Exemple #1
    def _process_image(self, img_file_path: str) -> tuple:
        Extract all faces in given image file and
        compute corresponding description vectors.
        :param img_file_path: str - Path to image file.
        :return: (list, list) - List of data
            points and another list of
            corresponding metadata structures.
            Return empty lists in case no
            description vectors could be retrieved.
        # Read specified image file.
        img_bgr = image.read_image_from_file(img_file_path)
        if img_bgr.size < 1:
            # Error: image file could not be
            # read, therefore return empty lists
            # to indicate that no description
            # vectors could be retrieved.
            return list(), list()

        # Convert retrieved image to RGB color encoding.
        img_rgb = image.swap_color_encoding(img_bgr)
        # Get description vector and
        # bounding box coordinates of all
        # detected faces in current image.
        face_descriptions = self._get_face_descriptions(img_rgb)
        # Create empty list to store description vectors.
        vector_list = list()
        # Create empty list to store metadata structures.
        metadata_list = list()
        # Fill both lists with corresponding data of detected faces.
        for face_data_tuple in face_descriptions:
            # Extract and store description vector of current face.
            vector = face_data_tuple[0]
            # Extract and store metadata of current face.
            top_left = face_data_tuple[1]
            bottom_right = face_data_tuple[2]
            # Create metadata structure for current
            # face in image file. In this case, this
            # is a tuple containing file name and top
            # left / bottom right bounding box corners.
            img_metadata = DataSet.create_metadata(
                os.path.basename(img_file_path), top_left, bottom_right)
        return vector_list, metadata_list
Exemple #2
    def _process_video(self, video_file_path: str,
                       num_skipped_frames: int) -> tuple:
        Extract all faces in given video file and
        compute corresponding description vectors.
        :param video_file_path: str - Path to video file.
        :param num_skipped_frames: int - Number of skipped
            frames between two consecutive samples.
        :return: (list, list) - List of data
            points and another list of
            corresponding metadata structures.
            Return empty lists in case no
            description vectors could be retrieved.
        # Open video file.
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file_path)
        # Adjust given number of frames between
        # two samples to indicate the number of
        # necessary forward steps in video file.
        num_skipped_frames += 1
        # Create empty list to store description vectors.
        vector_list = list()
        # Create empty list to store metadata structures.
        metadata_list = list()
        # Create list to store description vectors
        # of last sample. Should be used as cache
        # to avoid multiple insertions of description
        # vectors corresponding to the same person.
        vectors_in_last_sample = list()
        # Read frames with specified sample rate.
        next_frame_index = 0
        ret = True
        while ret:
            # Jump to next frame index.
            cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, next_frame_index)
            # Read frame.
            ret, frame_bgr = cap.read()
            # Check if retrieved pixel data is valid.
            if frame_bgr is None:
                # Error: current frame is invalid,
                # therefore skip it and continue
                # with next sample (if possible).

            # Convert retrieved frame to RGB color encoding.
            frame_rgb = image.swap_color_encoding(frame_bgr)
            # Get current frame number and convert
            # it to corresponding frame index.
            frame_number = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES))
            frame_index = frame_number - 1
            # Get description vector of all
            # detected faces in current frame.
            face_descriptions = self._get_face_descriptions(frame_rgb)
            # Fill description vector and metadata lists
            # with corresponding data of detected faces.
            for face_tuple in face_descriptions:
                # Extract description vector of current face.
                vector = face_tuple[0]
                # Compare current vector to those detected in last
                # frame. When its distance exceeds a certain threshold,
                # assume a new face which needs to be stored.
                present_in_last_sample = False
                for last_vector in vectors_in_last_sample:
                    distance = calculation.get_distance(last_vector, vector)
                    if numpy.less_equal(
                            distance, settings.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_RECOGNITION):
                        present_in_last_sample = True
                if not present_in_last_sample:
                    # Store description vector of current face.
                    # Extract and store corresponding metadata.
                    top_left = face_tuple[1]
                    bottom_right = face_tuple[2]
                    # Create metadata structure for current face in
                    # specified video file frame. In this case, this
                    # is a tuple containing file name, frame index
                    # and top left / bottom right bounding box corners.
                    video_metadata = DataSet.create_metadata(
                        os.path.basename(video_file_path), frame_index,
                        top_left, bottom_right)
            # Update description vectors of last
            # frame to those currently retrieved.
            for vector, _top_left, _bottom_right in face_descriptions:
            # Update frame index.
            next_frame_index += num_skipped_frames
        # Close video file.
        return vector_list, metadata_list