def release(component='patch', target='local'): """ Release new version of the project. This will bump the version number (patch component by default), add and tag a commit with that change and upload new version ty pypi. """ with quiet(): git_status = local('git status --porcelain', capture=True).strip() has_changes = len(git_status) > 0 if has_changes: sysmsg("Cannot release: there are uncommitted changes") exit(1) infomsg("Bumping package version") old_ver, new_ver = bump_version_file('VERSION', component) infomsg(" old version: \033[35m{}".format(old_ver)) infomsg(" new version: \033[35m{}".format(new_ver)) infomsg("Creating commit that marks the release") with quiet(): local( 'git add VERSION && git commit -m "Release: v{}"'.format(new_ver)) local('git tag -a "{ver}" -m "Mark {ver} release"'.format(ver=new_ver)) infomsg("Uploading to pypi server \033[33m{}".format(target)) with quiet(): local('python sdist register -r "{}"'.format(target)) local('python sdist upload -r "{}"'.format(target))
def bump(component='patch'): """ Bump the given version component (major/minor/patch/build) """ sysmsg("Bumping package version") old_ver, new_ver = bump_version_file('VERSION', component) infomsg(" old version: \033[35m{}".format(old_ver)) infomsg(" new version: \033[35m{}".format(new_ver))
def test(quick=False, junit=False): """ Run tests against the current python version. """ sysmsg("Running tests against the current python version") args = ['test/unit'] if not quick: args += [ '--cov=src/jsobj', '--cov-report=term:skip-covered', '--cov-report=html:{}/coverage'.format(DIST_DIR), ] if junit: args += [ '--junitxml={}/test-results.xml'.format(DIST_DIR), ] infomsg("Running with:\n{}".format("\n".join(args))) local('pytest {}'.format(' '.join(args)))
def upload(target='local'): """ Release to a given pypi server ('local' by default). """ sysmsg("Uploading to pypi server \033[33m{}".format(target)) local('python sdist register -r "{}"'.format(target)) local('python sdist upload -r "{}"'.format(target))
def testall(): """ Run tests against all supported python versions. """ sysmsg("Running tests against all supported python versions") local('tox')