def get_response(url, headers=None, sleep_time=2, retry_count=10):
    """Wrap requests which tries to get response.

    :param url: URL where to do the request
    :param headers: additional headers for request
    :param sleep_time: sleep time between retries
    :param retry_count: number of retries
    :return: content of response's json
        for _ in range(retry_count):
            response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
            if response.status_code == 204:
                # json() below would otherwise fail with JSONDecodeError
                raise HTTPError('No content')
            response = response.json()
            if response:
                return response
            raise NotABugTaskError("Number of retries exceeded")
    except HTTPError as err:
        message = "Failed to get results from {url} with {err}".format(url=url, err=err)
        raise NotABugTaskError(message) from err
    def fetch_maven_artifact(ecosystem, name, version, target_dir):
        """Fetch maven artifact from"""
        git = Git.create_git(target_dir)
        artifact_coords = MavenCoordinates.from_str(name)
        if not version:
            raise ValueError("No version provided for '%s'" %
        artifact_coords.version = version
        if not artifact_coords.is_valid():
            raise NotABugTaskError("Invalid Maven coordinates: {a}".format(

        maven_url = ecosystem.fetch_url
        artifact_url = urljoin(maven_url, artifact_coords.to_repo_url())
        local_filepath = IndianaJones.download_file(artifact_url, target_dir)
        if local_filepath is None:
            raise NotABugTaskError("Unable to download: %s" % artifact_url)

        local_filename = os.path.split(local_filepath)[1]
        artifact_path = os.path.join(target_dir, local_filename)
        digest = compute_digest(artifact_path)
        if artifact_coords.packaging != 'pom':
            Archive.extract(artifact_path, target_dir)
            if artifact_coords.packaging == 'aar':
                # 'aar' archive contains classes.jar, extract it too into target_dir
                classes_jar_path = os.path.join(target_dir, "classes.jar")
                if os.path.isfile(classes_jar_path):
                    Archive.extract(classes_jar_path, target_dir)

        return digest, artifact_path
    def fetch_pypi_artifact(ecosystem, name, version, target_dir):
        """Fetch Pypi artifact."""
        git = Git.create_git(target_dir)
        pypi_url = ecosystem.fetch_url

        # NOTE: we can't download Python packages via pip, because it runs
        #  even with `pip download`. Therefore we could always get syntax errors
        #  because of older/newer syntax.
        res = requests.get(urljoin(pypi_url, '{n}/json'.format(n=name)))

        if res.status_code != 200:
            raise NotABugTaskError(
                "Unable to fetch information about {n} from PyPI (status code={s})"
                .format(n=name, s=res.status_code))

        if not version:
            version = res.json()['info']['version']
        release_files = res.json().get('releases', {}).get(version, [])
        if not release_files:
            raise NotABugTaskError("No release files for version %s" % version)

        # sort releases by order in which we'd like to download:
        #  1) sdist
        #  2) wheels
        #  3) eggs
        #  4) anything else (creepy stuff)
        def release_key(rel):
            return {
                'sdist': 0,
                'bdist_wheel': 1,
                'bdist_egg': 2
            }.get(rel['packagetype'], 3)

        release_files = list(sorted(release_files, key=release_key))
        file_url = release_files[0]['url']
        local_filename = IndianaJones.download_file(file_url, target_dir)
        if local_filename is None:
            raise NotABugTaskError("Unable to download: %s" % file_url)
        artifact_path = os.path.join(target_dir, local_filename)
        digest = compute_digest(artifact_path)
        Archive.extract(artifact_path, target_dir)
        return digest, artifact_path
Exemple #4
    def _resolve_dependency(ecosystem, dep):
        ret = {
            'declaration': dep,
            'resolved_at': json_serial(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

        # first, if this is a Github dependency, return it right away (we don't resolve these yet)
        if ' ' in dep:
            # we have both package name and version (version can be an URL)
            name, spec = dep.split(' ', 1)
            if gh_dep.match(spec):
                ret['name'] = name
                ret['version'] = '' + spec
            elif urllib.parse.urlparse(spec).scheme != '':
                ret['name'] = name
                ret['version'] = spec
            if gh_dep.match(dep):
                ret['name'] = '' + dep
                ret['version'] = None
            elif urllib.parse.urlparse(dep).scheme != '':
                ret['name'] = dep
                ret['version'] = None

        if 'name' in ret:
            return ret

        # second, figure out what is the latest upstream version matching the spec and return it
        solver = get_ecosystem_solver(ecosystem)
            pkgspec = solver.solve([dep])
        except ValueError:
            raise NotABugTaskError("invalid dependency: {}".format(dep))

        package, version = pkgspec.popitem()
        if not version:
            raise NotABugTaskError("could not resolve {}".format(dep))

        ret['name'] = package
        ret['version'] = version
        return ret
 def fetch_nuget_artifact(ecosystem, name, version, target_dir):
     """Fetch nuget artifact from"""
     git = Git.create_git(target_dir)
     nuget_url = ecosystem.fetch_url
     file_url = '{url}{name}.{version}.nupkg'.format(
         url=nuget_url, name=name.lower(), version=version.lower())
     local_filename = IndianaJones.download_file(file_url, target_dir)
     if local_filename is None:
         raise NotABugTaskError("Unable to download: %s" % file_url)
     artifact_path = os.path.join(target_dir, local_filename)
     digest = compute_digest(artifact_path)
     Archive.extract(artifact_path, target_dir)
     return digest, artifact_path
    def _get_log(url):
        """Clone Git repo and get its log.

        :param url: url to the git repo
        with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
                git = Git.clone(url, tmp_dir)
                # nice notebook to check at:
                log = git.log()
            except TaskError as e:
                raise NotABugTaskError(e)

        return log
def get_gh_contributors(url):
    """Get number of contributors from Git URL.

    :param url: URL where to do the request
    :return:  length of contributor's list
        response = requests.get("{}?per_page=1".format(url),
        contributors_count = int(parse_qs(response.links['last']['url'])['page'][0]) \
            if response.links else 1
        return contributors_count
    except HTTPError as err:
        raise NotABugTaskError(err) from err
def get_response(url):
    """Wrap requests which tries to get response.

    :param url: URL where to do the request
    :param sleep_time: sleep time between retries
    :param retry_count: number of retries
    :return: content of response's json
        response = requests.get(url, headers=get_header())
        response = response.json()
        return response
    except HTTPError as err:
        message = "Failed to get results from {url} with {err}".format(url=url, err=err)
        raise NotABugTaskError(message) from err
Exemple #9
 def fetch_go_artifact(name, version, target_dir):
     """Fetch go artifact using 'go get' command."""
     env = dict(os.environ)
     env['GOPATH'] = target_dir
         TimedCommand.get_command_output(['go', 'get', '-d', name],
     except TaskError:
         raise NotABugTaskError('Unable to go-get {n}'.format(n=name))
     package_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, 'src', name)
     with cwd(package_dir):
         git = Git(package_dir)
         git.reset(version, hard=True)
         artifact_filename = git.archive(version)
         artifact_path = os.path.join(package_dir, artifact_filename)
         digest = compute_digest(artifact_path)
         return digest, artifact_path
    def fetch_npm_artifact(ecosystem, name, version, target_dir):
        """Fetch npm artifact using system 'npm' tool."""
        git = Git.create_git(target_dir)

        npm_cmd = ['npm', '--registry', ecosystem.fetch_url]

        # $ npm config get cache
        # /root/.npm
        cache_path = TimedCommand.get_command_output(
            npm_cmd + ['config', 'get', 'cache'], graceful=False).pop()

        # add package to cache:
        # /root/.npm/express/
        # └── 4.13.4
        #      ├── package
        #      │   ├──
        #      │   ├── index.js
        #      │   ├── lib
        #      │   ├── LICENSE
        #      │   ├── package.json
        #      │   └──
        #      └── package.tgz
        # 3 directories, 6 files
        name_ver = name

            # importing here to avoid circular dependency
            from f8a_worker.solver import NpmReleasesFetcher

            version_list = NpmReleasesFetcher(ecosystem).fetch_releases(
            if version not in version_list:
                raise NotABugTaskError(
                    "Provided version is not supported '%s'" % name)
                name_ver = "{}@{}".format(name, version)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise NotABugTaskError(
                'No versions for package NPM package {p} ({e})'.format(
                    p=name, e=str(e)))

        # make sure the artifact is not in the cache yet
        TimedCommand.get_command_output(npm_cmd + ['cache', 'clean', name],
                                        graceful=False)"downloading npm module %s", name_ver)
        cmd = npm_cmd + ['cache', 'add', name_ver]
        TimedCommand.get_command_output(cmd, graceful=False)

        # copy tarball to workpath
        tarball_name = "package.tgz"
        glob_path = os.path.join(cache_path, name, "*")
        cache_abs_path = os.path.abspath(glob.glob(glob_path).pop())
        artifact_path = os.path.join(cache_abs_path, tarball_name)
        logger.debug("[cache] tarball path = %s", artifact_path)
        artifact_path = shutil.copy(artifact_path, target_dir)

        logger.debug("[workdir] tarball path = %s", artifact_path)
        # Prior to npm-2.x.x (Fedora 24)
        # npm client was repackaging modules on download. It modified file permissions inside
        # package.tgz so they matched UID/GID of a user running npm command. Therefore its
        # digest was different then of a tarball downloaded directly from
        digest = compute_digest(artifact_path)
        Archive.extract(artifact_path, target_dir)
        Archive.fix_permissions(os.path.join(cache_abs_path, 'package'))

        # copy package/package.json over the extracted one,
        # because it contains (since npm >= 2.x.x) more information.
        npm_package_json = os.path.join(cache_abs_path, 'package',
        shutil.copy(npm_package_json, target_dir)
        # copy package/npm-shrinkwrap.json to target_dir
        npm_shrinkwrap_json = os.path.join(target_dir, 'package',
        if os.path.isfile(npm_shrinkwrap_json):
            shutil.copy(npm_shrinkwrap_json, target_dir)
        return digest, artifact_path