Exemple #1
def add_ssh_public_keys(name, filenames=[], keys={}):
    Add multiple public keys to the user's authorized SSH keys.

    *filenames* must be a list of local filenames of public keys that
    should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys.


        import fabtools

        fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_keys('alice', [


    from fabtools.require.files import (
        directory as _require_directory,
        file as _require_file,

    ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh')
    _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    authorized_keys_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys')
    _require_file(authorized_keys_filename, mode='600', owner=name,

    for filename in filenames:

        with open(filename) as public_key_file:
            public_key = public_key_file.read().strip()

        # we don't use fabric.contrib.files.append() as it's buggy
        if public_key not in authorized_keys(name):
            sudo('echo %s >>%s' % (quote(public_key),

    for key in keys.values():
        # we don't use fabric.contrib.files.append() as it's buggy
        if key not in authorized_keys(name):
            sudo('echo %s >>%s' % (quote(key),
Exemple #2
def add_ssh_public_keys(name, filenames):
    Add multiple public keys to the user's authorized SSH keys.

    *filenames* must be a list of local filenames of public keys that
    should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys.


        import fabtools

        fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_keys('alice', [


    from fabtools.require.files import (
        directory as _require_directory,
        file as _require_file,

    ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh')
    _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    authorized_keys_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys')

    for filename in filenames:

        with open(filename) as public_key_file:
            public_keys = public_key_file.read().strip().split("\n")

        # we don't use fabric.contrib.files.append() as it's buggy
        for public_key in public_keys:
            if public_key not in authorized_keys(name):
                sudo('echo %s >>%s' %
                     (quote(public_key), quote(authorized_keys_filename)))
Exemple #3
def add_host_keys(name, hostname):
    Add all public keys of a host to the user's SSH known hosts file

    from fabtools.require.files import (
        directory as _require_directory,
        file as _require_file,

    ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh')
    _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    known_hosts_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'known_hosts')
    _require_file(known_hosts_filename, mode='644', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    known_hosts = uncommented_lines(known_hosts_filename, use_sudo=True)

    with hide('running', 'stdout'):
        res = run('ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa %s 2>/dev/null' % hostname)
    for host_key in res.splitlines():
        if host_key not in known_hosts:
            sudo('echo %s >>%s' %
                 (quote(host_key), quote(known_hosts_filename)))
Exemple #4
def add_host_keys(name, hostname):
    Add all public keys of a host to the user's SSH known hosts file

    from fabtools.require.files import (
        directory as _require_directory,
        file as _require_file,

    ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh')
    _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    known_hosts_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'known_hosts')
    _require_file(known_hosts_filename, mode='644', owner=name, use_sudo=True)

    known_hosts = uncommented_lines(known_hosts_filename, use_sudo=True)

    with hide('running', 'stdout'):
        res = run('ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa %s 2>/dev/null' % hostname)
    for host_key in res.splitlines():
        if host_key not in known_hosts:
            sudo('echo %s >>%s' % (quote(host_key),