Exemple #1
def orbifold_euler_characteristics(g,n):
    Return the orbifold/virtual Euler characteristics of `M_{g,n}`,
    computed according to Harer-Zagier.
    if g==0:
        return factorial(n-3) * minus_one_exp(n-3)
    elif g==1:
        return Fraction(minus_one_exp(n), 12) * factorial(n-1)
    else: # g > 1
        return bernoulli(2*g) * factorial(2*g+n-3) / (factorial(2*g-2) * 2*g) * minus_one_exp(n)
Exemple #2
def euler_characteristics(g, n):
    Return Euler characteristics of `M_{g,n}`.

    The Euler characteristics is computed according to formulas and
    tables found in:
    * Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, arXiv:math/9806048, p.3
    * Bini-Harer, arXiv:math/0506083, p. 10
    if g == 0:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito arXiv:math/9806048, p.3
        return factorial(n - 3) * minus_one_exp(n - 3)
    elif g == 1:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, p. 15
        if n > 4:
            return factorial(n - 1) * Fraction(minus_one_exp(n - 1), 12)
            es = [1, 1, 0, 0]
            return es[n - 1]  # no n==0 computed in [BGP]
    elif g == 2:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, p. 14
        if n > 6:
            return factorial(n + 1) * Fraction(minus_one_exp(n + 1), 240)
            es = [1, 2, 2, 0, -4, 0, -24]
            return es[n]
    elif g > 2:
        # according to Bini-Harer arXiv:math/0506083, p. 10
        es = [  # n==1  n==2     n==3     n==4        n==5        n==6          n==7          n==8
            [8, 6, 4, -10, 30, -660, 6540, 79200],  # g==3
            [-2, -10, -24, -24, -360, 2352, -37296, 501984],  # g==4
            [12, 26, 92, 182, 1674, -16716, 238980, -3961440],  # g==5
            [0, -46, -206, 188, -7512, 124296, -2068392, 37108656],  # g==6
            [38, 120, 676, -1862, 71866, -1058676, 21391644,
             -422727360],  # g==7
                -166, -630, -5362, 16108, -680616, 12234600, -259464240,
            ],  # g==8
                748, 2132, 29632, -323546, 7462326, -164522628, 3771668220,
            ],  # g==9
                -1994, 6078, -213066, 4673496, -106844744, 2559934440,
                -64133209320, 1.664e+12
            ],  # g==10
        # g=0,1,2 already done above
        return es[g - 3][n]
        raise ValueError("No Euler characteristics known for M_{g,n},"
                         " where g=%s and n=%s" % (g, n))
Exemple #3
def orbifold_euler_characteristics(g, n):
    Return the orbifold/virtual Euler characteristics of `M_{g,n}`,
    computed according to Harer-Zagier.
    if g == 0:
        return factorial(n - 3) * minus_one_exp(n - 3)
    elif g == 1:
        return Fraction(minus_one_exp(n), 12) * factorial(n - 1)
    else:  # g > 1
        return bernoulli(2 * g) * factorial(2 * g + n - 3) / (
            factorial(2 * g - 2) * 2 * g) * minus_one_exp(n)
Exemple #4
    def add_markings(self, name, markings, per_row=8):
        Output a table showing how the different markings of the same
        underlying fatgraph do number the boundary components.
        graph = markings.graph
        n = graph.num_boundary_cycles
        N = len(markings.numberings)
        self._section_marked_graphs += N
        if N == factorial(n):
            self._current_graph_data.markings = (r"""
Fatgraph $%(name)s$ only has the identity automorphism, so the
marked fatgraphs $%(name)s^{(0)}$ to $%(name)s^{(%(num_markings)d)}$
are formed by decorating boundary cycles of $%(name)s$ with
all permutations of $(%(basetuple)s)$ in lexicographic order.
See Section ``Markings of fatgraphs with trivial automorphisms''
for a complete table.
""" % dict(name=name, num_markings=N,
           basetuple=(str.join(',', [str(x) for x in xrange(n)]))))
            if self._appendix_graph_markings is None:
                # only need to do this once per document
                self._appendix_graph_markings = self._fmt_numberings(
                        markings.numberings, 'G', n, per_row)
            self._current_graph_data.markings = self._fmt_numberings(
                markings.numberings, name, n, per_row)
Exemple #5
def euler_characteristics(g,n):
    Return Euler characteristics of `M_{g,n}`.

    The Euler characteristics is computed according to formulas and
    tables found in:
    * Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, arXiv:math/9806048, p.3
    * Bini-Harer, arXiv:math/0506083, p. 10
    if g==0:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito arXiv:math/9806048, p.3
        return factorial(n-3)*minus_one_exp(n-3)
    elif g==1:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, p. 15
        if n>4:
            return factorial(n-1)*Fraction(minus_one_exp(n-1),12)
            es = [1,1,0,0]
            return es[n-1] # no n==0 computed in [BGP]
    elif g==2:
        # according to Bini-Gaiffi-Polito, p. 14
        if n>6:
            return factorial(n+1)*Fraction(minus_one_exp(n+1),240)
            es = [1,2,2,0,-4,0,-24]
            return es[n]
    elif g>2:
        # according to Bini-Harer arXiv:math/0506083, p. 10
        es = [# n==1  n==2     n==3     n==4        n==5        n==6          n==7          n==8
              [    8,    6,       4,     -10,         30,       -660,         6540,        79200], # g==3
              [   -2,  -10,     -24,     -24,       -360,       2352,       -37296,       501984], # g==4
              [   12,   26,      92,     182,       1674,     -16716,       238980,     -3961440], # g==5
              [    0,  -46,    -206,     188,      -7512,     124296,     -2068392,     37108656], # g==6
              [   38,  120,     676,   -1862,      71866,   -1058676,     21391644,   -422727360], # g==7
              [ -166, -630,   -5362,   16108,    -680616,   12234600,   -259464240,   5719946400], # g==8
              [  748, 2132,   29632, -323546,    7462326, -164522628,   3771668220, -90553767840], # g==9
              [-1994, 6078, -213066, 4673496, -106844744, 2559934440, -64133209320,    1.664e+12], # g==10
        # g=0,1,2 already done above
        return es[g-3][n]
        raise ValueError("No Euler characteristics known for M_{g,n},"
                         " where g=%s and n=%s" % (g,n))