Exemple #1
def test_rotate_local_y():
    ucs = UCS()
    assert ucs.ux == (1, 0, 0)  # WCS x-axis
    assert ucs.uy == (0, 1, 0)  # WCS y-axis
    assert ucs.uz == (0, 0, 1)  # WCS z-axis
    ucs = ucs.rotate_local_y(pi / 2)
    assert ucs.ux.isclose((0, 0, -1))  # WCS -z-axis
    assert ucs.uy.isclose((0, 1, 0))  # WCS y-axis
    assert ucs.uz.isclose((1, 0, 0))  # WCS x-axis
Exemple #2
ucs = UCS(origin=(1, 2, 0)).rotate_local_x(math.radians(15))
blockref = msp.add_blockref('CSYS', insert=(0, 0, 0))

doc.saveas(OUT_DIR / 'ucs_insert_02.dxf')

# New UCS at the translated location, axis aligned to the WCS
ucs = UCS((-3, -1, 1))
# Transform an already placed block reference, including
# the transformation of the established OCS.

doc.saveas(OUT_DIR / 'ucs_insert_03.dxf')

# Rotate a block references with an established OCS around the
# block y-axis about 90 degree
# Get UCS at the block reference insert location, UCS axis aligned
# to the block axis.
ucs = blockref.ucs()
# Rotate UCS around the local y-axis.
ucs = ucs.rotate_local_y(math.radians(-90))

# Reset block reference parameters to place block reference in
# UCS origin, without any rotation and OCS.

# Transform block reference from UCS to WCS

doc.saveas(OUT_DIR / 'ucs_insert_04.dxf')