def create_user(self, first_name, last_name, permissions, locale='en_US', installed=True):
		"""Create a test user associated with the app

			first_name - The first name of the user
			last_name - The last name of the user
			permissions - The permissions being requested for the user (see facebook_test.util)
				for permission options
			locale - The locale of the user account
			installed - A flag to indicated whether or not you want the user to be connect to
				the app

			A FacebookUser instance
		user_dict = util.json.loads(util.graph_get(
			'/{app_id}/accounts/test-users'.format(app_id=self.app_id), {
				'installed': installed,
				'name': first_name + ' ' + last_name,
				'locale': locale,
				'permissions': ','.join([v for k, v in util._PERMISSION_TO_API_REQUEST.iteritems() if k & permissions]),
				'method': 'post',
				'access_token': self.app_access_token,
				'redirect_uri': ''

		return FacebookUser.from_facebook_user_dict(self, user_dict)
	def email(self):
		"""The email of the user. Note this request will
		fail if the parent app doesn't have email permissions
		on the user account
		return util.json.loads(util.graph_get(self.url_path, {
			'access_token': self.__parent_app.app_access_token
	def generate_shortlived_password(self):
		"""Creates a new password for the user.

		Note: there's not way of accessing the existing password
			of a facebok user. facebook doesn't provide an api
			for this

			The new password or None if a password couldn't be set
		password = str(random.getrandbits(128))

		success = util.graph_get(self.url_path, {
			'method': 'post',
			'password': password,
			'access_token': self.__parent_app.app_access_token

		return password if success else None
	def app_access_token(self):
		""" The application access token of the app"""

		if self.__app_access_token is None:
			query_string = util.graph_get(
				'/oauth/access_token', {
					'client_id': self.app_id,
					'client_secret': self.__app_secret,
					'grant_type': 'client_credentials',

			query = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string, strict_parsing=True)

			access_token = query.get('access_token', None)

			if access_token is None or len(access_token) != 1:
				# Go home facebook, you're drunk.
				raise UnknownFacebookError

			self.__app_access_token = access_token[0]

		return self.__app_access_token
	def get_all_users(self, after=None):
		"""Generates all available users of the app

			after - Used for pagination

			FacebookUser instances
		params =  {
			'access_token': self.app_access_token

		if after:
			params['after'] = after

		response = util.json.loads(
			util.graph_get('/{app_id}/accounts/test-users'.format(app_id=self.app_id), params)

		if len(response['data']) == 0:

		for partial_user_dict in response['data']:
			other_partial_user_dict = self.__get_user(partial_user_dict['id'])

			user = FacebookUser.from_facebook_user_dict(

			if user.fbuid != str(self.__open_graph_test_user_fbuid):
				yield user

		for user in self.get_all_users(after=response['paging']['cursors']['after']):
			yield user
	def delete(self):
		return util.graph_get(self.url_path, {
			'method': 'delete',
			'access_token': self.__parent_app.app_access_token
	def __get_user(self, fbuid):
		return util.json.loads(util.graph_get(
			'/{fbuid}'.format(fbuid=fbuid), {
				'access_token': self.app_access_token