Exemple #1
import face3d
from face3d import mesh
from face3d.morphable_model import MorphabelModel

# --------------------- Forward: parameters(shape, expression, pose) --> 3D obj  ---------------
# --- 1. load model
bfm = MorphabelModel('Data/BFM/Out/BFM.mat')
print('init bfm model success')

# --- 2. generate face mesh: vertices(represent shape) & colors(represent texture)
sp = bfm.get_shape_para('random')
ep = bfm.get_exp_para('random')
vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(sp, ep)

tp = bfm.get_tex_para('random')
colors = bfm.generate_colors(tp)
colors = np.minimum(np.maximum(colors, 0), 1)

# --- 3. create a mesh in blender and load 3dmm vertices and faces
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("3dmm_face")  # add the new mesh
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh)
col = bpy.data.collections.get("Collection")
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj

edges = []

verts = vertices.tolist()
faces = bfm.triangles.tolist()
mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
Exemple #2
from face3d import mesh
from face3d import mesh_cython
from face3d.morphable_model import MorphabelModel

# --------------------- Forward: parameters(shape, expression, pose) --> 3D obj --> 2D image  ---------------
# --- 1. load model
bfm = MorphabelModel('Data/BFM/Out/BFM.mat')
print('init bfm model success')

# --- 2. generate face mesh: vertices(represent shape) & colors(represent texture)
sp = bfm.get_shape_para('random')
ep = bfm.get_exp_para('random')
vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(sp, ep)

tp = bfm.get_tex_para('random')
colors = bfm.generate_colors(tp)
colors = np.minimum(np.maximum(colors, 0), 1)

# --- 3. transform vertices to proper position
s = 8e-04
angles = [10, 30, 20]
t = [0, 0, 0]
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(vertices, s, angles, t)
projected_vertices = transformed_vertices.copy() # using stantard camera & orth projection

# --- 4. render(3d obj --> 2d image)
# set prop of rendering
h = w = 256; c = 3
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(projected_vertices, h, w)
image = mesh_cython.render.render_colors(image_vertices, bfm.triangles, colors, h, w)
Exemple #3
br_corner_y = rects[0].center().y + rects[0].height()/2 # added
rects = [(tl_corner_x, tl_corner_y), (br_corner_x, br_corner_y)]
landmarks = np.zeros((68, 2))

for i, p in enumerate(shape.parts()):
    landmarks[i] = [p.x, p.y]
    im = cv2.circle(im, (p.x, p.y), radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=5)

bfm = MorphabelModel('Data/BFM/Out/BFM.mat')
x = mesh.transform.from_image(landmarks, h, w)
X_ind = bfm.kpt_ind

global colors
global triangles
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter=200, isShow=False)
colors = bfm.generate_colors(np.random.rand(bfm.n_tex_para, 1))
colors = np.minimum(np.maximum(colors, 0), 1)

fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp, fitted_ep)
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t)
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h, w)

vertices = image_vertices
triangles = bfm.triangles
colors = colors/np.max(colors)

# load data 
#C = sio.loadmat('Data/example1.mat')
#vertices = C['vertices']; colors = C['colors']; triangles = C['triangles']
#colors = colors/np.max(colors)
# transform
Exemple #4
def main(args):
    with open(args.img_list) as f:
        img_list = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
    landmark_list = []
    if not os.path.exists(args.save_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(args.save_lmk_dir):

    for img_idx, img_fp in enumerate(tqdm(img_list)):
        im = cv2.imread(os.path.join(args.img_prefix, img_fp), 1)
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        h, w, c = im.shape

        detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
        predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(

        rects = detector(gray, 1)
        shape = predictor(gray, rects[0])
        tl_corner_x = rects[0].center().x - rects[0].width() / 2
        tl_corner_y = rects[0].center().y - rects[0].height() / 2
        br_corner_x = rects[0].center().x + rects[0].width() / 2
        br_corner_y = rects[0].center().y + rects[0].height() / 2
        rects = [(tl_corner_x, tl_corner_y), (br_corner_x, br_corner_y)]
        landmarks = np.zeros((68, 2))

        for i, p in enumerate(shape.parts()):
            landmarks[i] = [p.x, p.y]
            im = cv2.circle(im, (p.x, p.y),
                            color=(0, 0, 255),

        bfm = MorphabelModel('face3d/Data/BFM/Out/BFM.mat')
        x = mesh_numpy.transform.from_image(landmarks, h, w)
        X_ind = bfm.kpt_ind

        fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(
            x, X_ind, max_iter=200, isShow=False)
        colors = bfm.generate_colors(np.random.rand(bfm.n_tex_para, 1))
        colors = np.minimum(np.maximum(colors, 0), 1)

        fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp, fitted_ep)
        transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s,
                                             fitted_angles, fitted_t)
        image_vertices = mesh_numpy.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h,

        triangles = bfm.triangles
        colors = colors / np.max(colors)

        attribute = colors
        color_image = mesh_numpy.render.render_colors(image_vertices,
                               str(img_idx) + ".png"),