Exemple #1
def create_timm_body(arch:str, pretrained=True, cut=None, n_in=3):
    "Creates a body from any model in the `timm` library."
    model = create_model(arch, pretrained=pretrained, num_classes=0, global_pool='')
    _update_first_layer(model, n_in, pretrained)
    if cut is None:
        ll = list(enumerate(model.children()))
        cut = next(i for i,o in reversed(ll) if has_pool_type(o))
    if isinstance(cut, int): return nn.Sequential(*list(model.children())[:cut])
    elif callable(cut): return cut(model)
    else: raise NamedError("cut must be either integer or function")
def create_body(arch, n_in=3, pretrained=True, cut=None):
    "Cut off the body of a typically pretrained `arch` as determined by `cut`"
    model = arch(pretrained=pretrained)
    _update_first_layer(model, n_in, pretrained)
    if cut is None:
        ll = list(enumerate(model.children()))
        cut = next(i for i,o in reversed(ll) if has_pool_type(o))
    if   isinstance(cut, int):      return nn.Sequential(*list(model.children())[:cut])
    elif callable(cut): return cut(model)
    else:                           raise NamedError("cut must be either integer or a function")