def get_messages_from_user_in_group(self, user_id, group_id): messageId = 0 userMessages = [] group = fbchat.Group(session=self.session, id=group_id) for message in group.fetch_messages(limit=20000): if == user_id: if message.text and not message.text.startswith("https"): messageId += 1 jsonMessage = {"id": messageId, "message": message.text} userMessages.append(jsonMessage) self.save_database() return userMessages
async def post_message(session, client, id, message, image, location): thread = fbchat.Group(session=session, id=id) if message is not None: await thread.send_text(message) if image is not None: async with ClientSession() as sess, sess.get(image) as resp: image_data = await files = await client.upload([("image_name.png", image_data, "image/png")]) await thread.send_files(files) # Alternative to .send_text if location is not None: await thread.send_pinned_location(location["latitude"], location["longitude"])
def some_job(): global tab args = parser.parse_args() token = args.token rep = args.repo password = args.fb_password username = args.fb_username fb_group = args.fb_group g = Github(token) repo = g.get_repo(rep) try: fileRead = open("./cards.txt") except: fileRead = open("./cards.txt", "x") tmp = [] for id, i in enumerate(repo.get_projects()[0].get_columns()): tmp.append([]) for card in i.get_cards(): tmp[id].append(card.note) if fileRead.readable(): for line in fileRead.readlines(): tab.append(eval(line)) if not tmp == tab: for id in range([len(tmp), len(tab)][len(tmp) > len(tab)]): res = set(tab[id]).symmetric_difference(tmp[id]) print(res) if res is not None: session = fbchat.Session.login(username, password) thread = fbchat.Group(session=session, id=fb_group) thread.send_text(str(res)) else: print("Up to date") file = open("./cards.txt", "w") for cards in tmp: file.write(str(cards)) file.write("\n")
async def send_text_to_group(self, group_id, message, session): group = fbchat.Group(session=session, id=group_id) await group.send_text(message) print("Message {} has been sent to user: {}".format(message, group_id))
def group(pytestconfig, session): group_id = pytestconfig.cache.get("group_id", None) if not group_id: group_id = input("A group you're chatting with's id: ") pytestconfig.cache.set("group_id", group_id) return fbchat.Group(session=session, id=group_id)