def getIsInsetPointInsideLoops( inside, loops, pointBegin, pointCenter, pointEnd, radius ):
	"Determine if the inset point is inside the loops."
	centerMinusBegin = euclidean.getNormalized( pointCenter - pointBegin )
	centerMinusBeginWiddershins = complex( - centerMinusBegin.imag, centerMinusBegin.real )
	endMinusCenter = euclidean.getNormalized( pointEnd - pointCenter )
	endMinusCenterWiddershins = complex( - endMinusCenter.imag, endMinusCenter.real )
	widdershinsNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized( centerMinusBeginWiddershins + endMinusCenterWiddershins ) * radius
	return euclidean.isPointInsideLoopsZone( loops,  pointCenter + widdershinsNormalized ) == inside
Exemple #2
	def flipDirectLayer(self, rotatedLoopLayer):
		"Flip the y coordinate of the layer and direct the loops."
		for loop in rotatedLoopLayer.loops:
			for pointIndex, point in enumerate(loop):
				loop[pointIndex] = complex(point.real, -point.imag)
		rotatedLoopLayer.loops = trianglemesh.getLoopsInOrderOfArea(trianglemesh.compareAreaDescending, rotatedLoopLayer.loops)
		for loopIndex, loop in enumerate(rotatedLoopLayer.loops):
			isInsideLoops = euclidean.isPointInsideLoopsZone(rotatedLoopLayer.loops[: loopIndex], euclidean.getLeftPoint(loop))
			booleansolid.directLoop((not isInsideLoops), loop)
def getIsInsetPointInsideLoops(inside, loops, pointBegin, pointCenter,
                               pointEnd, radius):
    "Determine if the inset point is inside the loops."
    centerMinusBegin = euclidean.getNormalized(pointCenter - pointBegin)
    centerMinusBeginWiddershins = complex(-centerMinusBegin.imag,
    endMinusCenter = euclidean.getNormalized(pointEnd - pointCenter)
    endMinusCenterWiddershins = complex(-endMinusCenter.imag,
    widdershinsNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized(
        centerMinusBeginWiddershins + endMinusCenterWiddershins) * radius
    return euclidean.isPointInsideLoopsZone(
        loops, pointCenter + widdershinsNormalized) == inside
Exemple #4
    def getConnectionIsCloseWithoutOverlap(self, location, path):
        "Determine if the connection is close enough and does not overlap another thread."
        if len(path) < 1:
            return False
        locationComplex = location.dropAxis(2)
        segment = locationComplex - path[-1]
        segmentLength = abs(segment)
        if segmentLength <= 0.0:
            return True
        if segmentLength > self.maximumConnectionDistance:
            return False
        segment /= segmentLength
        distance = self.connectingStepLength
        segmentEndLength = segmentLength - self.connectingStepLength
        while distance < segmentEndLength:
            alongPoint = distance * segment + path[-1]
            if not euclidean.isPointInsideLoopsZone(self.boundaryLoops,
                return False
            distance += self.connectingStepLength

#		removedLayerPixelTable = self.layerPixelTable.copy()
#		if self.oldLocation in self.maskPixelTableTable:
#			euclidean.removePixelTableFromPixelTable( self.maskPixelTableTable[ self.oldLocation ], removedLayerPixelTable )
#		euclidean.addPathToPixelTable( path[ : - 2 ], removedLayerPixelTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
        segmentTable = {}
        euclidean.addSegmentToPixelTable(path[-1], locationComplex,
                                         segmentTable, 2.0, 2.0,
        #		euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, segmentTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
        #		euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, segmentTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
        #		maskPixelTable = {}
        #		if location in self.maskPixelTableTable:
        #			maskPixelTable = self.maskPixelTableTable[ location ]
        if euclidean.isPixelTableIntersecting(self.layerPixelTable,
                                              segmentTable, {}):
            #		if euclidean.isPixelTableIntersecting( removedLayerPixelTable, segmentTable, {} ):
            return False
        euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable(path[-1], locationComplex,
                                              self.layerPixelTable, None,
        #		euclidean.addPixelTableToPixelTable( segmentTable, self.layerPixelTable )
        return True
Exemple #5
	def getConnectionIsCloseWithoutOverlap( self, location, path ):
		"Determine if the connection is close enough and does not overlap another thread."
		if len( path ) < 1:
			return False
		locationComplex = location.dropAxis( 2 )
		segment = locationComplex - path[ - 1 ]
		segmentLength = abs( segment )
		if segmentLength <= 0.0:
			return True
		if segmentLength > self.maximumConnectionDistance:
			return False
		segment /= segmentLength
		distance = self.connectingStepLength
		segmentEndLength = segmentLength - self.connectingStepLength
		while distance < segmentEndLength:
			alongPoint = distance * segment + path[ - 1 ]
			if not euclidean.isPointInsideLoopsZone( self.boundaryLoops, alongPoint ):
				return False
			distance += self.connectingStepLength
#		removedLayerPixelTable = self.layerPixelTable.copy()
#		if self.oldLocation in self.maskPixelTableTable:
#			euclidean.removePixelTableFromPixelTable( self.maskPixelTableTable[ self.oldLocation ], removedLayerPixelTable )
#		euclidean.addPathToPixelTable( path[ : - 2 ], removedLayerPixelTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
		segmentTable = {}
		euclidean.addSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, segmentTable, 2.0, 2.0, self.layerPixelWidth )
#		euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, segmentTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
#		euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, segmentTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
#		maskPixelTable = {}
#		if location in self.maskPixelTableTable:
#			maskPixelTable = self.maskPixelTableTable[ location ]
		if euclidean.isPixelTableIntersecting( self.layerPixelTable, segmentTable, {} ):
#		if euclidean.isPixelTableIntersecting( removedLayerPixelTable, segmentTable, {} ):
			return False
		euclidean.addValueSegmentToPixelTable( path[ - 1 ], locationComplex, self.layerPixelTable, None, self.layerPixelWidth )
#		euclidean.addPixelTableToPixelTable( segmentTable, self.layerPixelTable )
		return True