        height, width = self.coeffs['shape']
        ux,uy = self.getDeflection(width, height)
        r = self.coeffs['reprojectionError']#is RMSE of imgPoint-projectedPoints
        #transform to standard uncertainty
        #we assume rectangular distribution:
        ux = ux/(2 * 3**0.5)
        uy = uy/(2 * 3**0.5)
        return (ux,r), (uy,r), ()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from fancytools.os.PathStr import PathStr
    import sys
    folder = PathStr(imgProcessor.__file__).dirname().join(
                        'media', 'lens_distortion')
    imgs = folder.all()
    l = LensDistortion()
    l.calibrate(board_size=(4,11), method='Asymmetric circles', 
                images=imgs, sensorSize_mm=(18,13.5) )
    print l.getCoeffStr()
    img = l.drawChessboard()
    if 'no_window' not in sys.argv:
        cv2.imshow('chessboard', img)
Exemple #2
        (1x,2x), (1y, 2y), (intensity:None)
        1. px-size-changes(due to deflection)
        2. reprojection error
        height, width = self.coeffs['shape']
        fx, fy = self.getDeflection(width, height)
        # is RMSE of imgPoint-projectedPoints
        r = self.coeffs['reprojectionError']
        t = (sharpness**2 + r**2)**0.5
        return fx * t, fy * t

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from fancytools.os.PathStr import PathStr
    import sys

    folder = PathStr(imgProcessor.__file__).dirname().join(
        'media', 'lens_distortion')
    imgs = folder.all()

    l = LensDistortion()
    l.calibrate(board_size=(4, 11), method='Asymmetric circles',
                images=imgs, sensorSize_mm=(18, 13.5))

    img = l.drawChessboard()

    if 'no_window' not in sys.argv:
        cv2.imshow('chessboard', img)