Exemple #1
    def test_get_outdated_symbols(self):
        symbols = [
            {"symbol": "C6L.SI", "price_updated_at": None},
            {"symbol": "J7X.SI", "price_updated_at": datetime(2012, 12, 21)},
            {"symbol": "ABC.SI", "price_updated_at": datetime(2013, 1, 1)},

        with db.transaction():

        result = list(query.get_outdated_symbols("price", datetime(2013, 1, 1)).dicts())

        self.assertEqual(result, [
            {"symbol": "C6L.SI", "updated_at": None},
            {"symbol": "J7X.SI", "updated_at": datetime(2012, 12, 21)},
Exemple #2
    def test_get_outdated_symbols_category(self):
        symbols = [
            {"symbol": "C6L.SI", "category": "market_index"},
            {"symbol": "J7X.SI", "category": "market_index"},
            {"symbol": "ABC.SI", "category": "stock"},

        with db.transaction():

        result = list(query.get_outdated_symbols("price", datetime(2013, 1, 1), "market_index").dicts())

        self.assertEqual(result, [
            {"symbol": "C6L.SI", "updated_at": None},
            {"symbol": "J7X.SI", "updated_at": None},
from fa.miner import yahoo
from fa.piping import csv_string_to_records
from fa.util import partition
from fa.database.query import get_outdated_symbols, update_fundamentals

import initialize
from settings import *

""" Download data from internet to database """

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

logger.info("Will update historical prices of all symbols not up to date on {0}.".format(end_date))
all_symbols = [s.symbol for s in get_outdated_symbols("price", end_date)]

# do the download in chunks of size 8 to prevent overloading servers
for symbols in partition(all_symbols, 8):
    data = yahoo.get_historical_data(symbols, start_date, end_date)

    for symbol, csv_string in data.items():
        if csv_string:
                records = csv_string_to_records(symbol, csv_string, strict=True)
                update_fundamentals("price", symbol, records, end_date, delete_old=True)
            except csv.Error as e:
                logger.error("csv of {0} is malformed.".format(symbol))
            logger.warning("Could not find updated historical prices of {0}. Skip.".format(symbol))
from fa.piping import csv_rows_to_records

import initialize
from settings import *

""" Download data from internet to database """

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

for report_type in wsj.FINANCIAL_REPORT_TYPES:
    logger.info("Will update {0} data of all symbols not up to date on {1}.".format(report_type, end_date))

    data_type = report_type.replace('-', '_')
    symbol_update_dates = {s.symbol: s.updated_at for s in get_outdated_symbols(data_type, end_date, "stock")}

    for symbol in symbol_update_dates:
            data = wsj.get_financial_data(symbol, "annual", report_type)
        except MinerException as e:
            logger.warning("Could not find updated {0} data of {1} due to {2}. Skip.".format(report_type, symbol, e.__class__.__name__))
            records = list(csv_rows_to_records(symbol, data))

            if symbol_update_dates[symbol]:
                logger.info("Filter out {0} records of {1} that already exist".format(report_type, symbol))
                existing_record_dates = set(r.date for r in get_record_dates(data_type, symbol))
                records = [r for r in records if r["date"] not in existing_record_dates]