Exemple #1
threads = client.fetchThreadList()
# Fetches the next 10 threads
threads += client.fetchThreadList(offset=20, limit=10)

print("Threads: {}".format(threads))

# Gets the last 10 messages sent to the thread
messages = client.fetchThreadMessages(thread_id='<thread id>', limit=10)
# Since the message come in reversed order, reverse them

# Prints the content of all the messages
for message in messages:

# If we have a thread id, we can use `fetchThreadInfo` to fetch a `Thread` object
thread = client.fetchThreadInfo('<thread id>')['<thread id>']
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# `searchForThreads` searches works like `searchForUsers`, but gives us a list of threads instead
thread = client.searchForThreads('<name of thread>')[0]
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# Here should be an example of `getUnread`
Exemple #2
print("user's photo: {}".format(user.photo))
print("Is user client's friend: {}".format(user.is_friend))

# Fetches a list of the 20 top threads you're currently chatting with
threads = client.fetchThreadList()
# Fetches the next 10 threads
threads += client.fetchThreadList(offset=20, limit=10)

print("Threads: {}".format(threads))

# Gets the last 10 messages sent to the thread
messages = client.fetchThreadMessages(thread_id="<thread id>", limit=10)
# Since the message come in reversed order, reverse them

# Prints the content of all the messages
for message in messages:

# If we have a thread id, we can use `fetchThreadInfo` to fetch a `Thread` object
thread = client.fetchThreadInfo("<thread id>")["<thread id>"]
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# `searchForThreads` searches works like `searchForUsers`, but gives us a list of threads instead
thread = client.searchForThreads("<name of thread>")[0]
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# Here should be an example of `getUnread`
Exemple #3
username = str(raw_input("Username: "******"Want to save your data as a .Zip file y/n?: "))
username = str(
    raw_input("want to download messages from a specific friend type(y/n): "))

if username.lower() == 'y':
    names = str(
            "Name of that friends separated by a comma like - satyendra pandey, Narendra pandey--: "
    names = names.split(',')
    for name in names:
        thread = client.searchForThreads(name)[0]
        do_rest(thread, client)
    if zipping.lower() == 'y':

    num = int(raw_input("Number of friends from top of your chatlist:"))
    if num < 20:
        threads = client.fetchThreadList(limit=num)

        threads = client.fetchThreadList(limit=20)
        num = (num - 20) / 20

        for i in range(num):
            offset = 20 * (i + 1)
Exemple #4
import time
from datetime import datetime
from fbchat import Client
from fbchat.models import *

def sendit():
    current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%-I:%M")
    message = 'Yo ' + person + ' it is ' \
         + str(current_time) + \
         " and I'm thinking of you ❤️ "
    client.send(Message(text=message), thread_id=thread.uid, thread_type=ThreadType.USER)

print('Please enter Facebook creds to continue \n')
client = Client(input('Email: '), input('Password:'******'The UID of ' + person + ' is ' + str(thread.uid))

firstmessagetime = "09:00"
secondmessagetime = "16:20"

while True:

Exemple #5
threads = client.fetchThreadList()
# Fetches the next 10 threads
threads += client.fetchThreadList(offset=20, limit=10)

print("Threads: {}".format(threads))

# Gets the last 10 messages sent to the thread
messages = client.fetchThreadMessages(thread_id=thread_id, limit=10)
# Since the message come in reversed order, reverse them

# Prints the content of all the messages
for message in messages:

# If we have a thread id, we can use `fetchThreadInfo` to fetch a `Thread` object
thread = client.fetchThreadInfo(thread_id)[thread_id]
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# `searchForThreads` searches works like `searchForUsers`, but gives us a list of threads instead
thread = client.searchForThreads('Android')[0]
print("thread's name: {}".format(thread.name))
print("thread's type: {}".format(thread.type))

# Here should be an example of `getUnread`
Exemple #6
def cli():

    #state variable enables the user to keep running the cli app
    runCLI = True

        # get login information from user and log in to the client
        loginInfo = login()
        email = loginInfo['email']
        pw = loginInfo['password']
        client = Client(email, pw)

    except fbchat.FBchatException as e:  #the exception isn't here
        print('There was an exception: %e' % (e))

    while runCLI:

        #ask the user for actions they want to take
        action = actions()

        #reading messages
        if action.get('actionsOnStart') == 'Read messages':
            toRead = getMessages()

            #reading messages from favorite users
            if toRead.get('messagesToRead') == 'My favorites':
                if os.path.exists('favorites.csv'):
                    #open the file if it exists
                    with open('favorites.csv', 'rb') as favoritesFile:
                        favorites = pickle.load(favoritesFile)

                    #if file exists but favorites list is empty, let the user know
                    if favorites == []:
                        print('Your favorites list is empty.')

                    #otherwise get the conversations and print the conversations
                        print('Fetching your favorite conversations...')
                        for thread in favorites:
                            print('Your conversation with ' + thread.name +
                                  ': ')
                            readMessage(thread, client)

                # if no file exists, let the user know there are no favorites
                    print('Your favorites list is empty.')

            #reading messages from five most recent conversations
            elif toRead.get('messagesToRead') == 'Recent conversations':
                #fetch conversations
                threads = client.fetchThreadList(limit=5)
                print('Fetching your five most recent conversations...')
                #print messages
                for thread in threads:
                    print('Your conversation with ' + thread.name + ': ')
                    readMessage(thread, client)

            #reading messages from a specific user or group
            elif toRead.get('messagesToRead') == 'Someone else':
                #get necessary information
                user = getUser()

                #search function is different for users and groups
                if user.get('userOrGroup') == 'User':
                    userToRead = client.searchForUsers(
                elif user.get('userOrGroup') == 'Group':
                    userToRead = client.searchForGroups(

                #print messages
                print('Your conversation with ' + userToRead[0].name + ': ')
                readMessage(userToRead[0], client)

        #sending a message
        elif action.get('actionsOnStart') == 'Send a message':
            #ask for information about the message
            messageInfo = getMessageInfo()

            #send message
                response = sendMessage(messageInfo, client)
                print("Your message was sent!")
            except Exception as exception:
                #raise exception if message cannot be sent
                raise Exception('We have an error: %s' % (exception))

        #adding to favorites
        elif action.get('actionsOnStart') == 'Add to favorites':
            #if file exists open it and load contents to list
            if os.path.exists('favorites.csv'):
                with open('favorites.csv', 'rb') as favoritesFile:
                    favorites = pickle.load(favoritesFile)
            #otherwise file doesn't exist, initialize empty list
                favorites = []

            #get information of user/group to be added and search for said user/group
            toAdd = addFavorite()
            user = client.searchForThreads(str(toAdd.get('toAdd')))

            #append the new favorite if not already in favorites list
            if user[0] not in favorites:

            #write the entire favorites list to the file (as user objects)
            with open('favorites.csv', 'wb') as favoritesFile:
                pickle.dump(favorites, favoritesFile)

            #let the user know favorite has been added
            print(user[0].name + ' has been added to your favorites list!')

        #deleting from favorites
        elif action.get('actionsOnStart') == 'Delete from favorites':
            #if file exists, open it and load contents to list
            if os.path.exists('favorites.csv'):
                with open('favorites.csv', 'rb') as favoritesFile:
                    favorites = pickle.load(favoritesFile)

                #if favorites is not empty, get information of user/group to be deleted
                if favorites != []:
                    toDelete = deleteFavorite(favorites)
                    userToDelete = str(toDelete.get('toDelete'))

                    #remove user if in existing favorites list
                    for user in favorites:
                        if userToDelete == user.name:
                            print(userToDelete +
                                  ' was deleted from your favorites list.')

                    #now write the modified favorites list to file
                    with open('favorites.csv', 'wb') as favoritesFile:
                        pickle.dump(favorites, favoritesFile)

                # if favorites list is empty let user know
                    print('There is no existing favorites list.')

            #if there is no favorites file let user know
                print('There is no existing favorites list.')

        #ask the user if they want to terminate the session
        endSession = terminate().get('terminate')
        #modify state variable if necessary
        if endSession == 'Yes':
            runCLI = False

    #logout at the end, let the user know
    print('You have been logged out. See you soon!')