Exemple #1
def get_num_hits(description):
    if 'twice' in description:
        return 2
    if 'two' in description and 'five' in description:
        return fakerandom.fakerandint(2, 5)
        return 1
def PARTIALLYTRAPPEDonStart(pokemon, source):
	if (source.item == "GRIPCLAW"):
		pokemon.partiallytrapped_count = 8
		pokemon.partiallytrapped_count = fakerandom.fakerandint(5, 7)
	if (pokemon.add_volatile(PARTIALLYTRAPPED)):
		log.message(pokemon.template.species + " was trapped")
		pokemon.partiallytrapped_source = source
Exemple #3
def PARTIALLYTRAPPEDonStart(pokemon, source):
    if (source.item == "GRIPCLAW"):
        pokemon.partiallytrapped_count = 8
        pokemon.partiallytrapped_count = fakerandom.fakerandint(5, 7)
    if (pokemon.add_volatile(PARTIALLYTRAPPED)):
        log.message(pokemon.template.species + " was trapped")
        pokemon.partiallytrapped_source = source
def SLPonStart(target):
	if (target.set_status(SLP)):
		log.message(target.template.species + " fell asleep")
		target.set_status_counter(fakerandom.fakerandint(1, 3))
def CONFUSIONonStart(target, source, sourceEffect):
	# if (sourceEffect and source == "LOCKEDMOVE" and target.add_volatile(CONFUSION)):
	if (target.add_volatile(CONFUSION)):
		log.message(target.template.species + " became confused")
		# target.confusion_source = "FATIGUE"
		target.confusion_count = fakerandom.fakerandint(2, 6)
Exemple #6
def SLPonStart(target):
    if (target.set_status(SLP)):
        log.message(target.template.species + " fell asleep")
        target.set_status_counter(fakerandom.fakerandint(1, 3))
Exemple #7
def CONFUSIONonStart(target, source, sourceEffect):
    # if (sourceEffect and source == "LOCKEDMOVE" and target.add_volatile(CONFUSION)):
    if (target.add_volatile(CONFUSION)):
        log.message(target.template.species + " became confused")
        # target.confusion_source = "FATIGUE"
        target.confusion_count = fakerandom.fakerandint(2, 6)
Exemple #8
def make_random_team(num):
    teamsize = 6
    team = []
    pokemon_chosen = []
    # Weird edge case moves that we didn't have time to implement
    skipped_moves = [

    # Until we have 6 pokemon
    while len(team) < teamsize:
        # choose a random pokemon from the pokedex (0-indexed)
        pokedex_num = fakerandom.fakerandint(0, 150)
        while pokedex_num in pokemon_chosen:
            pokedex_num = fakerandom.fakerandint(0, 150)
        species = pokedex.pokedex_list.keys()[pokedex_num]

        # skip ditto because we didnt implement transform
        if species == 'DITTO':

        # set constants that we dont want to randomize
        level = 100
        ivs = [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]
        evs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        # pick 4 attacks
        attacks = []
        attacks_chosen = []
        learnset = learnsets.learnset_list[pokedex.pokedex_list.keys()
        while len(attacks) < 4:
            attack_num = fakerandom.fakerandint(0, len(learnset) - 1)
            while (attack_num in attacks_chosen
                   and len(attacks_chosen) < len(learnset)):
                attack_num = fakerandom.fakerandint(0, len(learnset) - 1)
            attack = learnset[attack_num]

            #skip attacks we didnt implement
            if attack in skipped_moves:

            attacks.append((attack, 3))

        # pick gender based on pokemon's gender ratios
        gender = None
        ratios = pokedex.pokedex_list[species].gender_ratios
        counter = 0
        gender_num = fakerandom.fakerandom()
        if gender_num >= counter and gender_num < counter + ratios[0]:
            gender = 'MALE'
        counter += ratios[0]
        if gender_num >= counter and gender_num < counter + ratios[1]:
            gender = 'FEMALE'

            pokemon.Pokemon(species, level, gender, num, ivs, evs, attacks))

    return Team(team)