def calc_delta_delta(event, mask): # if 'source_position_zd' not in df.columns: frame = AltAz(location=LOCATION, obstime=to_astropy_time( pd.to_datetime(event.observation_info.time))) crab_altaz = crab.transform_to(frame) source_position_zd_phs = crab_altaz.zen.deg source_position_az_phs = source_x, source_y = horizontal_to_camera( source_position_zd_phs, source_position_az_phs, event.zd,, ) # safe x, y and t components of Photons. shape = (#photons,3) xyt = event.photon_stream.point_cloud lol = event.photon_stream.list_of_lists x, y, t = xyt.T x = np.rad2deg(x) / camera_distance_mm_to_deg(1) y = np.rad2deg(y) / camera_distance_mm_to_deg(1) cleaned_photons = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) for i in range(len(lol)): if mask[i]: for j in range(len(lol[i])): cleaned_photons[i] = True cog_x = np.mean(x[cleaned_photons]) cog_y = np.mean(y[cleaned_photons]) true_delta = np.arctan2(cog_y - source_y, cog_x - source_x) delta = calc_delta(phs2image(event.photon_stream.list_of_lists), mask) delta_delta = true_delta - delta if delta_delta < -np.pi / 2: delta_delta += 2 * np.pi # if delta_delta < -90: # delta_delta += 360 return delta_delta
def calc_random_source(pointing_zd, pointing_az, wobble_distance): phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, len(pointing_zd)) r = wobble_distance / camera_distance_mm_to_deg(1) x = r * np.cos(phi) y = r * np.sin(phi) zd, az = camera_to_horizontal(x, y, pointing_zd, pointing_az) return zd, az
def add_theta_deg_columns(df): for i in range(6): incol = 'theta' if i == 0 else 'theta_off_{}'.format(i) outcol = 'theta_deg' if i == 0 else 'theta_deg_off_{}'.format(i) if incol in df.columns: df[outcol] = camera_distance_mm_to_deg(df[incol])
def calc_hillas_features_phs(phs, clustering): """ Safes Hillas features from Photon Stream Cluster to dict ev Inputs: ----------------------------------------- phs: Photon Stream of an event clustering: Photon Stream cluster Returns: ----------------------------------------- ev: dictionary with Hillas features """ ev = {} # safe x, y and t components of Photons. shape = (#photons,3) xyt = phs.point_cloud x, y, t = xyt.T x = np.rad2deg(x) / camera_distance_mm_to_deg(1) y = np.rad2deg(y) / camera_distance_mm_to_deg(1) # biggest cluster: biggest_cluster = np.argmax(np.bincount(clustering.labels[clustering.labels != -1])) mask = clustering.labels == biggest_cluster # all clusters # mask = clustering.labels != -1 ev['cluster_size_ratio'] = (clustering.labels != -1).sum() / mask.sum() ev['n_pixel'] = len(np.unique(np.column_stack([x[mask], y[mask]]), axis=0)) # Leakage image = phs2image(phs.list_of_lists) cleaned_pix = np.zeros(len(image), dtype=bool) border_pix = get_border_pixel_mask() k = 0 cleaned_img = np.zeros(len(image)) for i in range(len(phs.list_of_lists)): for j in range(len(phs.list_of_lists[i])): if mask[k]: cleaned_pix[i] = True cleaned_img[i] += 1 k += 1 border_ph = [(border_pix[i] and cleaned_pix[i]) for i in range (1440)] ev['leakage'] = cleaned_img[border_ph].sum()/mask.sum() # covariance and eigenvalues/vectors for later calculations cov = np.cov(x[mask], y[mask]) eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov) # Descriptive statistics: mean, std dev, kurtosis, skewness ev['kurtosis_x'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(x[mask]) ev['kurtosis_y'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(y[mask]) ev['skewness_x'] = scipy.stats.skew(x[mask]) ev['skewness_y'] = scipy.stats.skew(y[mask]) # means of cluster ev['cog_x'] = np.mean(x[mask]) ev['cog_y'] = np.mean(y[mask]) # width, length and delta with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ev['width'], ev['length'] = np.sqrt(eig_vals) # delta = np.arctan(eig_vecs[1, 1] / eig_vecs[0, 1]) # ev['delta'] = delta delta_mask = cleaned_img > mask.sum() * 1.5 / 100 # covariance and eigenvalues/vectors for delta if delta_mask.sum() == 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ev['width'], ev['length'] = np.sqrt(eig_vals) delta = np.arctan(eig_vecs[1, 1] / eig_vecs[0, 1]) else: cov_d = np.cov(pix_x[delta_mask], pix_y[delta_mask], fweights=cleaned_img[delta_mask]) eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov_d) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ev['width'], ev['length'] = np.sqrt(eig_vals) delta = np.arctan(eig_vecs[1, 1] / eig_vecs[0, 1]) ev['delta'] = delta # rotate into main component system delta_x = x[mask] - ev['cog_x'] delta_y = y[mask] - ev['cog_y'] long = np.cos(delta) * delta_x + np.sin(delta) * delta_y trans = - np.sin(delta) * delta_x + np.cos(delta) * delta_y # higher order weights in cluster coordinates ev['kurtosis_long'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(long) ev['kurtosis_trans'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(trans) ev['skewness_long'] = scipy.stats.skew(long) ev['skewness_trans'] = scipy.stats.skew(trans) # number of photons in biggest cluster ev['size'] = mask.sum() # number of clusters ev['clusters'] = clustering.number return ev
def write_fits_to_hdf5(outputfile, inputfiles, mode='a', compression='gzip', progress=True, key='events'): initialized = False version = None with h5py.File(outputfile, mode) as hdf_file: for inputfile in tqdm(inputfiles, disable=not progress): with as f: if version is None: version = f[0].header['VERSION'] hdf_file.attrs['fact_tools_version'] = version else: if version != f[0].header['VERSION']: raise ValueError( 'Merging output of different FACT-Tools versions not allowed' ) if len(f) < 2: continue array = np.array(f[1].data[:]) # convert all names to snake case array.dtype.names = rename_columns(array.dtype.names) # add columns with theta in degrees arrays = [] names = [] for in_col, out_col in zip(theta_columns, theta_deg_columns): if in_col in array.dtype.names: arrays.append(camera_distance_mm_to_deg(array[in_col])) names.append(out_col) if len(names) > 0: array = recfunctions.append_fields( array, names=names, data=arrays, usemask=False, ) if not initialized: initialize_h5py( hdf_file, array, key=key, compression=compression, ) initialized = True append_to_h5py(hdf_file, array, key=key) if 'timestamp' in array.dtype.names: hdf_file[key]['timestamp'].attrs['timeformat'] = 'iso'