def __init__(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh, mode: str, file_name: str,
              function: fenics.Function, function_name: str):
     self.file = fenics.HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), file_name, mode)
     self.function = function
     self.function_name = function_name
Exemple #2
def gather_mesh(mesh):
    """Gather a local copy of a distributed mesh"""
    # comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    if mesh in gather_mesh_cache:
        logGATHER('gather_mesh cache hit')
        return gather_mesh_cache[mesh]
    comm = mesh.mpi_comm()
    size = comm.size
    if size == 1:
        gather_mesh_cache[mesh] = mesh
        return (mesh)  # sequential: nothing to do
    dim = mesh.geometry().dim()
    topology = mesh.topology()
    logGATHER('topology.global_indices(0)', topology.global_indices(0))
    logGATHER('topology.size(0)', topology.size(0))
    # To define a mesh, we need two things: a list of all the
    # vertices, each with an index and coordinates, and a list of all
    # cells, each specified by a list of vertices.
    vcoord = mesh.coordinates()
    vcoords = gather_array(vcoord, comm)  # vertexes from all processes
    vindex = topology.global_indices(0)
    vindexes = gather_array(vindex, comm)  # global vertex indexes
        gnv = topology.size_global(0)
    except AttributeError:
        gnv = np.max(vindexes) + 1
    logGATHER('gnv', gnv)
    gvcs = np.zeros((gnv, dim), dtype=vcoords.dtype)
    for v, vc in enumerate(vcoords):  # coords indexed by global indices
        gvcs[vindexes[v], :] = vc
    logGATHER('gvcs', gvcs)
    # We now have in gvcs a list of global vertex coordinates. (The
    # indices are just 0...len(gvcs)-1.) Now for the cells:
    nc = mesh.num_cells()
    logGATHER('nc', nc)
    total = comm.allreduce(nc)
    logGATHER('total', total)
    cell = np.zeros(nc * (dim + 1), dtype=int)
    cell[:] = vindex[mesh.cells().flatten()]  # vindex to get global indices
    logGATHER('cell', cell)
    cells = gather_array(cell, comm)
    cells = cells.reshape(-1, dim + 1)
    logGATHER('cells', cells)
    cindex = topology.global_indices(dim)
    logGATHER('cindex', cindex)
    cindexes = gather_array(cindex, comm)
    logGATHER('cindexes', cindexes)
        gnc = topology.size_global(dim)
    except AttributeError:
        gnc = np.max(cindexes) + 1
    logGATHER('gnc', gnc)
    gcells = np.zeros((gnc, dim + 1), dtype=int)
    for v, cell in enumerate(cells):
        gcells[cindexes[v], :] = cell
    logGATHER('gcells', gcells)
    # Now use this collected info to construct a mesh
        scomm = fe.mpi_comm_self()
    except AttributeError:
        scomm = MPI.COMM_SELF
    mesh = Mesh(scomm)  # new mesh is sequential
    logGATHER('scomm', scomm)
    # if comm.rank == 0:
    if True:  # construct a mesh in all processes
        editor = MeshEditor(), str(cellShapes[dim - 1]), dim, dim)
        editor.init_vertices_global(len(gvcs), len(gvcs))
        editor.init_cells_global(len(gcells), len(gcells))
        for v, vc in enumerate(gvcs):
            editor.add_vertex_global(v, v, vc)
        for c, cell in enumerate(gcells):
            logGATHER('c, cell', c, cell)
            editor.add_cell(c, cell)
    logGATHER('mesh.mpi_comm()', mesh.mpi_comm())
    logGATHER('mesh.mpi_comm().size', mesh.mpi_comm().size)
    gather_mesh_cache[mesh] = mesh
    logGATHER('caching gathered mesh')
    return (mesh)