def delete(oquery, ovirt=None): """ Delete VMs :param str oquery: a query string to select VMs to delete :param ovirtsdk.api.API ovirt: a connected oVirt API object :returns: How many VMs were deleted :rtype: int """ vms = ovirt.vms.list(query=oquery) for vm in vms: vm.delete(action=oVirtParams.Action(async=False)) puts('{0} VMs deleted'.format(len(vms))) return len(vms)
def delete(oquery, ovirt=None): """ Delete templates :param str oquery: a query string to select tempaltes to delete :param ovirtsdk.api.API ovirt: a connected oVirt API object :returns: How many templates were deleted :rtype: int """ templates = ovirt.templates.list(query=oquery) for template in templates: template.delete(async=False) puts('{0} templates deleted'.format(len(templates))) return len(templates)
def remove_disk(vm_id, disk_id=None, disk_name=None, erase='no', ovirt=None): """ Remove the specified disk from the specified VM :param str vm_id: The ID of the VM to add the disk to :param str disk_id: The Id of the disk to remove :param str disk_name`: The name of the disk to remove :param str erase: 'yes' to erase the removed disks from the system, anything else to leave them detached. default is 'no' :param oVirtApi ovirt: An open oVirt API connection One of disk_id or disk_name must be specified, if both are specified, disk_id will be used """ vm = ovirt.vms.get(id=vm_id) if vm is None: abort("VM with specified ID '{0}' not found".format(vm_id)) if disk_id is not None: disk = vm.disks.get(id=disk_id) elif disk_name is not None: disk = vm.disks.get(name=disk_name) else: abort('Niether disk_id nor disk_name specified') if not disk: abort("Disk with specified ID or name not found") if puts("Deactivating disk: {0}".format( disk.deactivate(oVirtParams.Action(async=False)) if erase == 'yes': puts("Erasing disk: {0}".format( disk.delete(oVirtParams.Action(detach=False, async=False)) else: puts("Detaching disk: {0}".format( disk.delete(oVirtParams.Action(detach=True, async=False))
def print_table(self, obj_list, show=None, headers='yes'): """ Print a table of oVirt objects of the type from the passed list :param iterable obj_list: The list of objects to print as a talbe :param str show: A colon (:) separated list of object fields to show, will fallback to self.default_fields if unspecified See the 'query' task for description of other parameters """ show = show or self.default_fields format_str = ' '.join( '{{{0}:{1}}}'.format(field, max(self.fields[field], len(field))) for field in show.split(':') if field in self.fields ) if headers == 'yes': puts(format_str.format( **dict((field, field.upper()) for field in self.fields) ).rstrip()) for obj in obj_list: puts(format_str.format( **dict((field, getattr(obj, field)) for field in self.fields) ).rstrip())