Exemple #1
def mdc_reduce(machine):
    stack = [machine]

    while stack:
        m = stack.pop()
        if m.is_trivial():
            return True

        m = m.md_reduce()

        fs = factor.factor(m)
        if not fs:
            m = m.dual()
            if m.is_trivial():
                return True
            fs = factor.factor(m)
            if not fs:

        for a, b in fs:
            c = mealy.product(b, a)
            d = c.md_reduce()
            if d.is_trivial() or d.dual().is_trivial():
                return True
            if d != c and d.dual() != c:
    return False
Exemple #2
def smallest_multiple(divisors):
    Returns the smallest positive integer evenly divisible by all of the
    integers in divisors.

    # Maps each prime factor to a count (e.g. 8 factors into three 2s, so its
    # map would look like {2 : 3}).
    factor_counts = defaultdict(int)

    # Factor all integers in the list of divisors.
    for d in divisors:
        t = tree.Tree(d)

        # Count up the num of occurrences of each prime factor.
        leaf_counts = defaultdict(int)  # defaultdict sets initial counts to 0
        for leaf in t.get_leaves():
            leaf_counts[leaf] += 1

        # If num of occurrences of a factor exceeds what we already have,
        # change count to the larger value (e.g. a number needs at least three
        # 2s in its list of prime factors in order to be divisible by 8).
        for leaf in leaf_counts:
            if (factor_counts[leaf] < leaf_counts[leaf]):
                factor_counts[leaf] = leaf_counts[leaf]

    # Now that we have a count of all prime factors for our smallest multiple,
    # we multiply them all together.
    smallest_multiple = 1
    for factor in factor_counts:
        smallest_multiple *= factor ** factor_counts[factor]
    return smallest_multiple
def is_primitive(x, p):
    for q in factor(p - 1):
        if len(factor(q)) == 0:
            v = (x**((p - 1) / q) % p)
            #  print('testing {}**(({} - 1)/{}) % {} = {}'.format(x, p, q, p, v))
            if v == 1:
                return False
    return True
Exemple #4
def largest_prime_factor(n):
    Generates a factor tree then performs depth-first search to find largest
    prime factor.
    t = tree.Tree(n)
    largest = dfs(t)
    return largest
Exemple #5
    def _evaluate_one(self, n, num_p):
        start_init_time = time()
        pqs = PQSieve(n, h=[], num_p=num_p,
        end_init_time = time()

        start_search_time = time()
        res = pqs.search()
        end_search_time = time()

        self.init_times.append(end_init_time - start_init_time)
        self.search_times.append(end_search_time - start_search_time)
        self.T_list.append(pqs.p_plus_q - pqs.sqrt_n + 1)
        Tp = pqs.last_j - pqs.b0_ind + 1 if pqs.total_i == 0 else (pqs.R_size - pqs.b0_ind) + (pqs.total_i - 1) * pqs.R_size + (pqs.last_j + 1)
        del pqs

        start_qs_time = time()
        qs_res = qs.factor(n)
        end_qs_time = time()
        self.qs_times.append(end_qs_time - start_qs_time)
Exemple #6
    def _evaluate_fermat(self, n):
        start_init_time = time()
        fermat = Fermat(n, progress=False)
        end_init_time = time()

        start_search_time = time()
        res = fermat.search()
        end_search_time = time()

        self.init_times.append(end_init_time - start_init_time)
        self.search_times.append(end_search_time - start_search_time)
        self.T_list.append(fermat.p_plus_q - fermat.sqrt_n + 1)
        Tp = fermat.total_i + 1
        del fermat

        start_qs_time = time()
        qs_res = qs.factor(n)
        end_qs_time = time()
        self.qs_times.append(end_qs_time - start_qs_time)
def minG(m):
    p = phi(m)
    mp = factor(p)
    checkLst = [p // i for i in mp]
    i = 2
    while 1:
        if all((i**n - 1) % m != 0 for n in checkLst): return i
        i += 1
Exemple #8
def gs(m, num=100):
    '''return list of  m's  primary roots below num'''
    p = phi(m)
    mp = factor(p)
    checkLst = [p // i for i in mp]
    return [
        i for i in range(2, num) if all((i**n - 1) % m != 0 for n in checkLst)
Exemple #9
 def test_factor(self):
     for k in range(5):
         for _ in range(500):
             expected = sorted(random.choices(PRIMES, k=k))
             N = product(expected)
             with self.subTest(N=N, expected=expected):
                 found = sorted(factor(N))
                 self.assertEqual(expected, found)
Exemple #10
def is_prim_root(x: int, modulus: int) -> bool:
    phi_modulus = phi.phi(modulus)
    phi_factor_dict = factor.factor(phi_modulus)
    for single_factor in phi_factor_dict.keys():
        if (modular_exp.modular_exp(x, phi_modulus // single_factor, \
            modulus) == 1):
            return False
    return True
Exemple #11
def print_solution(ret):
  # print solution
  out = []
  prod = 1
  for x,y in zip(P, ret):
    if y:
      prod *= x
  print N, prod, prod%N, out
  print tm(out),"%",tm(factor(N)[0]),"==",prod%N
Exemple #12
def addtl_augs(strength, img_in, lbl_in, i=0):
    print('\nCreate additional variation {0}'.format(str(i + 1)))
    addtl_choices = {
        0: img_in,
        1: HighContrast,
        2: LowContrast,
        3: Sharpen,
        4: Blur,
        5: UniformNoise,
        6: TV_Chambolle,
        7: HistogramEqualization,
        8: [img_in, Skew],
        9: [HighContrast, Skew],
        10: [LowContrast, Skew],
        11: [Sharpen, Skew],
        12: [Blur, ElasticDistortion],
        13: [UniformNoise, ElasticDistortion],
        14: [TV_Chambolle, ElasticDistortion],
        15: [HistogramEqualization, ElasticDistortion]

    if factor(strength, i) == 0:
        img_out, lbl_out = img_in, lbl_in
        if i == 0:
            img_out, lbl_out = img_in, lbl_in
        elif i < 8:
            img_out, lbl_out = addtl_choices[i](img_in, factor(strength,
                                                               i)), lbl_in
            if i == 8:
                img1 = img_in
                img1 = addtl_choices[i][0](img_in, factor(strength, i - 8))
            if i < 12:
                img_out, lbl_out = addtl_choices[i][1](img1, lbl_in,
                                                       factor(strength, 8))
                img_out, lbl_out = addtl_choices[i][1](img1, lbl_in,
                                                       factor(strength, 9))

    return img_out, lbl_out, addtl_choices
Exemple #13
def phi(n: int) -> int:
    if (n == 1):
        return 1

    factor_dict = factor.factor(n)

    result = functools.reduce(operator.mul,
                              map(lambda x: n - n // x, factor_dict.keys()))
    result = result // exp.exp(n, len(factor_dict.keys()) - 1)

    return result
Exemple #14
def create_key():
    return (pub_key, priv_key) pair
    while True:
        p = get_rand_prime(2**10, 2**16)
        q = get_rand_prime(2**10, 2**16)
        if gcd(p, q) == 2:

    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    f = factor(p - 1) + factor(q - 1)
    d, dp, dq = 0, 0, 0
    while True:
        e = get_rand_prime(1, phi)
        if e not in f:
            d = eea(e, phi)[1]
            dp = d % (p - 1)
            dq = d % (q - 1)
            if dp & 1 == dq & 1:

    return (e, p * q), (p, q, dp, dq)
Exemple #15
def experiment(k, lamb):
    print(f"Process {k} {lamb} start")
    folder = f"./record/k_{k}_lambda_{lamb}"
    if not os.path.exists(folder):
    with open(os.path.join(folder, "log.txt"), 'w+') as f:
        Xtrain = np.array(load_npz("train.npz").todense())
        Xtest = np.array(load_npz("test.npz").todense())
        U, V, record = factor(Xtrain, Xtest, k, 1e-2, lamb, 500, rmse_thd=1e-5, f=f)
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(folder, "U.txt"), U)
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(folder, "V.txt"), V)
    with open(os.path.join(folder, "record.json"), "w") as f:
        record = [(float(x[0]), float(x[1])) for x in record]
    print(f"process k: {k}, lambda {lamb} finish")
Exemple #16
def get_prim_root_generic(n: int) -> int:
    stats = get_prim_root_stats(n)
    p = stats[2]
    l = stats[3]
    if (stats[0] == False):
        raise ValueError("get_prim_root_generic: no primitive " + \
            "root of %d" % n)
    # 若 p == 2,则一定 n == 2 或 n == 4
    if (p == 2):
        # n == 4
        if stats[1]:
            return 3
        # n == 2
            return 1
    if stats[1]:
        modulus = n // 2
        modulus = n
    phi_modulus = phi.phi_prime_power(p, l)
    phi_factor_dict = factor.factor(p - 1)
    # 不存在的因数不应该加入字典
    if (l != 1):
        phi_factor_dict[p] = l - 1

    for i in range(2, n):
        failed_flag = False
        for single_factor in phi_factor_dict.keys():
            if (modular_exp.modular_exp(i, \
                phi_modulus // single_factor, modulus) == 1):
                failed_flag = True

        if (failed_flag):
            return i
    # 不应该运行到这里
    raise RuntimeError("get_prim_root_generic: cannot find " + \
        "primitive root of %d while it must have one" % n)
Exemple #17
def get_prim_root_list(n: int) -> int:
    stats = get_prim_root_stats(n)
    p = stats[2]
    l = stats[3]
    if (stats[0] == False):
        raise ValueError("get_prim_root_generic: no primitive " + \
            "root of %d" % n)
    # 若 p == 2,则一定 n == 2 或 n == 4
    if (p == 2):
        # n == 4
        if stats[1]:
            return 3
        # n == 2
            return 1
    result = []
    modulus = exp.exp(p, l)
    phi_modulus = phi.phi_prime_power(p, l)
    phi_factor_dict = factor.factor(p - 1)
    # 不存在的因数不应该加入字典
    if (l != 1):
        phi_factor_dict[p] = l - 1

    for i in range(2, p):
        failed_flag = False
        for single_factor in phi_factor_dict.keys():
            if (modular_exp.modular_exp(i, \
                phi_modulus // single_factor, modulus) == 1):
                failed_flag = True

        if (failed_flag):
    return result
Exemple #18
import itertools
import factor

dlimit = 20
if dlimit < 3:
    common_factors = {}
    for x in range(3, dlimit):
        factors = factor.factor(x)
        mcf = []
        for k, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(factors)):
            z = list(g)
            mcf = z if len(z) > len(mcf) else mcf
        if mcf[0] not in common_factors or len(mcf) > common_factors[mcf[0]]:
            common_factors[mcf[0]] = len(mcf)
    prod = 1
    for x in common_factors:
        prod *= x ** common_factors[x]
Exemple #19
def generator(x):
  fact, phi = factor(x-1)
  #g = sorted(fact)[::-1][0]
  return fact
def factorUnary(inString):
    M = len(inString)
    return factor(str(M))
Exemple #21
def factsuff():
    if tk.token.code == CodeTable['*'] or tk.token.code == CodeTable['/']:
 def test_factor_7_return_7_in_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(7), [7])
Exemple #23

from factor import factor
from triangle import triangle
from doubling import doubling
from factorial import factorial 
from pascal import pascal 
from occurrences import num_occurrences

print factor(60)
print factor(45)
print factor(35)
print factor(13)


print doubling(0.1)
print doubling(0.05)
print doubling(0.01)

print factorial(4)
print factorial(0)


print num_occurrences(["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "b", "d", "e"], "b")

 def test_factor_9_return_3_3_in_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(9), [3, 3])
Exemple #25
def get_expts(nrange):
    nums = factor(this_num)
    return [nums.get(n, 0)
            for n in nrange]
 def test_factor_one_return_empty_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(1), [])
 def test_factor_zero_return_empty_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(0), [])
 def test_factor_big_return_correct_in_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 17 * 19),
                      [2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19])
Exemple #29

import sys, math


import factor

factlist = []
for i in range(1, int(math.sqrt(600851475143))+1):
    if factor.factor(i, 600851475143):

print factlist
 def test_factor_8_return_2_2_2_in_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(8), [2, 2, 2])

from factor import factor
from collections import Counter

n = 10000
factors_last = factor(n)
while True:
    n += 1
    factors_n = factors_last
    factors_n1 = factor(n+1)
    factors_last = factors_n1
    factors_triangular = Counter(factors_n) #+ factors_n1
    factors_triangular += Counter(factors_n1)
    factors_triangular[2] -= 1 # simulate dividing by 2
    # Get the factor exponents
    exp = factors_triangular.values()
    num_divisors = 1
    for i in exp:
        num_divisors *= int(i)+1
    if num_divisors >= 500:
        triangular = (n+1)*n/2

def primitives_of(m):
    assert len(factor(m)) == 0
    for i in range(1, m):
        if is_primitive(i, m):
 def test_factor_big2_return_correct_in_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(factor.factor(5993), [13, 461])
Exemple #34
    def match(self,patname,srcname):
        given a pattern image and a source image, return the match result and
        the scaling factor  
        p = Image.open(patname).convert('L')
        pa = numpy.array(p)
        pa *= 255.0/pa.max()

        s = Image.open(srcname).convert('L')
        sa = numpy.array(s)
        sa *= 255.0/sa.max()

        pre = process.process()
        ex= findextrema.findextrema()
        des = descriptor.descriptor()
        scale = factor.factor()
        pdata = pre.creatdog(pa)
        sdata = pre.creatdog(sa)
        pDes = []
        sDes = []

        # dict to store all the feature matching result
        result = {}

        pFeatures = ex.get_Patextremes(pdata,pa)
        sFeatures = ex.get_Srcextremes(sdata,sa)

        # assign decriptors for each feature points
        pDes = des.creatDes(pFeatures,pa)
        sDes = des.creatDes(sFeatures,sa)

        tree = []

        if sDes=={} or pDes=={}:
            return False
            # use cKD tree struture to compute the two similar pixels
            tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(sDes.values())
            slocList = sDes.keys()
            pDict = {}
            sDict = {}
            for p in pDes.keys():
                x = pDes[p]
                re = tree.query(x,k=2,eps=self.distanceThresh,p=2,

                if re[0][1]!=0 and re[0][0]/re[0][1] < self.similarityThresh:
                    pLoc = p
                    sLoc = slocList[re[1][0]]
                    distance = re[0][0]
                    # did not been compared before
                    if sDict.has_key(sLoc)==False:
                        # add the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel 
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                    elif distance < result.get((sDict[sLoc],sLoc)):

                        # updates the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        del result[(sDict[sLoc],sLoc)]
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        del pDict[sDict[sLoc]]
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                elif re[0][1]==0:
                    pLoc = p
                    sLoc = slocList[re[1][0]]
                    distance = re[0][0]
                    # did not been compared before
                    if sDict.has_key(sLoc)==False:

                        # add the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                    elif distance < result.get((sDict[sLoc],sLoc)):

                        # updates the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        del result[(sDict[sLoc],sLoc)]
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        del pDict[sDict[sLoc]]
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc

        # the list of matched pixels, sorted by the distance
        finResult = sorted(result.items(), reverse=False, key=lambda d: d[1])
        match1 = finResult[0][0]
        match2 = finResult[1][0]
        match3 = finResult[2][0]

        scalingFactor = scale.cal_factor(match1,match2,match3)

        return finResult,scalingFactor
Exemple #35
# instasolve
#P = primes[20:47]
#N = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, primes[0:9])

#P = primes[20:90]
#N = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, primes[0:4])

# testing
P = primes[20:56]
N = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, primes[0:11])

#print P
print "2^%d" % len(P)
print "finding", N

ret, phi = factor(N)
print phi
ret = sorted(list(set(ret)))
print ret

odds = log(phi)/log(2)
print "2^%f" % odds

print "will find",len(P)-odds

if len(P)-odds < 1.0:


import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from factor import factor

lcm_factors = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(2,N+1):
    f = factor(i)
    for k,v in f.items():
        lcm_factors[k] = max(lcm_factors[k], v)

n = 1
for k,v in lcm_factors.items():
    n *= k**v

Exemple #37
##problem 5.py

import sys, math


import factor

t = True
init = 24504480
while t:
    init += 1
    for i in range(20, 0, -1):
        if i == 1:
            t = False
        elif factor.factor(i, init):

print init

#takes a while
Exemple #38
def factor_to_string(num):
    facs = factor(num)
    facs = ["{}**{}".format(n, p)
            for n, p in sorted(facs.items(), key=lambda n: n[0])]
    return ' * '.join(facs)
def pow_orders(d, n):
    fs = [1, d] + factor(d)
    for x in range(1, n):
        if order(x, n) in fs:
Exemple #40
    def match(self,patname,srcname):
        given a pattern image and a source image, return the match result and
        the scaling factor  
        p = Image.open(patname).convert('L')
        pa = numpy.array(p)
        pa *= 255.0/pa.max()

        s = Image.open(srcname).convert('L')
        sa = numpy.array(s)
        sa *= 255.0/sa.max()

        pre = process.process()
        ex= findextrema.findextrema()
        des = descriptor.descriptor()
        scale = factor.factor()
        pdata = pre.creatdog(pa)
        sdata = pre.creatdog(sa)
        pDes = []
        sDes = []

        # dict to store all the feature matching result
        result = {}

        pFeatures = ex.get_Patextremes(pdata,pa)
        sFeatures = ex.get_Srcextremes(sdata,sa)

        # assign decriptors for each feature points
        pDes = des.creatDes(pFeatures,pa)
        sDes = des.creatDes(sFeatures,sa)

        tree = []

        if sDes=={} or pDes=={}:
            return False
            # use cKD tree struture to compute the two similar pixels
            tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(sDes.values())
            slocList = sDes.keys()
            pDict = {}
            sDict = {}
            for p in pDes.keys():
                x = pDes[p]
                re = tree.query(x,k=2,eps=self.distanceThresh,p=2,

                if re[0][1]!=0 and re[0][0]/re[0][1] < self.similarityThresh:
                    pLoc = p
                    sLoc = slocList[re[1][0]]
                    distance = re[0][0]
                    # did not been compared before
                    if sDict.has_key(sLoc)==False:
                        # add the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel 
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                    elif distance < result.get((sDict[sLoc],sLoc)):

                        # updates the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        del result[(sDict[sLoc],sLoc)]
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        del pDict[sDict[sLoc]]
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                elif re[0][1]==0:
                    pLoc = p
                    sLoc = slocList[re[1][0]]
                    distance = re[0][0]
                    # did not been compared before
                    if sDict.has_key(sLoc)==False:

                        # add the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc
                    elif distance < result.get((sDict[sLoc],sLoc)):

                        # updates the result and compared pattern pixel
                        # and source pixel
                        del result[(sDict[sLoc],sLoc)]
                        result[(pLoc,sLoc)] = distance
                        del pDict[sDict[sLoc]]
                        pDict[pLoc] = sLoc
                        sDict[sLoc] = pLoc

        # the list of matched pixels, sorted by the distance
        finResult = sorted(result.items(), reverse=False, key=lambda d: d[1])
        match1 = finResult[0][0]
        match2 = finResult[1][0]
        match3 = finResult[2][0]

        scalingFactor = scale.cal_factor(match1,match2,match3)

        return finResult,scalingFactor
Exemple #41
def spike(A, b, config, output = True, debug = False) :

    # Check the values
    if (config['partitionNumber'] < 2) :
        raise ValueError("The partitionNumber has to be at least 2 but it is", config['partitionNumber'])
    elif (config['matrixSize'] / config['partitionNumber'] < config['bandwidth']) :
        raise ValueError("The number of partitions must be smaller or equal to", config['matrixSize'] / config['bandwidth'], "but it is", config['partitionNumber'])
    elif (config['matrixSize'] % config['partitionNumber'] != 0) :
        raise ValueError("The matrixSize should be devideable by the number of partitions. given:", config['matrixSize'], config['partitionNumber'])
    else :
        # Determine the size of each partition
        config['partitionSize'] = config['matrixSize'] / config['partitionNumber']

    # make bandwidth even
    if (config['bandwidth'] % 2 != 0) :
        config['bandwidth'] += 1

    config['rhsSize'] = b.shape[1]

    config['offdiagonalSize'] = config['bandwidth']/2 #(bandwidth-1)/2

    if (output) :
        print config
        print "input A:"
        print A.todense()
        print "input b:"
        print b.todense()

    # create prerequirements for OpenCL
    ctx = cl.create_some_context(True)
    #for platform in cl.get_platforms() :
    #    devices = platform.get_devices(cl.device_type.CPU)
    #    ctx = cl.Context(devices)
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    # compile programm code for CL
    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    gaussFile = open(os.path.join(directory, "gauss.cl"), 'r')
    gaussCode = ''.join(gaussFile.readlines())
    program = cl.Program(ctx, gaussCode).build()

    # 1. Pre-processing
    # 1.1 Partitioning of the original system onto different processors
    start = time()
    buffers = partition.partition(config, ctx, A, b, debug)

    # 1.2 Factorization of each diagonal block
    # solve A_j[V_j, W_j, G_j] = [(0 ... 0 B_j)T, (C_j 0 ... 0)T, F_j]
    # this step also involves solving of A_j G_j = F_j from (2.1)
    factor.factor(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers)

    # At this point we can free the A buffer (buffers[0])
    # TODO make the memory release dependent on some event

    # 2. Post-processing
    # 2.1 Solving the reduced system
    buffers = solve.reduced(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers, debug)

    # At this point we can free the SG buffer (buffers[2])

    # 2.2 Retrieving the overall solution
    x = solve.final(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers, debug)
    stop = time()
    rt = stop-start
    return [x, rt]