 1.0e3)
        cur_BK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, BK_rev, BK_G)
        cur_L_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, L_rev, L_G)

        cur_CaP = cur_CaP_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'CaP_m3'))
        cur_CaT = cur_CaT_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'CaT_m2h1'))
        cur_BK = cur_BK_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'BK_O0') +
                              sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'BK_O1') +
                              sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'BK_O2') +
                              sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'BK_O3') +
                              sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'BK_O4'))
        #cur_L corresponding to each surftri has been corrected in the following script line
        cur_L = cur_L_sc * (round(L_ro * sim_det.getPatchArea('memb_det'))) * (
            sim_stoch.getTriArea(ctriID) / sim_det.getPatchArea('memb_det'))

        ca_count_inj = -1.0 * (
            (cur_CaP + cur_CaT) * TIMECONVERTER) / (2 * E_CHARGE)
    sim_WM.run(TIMECONVERTER * l)

    # Now do the communication between the sims
    for i in range(len(Length)):
        V = sim_stoch.getTriV(Compborder_triIDs[i][0])
        Si = sim_WM.getCompConc('shells' + str(i) + str(0), 'Ca')

        So = Ca_oconc

        # Get the single-channel currents first
        tcur_CaP_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaP_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                 So * 1.0e3)
        tcur_CaT_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaT_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                 So * 1.0e3)
        tcur_BK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, BK_rev, BK_G)

        tcur_SK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, SK_rev, SK_G)

        tcur_CaP = tcur_CaP_sc * (sim_WM.getPatchCount(
            'rings' + str(i) + str(0), 'CaP_m3'))
        # alpha is to h1
        tcur_CaT = tcur_CaT_sc * (sim_WM.getPatchCount(
            'rings' + str(i) + str(0), 'CaT_m2h1'))
        tcur_BK = tcur_BK_sc*((sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O0')+\
                                  sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O1')+\
                                     sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O2')+\
                                        sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O3')+\
                                           sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O4')))
        tcur_SK = tcur_SK_sc*((sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'SK_O1')+\
                                  sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'SK_O2')))
Exemple #3
        sim_WM.setPatchSReacK('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BKO2C2', b_2(V))
        sim_WM.setPatchSReacK('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BKO3C3', b_3(V))
        sim_WM.setPatchSReacK('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BKO4C4', b_4(V))

    # Now do the communication between the sims
    for i in range(len(Length)):
        V = sim_stoch.getTriV(Compborder_triIDs[i][0])
        Si = sim_WM.getCompConc('shells'+str(i)+str(0), 'Ca')

        So = Ca_oconc
        # Get the single-channel currents first
        tcur_CaP_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaP_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE+273.15, Si*1.0e3, So*1.0e3)
        tcur_BK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, BK_rev, BK_G)
        tcur_SK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, SK_rev, SK_G)

        if i>1:
            tcur_CaT_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaT_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE+273.15, Si*1.0e3, So*1.0e3)
            tcur_CaT = tcur_CaT_sc*(sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'CaT_m2h1'))
            tcur_AMPA = 0.0
            tcur_CaT = 0.0
            tcur_AMPA_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, AMPA_rev, AMPA_G)
            tcur_AMPA = tcur_AMPA_sc*(sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'AMPA_O'))
        tcur_CaP = tcur_CaP_sc*(sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'CaP_m3'))
        # alpha is to h1
        tcur_BK = tcur_BK_sc*((sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O0')+\
                                  sim_WM.getPatchCount('rings'+str(i)+str(0), 'BK_O1')+\
Exemple #4
    tcur_CaT = 0.0
    tcur_BK = 0.0
    tcur_SK = 0.0

    tca_count_det = 0.0
    tca_count_stoch = 0.0

    for m in submemb_tets:
        ctriID = submemb_tets_surftris[m]
        V = sim_stoch.getTriV(ctriID)
        Si = sim_det.getTetConc(m, 'Ca_det')
        cur_CaP_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaP_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                So * 1.0e3)
        cur_CaT_sc = cf.getGHKI(CaT_P, V, 2, TEMPERATURE + 273.15, Si * 1.0e3,
                                So * 1.0e3)
        cur_SK_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, SK_rev, SK_G)
        cur_L_sc = cf.getOhmI(V, L_rev, L_G)

        cur_CaP = cur_CaP_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'CaP_m3'))
        cur_CaT = cur_CaT_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'CaT_m2h1'))
        cur_SK = cur_SK_sc * (sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'SK_O1') +
                              sim_det.getTriCount(ctriID, 'SK_O2'))
        #cur_L corresponding to each surftri has been corrected in the following script line
        cur_L = cur_L_sc * (round(L_ro * sim_det.getPatchArea('memb_det'))) * (
            sim_stoch.getTriArea(ctriID) / sim_det.getPatchArea('memb_det'))

        ca_count_inj = -1.0 * (
            (cur_CaP + cur_CaT) * TIMECONVERTER) / (2 * E_CHARGE)

        sim_stoch.setTetCount(m, 'Ca_stoch',
                              ca_count_inj + sim_det.getTetCount(m, 'Ca_det'))