Exemple #1
def create_role_with_permissions(step, stored, name):
    roleModel = RoleModel()
    name = roleModel.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

    # create the new role
    role_payload = {"companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0],
                    "name": name}

    #get the new role ID
    role_id, role_version = roleModel.get_resid(name)

    # get the list of all available permissions
    perm_array = PermissionModel().get_all_list()

    # walk the hash of permissionCodes add these to the new role
    for perm_code in step.hashes:
        permissionCode = perm_code["permissionCode"]

        # find the matching permission object based on the permissionCode field
        found_perm = verify_single_item_in_list(perm_array, "permissionCode", permissionCode)

            # there will always be only one that matches, in this case
            perm_id = found_perm[ns("resourceIdentity")]["@id"]
        except KeyError:
            assert False, "%s.%s not found in:\n%s" % (ns("resourceIdentity"), "@id", found_perm)

        # now add the permissions to that role
        roleModel.add_permission(role_id, role_version, perm_id)