Exemple #1
def test_perf(params=''):
    Runs the performance tests against the configured service and produce the report
    in dist/

    :params str params: Parameters to pass to Funkload bench


        fab dist.test_perf
        fab dist.test_perf:"-c 1:15 -D 1"

        import funkload
    except ImportError:
        abort('Funkload module missing, please install it first')

    # Create report folder if needed
    report_dir = dist_join('report/html')
    if not os.path.exists(report_dir):

    # Run the Funkload tests in perf test folder
    with lcd(rel_join('tests/perf')):
        with settings(show('running','stdout')):
            local('fl-run-bench %s tests.py MultiprojectTestCase.test_smoke' % params)
            local('fl-build-report -o %s --html smoke-bench.xml' % report_dir)

    logger.info('Testing completed. Test report can be found in: %s' % report_dir)
Exemple #2
def test_perf(params=''):
    Runs the performance tests against the configured service and produce the report
    in dist/

    :params str params: Parameters to pass to Funkload bench


        fab dist.test_perf
        fab dist.test_perf:"-c 1:15 -D 1"

        import funkload
    except ImportError:
        abort('Funkload module missing, please install it first')

    # Create report folder if needed
    report_dir = dist_join('report/html')
    if not os.path.exists(report_dir):

    # Run the Funkload tests in perf test folder
    with lcd(rel_join('tests/perf')):
        with settings(show('running', 'stdout')):
            local('fl-run-bench %s tests.py MultiprojectTestCase.test_smoke' %
            local('fl-build-report -o %s --html smoke-bench.xml' % report_dir)

    logger.info('Testing completed. Test report can be found in: %s' %
Exemple #3
def build(release='false', compress='false', docs='', pkgs='tar', version='', ext='true',
    Create distributable packages. Builds eggs and tar.gz compressed packages, based on
    parameters. Also capable of downloading and patching external dependencies.

    :param release:
        Make release build or not. Release sets/increments the version number. Default 'false'
    :param compress:
        Compress js/css files nor not. Default 'false'
    :param docs:
        Names of the documentation targets to build. Default '' means no doc building
    :param pkgs:
        Package formats to build sources into, separated with space. Valid values: tar deb rpm
    :param version:
        Version number to set for whole package. Default '' -> take the version from VERSION.txt
        (or default to 1.0.0)
    :param ext:
        Build and include external modules into big package. Default is 'false'.
        If ext is 'all', builds also other than own forks (GitResources).
    :param extbranch:
        Defines from which branch the fork packages are to be built from.


        fab dist.build
        fab dist.build:release=true,docs=html
        fab dist.build:compress=true,version=1.2.3,pkgs="deb tar rpm"

    .. NOTE:: Python modules get their version number from setup.py

    # NOTE: Fabric parameters are always in string format

    # Get the list of package formats (space delimeter)
    pkg_formats = pkgs.split(' ')

    # Determine the version: parameter vs. VERSION.txt vs. default
    if not version:
        version_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'VERSION.txt')
        if os.path.exists(version_path):
            version = set_version_in_file(version_path, version)
            version = '1.0.0'

    # Create package name from pkg name and version
    package_name = '%s-%s' % (PKG_NAME, version)
    pkg_join = lambda *path: join(BUILD_DIR, package_name, *path)

    logger.info('Preparing build env...')

    # Copy relevant files to build dir (so that they can be edited directly)
    shutil.rmtree(BUILD_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
    del SRC_DIRS[SRC_DIRS.index('libs')]
    del SRC_DIRS[SRC_DIRS.index('etc')]
    for src_dir in SRC_DIRS:
        shutil.copytree(src_dir, pkg_join(src_dir))

    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    # Copy additional files
    shutil.copy('README.rst', pkg_join('README'))
    shutil.copy(rel_join('scripts/deploy.sh'), pkg_join('scripts/deploy.sh'))
    shutil.copy(rel_join('scripts/update.py'), pkg_join('scripts/update.py'))
    shutil.copytree(rel_join('scripts/hooks'), pkg_join('scripts/hooks'))
    shutil.copytree(rel_join('scripts/cron'), pkg_join('scripts/cron'))

    # Build documentation
    if docs:
        # List the target formats/builders
        builddoc(docs, pkg_join('docs'))
        # Ensure there is at least empty directory (for archive)

    # Build configuration
    buildetc(outdir=pkg_join('etc'), section='DEFAULT')

    # Increment version of each plugin if making a release
    if get_bool_str(release):
        logger.info('Setting/incrementing version numbers...')
        for setuppy_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
            # Check if plugin folder contains VERSION.txt (non-versioned file)
            version_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(setuppy_path), 'VERSION.txt')
            if not os.path.exists(version_path):
                logger.warning('VERSION.txt missing, using version found in setup.py')
                version_path = setuppy_path

            # Set version information in file.
            # NOTE: If version is empty, it is determined from version file (either VERSION.txt or setup.py)
            set_version_in_file(version_path, version)

    # Optional compress (edits copied files under build)
    if get_bool_str(compress):
        logger.info('Compressing files...')

        with settings(warn_only=True):
            # Compress theme resources
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('themes'), '*.css', recursive=True):
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' % (respath, respath))
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('themes'), '*.js', recursive=True):
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' % (respath, respath))

            # Compress plugin resources
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.css', recursive=True):
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' % (respath, respath))
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.js', recursive=True):
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' % (respath, respath))

        # Aggregate js+css resources into bundle
        for template_path in get_files(pkg_join('themes'), 'resources.html', recursive=True):
            logger.info('Template path: %s' % template_path)
            bundle(template_path, pkg_join('themes/default/htdocs'))

        logger.info('Compression completed.')

    # Build eggs and source packages (in build dir)
    logger.info('Laying eggs and source packages...')
    with lcd(pkg_join()):
        for plugin_dir in PLUGIN_DIRS:
            with lcd(plugin_dir):
                local('python setup.py bdist_egg')
                local('python setup.py sdist')

    # Build external plugins as well, optionally even non-fork plugins
    # Retrieve and build external plugins and copy the artifacts into plugins folder.
    # NOTE: Next egg copying will put them into correct place, no need to rerun the file copy
    allext = 'true' if ext.lower() == 'all' else 'false'
    if get_bool_str(ext) or allext:
        for egg in get_files(build_join('ext'), '*.egg', recursive=True):
            shutil.copy(egg, pkg_join('plugins', os.path.basename(egg)))

    # Copy eggs and sdisted files from plugins directory to dist and plugin directories
    for egg in get_files(pkg_join('plugins/multiproject'), '*.egg', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(egg, dist_join(os.path.basename(egg)))
        shutil.copy(egg, pkg_join('plugins'))

    for targz in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.tar.gz', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(targz, dist_join(os.path.basename(targz)))

    # Create dist if not available
    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    # Create one big package to contain 'em all
    if 'tar.gz' in pkg_formats or 'tar' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating complete .tar.gz package...')
        # TODO: Archive could be implemented in pure python
        # TODO: These patterns seem to assume build dir == project dir
        exclude_patterns = [
            '.*', 'tests', 'documents', '*.egg-info', 'ext/libs', 'ext/plugins',
            'sample', 'build', 'plugins/multiproject'
        exclude_param = ' '.join(['--exclude=%s' % pt for pt in exclude_patterns])
        with lcd(BUILD_DIR):
            #local('tar -czf %s.tar.gz --exclude-vcs %s %s' %
            #    (dist_join(package_name), exclude_param, package_name))
            local('tar -czf %s.tar.gz %s' %
                (dist_join(package_name), package_name))

    # Debian package
    if 'deb' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating .deb package...')
            from stdeb import command
        except ImportError:
            command = None
            abort('Module stddep (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/stdeb) was not found, cannot build .deb package')

        # Run setup.py bdist_deb inside each plugin. It generates deb_dist/<pkgname>/ directory
        for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(pkg_join('plugins')), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
            plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)

            with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
                with lcd(plugin_dir):
                    local('python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb')

                # Package command needs to be run inside the generated folder. Find it and run the command
                for debdist_path in get_files(os.path.join(plugin_dir, 'deb_dist'), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
                    with lcd(os.path.dirname(debdist_path)):
                        local('dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us')

        # Copy .deb packages to dist
        for deb_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.deb', recursive=True):
            shutil.copy(deb_path, dist_join(os.path.basename(deb_path)))

    # Redhat package
    if 'rpm' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating .rpm package...')

        with settings(hide('stdout', 'running')):
            # Run setup.py bdist_rpm inside each plugin. It generates deb_dist/<pkgname>/ directory
            for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(pkg_join('plugins')), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
                plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)
                with lcd(plugin_dir):
                    local('python setup.py bdist_rpm')

            # Copy .rpm packages to dist
            for rpm_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.rpm', recursive=True):
                shutil.copy(rpm_path, dist_join(os.path.basename(rpm_path)))

    logger.info('Building completed.')
Exemple #4
def build(release='false',
    Create distributable packages. Builds eggs and tar.gz compressed packages, based on
    parameters. Also capable of downloading and patching external dependencies.

    :param release:
        Make release build or not. Release sets/increments the version number. Default 'false'
    :param compress:
        Compress js/css files nor not. Default 'false'
    :param docs:
        Names of the documentation targets to build. Default '' means no doc building
    :param pkgs:
        Package formats to build sources into, separated with space. Valid values: tar deb rpm
    :param version:
        Version number to set for whole package. Default '' -> take the version from VERSION.txt
        (or default to 1.0.0)
    :param ext:
        Build and include external modules into big package. Default is 'false'.
        If ext is 'all', builds also other than own forks (GitResources).
    :param extbranch:
        Defines from which branch the fork packages are to be built from.


        fab dist.build
        fab dist.build:release=true,docs=html
        fab dist.build:compress=true,version=1.2.3,pkgs="deb tar rpm"

    .. NOTE:: Python modules get their version number from setup.py

    # NOTE: Fabric parameters are always in string format

    # Get the list of package formats (space delimeter)
    pkg_formats = pkgs.split(' ')

    # Determine the version: parameter vs. VERSION.txt vs. default
    if not version:
        version_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'VERSION.txt')
        if os.path.exists(version_path):
            version = set_version_in_file(version_path, version)
            version = '1.0.0'

    # Create package name from pkg name and version
    package_name = '%s-%s' % (PKG_NAME, version)
    pkg_join = lambda *path: join(BUILD_DIR, package_name, *path)

    logger.info('Preparing build env...')

    # Copy relevant files to build dir (so that they can be edited directly)
    shutil.rmtree(BUILD_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
    del SRC_DIRS[SRC_DIRS.index('libs')]
    del SRC_DIRS[SRC_DIRS.index('etc')]
    for src_dir in SRC_DIRS:
        shutil.copytree(src_dir, pkg_join(src_dir))

    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    # Copy additional files
    shutil.copy('README.rst', pkg_join('README'))
    shutil.copy(rel_join('scripts/deploy.sh'), pkg_join('scripts/deploy.sh'))
    shutil.copy(rel_join('scripts/update.py'), pkg_join('scripts/update.py'))
    shutil.copytree(rel_join('scripts/hooks'), pkg_join('scripts/hooks'))
    shutil.copytree(rel_join('scripts/cron'), pkg_join('scripts/cron'))

    # Build documentation
    if docs:
        # List the target formats/builders
        builddoc(docs, pkg_join('docs'))
        # Ensure there is at least empty directory (for archive)

    # Build configuration
    buildetc(outdir=pkg_join('etc'), section='DEFAULT')

    # Increment version of each plugin if making a release
    if get_bool_str(release):
        logger.info('Setting/incrementing version numbers...')
        for setuppy_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'),
            # Check if plugin folder contains VERSION.txt (non-versioned file)
            version_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(setuppy_path),
            if not os.path.exists(version_path):
                    'VERSION.txt missing, using version found in setup.py')
                version_path = setuppy_path

            # Set version information in file.
            # NOTE: If version is empty, it is determined from version file (either VERSION.txt or setup.py)
            set_version_in_file(version_path, version)

    # Optional compress (edits copied files under build)
    if get_bool_str(compress):
        logger.info('Compressing files...')

        with settings(warn_only=True):
            # Compress theme resources
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('themes'),
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' %
                      (respath, respath))
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('themes'),
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' %
                      (respath, respath))

            # Compress plugin resources
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'),
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' %
                      (respath, respath))
            for respath in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'),
                local('yui-compressor --charset utf-8 -o %s %s' %
                      (respath, respath))

        # Aggregate js+css resources into bundle
        for template_path in get_files(pkg_join('themes'),
            logger.info('Template path: %s' % template_path)
            bundle(template_path, pkg_join('themes/default/htdocs'))

        logger.info('Compression completed.')

    # Build eggs and source packages (in build dir)
    logger.info('Laying eggs and source packages...')
    with lcd(pkg_join()):
        for plugin_dir in PLUGIN_DIRS:
            with lcd(plugin_dir):
                local('python setup.py bdist_egg')
                local('python setup.py sdist')

    # Build external plugins as well, optionally even non-fork plugins
    # Retrieve and build external plugins and copy the artifacts into plugins folder.
    # NOTE: Next egg copying will put them into correct place, no need to rerun the file copy
    allext = 'true' if ext.lower() == 'all' else 'false'
    if get_bool_str(ext) or allext:
        buildext(allext=allext, branch=extbranch)
        for egg in get_files(build_join('ext'), '*.egg', recursive=True):
            shutil.copy(egg, pkg_join('plugins', os.path.basename(egg)))

    # Copy eggs and sdisted files from plugins directory to dist and plugin directories
    for egg in get_files(pkg_join('plugins/multiproject'),
        shutil.copy(egg, dist_join(os.path.basename(egg)))
        shutil.copy(egg, pkg_join('plugins'))

    for targz in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.tar.gz', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(targz, dist_join(os.path.basename(targz)))

    # Create dist if not available
    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    # Create one big package to contain 'em all
    if 'tar.gz' in pkg_formats or 'tar' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating complete .tar.gz package...')
        # TODO: Archive could be implemented in pure python
        # TODO: These patterns seem to assume build dir == project dir
        exclude_patterns = [
            '.*', 'tests', 'documents', '*.egg-info', 'ext/libs',
            'ext/plugins', 'sample', 'build', 'plugins/multiproject'
        exclude_param = ' '.join(
            ['--exclude=%s' % pt for pt in exclude_patterns])
        with lcd(BUILD_DIR):
            #local('tar -czf %s.tar.gz --exclude-vcs %s %s' %
            #    (dist_join(package_name), exclude_param, package_name))
            local('tar -czf %s.tar.gz %s' %
                  (dist_join(package_name), package_name))

    # Debian package
    if 'deb' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating .deb package...')
            from stdeb import command
        except ImportError:
            command = None
                'Module stddep (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/stdeb) was not found, cannot build .deb package'

        # Run setup.py bdist_deb inside each plugin. It generates deb_dist/<pkgname>/ directory
        for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(pkg_join('plugins')),
            plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)

            with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
                with lcd(plugin_dir):
                        'python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb'

                # Package command needs to be run inside the generated folder. Find it and run the command
                for debdist_path in get_files(os.path.join(
                        plugin_dir, 'deb_dist'),
                    with lcd(os.path.dirname(debdist_path)):
                        local('dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us')

        # Copy .deb packages to dist
        for deb_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'), '*.deb',
            shutil.copy(deb_path, dist_join(os.path.basename(deb_path)))

    # Redhat package
    if 'rpm' in pkg_formats:
        logger.info('Creating .rpm package...')

        with settings(hide('stdout', 'running')):
            # Run setup.py bdist_rpm inside each plugin. It generates deb_dist/<pkgname>/ directory
            for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(pkg_join('plugins')),
                plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)
                with lcd(plugin_dir):
                    local('python setup.py bdist_rpm')

            # Copy .rpm packages to dist
            for rpm_path in get_files(pkg_join('plugins'),
                shutil.copy(rpm_path, dist_join(os.path.basename(rpm_path)))

    logger.info('Building completed.')