Exemple #1
def main():
    """Run the main script."""
    parser, inspect_parser, query_parser = make_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Extract data from the data files into structured Python objects.
    database = NEODatabase(load_neos(args.neofile),

    # Run the chosen subcommand.
        if args.cmd == 'inspect':
        elif args.cmd == 'query':
            query(database, args)
        elif args.cmd == 'interactive':
    except UnboundLocalError:
        print("Supplied bad name or designation. Please check your inputs.")
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, neos=load_neos(), approaches=load_approaches()):
        """Create a new `NEODatabase`.

        As a precondition, this constructor assumes that the collections of
        NEOs and close approaches haven't yet been linked - that is, the
        `.approaches` attribute of each `NearEarthObject` resolves to an empty
        collection, and the `.neo` attribute of each `CloseApproach` is None.

        However, each `CloseApproach` has an attribute (`._designation`) that
        matches the `.designation` attribute of the corresponding NEO. This
        constructor modifies the supplied NEOs and close approaches to link
        them together - after it's done, the `.approaches` attribute of
        each NEO has a collection of that NEO's close approaches, and the
        `.neo` attribute of each close approach references the appropriate NEO.

        :param neos: A collection of `NearEarthObject`s.
        :param approaches: A collection of `CloseApproach`es.
        self._neos = neos
        self._approaches = approaches

        self._designation_neo_dict = {}
        self._name_neo_dict = {}

        for neo in self._neos:
            self._designation_neo_dict[neo.designation] = neo
            if neo.name:
                self._name_neo_dict[neo.name] = neo

        for approach in self._approaches:
            neo = self._designation_neo_dict[approach._designation]
            approach.neo = neo
def build_results(n):
    neos = tuple(load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE))
    approaches = tuple(load_approaches(TEST_CAD_FILE))

    # Only needed to link together these objects.
    NEODatabase(neos, approaches)

    return approaches[:n]
Exemple #4
def build_results(n):
    neos = load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE)
    approaches = load_approaches(TEST_CAD_FILE)

    # Only needed to link together these objects.
    db = NEODatabase(neos, approaches)

    return db.get_approaches_list()[:n]
Exemple #5
def main():
    """Run the main script."""
    parser, inspect_parser, query_parser = make_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Extract data from the data files into structured Python objects.
    database = NEODatabase(load_neos(args.neofile), load_approaches(args.cadfile))

    # Run the chosen subcommand.
    if args.cmd == 'inspect':
        inspect(database, pdes=args.pdes, name=args.name, verbose=args.verbose)
    elif args.cmd == 'query':
        query(database, args)
    elif args.cmd == 'interactive':
        NEOShell(database, inspect_parser, query_parser, aggressive=args.aggressive).cmdloop()
Exemple #6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.neos = load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE)
     cls.approaches = load_approaches(TEST_CAD_FILE)
     cls.db = NEODatabase(cls.neos, cls.approaches)
            provided filters.

            If no arguments are provided, generate all known close approaches.

            The `CloseApproach` objects are generated in internal order, which isn't
            guaranteed to be sorted meaninfully, although is often sorted by time.

            :param filters: A collection of filters capturing user-specified criteria.
            :return: A stream of matching `CloseApproach` objects.

        # TODO: Generate `CloseApproach` objects that match all of the filters.
        for approach in self.approaches_dict:
            mapped = map(lambda x: x(approach), filters)
            if all(flag is True for flag in mapped):
                yield approach

# Testing

neos_dict = load_neos()

cads_dict = load_approaches()

neo_db = NEODatabase(neos_dict, cads_dict)

Exemple #8
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.neos = load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE)
     cls.approaches = load_approaches(TEST_CAD_FILE)
Exemple #9
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.neos = load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE)
     cls.neos_by_designation = {neo.designation: neo for neo in cls.neos}
def memoize(function):
    """Create cache file for expedited retrieval in interactive mode."""
    function._cache = {}

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        key = (args, tuple(kwargs.items()))
        if key not in function._cache:
            function._cache[key] = function(*args, **kwargs)
            return function._cache[key]
        return function._cache[key]

    return wrapper

neos = load_neos()
approaches = load_approaches()

class NEODatabase:
    """Sets up Database of Near Earth Object classes.

    Connects them with their close approach classes.
    def __init__(self, neos, approaches):
        """Define neo based on specified attributes."""
        self._neos = neos
        self._approaches = approaches

        self.designation_neo_dict = {}
        self.name_neo_dict = {}
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.neos = load_neos(TEST_NEO_FILE)
     cls.neos_by_designation = {des: neo for des, neo in cls.neos.items()}
Exemple #12
from extract import load_neos, load_approaches
from database import NEODatabase
from filters import valid_attribute, limit
import operator
import math
import datetime
import operator

neos = load_neos('./tests/test-neos-2020.csv')
cads = load_approaches('./tests/test-cad-2020.json')

neo_database = NEODatabase(neos, cads)

result = neo_database.get_neo_by_designation('1865')


#print(get_attribute(an_approach, operator.eq, value, attribute))

