Exemple #1
    def add_ellipse(self,
                    center: Tuple[float, float],
                    major_axis: Tuple[float, float] = (1., 0.),
                    ratio: float = 1.,
                    start_angle: float = 0.,
                    end_angle: float = 360.,
                    is_counter_clockwise: int = 0) -> 'EllipseEdge':
        Add an :class:`EllipseEdge`.

            center: center point of ellipse, ``(x, y)`` tuple
            major_axis: vector of major axis as ``(x, y)`` tuple
            ratio: ratio of minor axis to major axis as float
            start_angle: start angle of arc in degrees
            end_angle: end angle of arc in degrees
            is_counter_clockwise: ``1`` for counter clockwise ``0`` for clockwise orientation

        if ratio > 1.:
            raise const.DXFValueError("Parameter 'ratio' has to be <= 1.0")
        ellipse = EllipseEdge()
        ellipse.center = center
        ellipse.major_axis = major_axis
        ellipse.ratio = ratio
        ellipse.start_angle = start_angle
        ellipse.end_angle = end_angle
        ellipse.is_counter_clockwise = is_counter_clockwise
        return ellipse
Exemple #2
    def set_arrows(self, blk: str = '', blk1: str = '', blk2: str = '',
                   ldrblk: str = '') -> None:
        """ Set arrows by block names or AutoCAD standard arrow names, set
        DIMTSZ to ``0`` which disables tick.

            blk: block/arrow name for both arrows, if DIMSAH is 0
            blk1: block/arrow name for first arrow, if DIMSAH is 1
            blk2: block/arrow name for second arrow, if DIMSAH is 1
            ldrblk: block/arrow name for leader

        self.set_dxf_attrib('dimblk', blk)
        self.set_dxf_attrib('dimblk1', blk1)
        self.set_dxf_attrib('dimblk2', blk2)
        self.set_dxf_attrib('dimldrblk', ldrblk)
        self.set_dxf_attrib('dimtsz', 0)  # use blocks

        # only existing BLOCK definitions allowed
        if self.doc:
            blocks = self.doc.blocks
            for b in (blk, blk1, blk2, ldrblk):
                if ARROWS.is_acad_arrow(b):  # not real blocks
                    ARROWS.create_block(blocks, b)
                if b and b not in blocks:
                    raise const.DXFValueError(
                        'BLOCK "{}" does not exist.'.format(blk))
Exemple #3
    def get_sortents_table(self, create: bool = True) -> 'SortEntsTable':
        """ Get/Create the SORTENTSTABLE object associated to the layout.

            create: new table if table do not exist and `create` is ``True``

            DXFValueError: if table not exist and `create` is ``False``

        (internal API)
        xdict = self.get_extension_dict()
            sortents_table = xdict['ACAD_SORTENTS']
        except const.DXFKeyError:
            if create:
                sortents_table = self.doc.objects.new_entity(
                        'owner': xdict.dxf.handle,
                        'block_record_handle': self.layout_key
                xdict['ACAD_SORTENTS'] = sortents_table.dxf.handle
                raise const.DXFValueError(
                    'Extension dictionary entry ACAD_SORTENTS does not exist.')
        return sortents_table
Exemple #4
    def new(self, name: str = None, description: str = "",
            selectable: bool = True) -> DXFGroup:
        r""" Creates a new group. If `name` is ``None`` an unnamed group is
        created, which has an automatically generated name like "\*Annnn".

            name: group name as string
            description: group description as string
            selectable: group is selectable if ``True``

        if name in self:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"GROUP '{name}' already exists.")

        if name is None:
            name = self.next_name()
            unnamed = 1
            unnamed = 0
        # The group name isn't stored in the group entity itself.
        dxfattribs = {
            'description': description,
            'unnamed': unnamed,
            'selectable': int(bool(selectable)),
        return cast(DXFGroup, self._new(name, dxfattribs))
Exemple #5
    def new_geodata(self, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'GeoData':
        """ Creates a new :class:`GeoData` entity and replaces existing ones.
        The GEODATA entity resides in the OBJECTS section and not in the
        modelspace, it is linked to the modelspace by an
        :class:`~ezdxf.entities.ExtensionDict` located in BLOCK_RECORD of the

        The GEODATA entity requires DXF R2010. The DXF reference does not
        document if other layouts than the modelspace supports geo referencing,
        so I assume getting/setting geo data may only make sense for the

            dxfattribs: DXF attributes for :class:`~ezdxf.entities.GeoData` entity

        if self.doc.dxfversion < const.DXF2010:
            raise const.DXFValueError(
                'GEODATA entity requires DXF R2010 or later.')

        if dxfattribs is None:
            dxfattribs = {}
        xdict = self.get_extension_dict()
        geodata = self.doc.objects.add_geodata(
        xdict['ACAD_GEOGRAPHICDATA'] = geodata
        return geodata
Exemple #6
    def set_style(self, name: str) -> None:
        """Set MLINESTYLE by name and update geometry accordingly.
        The MLINESTYLE definition must exist.
        if self.doc is None:
            logger.debug("Can't change style of unbounded MLINE entity.")
            style = self.doc.mline_styles[name]
        except const.DXFKeyError:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Undefined MLINE style: {name}")
        assert isinstance(style, MLineStyle)
        # Line- and fill parametrization depends on the count of
        # elements, a change in the number of elements triggers a
        # reset of the parametrization:
        old_style = self.style
        new_element_count = len(style.elements)
        reset = False
        if old_style is not None:
            # Do not trust the stored "style_element_count" value
            reset = len(old_style.elements) != new_element_count

        self.dxf.style_name = name
        self.dxf.style_handle = style.dxf.handle
        self.dxf.style_element_count = new_element_count
        if reset:
Exemple #7
 def rgb(self, value: Optional[colors.RGB]):
     if value is None:
         self._true_color = None
     elif validator.is_valid_rgb(value):
         self._true_color = value
         raise const.DXFValueError(f"invalid true color value '{value}'")
Exemple #8
def set_current_lineweight(doc: "Drawing", lineweight: int):
    """Set current lineweight, see :ref:`lineweights` reference for valid
    if not validator.is_valid_lineweight(lineweight):
        raise const.DXFValueError(f'invalid lineweight value: "{lineweight}"')
    doc.header[CURRENT_LINEWEIGHT] = lineweight
Exemple #9
    def set_gradient(
        color1: RGB = (0, 0, 0),
        color2: RGB = (255, 255, 255),
        rotation: float = 0.0,
        centered: float = 0.0,
        one_color: int = 0,
        tint: float = 0.0,
        name: str = "LINEAR",
    ) -> None:
        """Set :class:`Hatch` and :class:`MPolygon` to gradient fill mode and
        removes all pattern fill related data. Gradient support requires
        DXF R2004+.
        A gradient filled hatch is also a solid filled hatch.

        Valid gradient type names are:

            - ``'LINEAR'``
            - ``'CYLINDER'``
            - ``'INVCYLINDER'``
            - ``'SPHERICAL'``
            - ``'INVSPHERICAL'``
            - ``'HEMISPHERICAL'``
            - ``'INVHEMISPHERICAL'``
            - ``'CURVED'``
            - ``'INVCURVED'``

            color1: (r, g, b)-tuple for first color, rgb values as int in
                the range [0, 255]
            color2: (r, g, b)-tuple for second color, rgb values as int in
                the range [0, 255]
            rotation: rotation angle in degrees
            centered: determines whether the gradient is centered or not
            one_color: 1 for gradient from `color1` to tinted `color1`
            tint: determines the tinted target `color1` for a one color
                gradient. (valid range 0.0 to 1.0)
            name: name of gradient type, default "LINEAR"

        if self.doc is not None and self.doc.dxfversion < const.DXF2004:
            raise const.DXFVersionError("Gradient support requires DXF R2004")
        if name and name not in const.GRADIENT_TYPES:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Invalid gradient type name: {name}")

        self.pattern = None
        self.dxf.solid_fill = 1
        self.dxf.pattern_name = "SOLID"
        self.dxf.pattern_type = const.HATCH_TYPE_PREDEFINED

        gradient = Gradient()
        gradient.color1 = color1
        gradient.color2 = color2
        gradient.one_color = one_color
        gradient.rotation = rotation
        gradient.centered = centered
        gradient.tint = tint
        gradient.name = name
        self.gradient = gradient
Exemple #10
    def add(
        name: str,
        color: int = const.BYLAYER,
        true_color: int = None,
        linetype: str = "Continuous",
        lineweight: int = const.LINEWEIGHT_BYLAYER,
        plot: bool = True,
        transparency: Optional[float] = None,
        dxfattribs: Dict = None,
    ) -> "Layer":
        """Add a new :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Layer`.

            name (str): layer name
            color (int): :ref:`ACI` value, default is BYLAYER
            true_color (int): true color value, use :func:`ezdxf.rgb2int` to
                create ``int`` values from RGB values
            linetype (str): line type name, default is "Continuous"
            lineweight (int): line weight, default is BYLAYER
            plot (bool): plot layer as bool, default is ``True``
            transparency: transparency value in the range [0, 1], where 1 is
                100% transparent and 0 is opaque
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes

        .. versionadded:: 0.17

        dxfattribs = dict(dxfattribs or {})
        if validator.is_valid_aci_color(color):
            dxfattribs["color"] = color
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"invalid color: {color}")
        dxfattribs["linetype"] = linetype
        if validator.is_valid_lineweight(lineweight):
            dxfattribs["lineweight"] = lineweight
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"invalid lineweight: {lineweight}")
        if true_color is not None:
            dxfattribs["true_color"] = int(true_color)
        dxfattribs["plot"] = int(plot)
        layer = cast("Layer", self.new(name, dxfattribs))
        if transparency is not None:
            layer.transparency = transparency
        return layer
Exemple #11
 def transparency(self, value: Optional[float]):
     if value is None:
         self._transparency = None
     elif value == TRANSPARENCY_BYBLOCK:
         self._transparency = TRANSPARENCY_BYBLOCK
     elif isinstance(value, float) and (0.0 <= value <= 1.0):
         self._transparency = value
         raise const.DXFValueError(f"invalid transparency value '{value}'")
Exemple #12
    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        """ Set header variable `key` to `value` by index operator like:
        :code:`drawing.header['$ANGDIR'] = 1`

            tags = self._headervar_factory(key, value)
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise const.DXFValueError(str(value))
        self.hdrvars[key] = HeaderVar(tags)
Exemple #13
    def acquire_arrow(self, name: str):
        """ For standard AutoCAD and ezdxf arrows create block definitions if
        required, otherwise check if block `name` exist. (internal API)

        from ezdxf.render.arrows import ARROWS
        if ARROWS.is_acad_arrow(name) or ARROWS.is_ezdxf_arrow(name):
            ARROWS.create_block(self.blocks, name)
        elif name not in self.blocks:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f'Arrow block "{name}" does not exist.')
Exemple #14
 def set_seed_points(self, points: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
     Set seed points, `points` is a list of ``(x, y)`` tuples, I don't know why there can be more than one
     seed point. All points in :ref:`OCS` (:attr:`Hatch.dxf.elevation` is the Z value)
     if len(points) < 1:
         raise const.DXFValueError(
             "Param points should be a collection of 2D points and requires at least one point.")
     self.seeds = list(points)
     self.dxf.n_seed_points = len(self.seeds)
Exemple #15
    def new_line(angle: float = 0.,
                 base_point: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.),
                 offset: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.),
                 dash_length_items: List[float] = None) -> 'PatternLine':
        Create a new pattern definition line, but does not add the line to the :attr:`Pattern.lines` attribute.

        if dash_length_items is None:
            raise const.DXFValueError("Parameter 'dash_length_items' must not be None.")
        return PatternLine(angle, base_point, offset, dash_length_items)
Exemple #16
    def delete_layout(self, name: str) -> None:
        Delete paper space layout `name` and all entities owned by this layout.
        Available only for DXF R2000 or later, DXF R12 supports only one
        paperspace and it can't be deleted.

        if name not in self.layouts:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Layout '{name}' does not exist.")
Exemple #17
    def set_gradient(self,
                     color1: 'RGB' = (0, 0, 0),
                     color2: 'RGB' = (255, 255, 255),
                     rotation: float = 0.,
                     centered: float = 0.,
                     one_color: int = 0,
                     tint: float = 0.,
                     name: str = 'LINEAR') -> None:
        Set :class:`Hatch` to gradient fill mode and removes all pattern fill related data. Gradient support requires
        DXF DXF R2004. A gradient filled hatch is also a solid filled hatch.

        Valid gradient type names are:

            - ``'LINEAR'``
            - ``'CYLINDER'``
            - ``'INVCYLINDER'``
            - ``'SPHERICAL'``
            - ``'INVSPHERICAL'``
            - ``'HEMISPHERICAL'``
            - ``'INVHEMISPHERICAL'``
            - ``'CURVED'``
            - ``'INVCURVED'``

            color1: ``(r, g, b)`` tuple for first color, rgb values as int in range 0..255
            color2: ``(r, g, b)`` tuple for second color, rgb values as int in range 0..255
            rotation: rotation in degrees
            centered: determines whether the gradient is centered or not
            one_color: ``1`` for gradient from `color1` to tinted `color1``
            tint: determines the tinted target `color1` for a one color gradient. (valid range ``0.0`` to ``1.0``)
            name: name of gradient type, default ``'LINEAR'``

        if self.doc is not None and self.drawing.dxfversion < DXF2004:
            raise const.DXFVersionError("Gradient support requires DXF R2004")
        if name not in const.GRADIENT_TYPES:
            raise const.DXFValueError('Invalid gradient type name: %s' % name)

        self.pattern = None
        self.dxf.solid_fill = 1
        self.dxf.pattern_name = 'SOLID'
        self.dxf.pattern_type = const.HATCH_TYPE_PREDEFINED

        gradient = Gradient()
        gradient.color1 = color1
        gradient.color2 = color2
        gradient.one_color = one_color
        gradient.rotation = rotation
        gradient.centered = centered
        gradient.tint = tint
        gradient.name = name
        self.gradient = gradient
Exemple #18
 def check(value):
     value = cast_value(attrib_def.code, value)
     if not attrib_def.is_valid_value(value):
         if attrib_def.fixer:
             value = attrib_def.fixer(value)
             logger.debug(f'Fixed invalid attribute "{key}" in entity'
                          f' {entity()} to "{str(value)}".')
             raise const.DXFValueError(
                 f'Invalid value {str(value)} for attribute "{key}" in '
                 f'entity {entity()}.')
     return value
Exemple #19
    def add_ellipse(
        center: "Vertex",
        major_axis: "Vertex" = (1.0, 0.0),
        ratio: float = 1.0,
        start_angle: float = 0.0,
        end_angle: float = 360.0,
        ccw: bool = True,
    ) -> "EllipseEdge":
        """Add an :class:`EllipseEdge`.

        **Adding Clockwise Oriented Ellipses:**

        Clockwise oriented :class:`EllipseEdge` objects are sometimes necessary
        to build closed loops, but the :class:`EllipseEdge` objects are always
        represented in counter-clockwise orientation.
        To add a clockwise oriented :class:`EllipseEdge` you have to swap the
        start- and end angle and set the `ccw` flag to ``False``,
        e.g. to add a clockwise oriented :class:`EllipseEdge` from 180 to 90
        degree, add the :class:`EllipseEdge` in counter-clockwise orientation
        with swapped angles::

            edge_path.add_ellipse(center, major_axis, ratio, start_angle=90, end_angle=180, ccw=False)

            center: center point of ellipse, (x, y)-tuple
            major_axis: vector of major axis as (x, y)-tuple
            ratio: ratio of minor axis to major axis as float
            start_angle: start angle of ellipse in degrees (`end_angle` for a
                clockwise oriented ellipse)
            end_angle: end angle of ellipse in degrees (`start_angle` for a
                clockwise oriented ellipse)
            ccw: ``True`` for counter clockwise ``False`` for
                clockwise orientation


        if ratio > 1.0:
            raise const.DXFValueError("argument 'ratio' has to be <= 1.0")
        ellipse = EllipseEdge()
        ellipse.center = Vec2(center)
        ellipse.major_axis = Vec2(major_axis)
        ellipse.ratio = ratio
        # Start- and end angles are always stored in counter-clockwise
        # orientation!
        ellipse.start_angle = start_angle
        ellipse.end_angle = end_angle
        # Flag to export the counter-clockwise oriented ellipse in
        # correct clockwise orientation:
        ellipse.ccw = bool(ccw)
        return ellipse
Exemple #20
    def set_seed_points(self, points: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
        """Set seed points, `points` is an iterable of (x, y)-tuples.
        I don't know why there can be more than one seed point.
        All points in :ref:`OCS` (:attr:`Hatch.dxf.elevation` is the Z value)

        points = list(points)
        if len(points) < 1:
            raise const.DXFValueError(
                "Param points should be an iterable of 2D points and requires at "
                "least one point.")
        self.seeds = list(points)
        self.dxf.n_seed_points = len(self.seeds)
Exemple #21
    def get_xdata(self, appid: str) -> Tags:
        """ Returns extended data for `appid`.

            appid: application name as defined in the APPID table.

            DXFValueError: no extended data for `appid` found

        if self.xdata:
            return Tags(self.xdata.get(appid)[1:])
            raise const.DXFValueError(appid)
Exemple #22
    def replace(self, tag: str, value: str) -> None:
        """ Replaces the value of the first custom property `tag` by a new

        Raises :class:`DXFValueError` if `tag`  does not exist.

        properties = self.properties
        for index in range(len(properties)):
            name = properties[index][0]
            if name == tag:
                properties[index] = (name, value)

        raise const.DXFValueError(f"Tag '{tag}' does not exist")
Exemple #23
 def set_vertices(self, vertices: Sequence[Sequence[float]], is_closed: bool = True) -> None:
     """ Set new `vertices` as new polyline path, a vertex has to be a ``(x, y)`` or a ``(x, y, bulge)`` tuple.
     new_vertices = []
     for vertex in vertices:
         if len(vertex) == 2:
             x, y = vertex
             bulge = 0
         elif len(vertex) == 3:
             x, y, bulge = vertex
             raise const.DXFValueError("Invalid vertex format, expected (x, y) or (x, y, bulge)")
         new_vertices.append((x, y, bulge))
     self.vertices = new_vertices
     self.is_closed = is_closed
Exemple #24
    def get_xdata_list(self, appid: str, name: str) -> Tags:
        """ Returns tag list `name` for extended data `appid`.

            appid: application name as defined in the APPID table.
            name: extended data list name

            DXFValueError: no extended data for `appid` found or no data list `name` not found

        if self.xdata:
            return Tags(self.xdata.get_xlist(appid, name))
            raise const.DXFValueError(appid)
Exemple #25
 def new(cls,
         start: Vertex,
         line_direction: Vertex,
         miter_direction: Vertex,
         line_params: Iterable = None,
         fill_params: Iterable = None) -> 'MLineVertex':
     vtx = MLineVertex()
     vtx.location = Vec3(start)
     vtx.line_direction = Vec3(line_direction)
     vtx.miter_direction = Vec3(miter_direction)
     vtx.line_params = list(line_params or [])
     vtx.fill_params = list(fill_params or [])
     if len(vtx.line_params) != len(vtx.fill_params):
         raise const.DXFValueError(
             'Count mismatch of line- and fill parameters')
     return vtx
Exemple #26
    def remove(self, tag: str, all: bool = False) -> None:
        """ Removes the first occurrence of custom property `tag`, removes all
        occurrences if `all` is ``True``.

        Raises `:class:`DXFValueError` if `tag`  does not exist.

        found_tag = False
        for item in self.properties:
            if item[0] == tag:
                found_tag = True
                if not all:
        if not found_tag:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Tag '{tag}' does not exist")
Exemple #27
    def delete(self, group: Union[DXFGroup, str]) -> None:
        """ Delete `group`, `group` can be an object of type :class:`DXFGroup`
        or a group name as string.

        # Delete group by name:
        if isinstance(group, str):
            name = group
        elif group.dxftype() == 'GROUP':
            name = get_group_name(group, self.entitydb)
            raise TypeError(group.dxftype())

        if name in self:
            raise const.DXFValueError("GROUP not in group table registered.")
Exemple #28
    def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None:
        write_tag = tagwriter.write_tag2
        write_tag(72, 4)  # edge type
        write_tag(94, int(self.degree))
        write_tag(73, int(self.rational))
        write_tag(74, int(self.periodic))
        write_tag(95, len(self.knot_values))  # number of knots
        write_tag(96, len(self.control_points))  # number of control points
        # build knot values list
        # knot values have to be present and valid, otherwise AutoCAD crashes
        if len(self.knot_values):
            for value in self.knot_values:
                write_tag(40, float(value))
            raise const.DXFValueError(
                "SplineEdge: missing required knot values")

        # build control points
        # control points have to be present and valid, otherwise AutoCAD crashes
        for x, y, *_ in self.control_points:
            tagwriter.write_tag2(10, float(x))
            tagwriter.write_tag2(20, float(y))

        # build weights list, optional
        for value in self.weights:
            write_tag(42, float(value))

        # build fit points
        # fit points have to be present and valid, otherwise AutoCAD crashes
        # edit 2016-12-20: this is not true - there are examples with no fit points and without crashing AutoCAD
        write_tag(97, len(self.fit_points))
        for x, y, *_ in self.fit_points:
            tagwriter.write_tag2(11, float(x))
            tagwriter.write_tag2(21, float(y))

        if self.start_tangent is not None:
            x, y, *_ = self.start_tangent
            tagwriter.write_tag2(12, float(x))
            tagwriter.write_tag2(22, float(y))

        if self.end_tangent is not None:
            x, y, *_ = self.end_tangent
            tagwriter.write_tag2(13, float(x))
            tagwriter.write_tag2(23, float(y))
Exemple #29
    def add_underlay_def(
        self, filename: str, fmt: str = "pdf", name: str = None
    ) -> "UnderlayDefinition":
        """Add an :class:`~ezdxf.entities.underlay.UnderlayDefinition` entity
        to the drawing (OBJECTS section). `filename` is the underlay file name
        as relative or absolute path and `fmt` as string (pdf, dwf, dgn).
        The underlay definition is required to create an underlay reference.

            filename: underlay file name
            fmt: file format as string ``'pdf'|'dwf'|'dgn'``
            name: pdf format = page number to display; dgn format = ``'default'``; dwf: ????

        fmt = fmt.upper()
        if fmt in ("PDF", "DWF", "DGN"):
            underlay_dict_name = f"ACAD_{fmt}DEFINITIONS"
            underlay_def_entity = f"{fmt}DEFINITION"
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Unsupported file format: '{fmt}'")

        if name is None:
            if fmt == "PDF":
                name = "1"  # Display first page by default
            elif fmt == "DGN":
                name = "default"
                name = "Model"  # Display model space for DWF ???

        underlay_dict = self.rootdict.get_required_dict(underlay_dict_name)
        underlay_def = self.new_entity(
                "owner": underlay_dict.dxf.handle,
                "filename": filename,
                "name": name,

        # auto-generated underlay key
        key = self.next_underlay_key(lambda k: k not in underlay_dict)
        underlay_dict[key] = underlay_def.dxf.handle
        return cast("UnderlayDefinition", underlay_def)
Exemple #30
    def new_layout(self, name, dxfattribs=None) -> 'Layout':
        Create a new paperspace layout `name`. Returns a
        :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Layout` object.
        DXF R12 (AC1009) supports only one paperspace layout, only the active
        paperspace layout is saved, other layouts are dismissed.

            name: unique layout name
            dxfattribs: additional DXF attributes for the
                :class:`~ezdxf.entities.layout.DXFLayout` entity

            DXFValueError: :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Layout` `name` already exist

        if name in self.layouts:
            raise const.DXFValueError(f"Layout '{name}' already exists.")
            return self.layouts.new(name, dxfattribs)