def but1():
     if list2.currentItem():
         ln = list1.currentItem().text()
         rn = list2.currentItem().text()
         te = QMessageBox.question(window,'???','Are you sure you want to delete this roster?',QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No,QMessageBox.No)
         if te == QMessageBox.Yes:
             for i in fbTool.leagueLists:
                 if i.leagueName == str(ln):
                     for j in i.rosters:
         QMessageBox.critical(window,'error','No roster selected')
def remRosterUI():
    if printLeagues():
        return 1
    ln = raw_input('Please enter the name of the league the team is in: ').strip()
    if printTeams(ln):
        return 1
    rn = raw_input('Please enter the name of the team to remove: ').strip()
    invar=' '
    while invar.lower() not in ['y','yes','n','no']:
        invar=raw_input('Are you sure you want to do this?  \nYou will lose all of teami\'s roster information! (y/n): ').strip()
        if invar.lower() in ['y','yes']:
            invar = raw_input('Would you like to save before doing so?(y/n): ')
            if invar.lower() in ['y','yes']:
            if invar.lower() in ['n','no']:
                print 'IF YOU SAY SO.....'
                invar = 'y'
            if invar.lower() not in ['y','yes','n','no']:
                print 'Invalid input. Please try again...'
                testVar = fbTool.removeRoster(ln,rn)
                if testVar == 1:
                    print 'LEAGUE DOESN\'T EXIST!'
                elif testVar == 2:
                    print 'ROSTER DOESN\'T EXIST!'
                elif not testVar:
                    print 'Team %s was deleted.' %rn
        if invar.lower() in ['n','no']:
            print 'I DIDN\'T THINK SO!'
        if invar.lower() not in ['y','yes','n','no']:
            print 'Invalid input.  Please try again...'