Exemple #1
def getOverhangDirection(belowOutsetLoops, segmentBegin, segmentEnd):
    "Add to span direction from the endpoint segments which overhang the layer below."
    segment = segmentEnd - segmentBegin
    normalizedSegment = euclidean.getNormalized(
        complex(segment.real, segment.imag))
    segmentYMirror = complex(normalizedSegment.real, -normalizedSegment.imag)
    segmentBegin = segmentYMirror * segmentBegin
    segmentEnd = segmentYMirror * segmentEnd
    solidXIntersectionList = []
    y = segmentBegin.imag
        euclidean.XIntersectionIndex(-1.0, segmentBegin.real))
        euclidean.XIntersectionIndex(-1.0, segmentEnd.real))
    for belowLoopIndex in xrange(len(belowOutsetLoops)):
        belowLoop = belowOutsetLoops[belowLoopIndex]
        rotatedOutset = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(segmentYMirror,
                                                   solidXIntersectionList, y)
    overhangingSegments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes(
        solidXIntersectionList, y)
    overhangDirection = complex()
    for overhangingSegment in overhangingSegments:
        overhangDirection += getDoubledRoundZ(overhangingSegment,
    return overhangDirection
	def getDistance(self):
		"Get distance between point and nearest intersection or bottom point along line."
		self.pointMinusBottomY = self.alongAway.point.y - self.alongAway.minimumY
		self.diagonalDistance = self.pointMinusBottomY * self.diagonalRatio
		if self.alongAway.pointIndex == None:
			return self.getDistanceToBottom()
		rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( self.intersectionYMirror,  euclidean.getComplexPath( self.alongAway.loop ) )
		rotatedPointComplex = rotatedLoop[ self.alongAway.pointIndex ]
		beginX = rotatedPointComplex.real
		endX = beginX + self.diagonalDistance + self.diagonalDistance
		xIntersectionIndexList = []
		for pointIndex in self.alongAway.awayIndexes:
			beginComplex = rotatedLoop[ pointIndex ]
			endComplex = rotatedLoop[ (pointIndex + 1) % len( rotatedLoop ) ]
			xIntersection = euclidean.getXIntersectionIfExists( beginComplex, endComplex, rotatedPointComplex.imag )
			if xIntersection != None:
				if xIntersection >= beginX and xIntersection < endX:
					xIntersectionIndexList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( pointIndex, xIntersection ) )
		self.closestXDistance = 987654321.0
		self.closestXIntersectionIndex = None
		for xIntersectionIndex in xIntersectionIndexList:
			xDistance = abs( xIntersectionIndex.x - beginX )
			if xDistance < self.closestXDistance:
				self.closestXIntersectionIndex = xIntersectionIndex
				self.closestXDistance = xDistance
		if self.closestXIntersectionIndex != None:
			return self.closestXDistance
		return self.getDistanceToBottom()
Exemple #3
def addLoopXSegmentIntersections( lineLoopsIntersections, loop, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y ):
	'Add intersections of the loop with the x segment.'
	rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, loop )
	for pointIndex in xrange( len( rotatedLoop ) ):
		pointFirst = rotatedLoop[ pointIndex ]
		pointSecond = rotatedLoop[ (pointIndex + 1) % len( rotatedLoop ) ]
		addLineXSegmentIntersection( lineLoopsIntersections, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, pointFirst, pointSecond, y )
def addPathToInfillPaths(infillWidth, infillPaths, path, rotationPlaneAngle):
    'Add simplified path to fill.'
    simplifiedPath = euclidean.getSimplifiedPath(path, infillWidth)
    if len(simplifiedPath) < 2:
    planeRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(rotationPlaneAngle, simplifiedPath)
Exemple #5
def getSegmentsFromLoopListsPoints( loopLists, pointBegin, pointEnd ):
	"Get endpoint segments from the beginning and end of a line segment."
	normalizedSegment = pointEnd - pointBegin
	normalizedSegmentLength = abs( normalizedSegment )
	if normalizedSegmentLength == 0.0:
		return []
	normalizedSegment /= normalizedSegmentLength
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin
	pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd
	rotatedLoopLists = []
	for loopList in loopLists:
		rotatedLoopList = []
		rotatedLoopLists.append( rotatedLoopList )
		for loop in loopList:
			rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, loop )
			rotatedLoopList.append( rotatedLoop )
	xIntersectionIndexList = []
	xIntersectionIndexList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1, pointBeginRotated.real ) )
	xIntersectionIndexList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1, pointEndRotated.real ) )
	euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopListsY( rotatedLoopLists, xIntersectionIndexList, pointBeginRotated.imag )
	segments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes( xIntersectionIndexList, pointBeginRotated.imag )
	for segment in segments:
		for endpoint in segment:
			endpoint.point *= normalizedSegment
	return segments
Exemple #6
def getSegmentsFromPoints(loops, pointBegin, pointEnd):
    "Get endpoint segments from the beginning and end of a line segment."
    normalizedSegment = pointEnd - pointBegin
    normalizedSegmentLength = abs(normalizedSegment)
    if normalizedSegmentLength == 0.0:
        return []
    normalizedSegment /= normalizedSegmentLength
    segmentYMirror = complex(normalizedSegment.real, -normalizedSegment.imag)
    pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin
    pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd
    xIntersectionIndexList = []
        euclidean.XIntersectionIndex(-1, pointBeginRotated.real))
        euclidean.XIntersectionIndex(-1, pointEndRotated.real))
    for loopIndex in xrange(len(loops)):
        rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(segmentYMirror,
        euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY(rotatedLoop, loopIndex,
    segments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes(
        xIntersectionIndexList, pointBeginRotated.imag)
    for segment in segments:
        for endpoint in segment:
            endpoint.point *= normalizedSegment
    return segments
Exemple #7
def addLoopXSegmentIntersections( lineLoopsIntersections, loop, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, segmentYMirror, y ):
	"Add intersections of the loop with the x segment."
	rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, loop )
	for pointIndex in xrange( len( rotatedLoop ) ):
		pointFirst = rotatedLoop[ pointIndex ]
		pointSecond = rotatedLoop[ (pointIndex + 1) % len( rotatedLoop ) ]
		addLineXSegmentIntersection( lineLoopsIntersections, segmentFirstX, segmentSecondX, pointFirst, pointSecond, y )
def addPathToInfillPaths(infillWidth, infillPaths, path, rotationPlaneAngle):
    'Add simplified path to fill.'
    simplifiedPath = euclidean.getSimplifiedPath(path, infillWidth)
    if len(simplifiedPath) < 2:
    planeRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(rotationPlaneAngle,
Exemple #9
    def getPathsBetween(self, begin, end):
        "Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
        aroundBetweenPath = []
        points = [begin]
        lineX = []
        switchX = []
        segment = euclidean.getNormalized(end - begin)
        segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, -segment.imag)
        beginRotated = segmentYMirror * begin
        endRotated = segmentYMirror * end
        y = beginRotated.imag
        boundaries = self.getBoundaries()
        for boundaryIndex in xrange(len(boundaries)):
            boundary = boundaries[boundaryIndex]
            boundaryRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(
                segmentYMirror, boundary)
                                                       boundaryIndex, switchX,
        maximumX = max(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
        minimumX = min(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
        for xIntersection in switchX:
            if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
                point = segment * complex(xIntersection.x, y)
        lineXIndex = 0
        #		pathBetweenAdded = False
        while lineXIndex < len(lineX) - 1:
            lineXFirst = lineX[lineXIndex]
            lineXSecond = lineX[lineXIndex + 1]
            loopFirst = boundaries[lineXFirst.index]
            if lineXSecond.index == lineXFirst.index:
                pathBetween = self.getPathBetween(
                    loopFirst, points[lineXIndex:lineXIndex + 4])
                pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath(
                    points[lineXIndex], points[lineXIndex + 3], loopFirst,
                aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
                lineXIndex += 2
                lineXIndex += 1

#			isLeavingPerimeter = False
#			if lineXSecond.index != lineXFirst.index:
#				isLeavingPerimeter = True
#			pathBetween = self.getPathBetween( points[ lineXIndex + 1 ], points[ lineXIndex + 2 ], isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst )
#			if isLeavingPerimeter:
#				pathBetweenAdded = True
#			else:
#				pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath( points[ lineXIndex ], points[ lineXIndex + 3 ], loopFirst, pathBetween )
#				pathBetweenAdded = True
#			aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
#			lineXIndex += 2
        return aroundBetweenPath
Exemple #10
def addSegmentOutline(isThick, outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, width):
    "Add a diamond or hexagonal outline for a line segment."
    width = abs(width)
    exclusionWidth = 0.6 * width
    slope = 0.2
    if isThick:
        slope = 3.0
        exclusionWidth = 0.8 * width
    segment = pointEnd - pointBegin
    segmentLength = abs(segment)
    if segmentLength == 0.0:
    normalizedSegment = segment / segmentLength
    outline = []
    segmentYMirror = complex(normalizedSegment.real, -normalizedSegment.imag)
    pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin
    pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd
    along = 0.05
    alongLength = along * segmentLength
    if alongLength > 0.1 * exclusionWidth:
        along *= 0.1 * exclusionWidth / alongLength
    alongEnd = 1.0 - along
    remainingToHalf = 0.5 - along
    alongToWidth = exclusionWidth / slope / segmentLength
    pointBeginIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation(
        along, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated)
    pointEndIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation(
        alongEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated)
    verticalWidth = complex(0.0, exclusionWidth)
    if alongToWidth > 0.9 * remainingToHalf:
        verticalWidth = complex(0.0, slope * remainingToHalf * segmentLength)
        middle = (pointBeginIntermediate + pointEndIntermediate) * 0.5
        middleDown = middle - verticalWidth
        middleUp = middle + verticalWidth
        alongOutsideBegin = along + alongToWidth
        alongOutsideEnd = alongEnd - alongToWidth
        outsideBeginCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation(
            alongOutsideBegin, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated)
        outsideBeginCenterDown = outsideBeginCenter - verticalWidth
        outsideBeginCenterUp = outsideBeginCenter + verticalWidth
        outsideEndCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation(
            alongOutsideEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated)
        outsideEndCenterDown = outsideEndCenter - verticalWidth
        outsideEndCenterUp = outsideEndCenter + verticalWidth
    outlines.append(euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(normalizedSegment, outline))
Exemple #11
def addSegmentOutline( isThick, outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, width ):
	"Add a diamond or hexagonal outline for a line segment."
	width = abs( width )
	exclusionWidth = 0.6 * width
	slope = 0.2
	if isThick:
		slope = 3.0
		exclusionWidth = 0.8 * width
	segment = pointEnd - pointBegin
	segmentLength = abs( segment )
	if segmentLength == 0.0:
	normalizedSegment = segment / segmentLength
	outline = []
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin
	pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd
	along = 0.05
	alongLength = along * segmentLength
	if alongLength > 0.1 * exclusionWidth:
		along *= 0.1 * exclusionWidth / alongLength
	alongEnd = 1.0 - along
	remainingToHalf = 0.5 - along
	alongToWidth = exclusionWidth / slope / segmentLength
	pointBeginIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( along, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated )
	pointEndIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated )
	outline.append( pointBeginIntermediate )
	verticalWidth = complex( 0.0, exclusionWidth )
	if alongToWidth > 0.9 * remainingToHalf:
		verticalWidth = complex( 0.0, slope * remainingToHalf * segmentLength )
		middle = ( pointBeginIntermediate + pointEndIntermediate ) * 0.5
		middleDown = middle - verticalWidth
		middleUp = middle + verticalWidth
		outline.append( middleUp )
		outline.append( pointEndIntermediate )
		outline.append( middleDown )
		alongOutsideBegin = along + alongToWidth
		alongOutsideEnd = alongEnd - alongToWidth
		outsideBeginCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongOutsideBegin, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated )
		outsideBeginCenterDown = outsideBeginCenter - verticalWidth
		outsideBeginCenterUp = outsideBeginCenter + verticalWidth
		outsideEndCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongOutsideEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated )
		outsideEndCenterDown = outsideEndCenter - verticalWidth
		outsideEndCenterUp = outsideEndCenter + verticalWidth
		outline.append( outsideBeginCenterUp )
		outline.append( outsideEndCenterUp )
		outline.append( pointEndIntermediate )
		outline.append( outsideEndCenterDown )
		outline.append( outsideBeginCenterDown )
	outlines.append( euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( normalizedSegment, outline ) )
Exemple #12
	def getPathsBetween(self, begin, end):
		"""Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."""
		aroundBetweenPath = []
		points = [begin]
		lineX = []
		switchX = []
		segment = euclidean.getNormalized(end - begin)
		segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, - segment.imag)
		beginRotated = segmentYMirror * begin
		endRotated = segmentYMirror * end
		y = beginRotated.imag
		boundaries = self.getBoundaries()
		for boundaryIndex in xrange(len(boundaries)):
			boundary = boundaries[ boundaryIndex ]
			boundaryRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(segmentYMirror, boundary)
			euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY(boundaryRotated, boundaryIndex, switchX, y)
		maximumX = max(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
		minimumX = min(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
		for xIntersection in switchX:
			if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
				point = segment * complex(xIntersection.x, y)
		lineXIndex = 0
#		pathBetweenAdded = False
		while lineXIndex < len(lineX) - 1:
			lineXFirst = lineX[lineXIndex]
			lineXSecond = lineX[lineXIndex + 1]
			loopFirst = boundaries[lineXFirst.index]
			if lineXSecond.index == lineXFirst.index:
				pathBetween = self.getPathBetween(loopFirst, points[lineXIndex : lineXIndex + 4])
				pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath(points[lineXIndex], points[lineXIndex + 3], loopFirst, pathBetween)
				aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
				lineXIndex += 2
				lineXIndex += 1
#			isLeavingPerimeter = False
#			if lineXSecond.index != lineXFirst.index:
#				isLeavingPerimeter = True
#			pathBetween = self.getPathBetween( points[ lineXIndex + 1 ], points[ lineXIndex + 2 ], isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst )
#			if isLeavingPerimeter:
#				pathBetweenAdded = True
#			else:
#				pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath( points[ lineXIndex ], points[ lineXIndex + 3 ], loopFirst, pathBetween )
#				pathBetweenAdded = True
#			aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
#			lineXIndex += 2
		return aroundBetweenPath
 def addRotatedCarve(self, currentLayer, layerDelta, reverseRotation, surroundingCarves):
     'Add a rotated carve to the surrounding carves.'
     layerIndex = currentLayer + layerDelta
     if layerIndex < 0 or layerIndex >= len(self.slicedModel.layers):
     layer = self.slicedModel.layers[layerIndex]
     nestedRings = layer.nestedRings
     rotatedCarve = []
     for nestedRing in nestedRings:
         planeRotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(reverseRotation, nestedRing.getXYBoundaries())
     outsetRadius = float(abs(layerDelta)) * self.extrusionWidth #todo investigate was   float(abs(layerDelta)) * self.layerThickness
     rotatedCarve = intercircle.getInsetSeparateLoopsFromLoops(-outsetRadius, rotatedCarve)
def getOverhangDirection( belowOutsetLoops, segmentBegin, segmentEnd ):
	"Add to span direction from the endpoint segments which overhang the layer below."
	segment = segmentEnd - segmentBegin
	normalizedSegment = euclidean.getNormalized( complex( segment.real, segment.imag ) )
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	segmentBegin = segmentYMirror * segmentBegin
	segmentEnd = segmentYMirror * segmentEnd
	solidXIntersectionList = []
	y = segmentBegin.imag
	solidXIntersectionList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1.0, segmentBegin.real ) )
	solidXIntersectionList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1.0, segmentEnd.real ) )
	for belowLoopIndex in xrange( len( belowOutsetLoops ) ):
		belowLoop = belowOutsetLoops[ belowLoopIndex ]
		rotatedOutset = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, belowLoop )
		euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY( rotatedOutset, belowLoopIndex, solidXIntersectionList, y )
	overhangingSegments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes( solidXIntersectionList, y )
	overhangDirection = complex()
	for overhangingSegment in overhangingSegments:
		overhangDirection += getDoubledRoundZ( overhangingSegment, normalizedSegment )
	return overhangDirection
    def addRotatedCarve(self, currentLayer, layerDelta, reverseRotation,
        'Add a rotated carve to the surrounding carves.'
        layerIndex = currentLayer + layerDelta
        if layerIndex < 0 or layerIndex >= len(self.slicedModel.layers):

        layer = self.slicedModel.layers[layerIndex]

        nestedRings = layer.nestedRings
        rotatedCarve = []
        for nestedRing in nestedRings:
            planeRotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(
                reverseRotation, nestedRing.getXYBoundaries())
        outsetRadius = float(
        ) * self.extrusionWidth  #todo investigate was   float(abs(layerDelta)) * self.layerThickness
        rotatedCarve = intercircle.getInsetSeparateLoopsFromLoops(
            -outsetRadius, rotatedCarve)
    def fill(self, layer):
        'Add fill to the carve layer.'
        layerIndex = layer.index
        alreadyFilledArounds = []
        pixelTable = {}
        arounds = []
        betweenWidth = self.extrusionWidth / 1.7594801994  # this really sucks I cant find hwe#(self.repository.infillWidthOverThickness.value * self.extrusionWidth *(0.7853))/1.5 #- 0.0866#todo todo TODO *0.5 is the distance between the outer loops..
        self.layerExtrusionWidth = self.infillWidth  # spacing between fill lines
        layerFillInset = self.infillWidth  # the distance between perimeter incl loops and the fill pattern

        layerRotation = self.getLayerRotation(layerIndex, layer)
        reverseRotation = complex(layerRotation.real, -layerRotation.imag)
        surroundingCarves = []
        layerRemainder = layerIndex % self.diaphragmPeriod
        extraShells = self.extraShellsSparseLayer

        if layerRemainder >= self.diaphragmThickness and layer.bridgeRotation == None:
            for surroundingIndex in xrange(1, self.solidSurfaceThickness + 1):
                self.addRotatedCarve(layerIndex, -surroundingIndex,
                                     reverseRotation, surroundingCarves)
                self.addRotatedCarve(layerIndex, surroundingIndex,
                                     reverseRotation, surroundingCarves)

        if len(surroundingCarves) < self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
            extraShells = self.extraShellsAlternatingSolidLayer
            if self.previousExtraShells != self.extraShellsBase:
                extraShells = self.extraShellsBase

        if layer.bridgeRotation != None:
            extraShells = 0
            betweenWidth *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier  #/0.7853  #todo check what is better with or without the normalizer
            self.layerExtrusionWidth *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier
            layerFillInset *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier

        aroundInset = 0.25 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        aroundWidth = 0.25 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        self.previousExtraShells = extraShells
        gridPointInsetX = 0.5 * layerFillInset
        doubleExtrusionWidth = 2.0 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        endpoints = []
        infillPaths = []
        layerInfillSolidity = self.infillSolidity

        self.isDoubleJunction = True
        self.isJunctionWide = True
        rotatedLoops = []

        nestedRings = layer.nestedRings

        createFillForSurroundings(nestedRings, betweenWidth, False)

        for extraShellIndex in xrange(extraShells):
            createFillForSurroundings(nestedRings, self.layerExtrusionWidth,

        fillLoops = euclidean.getFillOfSurroundings(nestedRings, None)

        slightlyGreaterThanFill = 1.001 * layerFillInset  #todo was 1.01 ACT 0.95  How much the parallel fill is filled

        for loop in fillLoops:
            alreadyFilledLoop = []
            planeRotatedPerimeter = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(
                reverseRotation, loop)
            centers = intercircle.getCentersFromLoop(planeRotatedPerimeter,
            euclidean.addLoopToPixelTable(planeRotatedPerimeter, pixelTable,
            for center in centers:
                alreadyFilledInset = intercircle.getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop(
                    center, layerFillInset)
                if intercircle.isLargeSameDirection(alreadyFilledInset, center,
                    around = intercircle.getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop(
                        center, aroundInset)
                    if euclidean.isPathInsideLoop(
                            around) == euclidean.isWiddershins(
                        euclidean.addLoopToPixelTable(around, pixelTable,

        if len(arounds) < 1:
            self.addThreadsBridgeLayer(layerIndex, nestedRings, layer)

        back = euclidean.getBackOfLoops(arounds)
        front = euclidean.getFrontOfLoops(arounds)
        front = math.ceil(
            front / self.layerExtrusionWidth) * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        fillWidth = back - front
        numberOfLines = int(math.ceil(fillWidth / self.layerExtrusionWidth))
        self.frontOverWidth = 0.0
        self.horizontalSegmentLists = euclidean.getHorizontalSegmentListsFromLoopLists(
            alreadyFilledArounds, front, numberOfLines, rotatedLoops,
        self.surroundingXIntersectionLists = []
        self.yList = []
        removedEndpoints = []

        if len(surroundingCarves) >= self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
            xIntersectionIndexLists = []
            self.frontOverWidth = euclidean.getFrontOverWidthAddXListYList(
                front, surroundingCarves, numberOfLines,
                xIntersectionIndexLists, self.layerExtrusionWidth, self.yList)
            for fillLine in xrange(len(self.horizontalSegmentLists)):
                xIntersectionIndexList = xIntersectionIndexLists[fillLine]
                surroundingXIntersections = euclidean.getIntersectionOfXIntersectionIndexes(
                    self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness, xIntersectionIndexList)
                addSparseEndpoints(doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints, fillLine,
                                   layerInfillSolidity, removedEndpoints,
            for fillLine in xrange(len(self.horizontalSegmentLists)):
                addSparseEndpoints(doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints, fillLine,
                                   layerInfillSolidity, removedEndpoints,
                                   self.solidSurfaceThickness, None)

        paths = euclidean.getPathsFromEndpoints(endpoints,
                                                5.0 * self.layerExtrusionWidth,
                                                pixelTable, aroundWidth)

        oldRemovedEndpointLength = len(removedEndpoints) + 1

        while oldRemovedEndpointLength - len(removedEndpoints) > 0:
            oldRemovedEndpointLength = len(removedEndpoints)
            removeEndpoints(pixelTable, self.layerExtrusionWidth, paths,
                            removedEndpoints, aroundWidth)

        paths = euclidean.getConnectedPaths(paths, pixelTable, aroundWidth)

        for path in paths:
            addPathToInfillPaths(self.layerExtrusionWidth, infillPaths, path,

        for nestedRing in nestedRings:

        self.addThreadsBridgeLayer(layerIndex, nestedRings, layer)
    def fill(self, layer):
        'Add fill to the carve layer.'
        layerIndex = layer.index
        alreadyFilledArounds = []
        pixelTable = {}
        arounds = []
        betweenWidth = self.extrusionWidth / 1.7594801994   # this really sucks I cant find hwe#(self.repository.infillWidthOverThickness.value * self.extrusionWidth *(0.7853))/1.5 #- 0.0866#todo todo TODO *0.5 is the distance between the outer loops..
        self.layerExtrusionWidth = self.infillWidth # spacing between fill lines
        layerFillInset = self.infillWidth  # the distance between perimeter incl loops and the fill pattern
        layerRotation = self.getLayerRotation(layerIndex, layer)
        reverseRotation = complex(layerRotation.real, -layerRotation.imag)
        surroundingCarves = []
        layerRemainder = layerIndex % self.diaphragmPeriod
        extraShells = self.extraShellsSparseLayer
        if layerRemainder >= self.diaphragmThickness and layer.bridgeRotation == None:
            for surroundingIndex in xrange(1, self.solidSurfaceThickness + 1):
                self.addRotatedCarve(layerIndex, -surroundingIndex, reverseRotation, surroundingCarves)
                self.addRotatedCarve(layerIndex, surroundingIndex, reverseRotation, surroundingCarves)

        if len(surroundingCarves) < self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
            extraShells = self.extraShellsAlternatingSolidLayer
            if self.previousExtraShells != self.extraShellsBase:
                extraShells = self.extraShellsBase
        if layer.bridgeRotation != None:
            extraShells = 0
            betweenWidth *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier#/0.7853  #todo check what is better with or without the normalizer
            self.layerExtrusionWidth *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier
            layerFillInset *= self.bridgeWidthMultiplier
        aroundInset = 0.25 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        aroundWidth = 0.25 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        self.previousExtraShells = extraShells
        gridPointInsetX = 0.5 * layerFillInset
        doubleExtrusionWidth = 2.0 * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        endpoints = []
        infillPaths = []
        layerInfillSolidity = self.infillSolidity
        self.isDoubleJunction = True
        self.isJunctionWide = True
        rotatedLoops = []

        nestedRings = layer.nestedRings
        createFillForSurroundings(nestedRings, betweenWidth, False)
        for extraShellIndex in xrange(extraShells):
            createFillForSurroundings(nestedRings, self.layerExtrusionWidth, True)

        fillLoops = euclidean.getFillOfSurroundings(nestedRings, None)
        slightlyGreaterThanFill = 1.001 * layerFillInset #todo was 1.01 ACT 0.95  How much the parallel fill is filled
        for loop in fillLoops:
            alreadyFilledLoop = []
            planeRotatedPerimeter = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(reverseRotation, loop)
            centers = intercircle.getCentersFromLoop(planeRotatedPerimeter, slightlyGreaterThanFill)
            euclidean.addLoopToPixelTable(planeRotatedPerimeter, pixelTable, aroundWidth)
            for center in centers:
                alreadyFilledInset = intercircle.getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop(center, layerFillInset)
                if intercircle.isLargeSameDirection(alreadyFilledInset, center, layerFillInset):
                    around = intercircle.getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop(center, aroundInset)
                    if euclidean.isPathInsideLoop(planeRotatedPerimeter, around) == euclidean.isWiddershins(planeRotatedPerimeter):
                        euclidean.addLoopToPixelTable(around, pixelTable, aroundWidth)
        if len(arounds) < 1:
            self.addThreadsBridgeLayer(layerIndex, nestedRings, layer)
        back = euclidean.getBackOfLoops(arounds)
        front = euclidean.getFrontOfLoops(arounds)
        front = math.ceil(front / self.layerExtrusionWidth) * self.layerExtrusionWidth
        fillWidth = back - front
        numberOfLines = int(math.ceil(fillWidth / self.layerExtrusionWidth))
        self.frontOverWidth = 0.0
        self.horizontalSegmentLists = euclidean.getHorizontalSegmentListsFromLoopLists(alreadyFilledArounds, front, numberOfLines, rotatedLoops, self.layerExtrusionWidth)
        self.surroundingXIntersectionLists = []
        self.yList = []
        removedEndpoints = []
        if len(surroundingCarves) >= self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
            xIntersectionIndexLists = []
            self.frontOverWidth = euclidean.getFrontOverWidthAddXListYList(front, surroundingCarves, numberOfLines, xIntersectionIndexLists, self.layerExtrusionWidth, self.yList)
            for fillLine in xrange(len(self.horizontalSegmentLists)):
                xIntersectionIndexList = xIntersectionIndexLists[fillLine]
                surroundingXIntersections = euclidean.getIntersectionOfXIntersectionIndexes(self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness, xIntersectionIndexList)
                addSparseEndpoints(doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints, fillLine, self.horizontalSegmentLists, layerInfillSolidity, removedEndpoints, self.solidSurfaceThickness, surroundingXIntersections)
            for fillLine in xrange(len(self.horizontalSegmentLists)):
                addSparseEndpoints(doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints, fillLine, self.horizontalSegmentLists, layerInfillSolidity, removedEndpoints, self.solidSurfaceThickness, None)
        paths = euclidean.getPathsFromEndpoints(endpoints, 5.0 * self.layerExtrusionWidth, pixelTable, aroundWidth)
        oldRemovedEndpointLength = len(removedEndpoints) + 1
        while oldRemovedEndpointLength - len(removedEndpoints) > 0:
            oldRemovedEndpointLength = len(removedEndpoints)
            removeEndpoints(pixelTable, self.layerExtrusionWidth, paths, removedEndpoints, aroundWidth)
        paths = euclidean.getConnectedPaths(paths, pixelTable, aroundWidth)
        for path in paths:
            addPathToInfillPaths(self.layerExtrusionWidth, infillPaths, path, layerRotation)

        for nestedRing in nestedRings:
        self.addThreadsBridgeLayer(layerIndex, nestedRings, layer)