Exemple #1
def is_format_supported(format_name):
    Returns true if the file format is supported.

    :param str format_name: Name of the format (for example edfimage)
    :rtype: bool
        return True
    except RuntimeError:
        logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
        return False
Exemple #2
def is_format_supported(format_name):
    Returns true if the file format is supported.

    :param str format_name: Name of the format (for example edfimage)
    :rtype: bool
        return True
    except RuntimeError:
        logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
        return False
Exemple #3
 def create_edf_file(cls, filename, data_list):
     filename = cls.get_filename(filename)
     image = fabio.factory("edfimage")
     for frame_id, data in enumerate(data_list):
         header = {"frame_id": "%d" % frame_id, "filename": "%s" % filename}
         if frame_id == 0:
             image.data = data
             image.append_frame(data=data, header=header)
Exemple #4
 def create_edf_file(cls, filename, data_list):
     filename = cls.get_filename(filename)
     image = fabio.factory("edfimage")
     for frame_id, data in enumerate(data_list):
         header = {"frame_id": "%d" % frame_id, "filename": "%s" % filename}
         if frame_id == 0:
             image.data = data
             image.append_frame(data=data, header=header)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, file_name_pattern, file_format, dry_run=False):
        :param str file_name_pattern: File name pattern for the output files.
            If it contains "{method_name}", it is updated for each
            reduction writing with the name of the reduction.
        :param str file_format: File format used. It is the default
            extension file.
        :param bool dry_run: If dry_run, the file is created on memory but not
            saved on the file system at the end
        self._file_name_pattern = file_name_pattern
        self._global_header = {}
        self._fabio_images = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._dry_run = dry_run

        # in case "edf.gz"
        if "." in file_format:
            file_format = file_format.split(".")[0]

        self._fabio_class = fabio.factory(file_format + "image")
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, file_name_pattern, file_format, dry_run=False):
        :param str file_name_pattern: File name pattern for the output files.
            If it contains "{method_name}", it is updated for each
            reduction writing with the name of the reduction.
        :param str file_format: File format used. It is the default
            extension file.
        :param bool dry_run: If dry_run, the file is created on memory but not
            saved on the file system at the end
        self._file_name_pattern = file_name_pattern
        self._global_header = {}
        self._fabio_images = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._dry_run = dry_run

        # in case "edf.gz"
        if "." in file_format:
            file_format = file_format.split(".")[0]

        self._fabio_class = fabio.factory(file_format + "image")
Exemple #7
def averageImages(listImages, output=None, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None,
                  darks=None, flats=None, filter_="mean", correct_flat_from_dark=False,
                  cutoff=None, quantiles=None, fformat="edf"):
    Takes a list of filenames and create an average frame discarding all saturated pixels.

    @param listImages: list of string representing the filenames
    @param output: name of the optional output file
    @param threshold: what is the upper limit? all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
    @param minimum: minimum valid value or True
    @param maximum: maximum valid value
    @param darks: list of dark current images for subtraction
    @param flats: list of flat field images for division
    @param filter_: can be "min", "max", "median", "mean", "sum", "quantiles" (default='mean')
    @param correct_flat_from_dark: shall the flat be re-corrected ?
    @param cutoff: keep all data where (I-center)/std < cutoff
    @param quantiles: 2-tuple containing the lower and upper quantile (0<q<1) to average out.
    @param fformat: file format of the output image, default: edf
    @return: filename with the data or the data ndarray in case format=None
    def correct_img(data):
        "internal subfunction for dark/flat "
        corrected_img = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data, numpy.float32)
        if threshold or minimum or maximum:
            corrected_img = removeSaturatedPixel(corrected_img, threshold, minimum, maximum)
        if do_dark:
            corrected_img -= dark
        if do_flat:
            corrected_img /= flat
        return corrected_img
    # input sanitization
    if filter_ not in ["min", "max", "median", "mean", "sum", "quantiles", "std"]:
        logger.warning("Filter %s not understood. switch to mean filter" % filter_)
        filter_ = "mean"

    nb_files = len(listImages)
    nb_frames = 0
    fimgs = []

    for fn in listImages:
        if isinstance(fn, six.string_types):
            logger.info("Reading %s" % fn)
            fimg = fabio.open(fn)
            if fabio.hexversion < 262148:
                logger.error("Old version of fabio detected, upgrade to 0.4 or newer")

            # Assume this is a numpy array like
            if not ("ndim" in dir(fn) and "shape" in dir(fn)):
                raise RuntimeError("Not good type for input, got %s, expected numpy array" % type(fn))
            fimg = fabio.numpyimage.NumpyImage(data=fn)
        nb_frames += fimg.nframes

    acc_img = None
    do_dark = (darks is not None)
    do_flat = (flats is not None)
    dark = None
    flat = None

    if do_dark:
        if "ndim" in dir(darks) and darks.ndim == 3:
            dark = averageDark(darks, center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
        elif ("__len__" in dir(darks)) and isinstance(darks[0], six.string_types):
            dark = averageDark([fabio.open(f).data for f in darks if exists(f)], center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
        elif ("__len__" in dir(darks)) and ("ndim" in dir(darks[0])) and (darks[0].ndim == 2):
            dark = averageDark(darks, center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
    if do_flat:
        if "ndim" in dir(flats) and flats.ndim == 3:
            flat = averageDark(flats, center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
        elif ("__len__" in dir(flats)) and isinstance(flats[0], six.string_types):
            flat = averageDark([fabio.open(f).data for f in flats if exists(f)], center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
        elif ("__len__" in dir(flats)) and ("ndim" in dir(flats[0])) and (flats[0].ndim == 2):
            flat = averageDark(flats, center_method="mean", cutoff=4)
            logger.warning("there is some wrong with flats=%s" % (flats))
        if correct_flat_from_dark:
            flat -= dark
        flat[numpy.where(flat <= 0)] = 1.0

    if (cutoff or quantiles or (filter_ in ["median", "quantiles", "std"])):
        first_frame = fimgs[0]
        first_shape = first_frame.data.shape
        logger.info("Big array allocation for median filter/cut-off/quantiles %i*%i*%i", first_frame.nframes, first_frame.dim2, first_frame.dim1)
        big_img = numpy.zeros((nb_frames, first_shape[0], first_shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
        idx = 0
        for fimg in fimgs:
            for frame in range(fimg.nframes):
                if fimg.nframes == 1:
                    ds = fimg.data
                    ds = fimg.getframe(frame).data
                big_img[idx, :, :] = correct_img(ds)
                idx += 1
        datared = averageDark(big_img, filter_, cutoff, quantiles)
        for idx, fimg in enumerate(fimgs):
            for frame in range(fimg.nframes):
                if fimg.nframes == 1:
                    ds = fimg.data
                    ds = fimg.getframe(frame).data
                logger.debug("Intensity range for %s#%i is %s --> %s", fimg.filename, frame, ds.min(), ds.max())

                corrected_img = correct_img(ds)
                if filter_ == "max":
                    acc_img = corrected_img if (acc_img is None) else numpy.maximum(corrected_img, acc_img)
                elif filter_ == "min":
                    acc_img = corrected_img if (acc_img is None) else numpy.minimum(corrected_img, acc_img)
                elif filter_ in ("mean", "sum"):
                    acc_img = corrected_img if (acc_img is None) else corrected_img + acc_img
            if filter_ == "mean":
                datared = acc_img / numpy.float32(nb_frames)
                datared = acc_img
    logger.debug("Intensity range in merged dataset : %s --> %s", datared.min(), datared.max())
    if fformat is not None:
        if fformat.startswith("."):
            fformat = fformat.lstrip(".")
        if (output is None):
            prefix = ""
            for ch in zip(i.filename for i in fimgs):
                c = ch[0]
                good = True
                if c in ["*", "?", "[", "{", "("]:
                    good = False
                for i in ch:
                    if i != c:
                        good = False
                if good:
                    prefix += c
            output = "%sfilt%02i-%s.%s" % (filter_, nb_frames, prefix, fformat)

    if fformat and output:
        if "." in fformat:  # in case "edf.gz"
            fformat = fformat.split(".")[0]
        fabioclass = fabio.factory(fformat + "image")
        header = fabio.fabioimage.OrderedDict()
        header["method"] = filter_
        header["nfiles"] = nb_files
        header["nframes"] = nb_frames
        header["cutoff"] = str(cutoff)
        header["quantiles"] = str(quantiles)
        form = "merged_file_%%0%ii" % len(str(len(fimgs)))
        for i, f in enumerate(fimgs):
            name = form % i
            header[name] = f.filename
        fimg = fabioclass.__class__(data=datared, header=header)
        logger.info("Wrote %s" % output)
        return output
        return datared
Exemple #8
 def test_fabio_factory(self):
     image = fabio.factory("edfimage")