Exemple #1
    def lrtpvals_qqfit(nperm, lrt, lrtperm, alteqnull, alteqnullperm, qmax=None, abserr=False,fitdof=True, dof=None, nullfitfile=None):
        Fit the parameters of the null distribution using "quantile regession" on some fraction of the most signficant data points
        if (nperm > 0):            
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" + str(qmax) + " from permutations...")
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtperm, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = alteqnullperm,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting             
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))
            pv_adj = mix.sf(lrt=lrt,alteqnull=alteqnull) # getting p-values for real data
            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("adjusting the observed p-values ...")

            logging.info(" Done")
        elif nullfitfile is not None:
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" 
                      + str(qmax) + " from STORED permutations in " + nullfitfile)           
            #read in p-vals and alteqnull for from file                        
            import fastlmm.util.util as ut
            import numpy as np
            dat=ut.extractcols(nullfitfile,colnameset=colnames,dtypeset={"2*(LL(alt)-LL(null))": np.float64})
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtfile, qmax=qmax, alteqnull=alteqnullfile,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting             
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))          
            pv_adj = mix.sf(lrt=lrt,alteqnull=alteqnull) # getting p-values for real data
            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("adjusting the observed p-values ...")

            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("nperm = " + str(nperm) + " : No permutations were performed.")
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for non-permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" + str(qmax) + "...")
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrt, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = alteqnull,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))
            pv_adj = mix.sf() #getting p-values
            logging.info(" Done")
        if mix.mixture==0:
            #raise Exception("only zero dof component items found")
            logging.info("*****WARNING*****: only zero dof component items found")
        return pv_adj,mix.mixture,mix.scale,mix.dof#,imax,mse
Exemple #2
    def lrtpvals_qqfit(nperm, lrt, lrtperm, alteqnull, alteqnullperm, qmax=None, abserr=False,fitdof=True, dof=None, nullfitfile=None):
        Fit the parameters of the null distribution using "quantile regession" on some fraction of the most signficant data points
        if (nperm > 0):            
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" + str(qmax) + " from permutations...")
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtperm, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = alteqnullperm,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting             
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))
            pv_adj = mix.sf(lrt=lrt,alteqnull=alteqnull) # getting p-values for real data
            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("adjusting the observed p-values ...")

            logging.info(" Done")
        elif nullfitfile is not None:
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" 
                      + str(qmax) + " from STORED permutations in " + nullfitfile)           
            #read in p-vals and alteqnull for from file                        
            import fastlmm.util.util as ut
            import numpy as np
            dat=ut.extractcols(nullfitfile,colnameset=colnames,dtypeset={"2*(LL(alt)-LL(null))": np.float64})
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtfile, qmax=qmax, alteqnull=alteqnullfile,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting             
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))          
            pv_adj = mix.sf(lrt=lrt,alteqnull=alteqnull) # getting p-values for real data
            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("adjusting the observed p-values ...")

            logging.info(" Done")
            logging.info("nperm = " + str(nperm) + " : No permutations were performed.")
            logging.info("estimating mixture parameters for non-permuted data\nusing quantile regression of log-pvalues with qmax=" + str(qmax) + "...")
            mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrt, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = alteqnull,abserr=abserr,fitdof=fitdof,dof=dof)
            res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting
            logging.info("# of pvals used for nullfit=" + str(imax))
            pv_adj = mix.sf() #getting p-values
            logging.info(" Done")
        if mix.mixture==0:
            #raise Exception("only zero dof component items found")
            logging.info("*****WARNING*****: only zero dof component items found")
        return pv_adj,mix.mixture,mix.scale,mix.dof#,imax,mse
Exemple #3
def lrtpvals_qqfit_file(filein, qmax=0.1):

    import fastlmm.util.stats.chi2mixture as c2
    import fastlmm.util.stats.plotp
    import pandas as pd          
    lrtperm=pd.read_csv(filein,delimiter = '\t',dtype={colname:np.float64},usecols=[colname])[colname].values    
    print "found " + str(len(lrtperm)) + "null test stats"

    mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtperm, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = None)     
    res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting        
    print "mixture (non-zero dof)="+ str(mix.mixture) + "\n"
    print "dof="+str(res["dof"]) + "\n"
    print "scale="+str(res["scale"]) + "\n"
    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
Exemple #4
def lrtpvals_qqfit_file(filein, qmax=0.1):

    import fastlmm.util.stats.chi2mixture as c2
    import fastlmm.util.stats.plotp
    import pandas as pd          
    lrtperm=pd.read_csv(filein,delimiter = '\t',dtype={colname:np.float64},usecols=[colname])[colname].values    
    print "found " + str(len(lrtperm)) + "null test stats"

    mix = c2.chi2mixture( lrt = lrtperm, qmax = qmax, alteqnull = None)     
    res = mix.fit_params_Qreg() # paramter fitting        
    print "mixture (non-zero dof)="+ str(mix.mixture) + "\n"
    print "dof="+str(res["dof"]) + "\n"
    print "scale="+str(res["scale"]) + "\n"
    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()