Exemple #1
    def process_request(self, req, resp):
        """Performs content type enforcement on behalf of REST verbs."""
        valid_content_types = ['application/x-yaml']

        # GET and DELETE should never carry a message body, and have
        # no content type. Check for content-length or
        # transfer-encoding to determine if a content-type header
        # is required.
        requires_content_type = (req.method not in ['GET', 'DELETE'] and (
            (req.content_length is not None and req.content_length > 0)
            or req.get_header('transfer-encoding') is not None))

        if requires_content_type:
            content_type = (req.content_type.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
                            if req.content_type else '')

            if not content_type:
                raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('Content-Type')
            elif content_type not in valid_content_types:
                message = (
                    "Unexpected content type: {type}. Expected content types "
                    "are: {expected}.").format(type=six.b(
                raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(description=message)
def _validate_content_type(req):
    """Validate content type.

    Function validates request against correct content type.

    If Content-Type cannot be established (i.e. header is missing),
    :py:class:`falcon.HTTPMissingHeader` is thrown.
    If Content-Type is not **application/json**(supported contents

    types are define in SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES variable),
    :py:class:`falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType` is thrown.

    :param falcon.Request req: current request

    :exception: :py:class:`falcon.HTTPMissingHeader`
    :exception: :py:class:`falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType`
    content_type = req.content_type
    LOG.debug('Content-type is {0}'.format(content_type))

    if content_type is None or len(content_type) == 0:
        raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('Content-Type')

    if content_type not in SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES:
        types = ','.join(SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES)
        details = (
            'Only [{0}] are accepted as events representation'.format(types))
        raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(description=details)
def validate_content_type(req, allowed):
    """Validates content type.

    Method validates request against correct
    content type.

    If content-type cannot be established (i.e. header is missing),
    :py:class:`falcon.HTTPMissingHeader` is thrown.
    If content-type is not **application/json** or **text/plain**,
    :py:class:`falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType` is thrown.

    :param falcon.Request req: current request
    :param iterable allowed: allowed content type

    :exception: :py:class:`falcon.HTTPMissingHeader`
    :exception: :py:class:`falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType`
    content_type = req.content_type

    LOG.debug('Content-Type is %s', content_type)

    if content_type is None or len(content_type) == 0:
        raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('Content-Type')

    if content_type not in allowed:
        sup_types = ', '.join(allowed)
        details = ('Only [%s] are accepted as logs representations'
                   % str(sup_types))
        raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(description=details)
Exemple #4
def authUser(req, resp, permissions):
    authHeader = req.get_header('Authorization')
    if authHeader == None:
        raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('Authorization')
        user = User.objects.get({"auth_b64": authHeader[6:]})
        diff_perms = list(set(permissions) - set(User.valid_permissions))
        if len(diff_perms) > 0:
            raise falcon.HTTPForbidden(
                'Forbidden', "%s does not have the required permissions: %s" %
                (user.username, ', '.join(diff_perms)))
    except User.DoesNotExist:
            'message': 'Failed login attempt',
            'action': 'login'
        raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized('Unauthorized',
                                      'Username and password does not exist.',
                                      ['Basic realm="WallyWorld"'])
        req.context['user'] = user
            'message': "'%s' logged in." % user.username,
            'action': 'login'
Exemple #5
 def do_auth(self, req, resp, resource, params):
     if resource._conf.get('auth', False):
         if not req.auth:
             raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader("Missing OAuth token", "Authorization")
             bearer, token = req.auth.split()
             assert(bearer == "OAuth")
         except AssertionError as exp:
             raise falcon.HTTPInvalidHeader("Malformed Authorization header", "Authorization")
         parts = token.split('.')
         if len(parts) != 3:
             raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Token is not a valid JWT token")
         itok = ".".join(parts[:2])
         sig = hmac.new(resource._conf.get('secret', "there is no secret").encode('utf-8'), itok.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
         if not hmac.compare_digest(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sig), parts[2].encode('utf-8')):
             raise falcon.HTTPForbidden()
         payload = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(parts[1]).decode('utf-8'))
         if payload["exp"] < int(time.time()):
             raise falcon.HTTPForbidden(description="Token has expired")
         if not resource.authorize(payload['prv']):
             raise falcon.HTTPForbidden(description="User does not have permission to use this function")
         self._usr = payload["iss"]
Exemple #6
 def encode_response(self, req, resp, resource):
     if not req.get_header("Accept"):
         raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader("Accept")
     if req.client_accepts(MIME['PSJSON']) or req.client_accepts(MIME['JSON']):
         resp.body = json.dumps(resp.body)
     elif req.client_accepts(MIME['PSBSON']) or req.client_accepts(MIME['BSON']):
         resp.body = bson.dumps(resp.body)
Exemple #7
 def validate(self, user_name, user_id, req):
         header_name = req.headers[self.username_header]
         token = req.headers[self.token_header]
     except KeyError as err:
         raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader(err.args[0])
         if user_name == header_name:
             return self.noncer.validate_token(user_name, token)
         return False
Exemple #8
 def authorize(self, req):
     if "AUTHORIZATION" not in req.headers:
         raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader("Authorization")
     components = req.headers["AUTHORIZATION"].split(" ")
     if len(components) != 2:
         raise falcon.HTTPInvalidHeader("Expected <type> <credentials>", "Authorization")
     type,creds = components
     if type not in self.supportedAuthorizationTypes:
         raise falcon.HTTPInvalidHeader("Unsupported credential type", "Authorization")
     if creds not in self.db.authKeys():
         raise falcon.HTTPInvalidHeader("Invalid credentials", "Authorization")
Exemple #9
    def process_request(self, req, resp):
        """Performs content type enforcement on behalf of REST verbs."""
        valid_content_types = ['application/x-yaml']
        content_type = (req.content_type.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
                        if req.content_type else '')

        if not content_type:
            raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('Content-Type')
        elif content_type not in valid_content_types:
            message = (
                "Unexpected content type: {type}. Expected content types "
                "are: {expected}.").format(type=six.b(
            raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(description=message)
Exemple #10
    def __call__(self, req, resp, resource, params):
        """Authorize request."""
        authentication = req.headers.get('AUTHORIZATION')
        _ = req.context['user'].get('language')
        if not authentication:
            raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader("AUTHORIZATION")

            user = jwt.decode(
                # options={'verify_exp': True}
                # if you want to verify token (session) expiration, uncomment.

            user_deleted = user.get('deleted')
            user_validated = user.get('validated')
            user_aproved_by_admin = user.get('status') == 'accepted'

            if user_deleted:
                raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(_('User deleted.'))
            if not user_validated:
                raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(_('User not validated.'))
            if not user_aproved_by_admin:
                raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(_('User unapproved.'))

        except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(_('JWT expired'), str(e))
        except jwt.DecodeError as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(_('JWT decode error'), str(e))
        except Exception:
            req.context['user'].update({'_id': None, 'role': 'external'})
                '_id': user.get('_id'),
                'role': user.get('role')
Exemple #11
 def on_get(self, req, resp):
     raise falcon.HTTPMissingHeader('X-Auth-Token')