Exemple #1
    def write_needed_inputs(
        source_file_path: str = None,
        source_formatter: IVariableIOFormatter = None,
        Writes the input file of the problem with unconnected inputs of the problem.

        .. warning::

            :meth:`setup` must have been run on this Problem instance.

        Written value of each variable will be taken:
        1. from input_data if it contains the variable
        2. from defined default values in component definitions

        WARNING: if inputs have already been read, they won't be needed any more
        and won't be in written file.

        :param source_file_path: if provided, variable values will be read from it
        :param source_formatter: the class that defines format of input file. if not provided,
                                expected format will be the default one.
        variables = VariableList.from_unconnected_inputs(
            self, with_optional_inputs=True)
        if source_file_path:
            ref_vars = VariableIO(source_file_path, source_formatter).read()
            for var in variables:
                var.is_input = True
        writer = VariableIO(self.input_file_path)
    def write_needed_inputs(
        source_file_path: str = None,
        source_formatter: IVariableIOFormatter = None,
        Writes the input file of the problem with unconnected inputs of the
        configured problem.

        Written value of each variable will be taken:

            1. from input_data if it contains the variable
            2. from defined default values in component definitions

        :param source_file_path: if provided, variable values will be read from it
        :param source_formatter: the class that defines format of input file. if
                                 not provided, expected format will be the default one.
        problem = self.get_problem(read_inputs=False)
        variables = VariableList.from_unconnected_inputs(
            problem, with_optional_inputs=True)
        if source_file_path:
            ref_vars = VariableIO(source_file_path, source_formatter).read()
            for var in variables:
                var.is_input = True
        writer = VariableIO(problem.input_file_path)
Exemple #3
 def write_outputs(self):
     Writes all outputs in the configured output file.
     if self.output_file_path:
         writer = VariableIO(self.output_file_path)
         variables = VariableList.from_problem(self)
    def write_outputs(self):
        Writes all outputs in the configured output file.
        if self.output_file_path:
            writer = VariableIO(self.output_file_path)

            if self.additional_variables is None:
                self.additional_variables = []
            variables = VariableList(self.additional_variables)
            for var in variables:
                var.is_input = None
                VariableList.from_problem(self, promoted_only=True), add_variables=True
def test_basic_xml_read_and_write_from_vars(cleanup):
    Tests the creation of an XML file from a VariableList instance
    result_folder = pth.join(RESULTS_FOLDER_PATH, "basic_xml")

    # Check write hand-made component
    vars = VariableList()
    vars["geometry/total_surface"] = {"value": [780.3], "units": "m**2"}
    vars["geometry/wing/span"] = {"value": 42.0, "units": "m", "description": "span of the wing"}
    vars["geometry/wing/aspect_ratio"] = {"value": [9.8]}
    vars["geometry/fuselage/length"] = {"value": 40.0, "units": "m"}
    vars["constants"] = {"value": [-42.0], "description": "the answer"}
    vars["constants/k1"] = {"value": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "units": "kg"}
    vars["constants/k2"] = {"value": [10.0, 20.0], "description": "Geronimo!"}
    vars["constants/k3"] = {"value": np.array([100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0]), "units": "m/s"}
    vars["constants/k4"] = {"value": [-1.0, -2.0, -3.0]}
    vars["constants/k5"] = {"value": [100.0, 200.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0]}
    vars["constants/k8"] = {"value": [[1e2, 3.4e5], [5.4e3, 2.1]]}

    # Try writing with non-existing folder
    assert not pth.exists(result_folder)
    filename = pth.join(result_folder, "handmade.xml")
    xml_write = VariableIO(filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_write.path_separator = "/"

    # check (read another IndepVarComp instance from  xml)
    xml_check = VariableIO(filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_check.path_separator = ":"
    new_vars = xml_check.read()

    # Check reading hand-made XML (with some format twists)
    filename = pth.join(DATA_FOLDER_PATH, "basic.xml")
    xml_read = VariableIO(filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_read.path_separator = ":"
    vars = xml_read.read()

    # write it (with existing destination folder)
    new_filename = pth.join(result_folder, "basic.xml")
    xml_write = VariableIO(new_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_write.path_separator = ":"

    # check (read another IndepVarComp instance from new xml)
    xml_check = VariableIO(new_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_check.path_separator = ":"
    new_vars = xml_check.read()

    # try to write with bad separator
    xml_write.formatter.path_separator = "/"
    with pytest.raises(FastXPathEvalError):
def test_basic_xml_partial_read_and_write_from_vars(cleanup):
    Tests the creation of an XML file from an IndepVarComp instance with only and ignore options
    result_folder = pth.join(RESULTS_FOLDER_PATH, "basic_partial_xml")

    # Read full IndepVarComp
    filename = pth.join(DATA_FOLDER_PATH, "basic.xml")
    xml_read = VariableIO(filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    vars = xml_read.read(ignore=["does_not_exist"])

    # Add something to ignore and write it
    vars["should_be_ignored:pointless"] = {"value": 0.0}
    vars["should_also_be_ignored"] = {"value": -10.0}

    badvar_filename = pth.join(result_folder, "with_bad_var.xml")
    xml_write = VariableIO(badvar_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_write.write(vars, ignore=["does_not_exist"])  # Check with non-existent var in ignore list

    tree = etree.parse(badvar_filename)
    assert float(tree.xpath("should_be_ignored/pointless")[0].text.strip()) == 0.0
    assert float(tree.xpath("should_also_be_ignored")[0].text.strip()) == -10.0

    # Check partial reading with 'ignore'
    xml_read = VariableIO(badvar_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    new_vars = xml_read.read(ignore=["should_be_ignored:pointless", "should_also_be_ignored"])

    # Check partial reading with 'only'
    ok_vars = [
    new_vars2 = xml_read.read(only=ok_vars)

    # Check partial writing with 'ignore'
    varok_filename = pth.join(result_folder, "with_bad_var.xml")
    xml_write = VariableIO(varok_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_write.write(vars, ignore=["should_be_ignored:pointless", "should_also_be_ignored"])

    xml_read = VariableIO(varok_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    new_vars = xml_read.read()

    # Check partial writing with 'only'
    varok2_filename = pth.join(result_folder, "with_bad_var.xml")
    xml_write = VariableIO(varok2_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    xml_write.write(vars, only=ok_vars)

    xml_read = VariableIO(varok2_filename, formatter=VariableXmlStandardFormatter())
    new_vars = xml_read.read()