Exemple #1
def idler_tens ():
    # bring the active document
    doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument

    #  --------------- step 01 ---------------------------      
    #  rectangular cuboid with basic dimensions
    #           Z
    #           :.....tens_l.......
    #           :_________________:
    #           /                /|
    #          /                / |
    #       ../________________/  |..............Y     .
    #      :  |                |  /     . 
    # tens_h  |                | /     . tens_w
    #       :.|________________|/......
    #        .
    #       .
    #      X 
    # oscad: cube([tens_w, tens_l, tens_h]);

    # creates the shape, you don't see it yet on FreeCAD Gui
    shp01 = fcfun.shp_boxcen(kidler.tens_w, kidler.tens_l, kidler.tens_h)
    # creates a freecad object from the shape, to see it in FreeCAD Gui,
    # not necessary, but illustrative for this tutorial
    fcd01 = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp01, 'box01')

    #  --------------- step 02 ---------------------------  
    # Space for the idler pulley
    #      Z
    #      :
    #      :_______________________
    #      |                 ______|....
    #      |                /          + idler_h
    #      |               |           :
    #      |                \______....:
    #      |_______________________|...wall_thick.......> Y
    #                      :       :
    #                      :.......:
    #                         +
    #                       2 * idler_r_xtr
    # oscad: translate ([-1, tens_l - 2*idler_r_xtr, wall_thick])
    # ...
    pos02 = FreeCAD.Vector(-1,
                           kidler.tens_l - 2*kidler.idler_r_xtr,
    # oscad: cube([tens_w+2, 2 * idler_r_xtr +1, idler_h]);
    # ...
    # creates the shape already filleted on X, make it larger on Y to make 
    # the chamfer easier, so all X edges are chamfered, but since is larger
    # on Y, it doesnt matter.  y dimensions
    shp02cut = fcfun.shp_boxcenfill(
                     x = kidler.tens_w+2,
                     # in_fillet added
                     y = 2 * kidler.idler_r_xtr +1 + kidler.in_fillet,
                     z = kidler.idler_h,
                     fillrad = kidler.in_fillet,
                     fx = True, fy = False, fz = False, # chamfer on X
                     pos = pos02)
    fcd02cut = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp02cut, 'cut02')
    # difference (cut) of fcd01 and fcd02cut
    fcd02 = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", 'step02')
    fcd02.Base = fcd01
    fcd02.Tool = fcd02cut
    # the shape
    shp02 = fcd02.Shape


    #  --------------- step 03 --------------------------- 
    # Fillets at the idler end:

    #      Z
    #      :
    #      :_______________________f2
    #      |                 ______|
    #      |                /      f4
    #      |               |
    #      |                \______f3...
    #      |_______________________|....+ wall_thick.....> Y
    #      :                       f1
    #      :...... tens_l .........:
    fcd03 = fcfun.filletchamfer (fcd02, e_len = kidler.tens_w,
                                name = 'step03',
                                fillet = 1,
                                radius = kidler.in_fillet,
                                axis = 'x',  # axis to fillet
                                ypos_chk = 1,
                                ypos = kidler.tens_l) #fillet on y=tens_l

    #  --------------- step 04 --------------------------- 
    # Chamfers at the nut end:

    #      Z
    #      :
    #      : ______________________
    #    ch2/                ______|
    #      |                /             
    #      |               |        
    #      |                \______
    #    ch1\______________________|.............> Y
    #      :                       :
    #      :...... tens_l .........:
    fcd04a = fcfun.filletchamfer (fcd03, e_len = 0,
                                  name = 'step04a',
                                  fillet = 0,  # chamfer
                                  radius = 2* kidler.in_fillet,
                                  axis = 'x',  # axis to fillet
                                  ypos_chk = 1,
                                  ypos = 0) #fillet on y=0

   #  --------------- step 04b OPTIONAL---------------------- 
   #  Chamfers at the nut end on axis Z, they are 45 degrees
   #  so they should print ok without support, but you may
   #  not want to have them

   #        ________ ....> X
   #    ch1/________\ch2
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |........|
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |        |
   #       |________|
   #       :
   #       Y

    if (kidler.opt_tens_chmf == 1) : # optional tensioner chamfer
        fcd04 = fcfun.filletchamfer (fcd04a, e_len = 0,
                                      name = 'step04b',
                                      fillet = 0,  # chamfer
                                      radius = 2* kidler.in_fillet,
                                      axis = 'z',  # axis to fillet
                                      ypos_chk = 1,
                                      ypos = 0) #fillet on y=0
        # just to have the same freecad object at the end of step 4 in fcd04
        fcd04 = fcd04a 

    #  --------------- step 05 --------------------------- 
    # Shank hole for the idler pulley:

    #      Z                     idler_r_xtr
    #      :                    .+..
    #      : ___________________:__:
    #       /                __:_:_|
    #      |                /             
    #      |               |        
    #      |                \______
    #       \__________________:_:_|.............> Y
    #      :                       :
    #      :...... tens_l .........:
    #oscad: translate ([tens_w/2., tens_l - idler_r_xtr, -1])
    #oscad:     cylinder (r=boltidler_r_tol, h= tens_w +2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5);
    pos05 = FreeCAD.Vector(kidler.tens_w/2.,
                           kidler.tens_l - kidler.idler_r_xtr,
    fcd05 = fcfun.addCylPos (r = kidler.boltidler_r_tol,
                             h = kidler.tens_h +2,
                             name = 'step05',
                             pos = pos05)

    fcd05.ViewObject.ShapeColor = fcfun.YELLOW #yellow color
    # we will make the cut at the end with the other cuts

    #  --------------- step 06 --------------------------- 
    # Hole for the leadscrew (stroke):

    #      Z
    #      :
    #      : ______________________
    #       /      _____     __:_:_|
    #      |    f2/     \f4 /             
    #      |     |       | |        
    #      |    f1\_____/f3 \______
    #       \__________________:_:_|.............> Y
    #      :     :       :         :
    #      :     :.......:         :
    #      :     :   +             :
    #      :.....:  tens_stroke    :
    #      :  +                    :
    #      : nut_holder_total      :
    #      :                       :
    #      :...... tens_l .........:

    #  Space for screw (the stroke)
    #oscad: translate ([-1, nut_holder_total,wall_thick])
    pos06 = FreeCAD.Vector (-1,
    # shape of a box with fillet in all the X edges
    #oscad: cube([tens_w+2, tens_stroke, idler_h]);
    shp06 = fcfun.shp_boxcenchmf (x = kidler.tens_w+2,
                                  y = kidler.tens_stroke,
                                  z = kidler.idler_h,
                                  chmfrad = kidler.in_fillet,
                                  fx = True,
                                  fz = False,
                                  pos = pos06)
    fcd06 = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp06, 'step06')
    fcd06.ViewObject.ShapeColor = fcfun.ORANGE

    #  --------------- step 07 --------------------------- 
    # Hole for the leadscrew shank at the beginning

    #      Z
    #      :
    #      : ______________________
    #       /      _____     __:_:_|
    #      |      /     \   /
    #      |:::::|       | |
    #      |      \_____/   \______
    #       \__________________:_:_|.............> Y
    #      :     :                 :
    #      :     :                 :
    #      :     :                 :
    #      :.....:                 :
    #      :  +                    :
    #      : nut_holder_total      :
    #      :                       :
    #      :...... tens_l .........:
    #oscad: translate ([tens_w/2, -1, tens_h/2])
    pos07 = FreeCAD.Vector(kidler.tens_w/2,
    #oscad:rotate ([-90,0,0])
    #oscad: cylinder (r=bolttens_r_tol, h=nut_holder_total+2,$fa=1, $fs=0.5);
    fcd07 = fcfun.addCylPos (r = kidler.bolttens_r_tol,
                             h = kidler.nut_holder_total +2.,
                             name = 'step07',
                             normal = fcfun.VY, #on the positive y axis
                             pos = pos07)
    fcd07.ViewObject.ShapeColor = fcfun.RED

    #  --------------- step 08 --------------------------- 
    # Hole for the leadscrew nut

    #      Z
    #      :
    #      : ______________________
    #       /      _____     __:_:_|
    #      |  _   /     \   /
    #      |:|_|:|       | |
    #      |      \_____/   \______
    #       \__________________:_:_|.............> Y
    #      : :   :                 :
    #      :+    :                 :
    #      :nut_holder_thick       :
    #      :.....:                 :
    #      :  +                    :
    #      : nut_holder_total      :
    #      :                       :
    #      :...... tens_l .........:

    #oscad: tens_w/2-1 to have more tolerance, so it is a little bit deeper
    #oscad: translate ([tens_w/2-1, nut_holder_thick, tens_h/2])
    # dont need to have tens_w/2-1, because there is xtr argument for that
    pos08 = FreeCAD.Vector (kidler.tens_w/2., 
    #oscad: cylinder (r=m4_nut_r_tol+stol, h = nut_space, $fn=6);
    #oscad:  cube([tens_w/2 + 2, nut_space, 2*m4_nut_ap_tol]);
    shp08 = fcfun.shp_nuthole (nut_r = kidler.tensnut_circ_r_tol,
                               nut_h = kidler.nut_space,
                               hole_h = kidler.tens_w/2,
                               xtr_nut = 1, xtr_hole = 1, 
                               # on the Y direction
                               fc_axis_nut = FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),
                               # on the X direction
                               fc_axis_hole = FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0),
                               ref_nut_ax = 2, # pos not centered on axis nut 
                               # pos at center of nut on axis hole 
                               ref_hole_ax = 1, 
                               pos = pos08)
    fcd08 = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp08, 'step08')
    fcd08.ViewObject.ShapeColor = fcfun.GREEN

    # --------- step 09:
    # --------- Last step, union and cut of the steps 05, 06, 07, 08
    fcd09cut = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", "step09cut")
    fcd09cut.Shapes = [fcd05,fcd06,fcd07,fcd08]
    fcd09final = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", "idler_tensioner")
    fcd09final.Base = fcd04
    fcd09final.Tool = fcd09cut
    return fcd09final
def nemamotor_holder():

    #  --------------- step 01 ---------------------------
    #  rectangular cuboid with basic dimensions
    #                    Z
    #                    :
    #                    :
    #             :.....tot_w.......
    #             :______:__________:
    #             /                /|
    #            /                / |
    #           /                /  |
    #          /                /   |
    #       ../________________/    |
    #       : |                |    |
    #       : |                |    |...............Y
    #       : |                |   /     .
    #  tot_h: |                |  /     . tot_d
    #       : |                | /     .
    #       :.|________________|/......
    #                .
    #               .
    #              X

    # creates the shape, you don't see it yet on FreeCAD Gui
    # centered along axis Y
    shp01 = fcfun.shp_boxcen(tot_d, tot_w, tot_h, cy=True)
    # creates a freecad object from the shape, to see it in FreeCAD Gui,
    # not necessary, but illustrative for this tutorial
    fcd01 = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp01, 'box01')

    #  --------------- step 02 ---------------------------
    #  chamfering the 4 vertical edges (marked with H)
    #                    Z
    #                    :
    #                    :
    #             :.....tot_w.......
    #             :______:__________:
    #             /                /H chamfering
    #            /                / H
    #           /                /  H
    #          /                /   H
    #       ../________________/    H
    #       : H                H    H
    #       : H                H    H...............Y
    #       : H                H   /     .
    #  tot_h: H                H  /     . tot_d
    #       : H                H /     .
    #       :.H________________H/......
    #                .
    #               .
    #              X

    fcd02 = fcfun.filletchamfer(
        axis='z'  # axis to fillet

    #  --------------- step 03 ---------------------------
    #  Horizontal chamfering the top edge to make a 'triangular' reinforcement
    #      Z
    #      :
    #      :___            . chmf_pos
    #      |    \
    #      |      \
    #      |        \
    #      |          \
    #      |            \
    #      |              \
    #      |________________.....X
    # the radius is the smaller part
    chmf_reinf_r = min(tot_d - wall_thick, tot_h - motor_thick)

    fcd03 = fcfun.filletchamfer(
        axis='y',  # axis to fillet
        xpos=tot_d,  # position of the edge in x
        zpos=tot_h  # position of the edge in z

    #  --------------- step 04 ---------------------------
    #  Hole for the motor
    #                Z                      Z
    #                :                      :
    #        ________:_________             :__
    #       | |              | |            | :  \
    #       | |              | |            | :    \
    #       | |              | |            | :      \
    #       | |              | |            | :        \
    #       | |              | |            | :          \
    #       | |              | |            | :            \
    #       |_|______________|_|            | :..............\...motor_thick
    #       |_|______________|_|..Y         |_________________\..X
    #       : :                             : :
    #       : :                             : :
    #        reinf_thick                     wall_thick

    pos04 = FreeCAD.Vector(wall_thick, 0, motor_thick)
    shp04cut = fcfun.shp_boxcen(tot_d,
                                tot_w - 2 * reinf_thick,
    # creates a freecad object from the shape, to see it in FreeCAD Gui,
    # not necessary, but illustrative for this tutorial
    fcd04cut = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp04cut, 'motorhole')
    # difference (cut) of fcd01 and fcd02cut
    fcd04 = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", 'step04')
    fcd04.Base = fcd03
    fcd04.Tool = fcd04cut
    # the shape
    shp04 = fcd04.Shape


    #  --------------- step 05 ---------------------------
    #  Holes for motor bolts, and the central hole
    #    ____________________...............................>Y
    #   | ___________________|.. wall_thick
    #   | |                | |.. motor_xtr_space.....
    #   | | O     __     O | | --                   :motor_w/2
    #   | |    /      \    | |   .                  :
    #   | |   |   1    |   | |   .+ motor_bolt_sep ---
    #   | |    \      /    | |   .
    #   | | O     __     O | | --
    #   |_|________________|_| ..... wall_thick
    #             :        : :
    #             :         reinf_thick
    #       :     X      :
    #       :            :
    #       :            :
    #       motor_bolt_sep

    # position of the motor axis z=-1 to do the cut
    pos05 = FreeCAD.Vector(wall_thick + motor_xtr_space + motor_w / 2., 0, -1)
    shp05cenhole = fcfun.shp_cyl(
        h=motor_thick + 2,  # for the cut
    # make a list of the bolt holes
    boltholes_shp_list = []
    # the four motor holes
    for x_side in [-1, 1]:
        for y_side in [-1, 1]:
            hole_pos = pos05 + FreeCAD.Vector(x_side * motor_bolt_sep / 2.,
                                              y_side * motor_bolt_sep / 2., 0)
            shp05bolthole = fcfun.shp_cyl(
                h=motor_thick + 2,  # for the cut
    # fuse the 5 holes
    shp05cut = shp05cenhole.multiFuse(boltholes_shp_list)
    # not necessary to create a FreeCAD object, but illustrative for tutorial
    fcd05cut = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp05cut, 'boltholes')
    # difference (cut) of fcd04 and fcd05cut
    fcd05 = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", 'step05')
    fcd05.Base = fcd04
    fcd05.Tool = fcd05cut
    # the shape
    shp05 = fcd05.Shape


    #  --------------- step 06 ---------------------------
    #  Rails to attach the holder
    #            Z
    #            :
    #    ________:_________
    #   | |              | |
    #   | | ||        || | |-----------------------
    #   | | ||        || | |                       :
    #   | | ||        || | |                       +motor_max_h
    #   | | ||        || | |                       :
    #   | | ||        || | |-------                :
    #   |_|______________|_|.......:+ motor_min_h..:
    #   |_|______________|_|....:+motor_thick............Y
    #        :         :
    #        :.........:
    #             bolt_wall_sep

    shp06_cut_list = []
    for y_side in [-1, 1]:
        # the rails
        step06_bot_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-1, y_side * bolt_wall_sep / 2.,
                                        motor_thick + motor_min_h)
        shp06_rail = fcfun.shp_boxcen(wall_thick + 2,
                                      2 * bolt_wall_r_tol,
                                      motor_max_h - motor_min_h,
        # bottom end circle:
        shp06_hole = fcfun.shp_cyl(
            h=wall_thick + 2,  # for the cut
        step06_top_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-1, y_side * bolt_wall_sep / 2.,
                                        motor_thick + motor_max_h)
        # top end circle:
        shp06_hole = fcfun.shp_cyl(
            h=wall_thick + 2,  # for the cut


    # fuse the rails
    shp06cut = fcfun.fuseshplist(shp06_cut_list)
    # not necessary to create a FreeCAD object, but illustrative for tutorial
    fcd06cut = fcfun.add_fcobj(shp06cut, 'rails')
    # difference (cut) of fcd04 and fcd05cut
    fcd06 = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", 'step06')
    fcd06.Base = fcd05
    fcd06.Tool = fcd06cut
    # the shape
    shp06 = fcd06.Shape


    return fcd06
Exemple #3
filter_basehole = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", 'filter_basehole')
filter_basehole.Shape = shp_filter_basehole

filter_mov = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", 'filtermov')
filter_mov.Shapes = [filter_basehole,railnuth, railnuth0, railnuth1]

# chamfer of the union between the base and the rails


filter_mov_cmf = fcfun.filletchamfer (fco = filter_mov,
                                      e_len = RAIL_WS,
                                      name = 'filtermovchmf',
                                      fillet = 0, #chamfer
                                      radius = 2., 
                                      axis = 'x', 
                                      zpos_chk = 1, 
                                      zpos = FILT_BASE_H )

shp_face_railhole = fcfun.shp_face_rail(rail_w = RAIL_W, 
                                         rail_ws = RAIL_WS,
                                         rail_h = RAIL_H,
                                         rail_h_plus = 2.,
                                         offs_w = TOL/2.,
                                         offs_h = TOL/2.,
                                         axis_l = 'z',