Exemple #1
    def delete_layout(self, name: str) -> None:
        Delete paper space layout `name` and all entities owned by this layout. Available only for DXF R2000 or later,
        DXF R12 supports only one paperspace and it can't be deleted.

        if name not in self.layouts:
            raise DXFValueError("Layout '{}' does not exist.".format(name))
Exemple #2
 def _parse_list(self, tags: Iterable[Tuple]) -> List:
     data = list(tags)
     content = []
     for code, value in data[2:-1]:
         factory = self.converter.get(code)
         if factory:
             raise DXFValueError(f"unsupported group code: {code}")
     return content
Exemple #3
 def new_line(
         angle: float = 0.,
         base_point: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.),
         offset: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.),
         dash_length_items: List[float] = None) -> 'PatternDefinitionLine':
     if dash_length_items is None:
         raise DXFValueError(
             "Parameter 'dash_length_items' must not be None.")
     return PatternDefinitionLine(angle, base_point, offset,
Exemple #4
    def grid(self, size: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), spacing: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 1)) -> 'Insert':
        Place block reference in a grid layout, grid `size` defines the row- and column count,
        `spacing` defines the distance between two block references.

            size: grid size as ``(row_count, column_count)`` tuple
            spacing: distance between placing as ``(row_spacing, column_spacing)`` tuple

        if len(size) != 2:
            raise DXFValueError("Parameter size has to be a (row_count, column_count)-tuple.")
        if len(spacing) != 2:
            raise DXFValueError("Parameter spacing has to be a (row_spacing, column_spacing)-tuple.")
        self.dxf.row_count = size[0]
        self.dxf.column_count = size[1]
        self.dxf.row_spacing = spacing[0]
        self.dxf.column_spacing = spacing[1]
        return self
Exemple #5
 def _add(self, tags: Tags) -> None:
     tags = Tags(tags)
     if len(tags):
         appid = tags[0].value
         if appid in self.data:
             logger.info(f"Duplicate XDATA appid {appid} in one entity")
         if has_valid_xdata_group_codes(tags):
             self.data[appid] = tags
             raise DXFValueError(
                 f"found invalid XDATA group code in {tags}")
Exemple #6
    def _set_gradient(self, gradient_data: 'GradientData') -> None:
        gradient_data.name = gradient_data.name.upper()
        if gradient_data.name not in const.GRADIENT_TYPES:
            raise DXFValueError('Invalid gradient type name: %s' % gradient_data.name)

        self.dxf.solid_fill = 1
        self.dxf.pattern_name = 'SOLID'
        self.dxf.pattern_type = const.HATCH_TYPE_PREDEFINED
Exemple #7
    def set_open_rational(self, control_points: Sequence['Vertex'], weights: Sequence[float], degree: int = 3) -> None:
        Open rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first and last control points, and has
        additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_open_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(control_points):
            raise DXFValueError('Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights
Exemple #8
    def replace(self, tag: str, value: str) -> None:
        """ Replaces the value of the first custom property `tag` by a new `value`.
        properties = self.properties
        for index in range(len(properties)):
            name = properties[index][0]
            if name == tag:
                properties[index] = (name, value)

        raise DXFValueError("Tag '%s' does not exist" % tag)
Exemple #9
    def acquire_arrow(self, name: str):
        For standard AutoCAD and ezdxf arrows create block definitions if required, otherwise check if block `name`
        exist. (internal API)

        from ezdxf.render.arrows import ARROWS
        if ARROWS.is_acad_arrow(name) or ARROWS.is_ezdxf_arrow(name):
            ARROWS.create_block(self.blocks, name)
        elif name not in self.blocks:
            raise DXFValueError(f'Arrow block "{name}" does not exist.')
Exemple #10
 def set_seed_points(self, points: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
     if len(points) < 1:
         raise DXFValueError("Param points should be a collection of 2D points and requires at least one point.")
     hatch_tags = self.AcDbHatch
     first_seed_point_index = self._get_seed_point_index(hatch_tags)
     existing_seed_points = hatch_tags.collect_consecutive_tags([10],
                                                                start=first_seed_point_index)  # don't rely on 'Number of seed points'
     new_seed_points = [DXFVertex(10, (point[0], point[1])) for point in points]  # only use x and y coordinate,
     self.dxf.n_seed_points = len(new_seed_points)  # set new count of seed points
     # replace existing seed points
     hatch_tags[first_seed_point_index: first_seed_point_index + len(existing_seed_points)] = new_seed_points
Exemple #11
    def new(self, name: str, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Layout':
        Create a new Layout.

            name (str): layout name as shown in tab
            dxfattribs (dict): DXF attributes for the ``LAYOUT`` entity

        if not is_valid_name(name):
            raise DXFValueError('name contains invalid characters')

        if dxfattribs is None:
            dxfattribs = {}

        if name in self._layouts:
            raise DXFValueError('Layout "{}" already exists'.format(name))

        def create_dxf_layout_entity() -> str:
            dxfattribs['name'] = name
            dxfattribs['owner'] = self._dxf_layout_management_table.dxf.handle
            dxfattribs.setdefault('taborder', len(self._layouts) + 1)
            dxfattribs['block_record'] = block_record_handle
            entity = self.drawing.objects.create_new_dxf_entity(
                'LAYOUT', dxfattribs)
            return entity.dxf.handle

        block_layout = self.drawing.blocks.new_layout_block()
        block_record_handle = block_layout.block_record_handle
        block_record = block_layout.block_record
        layout_handle = create_dxf_layout_entity()
        block_record.dxf.layout = layout_handle

        # create valid layout entity
        layout = Layout(self.drawing, layout_handle)

        # add layout to management tables
        self._dxf_layout_management_table[name] = layout_handle
        self._layouts[name] = layout

        return layout
Exemple #12
    def get(self, appid: str) -> Tags:
        """Returns the DXF tags as :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.tags.Tags` list
        stored by `appid`.

             DXFValueError: no data for `appid` exist

        if appid in self.data:
            return self.data[appid]
            raise DXFValueError(appid)
Exemple #13
 def get_extension_dict(self, create=True):
     block_record = self.block_record
         xdict = block_record.get_extension_dict()
     except (DXFValueError, DXFKeyError):
         # DXFValueError: block_record has no extension dict
         # DXFKeyError: block_record has an extension dict handle, but extension dict does not exist
         if create:
             xdict = block_record.new_extension_dict()
             raise DXFValueError('Extension dictionary do not exist.')
     return xdict
Exemple #14
def set_matrix(subclass, code, data):
    values = list(data)
    if len(values) != 16:
        raise DXFValueError("Transformation matrix requires 16 values.")

        insert_pos = subclass.tag_index(code)
    except DXFValueError:
        insert_pos = len(subclass)
    subclass.remove_tags((code, ))
    tags = [DXFTag(code, value) for value in values]
    subclass[insert_pos:insert_pos] = tags
Exemple #15
    def set_data(self, entities: Iterable['DXFGraphic']) -> None:
        """  Set `entities` as new group content, entities should be an iterable :class:`GraphicEntity` or
        inherited (LINE, CIRCLE, ...). Raises :class:`DXFValueError` if not all entities be on the same layout
        (modelspace or any paperspace layout but not block)

        entities = list(entities)  # for generators
        if not all_entities_on_same_layout(entities):
            raise DXFValueError(
                "All entities have to be on the same layout (modelspace or any paperspace layout but not block).")
        self._data = entities
Exemple #16
 def delete_vertices(self, pos, count=1):
     db = self.entitydb
     prev_vertex = self.__getitem__(pos - 1).tags if pos > 0 else self.tags
     vertex = db[prev_vertex.link]
     while vertex.dxftype() == 'VERTEX':
         db.delete_handle(prev_vertex.link)  # remove from database
         prev_vertex.link = vertex.link  # remove vertex from list
         count -= 1
         if count == 0:
         vertex = db[prev_vertex.link]
     raise DXFValueError("invalid count")
Exemple #17
 def remove(self, tag: str, all: bool = False) -> None:
     """ Remove first occurrence of 'tag', removes all occurrences if param all is True.
     found_tag = False
     for item in self.properties:
         if item[0] == tag:
             found_tag = True
             if not all:
     if not found_tag:
         raise DXFValueError("Tag '%s' does not exist" % tag)
Exemple #18
 def check(value):
     value = cast_value(attrib_def.code, value)
     if not attrib_def.is_valid_value(value):
         if attrib_def.fixer:
             value = attrib_def.fixer(value)
             logger.debug(f'Fixed invalid attribute "{key}" in entity'
                          f' {str(self._entity)} to "{str(value)}".')
             raise DXFValueError(
                 f'Invalid value {str(value)} for attribute "{key}" in '
                 f'entity {str(self._entity)}.')
     return value
Exemple #19
 def remove(self, tag: str, all: bool = False) -> None:
     """ Removes the first occurrence of custom property `tag`, removes all occurrences if `all` is ``True``.
     Raises `:class:`DXFValueError` if `tag`  does not exist.
     found_tag = False
     for item in self.properties:
         if item[0] == tag:
             found_tag = True
             if not all:
     if not found_tag:
         raise DXFValueError("Tag '%s' does not exist" % tag)
Exemple #20
    def rename(self, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None:
        """ Rename a layout from `old_name` to `new_name`.
        Can not rename layout ``'Model'`` and the new name of a layout must not exist.

            old_name: actual layout name
            new_name: new layout name

            DXFValueError: try to rename ``'Model'``
            DXFValueError: Layout `new_name` already exist.

        if old_name == 'Model':
            raise DXFValueError('Can not rename model space.')
        if new_name in self._layouts:
            raise DXFValueError('Layout "{}" already exist.'.format(new_name))

        layout = self._layouts[old_name]
        del self._layouts[old_name]
        self._layouts[new_name] = layout
Exemple #21
 def set_vertices(self, vertices: Sequence[Sequence[float]], is_closed: bool = 1) -> None:
     new_vertices = []
     for vertex in vertices:
         if len(vertex) == 2:
             x, y = vertex
             bulge = 0
         elif len(vertex) == 3:
             x, y, bulge = vertex
             raise DXFValueError("Invalid vertex format, expected (x, y) or (x, y, bulge)")
         new_vertices.append((x, y, bulge))
     self.vertices = new_vertices
     self.is_closed = is_closed
Exemple #22
    def delete(self, group: Union[DXFGroup, str]) -> None:
        """ Delete `group`, `group` can be an object of type :class:`DXFGroup` or a group name as string. """
        if isinstance(group, str):  # delete group by name
            name = group
        elif group.dxftype() == 'GROUP':
            name = group.get_name()
            raise DXFTypeError(group.dxftype())

        if name in self:
            raise DXFValueError("GROUP not in group table registered.")
Exemple #23
 def set_pos(self, p1, p2=None, align=None):
     if align is None:
         align = self.get_align()
     align = align.upper()
     self.set_dxf_attrib('insert', p1)
     if align in ('ALIGNED', 'FIT'):
         if p2 is None:
             raise DXFValueError("Alignment '{}' requires a second alignment point.".format(align))
         p2 = p1
     self.set_dxf_attrib('align_point', p2)
     return self
Exemple #24
def bspline_control_frame(fit_points: Iterable['Vertex'],
                          degree: int = 3,
                          method: str = 'distance',
                          power: float = .5):
    Generates the control points for the `B-spline`_ control frame by `Curve Global Interpolation`_.
    Given are the fit points and the degree of the B-spline. The function provides 3 methods for generating the
    parameter vector t:

    =================== ============================================================
    Method              Description
    =================== ============================================================
    ``'uniform'``       creates a uniform t vector, from ``0`` to ``1`` evenly spaced; see `uniform`_ method
    ``'distance'``      creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point distances, see `chord length`_ method
    ``'centripetal'``   creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point distances ^ ``power``; see `centripetal`_ method
    =================== ============================================================

        fit_points: fit points of B-spline, as list of :class:`Vector` compatible objects
        degree: degree of B-spline
        method: calculation method for parameter vector t
        power: power for centripetal method


    def create_t_vector():
        if method == 'uniform':
            return uniform_t_vector(fit_points)  # equally spaced 0 .. 1
        elif method == 'distance':
            return distance_t_vector(fit_points)
        elif method == 'centripetal':
            return centripetal_t_vector(fit_points, power=power)
            raise DXFValueError('Unknown method: {}'.format(method))

    fit_points = Vector.list(fit_points)
    count = len(fit_points)
    order = degree + 1
    if order > count:
        raise DXFValueError(
            'Need more fit points for degree {}'.format(degree))

    t_vector = list(create_t_vector())
    knots = list(control_frame_knots(count - 1, degree, t_vector))
    control_points = global_curve_interpolation(fit_points, degree, t_vector,
    bspline = BSpline(control_points, order=order, knots=knots)
    bspline.t_array = t_vector
    return bspline
def required_knot_values(count: int, order: int) -> int:
    # just to show the connections
    # count = count of control points = n + 1
    # k = order of spline = degree + 1
    # 2 <= k <= n + 1
    # p = degree
    # order = p + 1
    k = order
    n = count - 1
    p = k - 1
    if not (2 <= k <= (n + 1)):
        raise DXFValueError('Invalid count/order combination')
    # n + p + 2 = count + order
    return n + p + 2
    def get_xdata(self, appid: str) -> Tags:
        """ Returns extended data for `appid`.

            appid: application name as defined in the APPID table.

            DXFValueError: no extended data for `appid` found

        if self.xdata:
            return Tags(self.xdata.get(appid)[1:])
            raise DXFValueError(appid)
    def get_app_data(self, appid: str) -> Tags:
        """ Returns application defined data for `appid`.

            appid: application name as defined in the APPID table.

            DXFValueError: no data for `appid` found

        if self.appdata:
            return self.appdata.get(appid)[1:-1]
            raise DXFValueError(appid)
Exemple #28
    def move_to_layout(self, entity, layout):
        Move entity from block layout to another layout.

            entity: DXF entity to move
            layout: any layout (model space, paper space, block)

        if entity.dxf.handle in self._entity_space:
            raise DXFValueError('Layout does not contain entity.')
    def delete(self, group: DXFGroup) -> None:
        Delete GROUP by name or Group() object.

        if isinstance(group, str):  # delete group by name
            super(GroupManager, self).delete(group)
        else:  # group should be a DXFEntity
            group_handle = group.dxf.handle
            for name, _group in self:
                if group_handle == _group.dxf.handle:
                    super(GroupManager, self).delete(name)
            raise DXFValueError("GROUP not in group table registered.")
Exemple #30
    def commit(self) -> None:
        """Store all changes to the underlying :class:`XData` instance.
        This call is not required if using the :meth:`entity` context manager.

            DXFValueError: invalid chars ``"\\n"`` or ``"\\r"`` in a string
            DXFTypeError: invalid data type

        data = []
        for value in self._data:
            if isinstance(value, str):
                if len(value) > 255:  # XDATA limit for group code 1000
                    raise DXFValueError("string too long, max. 255 characters")
                if "\n" in value or "\r" in value:
                    raise DXFValueError(
                        "found invalid line break '\\n' or '\\r'")
            code = self.group_codes.get(type(value))
            if code:
                data.append(dxftag(code, value))
                raise DXFTypeError(f"invalid type: {type(value)}")
        self.xdata.set_xlist(self._appid, self._name, data)