Exemple #1
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op,
          enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
          batch_size_placeholder, global_step, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True,
            batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size
        if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run([
                loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)

            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses],

        duration = time.time() - start_time

        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err,
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
def train(args, sess, epoch, learning_rate_placeholder, global_step, loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer,
          regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

    # Training loop
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            start_time = time.time()
            feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr}
            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
                summary_str, step = sess.run([summary_op, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #3
def train(args, sess, epoch, phase_train_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, global_step, 
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            start_time = time.time()
            feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder: True, learning_rate_placeholder: lr}
            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
                summary_str, step = sess.run([summary_op, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #4
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
      learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, step, 
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, reg_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file, 
      stat, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, 
      learning_rate, prelogits, random_rotate, random_crop, random_flip, prelogits_norm, prelogits_hist_max, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    if lr<=0:
        return False 

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch),1)
    control_value = facenet.RANDOM_ROTATE * random_rotate + facenet.RANDOM_CROP * random_crop + facenet.RANDOM_FLIP * random_flip + facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION * use_fixed_image_standardization
    control_array = np.ones_like(labels_array) * control_value
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array})

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder:True, batch_size_placeholder:args.batch_size}
        tensor_list = [loss, train_op, step, reg_losses, prelogits, cross_entropy_mean, learning_rate, prelogits_norm, accuracy]
        if batch_number % 100 == 0:
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_, summary_str = sess.run(tensor_list + [summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step_)
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_ = sess.run(tensor_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        stat['loss'][step_-1] = loss_
        #stat['center_loss'][step_-1] = center_loss_
        stat['reg_loss'][step_-1] = np.sum(reg_losses_)
        stat['xent_loss'][step_-1] = cross_entropy_mean_
        stat['prelogits_norm'][step_-1] = prelogits_norm_
        stat['learning_rate'][epoch-1] = lr_
        stat['accuracy'][step_-1] = accuracy_
        stat['prelogits_hist'][epoch-1,:] += np.histogram(np.minimum(np.abs(prelogits_), prelogits_hist_max), bins=1000, range=(0.0, prelogits_hist_max))[0]
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tXent %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f\tLr %2.5f' %
              (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, loss_, cross_entropy_mean_, np.sum(reg_losses_), accuracy_, lr_))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step_)
    return True
Exemple #5
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
      learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, step, 
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, reg_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file, 
      stat, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, 
      learning_rate, prelogits, prelogits_center_loss, random_rotate, random_crop, random_flip, prelogits_norm, prelogits_hist_max, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    if lr<=0:
        return False 

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch),1)
    control_value = facenet.RANDOM_ROTATE * random_rotate + facenet.RANDOM_CROP * random_crop + facenet.RANDOM_FLIP * random_flip + facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION * use_fixed_image_standardization
    control_array = np.ones_like(labels_array) * control_value
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array})

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder:True, batch_size_placeholder:args.batch_size}
        tensor_list = [loss, train_op, step, reg_losses, prelogits, cross_entropy_mean, learning_rate, prelogits_norm, accuracy, prelogits_center_loss]
        if batch_number % 100 == 0:
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_, center_loss_, summary_str = sess.run(tensor_list + [summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step_)
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_, center_loss_ = sess.run(tensor_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        stat['loss'][step_-1] = loss_
        stat['center_loss'][step_-1] = center_loss_
        stat['reg_loss'][step_-1] = np.sum(reg_losses_)
        stat['xent_loss'][step_-1] = cross_entropy_mean_
        stat['prelogits_norm'][step_-1] = prelogits_norm_
        stat['learning_rate'][epoch-1] = lr_
        stat['accuracy'][step_-1] = accuracy_
        stat['prelogits_hist'][epoch-1,:] += np.histogram(np.minimum(np.abs(prelogits_), prelogits_hist_max), bins=1000, range=(0.0, prelogits_hist_max))[0]
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tXent %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f\tLr %2.5f\tCl %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, loss_, cross_entropy_mean_, np.sum(reg_losses_), accuracy_, lr_, center_loss_))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step_)
    return True
def test(confusion, accuracy_, args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list,
         index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder,
         labels_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder,
         phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, global_step, loss,
         train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses,
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,

    # index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    # label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    # image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_list), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_list), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array
    # # Training loop
    # # train_time = 0
    # # while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
    # #     start_time = time.time()
    feed_dict = {
        learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
        phase_train_placeholder: False,
        batch_size_placeholder: args.lfw_batch_size
    #     # if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
    #     #     err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str,acc = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op, accuracy], feed_dict=feed_dict)
    #     #     summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
    #     # else:
    #     #     err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
    #     # duration = time.time() - start_time
    #     # print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
    #     #       (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
    acc, m = sess.run([accuracy_, confusion], feed_dict=feed_dict)
    print('accuracy', acc)
    print('confusion_m', m)
    #     # batch_number += 1
    #     # train_time += duration
    # # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    # summary = tf.Summary()
    # #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    # summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    # summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return acc, m
Exemple #7
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
      learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, global_step, 
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

    nrof_examples = len(image_list)
    nrof_examples_per_epoch = args.epoch_size*args.batch_size
    j = epoch*nrof_examples_per_epoch % nrof_examples
    if j+args.epoch_size*args.batch_size<=nrof_examples:
        label_epoch = label_list[j:j+nrof_examples_per_epoch]
        image_epoch = image_list[j:j+nrof_examples_per_epoch]
        label_epoch = label_list[j:nrof_examples] 
        image_epoch = image_list[j:nrof_examples]
        image_list, label_list = facenet.shuffle_examples(image_list, label_list)
        label_epoch += label_list[0:nrof_examples_per_epoch-(nrof_examples-j)]
        image_epoch += image_list[0:nrof_examples_per_epoch-(nrof_examples-j)]
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch),1)
    ## Really Enque the data into the queue !!!! Here is the start of the whole process of the training, i.e the start of the training graph  ########
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder:True, batch_size_placeholder:args.batch_size}
        if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #8
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, global_step,
          loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    # 每次训练时,出列一次,出列的个数是args.batch_size*args.epoch_size,,即一个epoch中图像的数量
    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
    # 将对应的文件路径以及标签入列
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # print('ok')
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True,
                     batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size}
        # 每100次,将结果保存到log中去
        # 然后运行一次,是一次运行:求loss,根据loss,运行train_op来对参数进行优化
        # 计算REGULARIZATION_LOSSES只是为了打印出来查看正则损失的值,而实际整个训练过程这个值已经包含在total loss中了
        if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #9
def train(args, sess, epoch, learning_rate_placeholder,
          phase_train_placeholder, global_step, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, regularization_losses, accuracy, learning_rate):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(
            args.learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

    print('training a epoch...')
    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True
        if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, accuracy_, lr_, summary_str = sess.run(
                    loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses,
                    accuracy, learning_rate, summary_op
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            err, _, step, reg_loss, accuracy_, lr_ = sess.run(
                    loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses,
                    accuracy, learning_rate
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch:[%d][%d/%d]\tTime:%.2f  Loss:%2.3f  Lr:%2.3f Acc:%2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, lr_,
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #10
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
      learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, global_step, 
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch),1)
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder:True, batch_size_placeholder:args.batch_size}
        if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #11
def train(args, sess, epoch, learning_rate_placeholder,
          phase_train_placeholder, global_step, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file):
    batch_number = 0
    # learning rate 设置
    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        # learning rate 小于 0 的话,就从 文件中获取对应的 learning rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    # 在 batch_number 小于 epoch_size(实际上是 每个 epoch 中 btach 的总数)时,进行以下操作
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')

        # feed 进行传 learning_rate
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True
        start_time = time.time()

        # sess.run()
        total_err, reg_err, _, step = sess.run(
            [loss['total_loss'], loss['total_reg'], train_op, global_step],
        duration = time.time() - start_time
            'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotal Loss %2.3f\tReg Loss %2.3f, lr %2.5f'
            % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, total_err,
               reg_err, lr))
        # 训练完成一个 batch 之后,进行 batch_number + 1,进入下一个 batch 的运行
        batch_number += 1
    return step
Exemple #12
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, step, loss, train_op, 
          summary_op, summary_writer, reg_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file, stat, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, learning_rate, 
          prelogits, prelogits_center_loss, random_rotate, random_crop, random_flip, prelogits_norm, prelogits_hist_max, 
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    if lr <= 0:
        return False
    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_path_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
    control_value = facenet.RANDOM_ROTATE * random_rotate + facenet.RANDOM_CROP * random_crop + \
        facenet.RANDOM_FLIP * random_flip + facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION * use_fixed_image_standardization    
    control_array = np.ones_like(labels_array) * control_value
    sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_path_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, 
                          control_placeholder: control_array})
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True, batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size}
        tensor_list = [loss, train_op, step, reg_losses, prelogits, cross_entropy_mean, leraning_rate, prelogits_norm, 
                       accuracy, prelogits_center_loss]
        if batch_number % 100 == 0:
            _loss, _, _step, _reg_losses, _prelogits, _cross_entropy_mean, _lr, _prelogits_norm, _accuracy, \
            _center_loss, summary_str = sess.run(tensor_list + [summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            _loss, _, _step, _reg_losses, _prelogits, _cross_entropy_mean, _lr, _prelogits_norm, _accuracy, \
            _center_loss = sess.run(tensor_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)            
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        stat['loss'][_step - 1] = _loss
        stat['center_loss'][_step - 1] = _center_loss
        stat['reg_loss'][_step - 1] = np.sum(_reg_losses)
        stat['xent_loss'][_step - 1] = _cross_entropy_mean
        stat['prelogits_norm'][_step - 1] = _prelogits_norm
        stat['learning_rate'][epoch - 1] = _lr
        stat['accuracy'][_step - 1] = _accuracy
        stat['prelogits_hist'][epoch - 1,:] += np.histogram(np.minimum(np.abs(_prelogits), prelogits_hist_max), 
                                                            bins=1000, range=(0.0, prelogits_hist_max))[0]
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tXent %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f\tLr %2.5f\tCl %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, _loss, _cross_entropy_mean, np.sum(_reg_losses), 
               _accuracy, _lr, _center_loss))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    summary = tf.Summary()
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=_step)
    return True
Exemple #13
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op,
          enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
          batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, step, loss, train_op,
          summary_op, summary_writer, reg_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          stat, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, learning_rate, prelogits,
          prelogits_center_loss, random_rotate, random_crop, random_flip,
          prelogits_norm, prelogits_hist_max, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    import imgaug
    import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
    batch_number = 0
    augmentation = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Rotate((-170, 170))])

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,

    if lr <= 0:
        return False

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)

    images_array = []
    for p in image_paths_array:
        imgs = []
        for path in p:
            image = np.array(skimage.io.imread(path))
            if len(image.shape) == 2:
                image = np.stack([image, image, image], axis=2)
            image = image[:, :, 0:3]
            w, h = image.shape
            r = math.ceil((w**2 + h**2)**0.5)
            pw = math.ceil((r - w) / 2)
            ph = math.ceil((r - h) / 2)
            image = np.pad(image, ((pw, pw), (ph, ph), (0, 0)))
            m = path[:-4] + '.npy'
            with open(m, 'rb') as file:
                mask = np.load(file)
            mask = np.pad(mask, ((pw, pw), (ph, ph)))

            # Augmenters that are safe to apply to masks
            # Some, such as Affine, have settings that make them unsafe, so always
            # test your augmentation on masks
            MASK_AUGMENTERS = [
                "Sequential", "SomeOf", "OneOf", "Sometimes", "Fliplr",
                "Flipud", "CropAndPad", "Affine", "PiecewiseAffine"

            def hook(images, augmenter, parents, default):
                """Determines which augmenters to apply to masks."""
                return augmenter.__class__.__name__ in MASK_AUGMENTERS

            # Store shapes before augmentation to compare
            image_shape = image.shape
            mask_shape = mask.shape
            # Make augmenters deterministic to apply similarly to images and masks
            det = augmentation.to_deterministic()
            image = det.augment_image(image)
            mask = det.augment_image(mask)
            # Verify that shapes didn't change
            assert image.shape == image_shape, "Augmentation shouldn't change image size"
            assert mask.shape == mask_shape, "Augmentation shouldn't change mask size"
            horizontal_indicies = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=0))[0]
            vertical_indicies = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
            x1, x2 = horizontal_indicies[[0, -1]]
            y1, y2 = vertical_indicies[[0, -1]]
            x2 += 1
            y2 += 1
            mask_out = image * np.stack([mask, mask, mask], axis=2)
            out = mask_out[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            out = cv2.resize(out, dsize=(args.image_size, args.image_size))
            #cv2.imwrite('verify.png', out)
    images_array = np.array(images_array)

    control_value = facenet.RANDOM_ROTATE * random_rotate + facenet.RANDOM_CROP * random_crop + \
        facenet.RANDOM_FLIP * random_flip + facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION * use_fixed_image_standardization
    control_array = np.ones_like(labels_array) * control_value
            # image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            image_paths_placeholder: images_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True,
            batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size
        tensor_list = [
            loss, train_op, step, reg_losses, prelogits, cross_entropy_mean,
            learning_rate, prelogits_norm, accuracy, prelogits_center_loss
        if batch_number % 100 == 0:
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_, center_loss_, summary_str = sess.run(
                tensor_list + [summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step_)
            loss_, _, step_, reg_losses_, prelogits_, cross_entropy_mean_, lr_, prelogits_norm_, accuracy_, center_loss_ = sess.run(
                tensor_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)

        duration = time.time() - start_time
        stat['loss'][step_ - 1] = loss_
        stat['center_loss'][step_ - 1] = center_loss_
        stat['reg_loss'][step_ - 1] = np.sum(reg_losses_)
        stat['xent_loss'][step_ - 1] = cross_entropy_mean_
        stat['prelogits_norm'][step_ - 1] = prelogits_norm_
        stat['learning_rate'][epoch - 1] = lr_
        stat['accuracy'][step_ - 1] = accuracy_
        stat['prelogits_hist'][epoch - 1, :] += np.histogram(
            np.minimum(np.abs(prelogits_), prelogits_hist_max),
            range=(0.0, prelogits_hist_max))[0]

        duration = time.time() - start_time
            'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tXent %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f\tLr %2.5f\tCl %2.3f'
            % (epoch, batch_number + 1,
               args.epoch_size, duration, loss_, cross_entropy_mean_,
               np.sum(reg_losses_), accuracy_, lr_, center_loss_))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.compat.v1.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step_)
    return True
Exemple #14
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, enqueue_op,
          image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
          batch_size_placeholder, global_step, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          class_triplet_loss, acc, val, far, cross_entropy_mean,
          dist_within_center, dist_inter_centers_sum_all, nrof_centers_batch,
          image_batch, label_batch, min_num_classes_batch, min_num_imgs_class,
          index_dequeue_op, train_acc, logits, correct_prediction, log_dir):

    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,

    ## Select the images for a epoch in which each batch includes at least two different classes ################################################################################
    # min_num_classes_batch = 3
    # min_num_imgs_class = 10
    #image_epoch, label_epoch = facenet.select_batch_images(image_list, label_list, epoch, args.epoch_size, args.batch_size, min_num_classes_batch, min_num_imgs_class)

    ###old method for fetch images and labels for each epoch, in this way the images and labes are not shuffled maye repeatly fetch the same image and labels in iterations ###
    # nrof_examples = len(image_list)
    # nrof_examples_per_epoch = args.epoch_size * args.batch_size
    # j = epoch * nrof_examples_per_epoch % nrof_examples
    # if j + args.epoch_size * args.batch_size <= nrof_examples:
    #     label_epoch = label_list[j:j + nrof_examples_per_epoch]
    #     image_epoch = image_list[j:j + nrof_examples_per_epoch]
    # else:
    #     label_epoch = label_list[j:nrof_examples]
    #     image_epoch = image_list[j:nrof_examples]
    #     image_list, label_list = facenet.shuffle_examples(image_list, label_list)
    #     label_epoch += label_list[0:nrof_examples_per_epoch - (nrof_examples - j)]
    #     image_epoch += image_list[0:nrof_examples_per_epoch - (nrof_examples - j)]

    ###################### shuffling the image and labels for each training epoch with the shuffle fetching index for each eapoch ###############################################
    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]
        'length of index_epoch: %d=======================================================\n'
        % len(index_epoch))
    #for idx in index_epoch:

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    print('Enqueue epoch images...\n')
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
    ## Really Enque the data into the queue !!!! Here is the start of the whole process of the training, i.e the start of the training graph  ########
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    # Training loop
    print('Begin trainning....\n')
    train_time = 0
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'Training_result.txt'), 'at') as f:

        while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            start_time = time.time()
            feed_dict = {
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True,
                batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size
            if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
                # err, center_inter_triplet_loss_, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str, loss_center_, loss_inter_centers_, _ = sess.run([loss, class_triplet_loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                # summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
                totalloss, class_triplet_loss_, dist_within_center_, dist_inter_centers_sum_all_, _, step, reg_loss, crossentropyloss, nrof_centers_batch_, image_batch_, label_batch_, train_acc_, logits_, summary_str = sess.run(
                        loss, class_triplet_loss, dist_within_center,
                        dist_inter_centers_sum_all, train_op, global_step,
                        regularization_losses, cross_entropy_mean,
                        nrof_centers_batch, image_batch, label_batch,
                        train_acc, logits, summary_op
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
                totalloss, class_triplet_loss_, dist_within_center_, dist_inter_centers_sum_all_, _, step, reg_loss, crossentropyloss, nrof_centers_batch_, image_batch_, label_batch_, train_acc_, logits_ = sess.run(
                        loss, class_triplet_loss, dist_within_center,
                        dist_inter_centers_sum_all, train_op, global_step,
                        regularization_losses, cross_entropy_mean,
                        nrof_centers_batch, image_batch, label_batch,
                        train_acc, logits
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            # #######################
            # print(label_batch_)
            # raw_input('wait a key...')
            # #######################

            Regloss = np.sum(reg_loss)
            crossEntropyLoss = crossentropyloss
            dist_within_center_mean = dist_within_center_ / (args.batch_size)
            dist_inter_centers_sum_all_mean = dist_inter_centers_sum_all_ / (
                args.batch_size * nrof_centers_batch_)
            # print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tCrossEntropyLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tdist_within_center %2.3f\tdist_inter_centers_sum_all_ (loss_center + beta -loss_inter_triplet centers) %2.3f (%2.3f + %2.3f - %2.3f) \tcenter_loss_factor %2.5f\tAcc %2.3f\tVal %2.3f\tFar %2.3f' %
            #     (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, totalloss, crossEntropyLoss, regloss, loss_center_, CenterTripletLoss, loss_center_, args.beta, loss_inter_centers_, args.center_loss_factor, acc, val, far))
            # print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tCrossEntropyLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tCenterInterLoss (loss_center/loss_inter_centers) * center_loss_factor %2.3f (%2.3f/%2.3f) * %2.3f\tAcc %2.3f\tVal %2.3f\tFar %2.3f' %
            #       (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, err-np.sum(reg_loss), np.sum(reg_loss)-center_inter_loss * args.center_loss_factor,center_inter_loss, loss_center_, loss_inter_centers_, args.center_loss_factor, acc, val, far))
                'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotal-loss %2.3f\tCrossEntropyLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tClassTripletloss %2.3f\tdist_within_center_mean %2.3f\tdist_inter_centers_mean %2.3f\tnrof_centers_batch %2.3f\tcenter_loss_factor %2.5f\tAcc %2.3f\tVal %2.3f\tFar %2.3f\tbeta %2.3f \t Train_softmax_acc %2.3f \t lr: %f'
                % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration,
                   totalloss, crossEntropyLoss, Regloss, class_triplet_loss_,
                   dist_within_center_mean, dist_inter_centers_sum_all_mean,
                   nrof_centers_batch_, args.center_loss_factor, acc, val, far,
                   args.beta, train_acc_, lr))
                'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotal-loss %2.3f\tCrossEntropyLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tClassTripletloss %2.3f\tdist_within_center_mean %2.3f\tdist_inter_centers_mean %2.3f\tnrof_centers_batch %2.3f\tcenter_loss_factor %2.5f\tAcc %2.3f\tVal %2.3f\tFar %2.3f\tbeta %2.3f \t Train_softmax_acc %2.3f \t lr %f'
                % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration,
                   totalloss, crossEntropyLoss, Regloss, class_triplet_loss_,
                   dist_within_center_mean, dist_inter_centers_sum_all_mean,
                   nrof_centers_batch_, args.center_loss_factor, acc, val, far,
                   args.beta, train_acc_, lr))
            batch_number += 1
            train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #15
import sys

from facenet import get_learning_rate_from_file

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lr = get_learning_rate_from_file(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))
Exemple #16
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size, anchor,
          positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    k = 1
    while k > 0:
        k -= 1
        # while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person  # 数据总量
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        #   根据batch大小划分的batch总量
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples /
                                   args.batch_size))  #划分的batch数量
        #   读入embedding,如果数据不足一个batch,以小量作为batch大小
        #   读入通过sess传入的操作embeddings和labels
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            phase_train = True
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # 根据embedding选择三元组
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # 根据选择的三元组进行训练
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        #   将三元组添加到数据集
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        #summary = tf.Summary()
        step = 0
        k = 1
        while k > 0:
            k -= 1
            #while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            # gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction)
            # sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))
            # sess.run(train_op)
            # err=loss()
            # step=global_step
            # emb=embeddings
            # lab=labels_batch
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            #summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        #summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        #summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op,
          enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
          batch_size_placeholder, global_step, loss, accuracy, train_op,
          summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses,
          learning_rate_schedule_file, random_rotate, random_crop, random_flip,
          use_fixed_image_standardization, control_placeholder):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,

    if lr <= 0:
        return False

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
    control_value = facenet.RANDOM_ROTATE * random_rotate + facenet.RANDOM_CROP * random_crop + facenet.RANDOM_FLIP * random_flip + facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION * use_fixed_image_standardization
    control_array = np.ones_like(labels_array) * control_value
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array
    print('training a epoch...')
    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True,
            batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size
        if batch_number % 100 == 0:
            err, accuracy_, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run(
                    loss, accuracy, train_op, global_step,
                    regularization_losses, summary_op
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            err, accuracy_, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run(
                [loss, accuracy, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses],
        duration = time.time() - start_time
            'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f'
            % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err,
               np.sum(reg_loss), accuracy_))
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return True
Exemple #18
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, labels_batch,
          batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op, input_queue, global_step, 
          embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          embedding_size, anchor, positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset, args.people_per_batch, args.images_per_person)
        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples),(-1,3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths),1), (-1,3))
        sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in xrange(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)
            emb, lab = sess.run([embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size, 
                learning_rate_placeholder: 0.0, phase_train_placeholder: False})
            emb_array[lab,:] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time()-start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(emb_array, num_per_class, 
            image_paths, args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' % 
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets*3/args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        #triplet_paths = triplet_paths[0:nrof_batches*args.batch_size]
        print('Nrof paths: %d' % len(triplet_paths))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)),(-1,3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths),1), (-1,3))
        sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets,))
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)
            feed_dict = {batch_size_placeholder: batch_size, learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True}
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            emb_array[lab,:] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #19
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size, anchor,
          positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    batch_number = 0
    # 学习率大于 0
    if args['learning_rate'] > 0.0:
        lr = args['learning_rate']
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    # 运行一个批处理
    while batch_number < args['epoch_size']:
        # 随机选取数据
        # 1800 个
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('进行前向传播:', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        examples = args['people_per_batch'] * args['images_per_person']
        # 将输入的1800个图像变成了600*3的二维数据,
        # reshape(a,(-1,3))表示只给定列数为3, 行数自行算出
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        # 开辟一个新的线程用于在内存里读取数据
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((examples, embedding_size))
        # nrof_batches,1800/90=20
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(examples / args['batch_size']))
        # 批处理取得人脸特征,默认为20个批
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(examples - i * args['batch_size'],
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args['people_per_batch'],
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('(random_negs, triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
              (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # 使用选定的三元组训练
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args['batch_size']))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        # 读取数据的操作
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        # 根据求出的特征计算triplet损失函数并进行优化
        summary = tf.Summary()
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(examples - i * args['batch_size'],
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            # sess run 有5个输入,fetches,先运行loss
            # 前向计算的损失,train_op是根据损失来计算梯度,来对参数进行优化
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args['epoch_size'], duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # 将验证损失和准确性添加到summary
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #20
def train_multi_gpus(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
                     labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
                     learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
                     enqueue_op, input_queue, global_step, embeddings, anchors,
                     positives, negatives, train_op, summary_op,
                     summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file,
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))

        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('加载数据完毕,用时 %.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training...')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '选择 三元组 完毕 --- (nrof_random_negs, nrif_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds'
            % (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # 在选定的 triplets 上执行 训练
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        print('选择出来的 triplets 形成的 batch 有多少个:', nrof_batches)
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        # print('triplet_paths:', triplet_paths)
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        # 把 选择出来的 triplets 添加到 enqueue 中去
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        print('选择出的 triplets 的个数为:', nrof_examples)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        summary = tf.Summary()
        step = 0
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()

            # 添加 计算 loss 的代码,加在此处,是因为每个 epoch 中的每个 batch 都要计算一下 loss
            # First, calculate the total_loss to run the following code
            # 在这部分修改为 multi-gpu 训练
            # 即 将每一个 batch 均分,然后在多个 gpu 上来计算对应的 triplet_loss ,之后汇总得到和,求取平均,得到一个 batch_size 的 loss
            tower_losses = []
            tower_triplets = []
            tower_reg = []
            with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()):
                for i in range(args.num_gpus):
                    with tf.device('/gpu:' + str(i + 2)):
                        with tf.name_scope('tower_' + str(i)) as scope:
                            print('###' * 10, i)
                            print('---' * 10, anchors[i])
                            print('---' * 10, positives[i])
                            print('---' * 10, negatives[i])
                            print('###' * 10, i)
                            triplet_loss_split = facenet.triplet_loss(
                                anchors[i], positives[i], negatives[i],
                            regularization_loss = tf.get_collection(
                            # 添加本行代码,进行同名变量的重用
                            loss = triplet_loss_split + tf.add_n(
            # 计算 multi gpu 运行完成得到的 loss
            total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tower_losses)
            total_reg = tf.reduce_mean(tower_reg)
            losses = {}
            losses['total_loss'] = total_loss
            losses['total_reg'] = total_reg

            loss = total_loss

            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            # --- print start ---
            print('**************batch_size', batch_size)
            print('**************lr', lr)
            print('**************loss', loss, loss.get_shape())
            print('**************train_op', train_op)
            print('**************global_step', global_step)
            print('**************embeddings', embeddings,
            print('**************labels_batch', labels_batch,
            # --- print end -----
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #21
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_writer,
          regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size,
          nrof_classes, summary_op):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    triplet_batch_number = 0  ## mzh edit 31012017
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:  #epoch_size is not the step size of each epoch but the number of the batch (of the triplet) to be processed
        triplet_batch_number += 1
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        ## Construct the em,lab, the data will be feed later
        for i in xrange(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))

        ## The labels_arrays for tripletloss is the number of the elements in the triplet_paths mzh 31012017
        #labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)),(-1,3))
        ## The labels_arrays for center loss is the number of the class (i.e. persons) corresponding to each elements in the triplet_paths mzh 31012017
        labels_triplet = facenet.get_label_triplet(triplet_paths)
        assert (max(labels_triplet) <= nrof_classes)
        labels_array = np.reshape(labels_triplet, (-1, 3))

        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True

            ## The joint triplet loss + center loss mzh 31012017
            err, _, step, emb, lab, reg_loss = sess.run([
                loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch,
            ## Only the triplet loss
            #err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            #emb_array[lab,:] = emb

            # if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
            #     summary_str, step = sess.run([summary_op, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            #     summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)

            total_loss = err
            center_loss = np.sum(reg_loss)
            triple_loss = err - center_loss

            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            # print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
            #       (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            # print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
            #       (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err, np.sum(reg_loss)))
                'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d/%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotalloss %2.3f\tTripletloss %2.3f\tCenterloss %2.3f'
                % (epoch, i, nrof_batches, triplet_batch_number,
                   batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, total_loss,
                   triple_loss, center_loss))  ## mzh edit, 31012017
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        ## edit mzh
        # summary.value.add(tag='Loss/Total_loss', simple_value=total_loss)
        # summary.value.add(tag='Loss/Triplet_loss', simple_value=triple_loss)
        # summary.value.add(tag='Loss/Center_loss', simple_value=center_loss)
        # summary.value.add(tag='Learning_rate', simple_value=lr)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size, anchor,
          positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        summary = tf.Summary()
        step = 0
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #23
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, images_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op,
          summary_op, summary_writer):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(
            '../data/learning_rate_schedule.txt', epoch)
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        print('Loading training data')
        # Sample people and load new data
        start_time = time.time()
        image_paths, num_per_class = facenet.sample_people(
            dataset, args.people_per_batch, args.images_per_person)
        image_data = facenet.load_data(image_paths, args.random_crop,
                                       args.random_flip, args.image_size)
        load_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Loaded %d images in %.2f seconds' %
              (image_data.shape[0], load_time))

        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        start_time = time.time()
        emb_list = []

        # Run a forward pass for the sampled images
        nrof_examples_per_epoch = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        nrof_batches_per_epoch = int(
            np.floor(nrof_examples_per_epoch / args.batch_size))
        for i in xrange(nrof_batches_per_epoch):
            batch = facenet.get_batch(image_data, args.batch_size, i)
            feed_dict = {
                images_placeholder: batch,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr
            emb_list += sess.run([embeddings], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        emb_array = np.vstack(
        )  # Stack the embeddings to a nrof_examples_per_epoch x 128 matrix
        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = facenet.select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_data, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        while i * args.batch_size < nrof_triplets * 3 and batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch = facenet.get_triplet_batch(triplets, i, args.batch_size)
            feed_dict = {
                images_placeholder: batch,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr
            err, _, step = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step],
            if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
                summary_str, step = sess.run([summary_op, global_step],
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/load', simple_value=load_time)
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary.value.add(tag='time/train', simple_value=train_time)
                          simple_value=load_time + selection_time + train_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #24
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_placeholder, code_placeholder,
          batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, global_step,
          embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          embedding_size, anchor, positive, negative, triplet_loss, triplets_list, code_list,model_dir,Accuracy):

    batch_number = 0

    images_data = h5py.File('../face_hdf5_150by150/train_classification.h5')
    images = images_data['data']

    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

    start_time = time.time()

    # sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
    nrof_examples = 0
    class_num = len(triplets_list)
    # for i in range(class_num):
    nrof_examples = max(len(triplets_list[0]), nrof_examples)

    nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / (args.batch_size/3/class_num)))

    print('load mean image done!')

    train_time = 0
    batch_number = 0
    batch_size = args.batch_size
        # emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        # loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets,))
    while batch_number < nrof_batches:

            start_time = time.time()

            class_num = len(triplets_list)

            image_array = np.zeros((batch_size,150,150,3),np.float32)
            code_array = np.zeros((0,class_num,1,1), np.float32)
            length = []
            for t in range(class_num):

              triplets = triplets_list[t]

              start_index = t*int(batch_size/class_num)

              image_array = facenet.get_triplet_image_batch1(images, triplets, batch_size/class_num, batch_number, image_array, start_index, args)
              code = code_list[t]

              code_array_tem = code[0:int(batch_size/class_num)]

              code_array = np.vstack((code_array, code_array_tem))

            time1 = time.time() - start_time
            feed_dict = {batch_size_placeholder: batch_size, learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True, image_placeholder: image_array, code_placeholder: code_array}
            err, _, step, emb = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            # emb_array[lab,:] = emb
            # loss_array[i] = err
            emb_feature = emb
            nrof_pair = emb_feature.shape[0]/3
            correct_num = 0

            for pair_index in range(0, int(nrof_pair/class_num)):
                anchor_index = pair_index*3
                pos_index = anchor_index + 1
                neg_index = anchor_index + 2
                an_feature = emb_feature[anchor_index,:]
                pos_feature = emb_feature[pos_index, :]
                neg_feature = emb_feature[neg_index, :]
                if np.sum(np.square(an_feature - pos_feature),0) < np.sum(np.square(an_feature - neg_feature),0):
                    correct_num = correct_num + 1

            p_dist = np.sum(np.square(an_feature - pos_feature), 0)
            n_dist = np.sum(np.square(an_feature - neg_feature),0)
            print('triplet number:', length)
            print('pos_distance and neg_distance', p_dist, n_dist, 'model_dir:',model_dir,'last accuracy:',Accuracy[-1])
            accuracy = correct_num/(nrof_pair/class_num)
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tread_time %.3f\tAccuracy %2.3f\tlr %2.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+1, nrof_batches, duration, time1, accuracy, lr, err))
            batch_number += 1
            train_time += duration

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    #summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #25
    def train(self, image_batch, args, sess, data_source, unsupervised,
              supervised_dataset, unsupervised_dataset, epoch,
              image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
              data_augmentations_placeholder, source_image_paths_placeholder,
              target_image_paths_placeholder, labels_batch,
              batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder,
              phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op, domain_enqueue_op,
              global_step, embeddings, loss, optimizer, gradients,
              gradient_placeholder, apply_gradient_op, summary_op,
              summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size,
              triplet_loss, domain_adaptation_loss, log_dir):
        if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
            lr = args.learning_rate
            lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(
                learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)

        batch_number = 0
        while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            # Sample people randomly from the dataset
            image_paths, num_per_class = self.sample_people(
                data_source, supervised_dataset, args.people_per_batch,

            logger.debug('Running forward pass on sampled images: ')
            start_time = time.time()
            nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
            labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
            image_paths_array = np.reshape(
                np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            data_augmentations_array = self.get_data_augmentations_array(
                         image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                         labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
            nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
                emb, lab = sess.run(
                    [embeddings, labels_batch],
                        batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                        learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                        phase_train_placeholder: True
                # logger.debug('labels_batch: %s' % (lab))
                emb_array[lab, :] = emb

            logger.debug('train time: %.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

            # Select triplets based on the embeddings
            logger.debug('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
            # triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = self.select_triplets(emb_array, num_per_class,
            #                                                             image_paths, args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
            triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = self.select_triplets_ceiling(
                emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
                args.alpha, self.nrof_triplets_gap)
            selection_time = time.time() - start_time
                '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds'
                % (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))
            self.triplets = self.triplets + triplets
            self.nrof_triplets_gap = self.nrof_triplets_gap - nrof_triplets
            # logger.debug('triplets: %s' % (self.triplets))
            logger.debug('nrof_triplets_gap: %s' % (self.nrof_triplets_gap))
            if self.nrof_triplets_gap > 0:
                logger.debug('not enough triplets...')

            # Perform training on the selected triplets
            # nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
            nrof_batches = int(
                np.ceil(self.max_triplet_per_select * 3 / args.batch_size))
            triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*self.triplets))
            labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
            triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
                np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            data_augmentations_array = self.get_data_augmentations_array(
                         image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                         labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            if args.data_source == 'MULTIPLE' and args.unsupervised != 'NONE':
                source_image_paths, target_image_paths = self.sample_unsupervised_dataset(
                    unsupervised_dataset, nrof_batches * args.batch_size // 2)
                logger.debug("before domain_enqueue_op")
                source_image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
                    np.array(source_image_paths), 1)
                target_image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
                    np.array(target_image_paths), 1)
                    domain_enqueue_op, {
                logger.debug("after domain_enqueue_op")
            nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
            train_time = 0
            i = 0
            # emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
            # loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets,))
            summary = tf.Summary()
            step = 0
            while i < nrof_batches:
                start_time = time.time()
                batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
                feed_dict = {
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    # round_placeholder: self._round,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
                images, err, grads, step, emb, lab, triplet_loss_, domain_adaptation_loss_ = sess.run(
                        image_batch, loss, gradients, global_step, embeddings,
                        labels_batch, triplet_loss, domain_adaptation_loss
                # grads, _ = zip(*g_and_v)
                self.gradient_buffer = [
                    sum(x) for x in zip(self.gradient_buffer, grads)
                self.nrof_gradients += 1
                # emb_array[lab, :] = emb
                # loss_array[i] = err
                duration = time.time() - start_time
                # if args.random_flip:
                #     self.save_images(images, batch_number)
                    'Epoch [%d][%d/%d]\tRound [%d]\tgrad: [%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %f\ttriplet_Loss %f\tdomain_adaptation_loss %f'
                    % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, self._round,
                       self.nrof_gradients, duration, err, triplet_loss_,
                batch_number += 1
                i += 1
                train_time += duration
                summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

            # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
            # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
            self._round += 1
            if self.nrof_gradients > 0:
                # if self.nrof_gradients > 0 and self._round % 3 == 0:
                self.gradient_buffer = map(lambda x: x / self.nrof_gradients,
                feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr}
                feed_dict_grad = {
                    grad_placeholder: grad
                    for grad_placeholder, grad in zip(gradient_placeholder,
                if args.cluster:
                    _, lr_ = sess.run(
                        [apply_gradient_op, optimizer._optimizer._lr],
                    _, lr_ = sess.run([apply_gradient_op, optimizer._lr],
                with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'learing_rate.txt'),
                          'at') as f:
                    f.write('%d\t%.5f\n' % (epoch, lr_))
                self.gradient_buffer = [0.0] * self.nrof_trainable_vars
                self.nrof_gradients = 0

            self.nrof_triplets_gap = self.max_triplet_per_select
            self.triplets = []

        return step
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, images_placeholder, 
          learning_rate_placeholder, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer):
    batch_number = 0
    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file('../data/learning_rate_schedule.txt', epoch)
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        print('Loading training data')
        # Sample people and load new data
        start_time = time.time()
        image_paths, num_per_class = facenet.sample_people(dataset, args.people_per_batch, args.images_per_person)
        image_data = facenet.load_data(image_paths, args.random_crop, args.random_flip, args.image_size)
        load_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Loaded %d images in %.2f seconds' % (image_data.shape[0], load_time))

        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        start_time = time.time()
        emb_list = []
        # Run a forward pass for the sampled images
        nrof_examples_per_epoch = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        nrof_batches_per_epoch = int(np.floor(nrof_examples_per_epoch / args.batch_size))
        for i in xrange(nrof_batches_per_epoch):
            batch = facenet.get_batch(image_data, args.batch_size, i)
            feed_dict = {images_placeholder: batch, learning_rate_placeholder: lr}
            emb_list += sess.run([embeddings], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        emb_array = np.vstack(emb_list)  # Stack the embeddings to a nrof_examples_per_epoch x 128 matrix
        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = facenet.select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_data, args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' % (
        nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        while i * args.batch_size < nrof_triplets * 3 and batch_number < args.epoch_size:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch = facenet.get_triplet_batch(triplets, i, args.batch_size)
            feed_dict = {images_placeholder: batch, learning_rate_placeholder: lr}
            err, _, step = sess.run([loss, train_op, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            if (batch_number % 100 == 0):
                summary_str, step = sess.run([summary_op, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        summary = tf.Summary()
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/load', simple_value=load_time)
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary.value.add(tag='time/train', simple_value=train_time)
        summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=load_time+selection_time+train_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #27
def main(args):
    # 动态import python模块, 这里指的是外部参数指定的网络结构
    network = importlib.import_module(args.model_def)

    subdir = datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
    # os.path.expanduser跨平台支持替换路径中的user路径~
    log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.logs_base_dir), subdir)
    if not os.path.isdir(log_dir):  # Create the log directory if it doesn't exist
    model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.models_base_dir), subdir)
    if not os.path.isdir(model_dir):  # Create the model directory if it doesn't exist

    # Write arguments to a text file
    facenet.write_arguments_to_file(args, os.path.join(log_dir, 'arguments.txt'))

    # Store some git revision info in a text file in the log directory
    src_path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    facenet.store_revision_info(src_path, log_dir, ' '.join(sys.argv))


    # args.data_dir can contain more datasets, separated by comma
    # TODO: no logic for name conflict?
    data_dirs = args.data_dir.split(",")
    train_set = []
    for data_dir in data_dirs:
        if len(data_dir) > 0:

    if args.filter_filename:
        train_set = filter_dataset(train_set, os.path.expanduser(args.filter_filename),
                                   args.filter_percentile, args.filter_min_nrof_images_per_class)
    nrof_classes = len(train_set)

    print('Model directory: %s' % model_dir)
    print('Log directory: %s' % log_dir)
    pretrained_model = None
    if args.pretrained_model:
        pretrained_model = os.path.expanduser(args.pretrained_model)
        print('Pre-trained model: %s' % pretrained_model)

    continue_ckpt_dir = None
    if args.continue_ckpt_dir:
        continue_ckpt_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.continue_ckpt_dir)
        print('Continue training from the checkpoint: %s' % continue_ckpt_dir)

    snapshot_at_step = None
    if args.snapshot_at_step:
        snapshot_at_step = int(args.snapshot_at_step)
        print('Will take a snapshot checkpoint at step', snapshot_at_step)

    nrof_preprocess_threads = 4
    if args.nrof_preprocess_threads:
        nrof_preprocess_threads = int(args.nrof_preprocess_threads)
        print('Number of preprocess threads', nrof_preprocess_threads)

    if args.lfw_dir:
        print('LFW directory: %s' % args.lfw_dir)
        # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
        pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))
        # Get the paths for the corresponding images
        lfw_paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

        # Get a list of image paths and their labels
        image_list, label_list = facenet.get_image_paths_and_labels(train_set)
        assert len(image_list) > 0, 'The dataset should not be empty'

        # Create a queue that produces indices into the image_list and label_list
        # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/threading_and_queues

        # This function converts Python objects of various types to Tensor objects.
        # It accepts Tensor objects, numpy arrays, Python lists, and Python scalars.
        labels = ops.convert_to_tensor(label_list, dtype=tf.int32)
        # This operation returns a 1-D integer tensor representing the shape of input.
        range_size = array_ops.shape(labels)[0]
        # Produces the integers from 0 to limit-1 in a queue.
        index_queue = tf.train.range_input_producer(range_size, num_epochs=None,
                                                    shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32)
        index_dequeue_op = index_queue.dequeue_many(args.batch_size * args.epoch_size, 'index_dequeue')

        learning_rate_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='learning_rate')

        batch_size_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batch_size')

        phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='phase_train')
        image_paths_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=(None, 1), name='image_paths')

        labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=(None, 1), name='labels')

        # Creates a queue that dequeues elements in a first-in first-out order.
        input_queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(capacity=100000,
                                              dtypes=[tf.string, tf.int64],
                                              shapes=[(1,), (1,)],
                                              shared_name=None, name=None)
        enqueue_op = input_queue.enqueue_many([image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder], name='enqueue_op')

        # 读取图片文件, 将图片转换成tensor并且做ensembling处理, 结果存入images_and_labels数组
        images_and_labels = []
        for _ in range(nrof_preprocess_threads):
            filenames, label = input_queue.dequeue()
            images = []
            # Unpacks the given dimension of a rank-R tensor into rank-(R-1) tensors.
            for filename in tf.unstack(filenames):
                file_contents = tf.read_file(filename)
                # Detects whether an image is a GIF, JPEG, or PNG, and performs the appropriate operation
                # to convert the input bytes string into a Tensor of type uint8.
                # Note: decode_gif returns a 4-D array [num_frames, height, width, 3],
                # as opposed to decode_jpeg and decode_png, which return 3-D arrays [height, width, num_channels].
                image = tf.image.decode_image(file_contents, channels=3)
                # 对训练图片做ensembling
                # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image
                # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/image
                if args.random_rotate:
                    image = tf.py_func(facenet.random_rotate_image, [image], tf.uint8)
                if args.random_crop:
                    # 训练数据的图片(182)比参数传进来的大小(160)略大, 不做缩放而是直接随机切成160的
                    image = tf.random_crop(image, [args.image_size, args.image_size, 3])
                    image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, args.image_size, args.image_size)
                if args.random_flip:
                    image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
                if args.random_brightness:
                    image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.2)

                # pylint: disable=no-member
                image.set_shape((args.image_size, args.image_size, 3))
            images_and_labels.append([images, label])

        # Runs a list of tensors to fill a queue to create batches of examples.
        image_batch, label_batch = tf.train.batch_join(
            images_and_labels, batch_size=batch_size_placeholder,
            shapes=[(args.image_size, args.image_size, 3), ()], enqueue_many=True,
            capacity=4 * nrof_preprocess_threads * args.batch_size,

        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34877523/in-tensorflow-what-is-tf-identity-used-for
        image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch, 'image_batch')
        image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch, 'input')
        label_batch = tf.identity(label_batch, 'label_batch')

        print('Total number of classes: %d' % nrof_classes)
        print('Total number of examples: %d' % len(image_list))

        print('Building training graph')

        # Build the inference graph
        prelogits, _ = network.inference(image_batch, args.keep_probability,

        logits = slim.fully_connected(prelogits, len(train_set), activation_fn=None,
                                      scope='Logits', reuse=False)

        # Normalizes along dimension dim using an L2 norm.
        # For a 1-D tensor with dim = 0, computes output = x / sqrt(max(sum(x**2), epsilon))
        # For x with more dimensions, independently normalizes each 1-D slice along dimension dim.
        # 人脸图片对应的最终编码, 也是算法的核心输出
        embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(prelogits, 1, 1e-10, name='embeddings')

        # Add center loss
        if args.center_loss_factor > 0.0:
            prelogits_center_loss, _ = facenet.center_loss(prelogits, label_batch, args.center_loss_alfa, nrof_classes)
            # Wrapper for Graph.add_to_collection() using the default graph.
            # Stores value in the collection with the given name.
            # Note that collections are not sets, so it is possible to add a value to a collection several times.
                                 # args.center_loss_factor center loss论文里的lambda
                                 prelogits_center_loss * args.center_loss_factor)

        learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate_placeholder,
                                                   args.learning_rate_decay_epochs * args.epoch_size,

        tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate)

        # Calculate the average cross entropy loss across the batch
        cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=label_batch, logits=logits, name='cross_entropy_per_example')
        cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name='cross_entropy')
        tf.add_to_collection('losses', cross_entropy_mean)

        # Calculate the total losses
        regularization_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)
        # Adds all input tensors element-wise.
        total_loss = tf.add_n([cross_entropy_mean] + regularization_losses, name='total_loss')

        # Build a Graph that trains the model with one batch of examples and updates the model parameters
        train_op = facenet.train(total_loss,

        # Create a saver
        saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=3)

        # Build the summary operation based on the TF collection of Summaries.
        summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()

        # Start running operations on the Graph.
        gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction)
        sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False))
        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, sess.graph)
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord, sess=sess)

        with sess.as_default():

            if pretrained_model:
                print('Restoring pretrained model: %s' % pretrained_model)
                saver.restore(sess, pretrained_model)
            elif continue_ckpt_dir:
                files = os.listdir(continue_ckpt_dir)
                meta_files = [s for s in files if s.endswith('.meta')]
                if len(meta_files) == 0:
                    raise ValueError('No meta file found in %s' % continue_ckpt_dir)
                elif len(meta_files) > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'There should not be more than one meta file in %s' % continue_ckpt_dir)
                saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(continue_ckpt_dir + "/" + meta_files[0])
                latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(continue_ckpt_dir)
                print('Restoring checkpoint: %s' % latest_checkpoint)
                saver.restore(sess, latest_checkpoint)
                # TODO: don't know why global_step is not saved. get it from the filename
                last_step = int(os.path.basename(latest_checkpoint).split('-')[-1])
                print('Checkpoint restored, last step is ', str(last_step))

            # Training and validation loop
            print('Running training')
            epoch = 0
            while epoch < args.max_nrof_epochs:
                step = sess.run(global_step, feed_dict=None)
                epoch_size = args.epoch_size
                epoch = step // epoch_size

                if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
                    lr = args.learning_rate
                    # Read the schedule file each epoch, you can change the file content during running
                    lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(args.learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
                    # Special value means stop
                    if lr == 0.0:

                # Train for one epoch

                # Save variables and the metagraph if it doesn't exist already (step in filename is the next step after restore)
                save_variables_and_metagraph(sess, saver, summary_writer, model_dir, subdir, step + epoch_size)

                # Evaluate on LFW
                if args.lfw_dir and args.lfw_epoch_interval > 0:
                    if epoch % args.lfw_epoch_interval == 0:

                # Print current time
                print("Current date time:", datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))

    return model_dir
Exemple #28
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, labels_batch, 
          batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op, input_queue, 
          global_step, embeddings, total_loss, reg_loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset, args.people_per_batch,args.images_per_person)
        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples),(-1,3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths),1), (-1,3))
        sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)
            emb, lab = sess.run([embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size, 
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True})
            emb_array[lab,:] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time()-start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(emb_array, num_per_class, 
            image_paths, args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' % 
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets*3/args.batch_size))
        print('选择出来的 triplets 形成的 batch 有多少个:', nrof_batches)
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)),(-1,3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths),1), (-1,3))
        sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, args.embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets,))
        summary = tf.Summary()
        step = 0
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)
            feed_dict = {batch_size_placeholder: batch_size, learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True}
            total_err, reg_err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run([total_loss, reg_loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict=feed_dict)           
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotal Loss %2.3f\tReg Loss %2.3f, lr %2.5f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number+2, args.epoch_size, duration, total_err, reg_err, lr))
            batch_number += 2
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
    return step
def train(args, sess, dataset_ID, dataset_camera, epoch,
          image_paths_placeholder_ID, image_paths_placeholder_camera,
          labels_placeholder_ID, labels_placeholder_camera, labels_batch_ID,
          labels_batch_camera, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op_ID,
          enqueue_op_camera, global_step, embeddings_ID, embeddings_camera,
          loss_total, triplet_loss_ID, triplet_loss_camera, loss_feature_map1,
          loss_feature_map2, loss_feature_map3, regularization_losses,
          train_op, summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          embedding_size, feature_map1_ID, feature_map1_camera):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths_ID, num_per_class_ID = sample_people(
            dataset_ID, args.people_per_batch, args.images_per_person)
        image_paths_camera, num_per_class_camera = sample_people(
            dataset_camera, args.people_per_batch, args.images_per_person)

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array_ID = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        labels_array_camera = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))

        image_paths_array_ID = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths_ID), 1), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array_camera = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths_camera), 1), (-1, 3))

            enqueue_op_ID, {
                image_paths_placeholder_ID: image_paths_array_ID,
                labels_placeholder_ID: labels_array_ID
            enqueue_op_camera, {
                image_paths_placeholder_camera: image_paths_array_camera,
                labels_placeholder_camera: labels_array_camera
        emb_array_ID = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        emb_array_camera = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,

            emb_ID, lab_ID = sess.run(
                [embeddings_ID, labels_batch_ID],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array_ID[lab_ID, :] = emb_ID
            emb_camera, lab_camera = sess.run(
                [embeddings_camera, labels_batch_camera],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array_camera[lab_camera, :] = emb_camera
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets_ID, nrof_random_negs_ID, nrof_triplets_ID = select_triplets(
            emb_array_ID, num_per_class_ID, image_paths_ID,
            args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
        triplets_camera, nrof_random_negs_camera, nrof_triplets_camera = select_triplets(
            emb_array_camera, num_per_class_camera, image_paths_camera,
            args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)

        nrof_triplets = min(nrof_triplets_ID, nrof_triplets_camera)
        nrof_triplets_ID = nrof_triplets
        nrof_triplets_camera = nrof_triplets
        triplets_ID_new = triplets_ID[0:nrof_triplets]
        triplets_camera_new = triplets_camera[0:nrof_triplets]

        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) of ID = ( %d, %d): time=%.3f seconds'
            % (nrof_random_negs_ID, nrof_triplets_ID, selection_time))
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) of camera = ( %d, %d): time=%.3f seconds'
            % (nrof_random_negs_camera, nrof_triplets_camera, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches_ID = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets_ID * 3 / args.batch_size))
        nrof_batches_camera = int(
            np.ceil(nrof_triplets_camera * 3 / args.batch_size))
        nrof_batches = min(nrof_batches_camera, nrof_batches_ID)

        triplet_paths_ID = list(itertools.chain(*triplets_ID_new))
        triplet_paths_camera = list(itertools.chain(*triplets_camera_new))

        labels_array_ID = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths_ID)), (-1, 3))
        labels_array_camera = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths_camera)),
                                         (-1, 3))

        triplet_paths_array_ID = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths_ID), 1), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array_camera = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths_camera), 1), (-1, 3))

            enqueue_op_ID, {
                image_paths_placeholder_ID: triplet_paths_array_ID,
                labels_placeholder_ID: labels_array_ID
            enqueue_op_camera, {
                image_paths_placeholder_camera: triplet_paths_array_camera,
                labels_placeholder_camera: labels_array_camera

        nrof_examples_ID = len(triplet_paths_ID)
        nrof_examples_camera = len(triplet_paths_camera)
        nrof_examples = min(nrof_examples_ID, nrof_examples_camera)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0

        summary = tf.Summary()
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            # err_feature_map1 = sess.run([loss_feature_map1],feed_dict=feed_dict)
            err_total, err_ID, err_camera, err_feature_map1, err_feature_map2, err_feature_map3, err_regularization, _, step, feature_map1ID, feature_map1camera = sess.run(
                    loss_total, triplet_loss_ID, triplet_loss_camera,
                    loss_feature_map1, loss_feature_map2, loss_feature_map3,
                    regularization_losses, train_op, global_step,
                    feature_map1_ID, feature_map1_camera

            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration,
                'triplet_loss_ID: %2.3f\ttriplet_loss_camera:%2.3f\tloss_feature_map1: %f\tloss_feature_map2:%f\tloss_feature_map3:%f'
                % (err_ID, err_camera, err_feature_map1, err_feature_map2,

            # print("regularization_losses is :", err_regularization)
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err_total)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
    return step
Exemple #30
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size, anchor,
          positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    import imgaug
    import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
    batch_number = 0
    augmentation = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Rotate((-170, 170))])

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        images_array = []
        for p in image_paths_array:
            imgs = []
            for path in p:
                image = cv2.imread(path)
                w, h, c = image.shape
                r = math.ceil((w**2 + h**2)**0.5)
                pw = math.ceil((r - w) / 2)
                ph = math.ceil((r - h) / 2)
                image = np.pad(image, ((pw, pw), (ph, ph), (0, 0)))
                m = path[:-4] + '.npy'
                with open(m, 'rb') as file:
                    mask = np.load(file)
                mask = np.pad(mask, ((pw, pw), (ph, ph)))

                # Augmenters that are safe to apply to masks
                # Some, such as Affine, have settings that make them unsafe, so always
                # test your augmentation on masks
                MASK_AUGMENTERS = [
                    "Sequential", "SomeOf", "OneOf", "Sometimes", "Fliplr",
                    "Flipud", "CropAndPad", "Affine", "PiecewiseAffine"

                def hook(images, augmenter, parents, default):
                    """Determines which augmenters to apply to masks."""
                    return augmenter.__class__.__name__ in MASK_AUGMENTERS

                # Store shapes before augmentation to compare
                image_shape = image.shape
                mask_shape = mask.shape
                # Make augmenters deterministic to apply similarly to images and masks
                det = augmentation.to_deterministic()
                #image = det.augment_image(image)
                #mask = det.augment_image(mask)
                # Verify that shapes didn't change
                assert image.shape == image_shape, "Augmentation shouldn't change image size"
                assert mask.shape == mask_shape, "Augmentation shouldn't change mask size"
                horizontal_indicies = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=0))[0]
                vertical_indicies = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
                x1, x2 = horizontal_indicies[[0, -1]]
                y1, y2 = vertical_indicies[[0, -1]]
                x2 += 1
                y2 += 1
                mask_out = image * np.stack([mask, mask, mask], axis=2)
                out = mask_out[y1:y2, x1:x2]
                out = cv2.resize(out, dsize=(args.image_size, args.image_size))
                #cv2.imwrite('verify.png', out)
        images_array = np.array(images_array)

                # image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                image_paths_placeholder: images_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class,
                       (-1, args.image_size, args.image_size, 3)),
            args.people_per_batch, args.alpha)
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1),
            (-1, 3, args.image_size, args.image_size, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        summary = tf.compat.v1.Summary()
        step = 0
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #31
def triplet(args, sess, images_list, epoch, image_placeholder, code_placehoder,
          batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, global_step,
          embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file,
          embedding_size, anchor, positive, negative, triplet_loss, code):

    batch_number = 0

    images_data = h5py.File('../face_hdf5_150by150/train_classification.h5')
    images = images_data['data']

    image_list_p = images_list[0]
    image_list_n = images_list[1]

    if args.learning_rate>0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file, epoch)


    start_time = time.time()
    nrof_examples = len(image_list_p)

    # sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})

    emb_p_array = np.zeros((0, embedding_size))
    emb_n_array = np.zeros((0, embedding_size))
    nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))

    image_mean = cv2.imread('../image_mean1.jpg')
    image_mean = cv2.resize(image_mean, (120,120))
    image_mean = image_mean.astype(np.float32)
    print('load mean image done!')
    print('start to select positive')
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        batch_number = i
        # batch_size = min(nrof_examples-i*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)

        batch_size = args.batch_size

        [image_p_array, image_list_p]= facenet.get_image_batch(images, image_list_p, batch_size, batch_number, image_mean, args)
        code_batch = code[0:batch_size]
        emb_p= sess.run([embeddings], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True, image_placeholder: image_p_array, code_placehoder: code_batch})
        emb_p_array = np.vstack((emb_p_array,emb_p[0]))
    print('number of positive batch:', i+1)

    nrof_n_examples = min(nrof_examples, 30000)

    nrof_n_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_n_examples / args.batch_size))
    print('start to select negative')
    for j in range(nrof_n_batches):
        batch_number = j
        # batch_size = min(nrof_examples-j*args.batch_size, args.batch_size)
        batch_size = args.batch_size

        [image_n_array, image_list_n] = facenet.get_image_batch(images, image_list_n, batch_size, batch_number, image_mean, args)
        code_batch = code[0:batch_size]

        emb_n = sess.run([embeddings], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                                                 learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True,
                                                 image_placeholder: image_n_array, code_placehoder: code_batch})
        emb_n_array = np.vstack((emb_n_array,emb_n[0]))
    print('number of negative batch:', j+1)

    print('compute feature is done!')
    print('%.3f' % (time.time()-start_time))
    # Select triplets based on the embeddings
    print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
    triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_binary_triplets(emb_p_array, emb_n_array, image_list_p, image_list_n, args.alpha)
    selection_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
        (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))
    return triplets
Exemple #32
def train(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
          labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
          learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
          input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss, train_op, summary_op,
          summary_writer, learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size, anchor,
          positive, negative, triplet_loss):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,
        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        # 根据默认参数,将输入的1800个图像变成了600*3的二维数据,如果不够1800张图像,可能要修改这里
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples),
                                  (-1, 3))  #reshape(a,(-1,3))表示只给定列数为3,行数自行算出
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        # 默认的参数中,nrof_examples是1800,embedding_size是128
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        # nrof_batches,默认是1800/90=20
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        # 批处理求特征,默认为20个批
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets

        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
        # 读取数据的操作
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        # 根据求出的特征计算triplet损失函数并进行优化
        summary = tf.Summary()
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            #sess run 有5个输入,fetches,先运行loss。前向计算的损失,train_op是根据损失来计算梯度,来对参数进行优化
            err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, embeddings, labels_batch],
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            loss_array[i] = err
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f' %
                  (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
            summary.value.add(tag='loss', simple_value=err)

        # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
        #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        summary.value.add(tag='time/selection', simple_value=selection_time)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    return step
Exemple #33
def train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
      learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, global_step,
      loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, learning_rate_schedule_file \
          ,test_image_list, test_label_list, test_index_dequeue_op, test_enqueue_op, image_batch, label_batch):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    print("Epoch: [%d]\tLr: %f" % (epoch, lr))

    index_epoch = sess.run(index_dequeue_op)
    label_epoch = np.array(label_list)[index_epoch]
    image_epoch = np.array(image_list)[index_epoch]

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_epoch), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_epoch), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    # Training loop
    train_time = 0
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {
            learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
            phase_train_placeholder: True,
            batch_size_placeholder: args.batch_size
        if ((batch_number) % 100 == 0):
            err, _, step, reg_loss, summary_str = sess.run([
                loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses, summary_op
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=step)

            val_err,reg_err=val_loss(args, sess, loss,regularization_losses, epoch, step, test_image_list, test_label_list, test_index_dequeue_op,\
                    image_batch, label_batch, phase_train_placeholder)
            summary = tf.Summary()
            summary.value.add(tag='val/total_loss', simple_value=val_err)
            summary.value.add(tag='val/reg_loss', simple_value=reg_err)

            summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step)

            err, _, step, reg_loss = sess.run(
                [loss, train_op, global_step, regularization_losses],
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tLoss %2.3f\tRegLoss %2.3f' %
              (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration, err,
        batch_number += 1
        train_time += duration
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='time/total', simple_value=train_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)

    #Validate loop

    # batch_number=0
    # test_index_epoch = sess.run(test_index_dequeue_op)
    # test_label_epoch = np.array(test_label_list)[test_index_epoch]
    # test_image_epoch = np.array(test_image_list)[test_index_epoch]

    # # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    # test_labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(test_label_epoch), 1)
    # test_image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(test_image_epoch), 1)
    # sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: test_image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: test_labels_array})

    # val_train_time = 0
    # err_sum=0

    # while batch_number < test_epoch_size:
    #     start_time = time.time()
    #     feed_dict = {learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: False,
    #                  batch_size_placeholder: test_batch_size}

    #     err = sess.run([loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)

    #     err=np.mean(err)
    #     err_sum+=err

    #     duration = time.time() - start_time
    #     print('Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTest_Loss %2.3f\t' %
    #           (epoch, batch_number + 1, test_batch_num, duration, err))
    #     batch_number += 1
    #     val_train_time += duration

    # # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    # summary = tf.Summary()
    # summary.value.add(tag='val/loss', simple_value=(err_sum/test_batch_num))
    # summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step)

    # summary = tf.Summary()
    # summary.value.add(tag='val_time/total', simple_value=val_train_time)
    # summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)

    return step
def train_multi_gpu(args, sess, dataset, epoch, image_paths_placeholder,
                    labels_placeholder, labels_batch, batch_size_placeholder,
                    learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder,
                    enqueue_op, input_queue, global_step, embeddings, loss,
                    train_op, summary_op, summary_writer,
                    learning_rate_schedule_file, embedding_size):
    batch_number = 0

    if args.learning_rate > 0.0:
        lr = args.learning_rate
        lr = facenet.get_learning_rate_from_file(learning_rate_schedule_file,
    while batch_number < args.epoch_size:
        # Sample people randomly from the dataset
        image_paths, num_per_class = sample_people(dataset,

        print('Running forward pass on sampled images: ', end='')
        start_time = time.time()
        nrof_examples = args.people_per_batch * args.images_per_person
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_examples), (-1, 3))
        image_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, embedding_size))
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_examples / args.batch_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            # ------ new start-----
            # for j in range(args.num_gpus):
            #     emb_tmp, lab_tmp = sess.run([embeddings_split, labels_batch_split], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
            #         learning_rate_placeholder: lr, phase_train_placeholder: True})
            # emb_array[lab_tmp,:] = emb_tmp
            # ------ new end --------

            # ------ old start ------
            emb, lab = sess.run(
                [embeddings, labels_batch],
                    batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                    learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                    phase_train_placeholder: True
            emb_array[lab, :] = emb
            # ------ old end --------
        print('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

        # Select triplets based on the embeddings
        print('Selecting suitable triplets for training')
        triplets, nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets = select_triplets(
            emb_array, num_per_class, image_paths, args.people_per_batch,
        selection_time = time.time() - start_time
            '(nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets) = (%d, %d): time=%.3f seconds' %
            (nrof_random_negs, nrof_triplets, selection_time))

        # Perform training on the selected triplets
        nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_triplets * 3 / args.batch_size))
        print('选择出来的 triplets 形成的 batch 有多少个:', nrof_batches)
        triplet_paths = list(itertools.chain(*triplets))
        labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(len(triplet_paths)), (-1, 3))
        triplet_paths_array = np.reshape(
            np.expand_dims(np.array(triplet_paths), 1), (-1, 3))
            enqueue_op, {
                image_paths_placeholder: triplet_paths_array,
                labels_placeholder: labels_array
        nrof_examples = len(triplet_paths)
        train_time = 0
        i = 0
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_examples, args.embedding_size))
        loss_array = np.zeros((nrof_triplets, ))
        summary = tf.Summary()
        step = 0
        while i < nrof_batches:
            start_time = time.time()
            batch_size = min(nrof_examples - i * args.batch_size,
            feed_dict = {
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: lr,
                phase_train_placeholder: True
            # ---- new start -----
            # total_err_split = []
            # reg_err_split = []
            # emb_split_new = []
            # lab_split_new = []
            # for j in range(args.num_gpus):
            #     if j % 2 == 1:
            #         total_err_tmp, reg_err_tmp, _, step, emb_new_tmp, lab_new_tmp = sess.run([loss['total_loss'], loss['total_reg'], train_op, global_step, embeddings_split[j], labels_batch_split[j]], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            #     else:
            #         total_err_tmp, reg_err_tmp, _, emb_new_tmp, lab_new_tmp = sess.run([loss['total_loss'], loss['total_reg'], train_op, embeddings_split[j], labels_batch_split[j]], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            #     total_err_split.append(total_err_tmp)
            #     reg_err_split.append(reg_err_tmp)
            #     emb_split_new.append(emb_new_tmp)
            #     lab_split_new(lab_new_tmp)
            # total_err = tf.reduce_mean(total_err_split)
            # reg_err = tf.reduce_mean(reg_err_split)
            # 将 tensor 转换为 float
            # total_err_float = tf.to_float(total_err, name='totensor_1')
            # reg_err_float = tf.to_float(reg_err, name='totensor_2')
            # emb = tf.reduce_mean(emb_split_new, 0)
            # lab = tf.reduce_mean(lab_split_new, 0)
            # ---- new end -------

            # ----- old start -----
            total_err, reg_err, _, step, emb, lab = sess.run(
                    loss['total_loss'], loss['total_reg'], train_op,
                    global_step, embeddings, labels_batch
            # ----- old end -------
            duration = time.time() - start_time
            # print('SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStep======', step)
                'Epoch: [%d][%d/%d]\tTime %.3f\tTotal Loss %2.3f\tReg Loss %2.3f, lr %2.5f'
                % (epoch, batch_number + 1, args.epoch_size, duration,
                   total_err, reg_err, lr))
            batch_number += 1
            i += 1
            train_time += duration
    return step