def test_yield_wells():
    experiments, well = dummy_data({
        'FITC-A': [100],

    experiment_i, condition_i, well_i = next(fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments))

    assert experiment_i == experiments[0]
    assert condition_i == 'dummy'
    assert well_i.label == 'A1'
Exemple #2
def test_yield_wells():
    experiments, well = dummy_data({
        'FITC-A': [100],

    experiment_i, condition_i, well_i = next(fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments))

    assert experiment_i == experiments[0]
    assert condition_i == 'dummy'
    assert well_i.label == 'A1'
def get_channel_label(experiments, baseline=False):
    channels = set( for _, _, x in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments))
    control_channels = set(x.control_channel
                           for _, _, x in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments))
    control_expts = set(x.control_expt
                        for _, _, x in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments))

    get_label = lambda x: x.split('-')[0]

    if len(channels) == 1:
        channel = next(iter(channels))
        label = get_label(channel)
    elif channels.issubset(['GFP-A', 'RFP-A']):
        label = 'fluorescence'
    elif channels.issubset(['FSC-A', 'SSC-A']):
        label = 'size'
        raise ValueError("inconsistent channels: {}".format(

    if len(control_channels) > 1 or len(control_expts) > 1:
        label = 'normalized {}'.format(label)
        if len(control_channels) == 1:
            control_channel = next(iter(control_channels))
            label = '{} / {}'.format(label, get_label(control_channel))
        if len(control_expts) == 1:
            control_expt = next(iter(control_expts))
            label = '{} / {}'.format(label, control_expt)

    if baseline:
        label += f' / {"baseline" if baseline is True else baseline}'

    return label
def analyze_wells(experiments, **kwargs):
    control_expt_kwarg = kwargs.pop('control_expt', None)

    # Convert all the normal wells to "analyzed" wells.
    for i, experiment in enumerate(experiments):
        for condition in experiment['wells']:
            experiment['wells'][condition] = [
                AnalyzedWell(experiments, i, condition, j, **kwargs)
                for j, _ in enumerate(experiment['wells'][condition])

    # Normalize by the indicated control experiment(s).
    wells = [w for _, _, w in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments)]
    expt_map = {x['label']: x for x in experiments}
    control_locs = []
    control_labels = []

    for well in wells:
        control_label = pick_control_experiment(well.experiment,
        if not control_label:

        control_expt = expt_map[control_label]
            control_loc = np.mean([
                for conc in control_expt['wells']
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                "Make sure you have the same number of replicates for each experiment."


    for well, label, loc in zip(wells, control_labels, control_locs):
        well.control_expt = label
def check_wells(experiments, **expected_wells):
    for expriment, condition, well in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments):
        assert condition in expected_wells
        assert well.label in expected_wells[condition]
        assert isinstance(well.meta, dict)
        assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame)
def check_wells(experiments, **expected_wells):
    for expriment, condition, well in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments):
        assert condition in expected_wells
        assert well.label in expected_wells[condition]
        assert isinstance(well.meta, dict)
        assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame)
Exemple #7
 def _yield_wells(self):
     yield from fcmcmp.yield_wells(self.experiments)
Exemple #8
import docopt, fcmcmp, analysis_helpers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pprint import pprint

args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
experiments = fcmcmp.load_experiments(args['<yml_path>'])

shared_steps = analysis_helpers.SharedProcessingSteps()
shared_steps.early_event_threshold = float(args['--time-gate'])
shared_steps.small_cell_threshold = float(args['--size-gate'])
shared_steps.low_fluorescence_threshold = float(args['--expression-gate'])

table = []

for experiment, condition, well in fcmcmp.yield_wells(experiments,
    well = analysis_helpers.AnalyzedWell(experiment, well, normalize_by=True)
    percent_on = sum(well.measurements < -0.3) / len(well.measurements)
    table.append((experiment['label'], condition, percent_on))

previous_label = None
max_label_len = max_condition_len = 0

for label, condition, percent_on in table:
    max_label_len = max(len(label), max_label_len)
    max_condition_len = max(len(condition), max_condition_len)

for label, condition, percent_on in table:
    print('{:{}s} {:{}s} {:.2f}%'.format(label, max_label_len, condition,
                                         max_condition_len, 100 * percent_on))