Exemple #1
def _straight_job(pipe, srcs, recs, cells, velocity, prop):
    if _cttime2d is not None:
        x_src, y_src = numpy.transpose(srcs).astype(numpy.float)
        x_rec, y_rec = numpy.transpose(recs).astype(numpy.float)
        times = _cttime2d.straight(x_src, y_src, x_rec, y_rec, len(srcs), cells, velocity, prop)
        times = _straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity)
Exemple #2
def _straight_job(pipe, srcs, recs, cells, velocity, prop):
    if _cttime2d is not None:
        x_src, y_src = numpy.transpose(srcs).astype(numpy.float)
        x_rec, y_rec = numpy.transpose(recs).astype(numpy.float)
        times = _cttime2d.straight(x_src, y_src, x_rec, y_rec, len(srcs),
                                   cells, velocity, prop)
        times = _straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity)
Exemple #3
def straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity=None, par=False):
    Calculate the travel times inside a mesh of square cells between source and
    receiver pairs assuming the rays are straight lines (no refraction or

    .. note:: Don't care about the units as long they are compatible.

    For a homogeneous model, *cells* can be a list with only one big cell.


    * cells : list of :func:`fatiando.mesher.Square`
        The velocity model to use to trace the straight rays. Cells must have
        the physical property given in parameter *prop*. This will be used
        as the velocity of each cell. (*cells* can also be a
    * prop : str
        Which physical property of the cells to use as velocity.
        Normaly one would choose ``'vp'`` or ``'vs'``
    * srcs : list fo lists
        List with [x, y] coordinate pairs of the wave sources.
    * recs : list fo lists
        List with [x, y] coordinate pairs of the receivers sources
    * velocity : float or None
        If not None, will use this value instead of the prop of cells as the
        velocity. Useful when building sensitivity matrices (use velocity = 1).
    * par : True or False
        If True, will run the calculations in parallel using all the cores
        available. Not recommended for Jacobian matrix building!

    *srcs* and *recs* are lists of source-receiver pairs. Each source in *srcs*
    is associated with the corresponding receiver in *recs* for a given travel

    For example::

        >>> # One source was recorded at 3 receivers.
        >>> # The medium is homogeneous and can be
        >>> # represented by a single Square
        >>> from fatiando.mesher import Square
        >>> cells = [Square([0, 10, 0, 10], {'vp':2})]
        >>> src = (5, 0)
        >>> srcs = [src, src, src]
        >>> recs = [(0, 0), (5, 10), (10, 0)]
        >>> print straight(cells, 'vp', srcs, recs)
        [ 2.5  5.   2.5]


    * times : array
        The total times each ray took to get from a source to a receiver (in
        compatible units with *prop*)

    if len(srcs) != len(recs):
        raise ValueError("Must have the same number of sources and receivers")
    if not par:
        if _cttime2d is not None:
            x_src, y_src = numpy.transpose(srcs).astype(numpy.float)
            x_rec, y_rec = numpy.transpose(recs).astype(numpy.float)
            times = _cttime2d.straight(x_src, y_src, x_rec, y_rec, len(srcs),
                cells, velocity, prop)
            times = _straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity)
        return times
    # Divide the workload into jobs and run them in different processes
    jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    start = 0
    size = len(srcs)
    perjob = size/jobs
    processes = []
    pipes = []
    for i in xrange(jobs):
        if i == jobs - 1:
            end = size
            end = start + perjob
        outpipe, inpipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()
        args = (inpipe, srcs[start:end], recs[start:end], cells, velocity, prop)
        proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_straight_job, args=args)
        start = end
    times = []
    for proc, pipe in zip(processes, pipes):
    return numpy.array(times)
Exemple #4
def straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity=None, par=False):
    Calculate the travel times inside a mesh of square cells between source and
    receiver pairs assuming the rays are straight lines (no refraction or

    .. note:: Don't care about the units as long they are compatible.

    For a homogeneous model, *cells* can be a list with only one big cell.


    * cells : list of :func:`fatiando.mesher.Square`
        The velocity model to use to trace the straight rays. Cells must have
        the physical property given in parameter *prop*. This will be used
        as the velocity of each cell. (*cells* can also be a
    * prop : str
        Which physical property of the cells to use as velocity.
        Normaly one would choose ``'vp'`` or ``'vs'``
    * srcs : list fo lists
        List with [x, y] coordinate pairs of the wave sources.
    * recs : list fo lists
        List with [x, y] coordinate pairs of the receivers sources
    * velocity : float or None
        If not None, will use this value instead of the prop of cells as the
        velocity. Useful when building sensitivity matrices (use velocity = 1).
    * par : True or False
        If True, will run the calculations in parallel using all the cores
        available. Not recommended for Jacobian matrix building!

    *srcs* and *recs* are lists of source-receiver pairs. Each source in *srcs*
    is associated with the corresponding receiver in *recs* for a given travel

    For example::

        >>> # One source was recorded at 3 receivers.
        >>> # The medium is homogeneous and can be
        >>> # represented by a single Square
        >>> from fatiando.mesher import Square
        >>> cells = [Square([0, 10, 0, 10], {'vp':2})]
        >>> src = (5, 0)
        >>> srcs = [src, src, src]
        >>> recs = [(0, 0), (5, 10), (10, 0)]
        >>> print straight(cells, 'vp', srcs, recs)
        [ 2.5  5.   2.5]


    * times : array
        The total times each ray took to get from a source to a receiver (in
        compatible units with *prop*)

    if len(srcs) != len(recs):
        raise ValueError("Must have the same number of sources and receivers")
    if not par:
        if _cttime2d is not None:
            x_src, y_src = numpy.transpose(srcs).astype(numpy.float)
            x_rec, y_rec = numpy.transpose(recs).astype(numpy.float)
            times = _cttime2d.straight(x_src, y_src, x_rec, y_rec, len(srcs),
                                       cells, velocity, prop)
            times = _straight(cells, prop, srcs, recs, velocity)
        return times
    # Divide the workload into jobs and run them in different processes
    jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    start = 0
    size = len(srcs)
    perjob = size / jobs
    processes = []
    pipes = []
    for i in xrange(jobs):
        if i == jobs - 1:
            end = size
            end = start + perjob
        outpipe, inpipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()
        args = (inpipe, srcs[start:end], recs[start:end], cells, velocity,
        proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_straight_job, args=args)
        start = end
    times = []
    for proc, pipe in zip(processes, pipes):
    return numpy.array(times)