Exemple #1
 def begin(self, x, y):
     # Initialise some things
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.graph = Program.load_png(os.path.join("gfx", "guy.png"))
     speed = 0.0
     # In-game loop
     while True:
         # Do input
         if Program.key(K_LEFT):
             self.angle += 10000
         if Program.key(K_RIGHT):
             self.angle -= 10000
         if Program.key(K_UP):
             speed += 2.0
         if Program.key(K_DOWN):
             speed -= 2.0
         # normalise speed
         if speed < -10.0:
             speed = -10.0
         if speed > 10.0:
             speed = 10.0
         speed *= 0.9
         # send the player forwards or backwards depending on speed 
         # leave frame
 def begin(self, x, y):
     # Initialise some things
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     # Z order. The lower the Z the "closer" they are to the player.
     # Guy has a lower Z than Other_guy so will appear on top.
     self.z = -300
     self.graph = Program.load_png(os.path.join("gfx", "guy.png"))
     speed = 0
     other = Other_guy(320, 240)
     font = Program.load_fnt("gfx/font.ttf", 10)
     distance_text = Program.write(font, 0, 0)
     angle_text = Program.write(font, 0, 15)
     collision_text = Program.write(font, 0, 30)
     # In-game loop
     while True:
         # Do input
         if Program.key(K_LEFT):
             self.angle += 10000
         if Program.key(K_RIGHT):
             self.angle -= 10000
         if Program.key(K_UP):
             speed += 2.0
         if Program.key(K_DOWN):
             speed -= 2.0
         # normalise speed
         if speed < -10.0:
             speed = -10.0
         if speed > 10.0:
             speed = 10.0
         speed *= 0.9
         # send the player forwards or backwards depending on speed 
         # Get distance from other guy
         distance_text.text = "Distance: "+ str(self.get_dist(other))
         angle_text.text = "Angle to: "+ str(int(self.get_angle(other)/1000))
         collision_text.text = "Colliding: "+ ("True" if self.collision(other) else "False")
         # leave frame
Exemple #3
	def begin(self):

		# Set fb device for Raspberry pi
		os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = Config.fb_dev

		if (Config.detect_screen_size):
			self.screen_size = (pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h)

		# Set the resolution and the frames per second
		Program.set_mode(self.screen_size, self.full_screen, False)

		# set mouse invisible


		self.font = Game.load_fnt("c64.ttf", 16)
		self.big_font = Game.load_fnt("c64.ttf", 50)

		# run scene
		scene = Main(self);
		scene.lives = Config.lives
		scene.bullets = Config.bullets

		while True:
			# This is the main loop

			# Simple input check
			if Program.key(K_ESCAPE) or (K_ESCAPE in self.read_joystick()):

Exemple #4
	def begin(self, game):
		self.x, self.y = 400, 500
		self.graph = game.g_player

		while True:

			# Processes have many member variables, one of the most common is x and y which
			# directly map to the process' coordinates on the screen. They, like all member
			# variables, can be altered at any time.
			# Here we check if the ship should move left/right and change the x (horisontal)
			# coordinate appropriately.
			if Program.key(K_LEFT):
				self.x -= 4
			if Program.key(K_RIGHT):
				self.x += 4
			# The final bit of input is shooting. Again we pass in the game object so we can
			# access graphics and honour the convention set for ourselves when creating the
			# player and enemies.
			if Program.key_released(K_SPACE):
				Bullet(game, self)
Exemple #5
 def begin(self):
     # set up the screen
     # Create the player
     # game loop
     while True:
         # Check for pressing escape
         if Program.key(K_ESCAPE):
         # Leave frame
Exemple #6
	def begin(self):
		# Set the resolution and the frames per second
		Program.set_mode((800, 600))

		# load the graphics and store a pointer to the loaded surfaces.
		# Assigning them to the main game object is purely a convention
		# and is not required for pygame-fenix. They are set as members of
		# the game because it is a persistant process that lasts for the
		# length of the game.
		self.g_player = Program.load_png("player.png")
		self.g_enemy = Program.load_png("enemy.png")
		self.g_bullet = Program.load_png("bullet.png")

		# Because it in persistent and holds references to all our graphic
		# surfaces, it makes sense to pass it to all of our objects.
		# Again this is purely a convention. A recommended convention, but
		# entirely optional nontheless.

		# We create the invaders along the top of the screen.
		for x in range(100, 601, 50):
			Enemy(self, x)

		# Note that we do not save references to the processes. Simply the act
		# of initialising one will cause it to exist. It's internal loop will
		# execute immediately and it can happily act independantly of everything
		# else.
		while True:
			# This is the main loop

			# Simple input check
			if Program.key(K_ESCAPE):

			# The yield statement signifies that this object is finished for the
			# current frame, on the next frame the loop will resume here until it
			# hits the yield statement again. All objects are designed to act this way.
Exemple #7
    def begin(self):
        # set up the screen
        Program.set_mode((640, 480))

        font = Program.load_fnt("gfx/font.ttf", 20)
        cheri_font = Program.load_fnt("gfx/cheri.ttf", 30)

        # Create the text objects
        text_guys = []
        text_guys.append(Program.write(font, 100, 100, 4, "Texts"))
        text_guys.append(Program.write(font, 200, 150, 4, "Are"))
        text_guys.append(Program.write(font, 400, 200, 4, "Processes"))
        text_guys.append(Program.write(font, 550, 250, 4, "Too!"))

        # This is our scrolly message
        message = (
            "This is the Fenix Pygame library! Who needs the goddamn amiga?"
            + " Weeee! I'm having far too much fun with this! You'll have to try out the"
            + " library for yourself. :D Fiona made this in the last bit of 2008. For realsies."
            + " OMG I think it's gonna loop now.....                                           "
            + " so i herd you like mudkips..?"

        scroll_text = []

        # game loop
        while True:

            # strobe the message along the top
            for single in text_guys:
                single.colour = (randrange(50, 200), randrange(50, 200), randrange(50, 200))

            text_guys[3].angle += 3000

            # if we don't have a scrolly message, create it
            if len(scroll_text) < 1:
                a, b = 650, 0
                for x in message:
                    a += 25
                    b += 20000
                    guy = Program.write(cheri_font, a, 420, text=x)
                    guy.mystery_angle = b
                    guy.init_x = a
                    guy.colour = (randrange(50, 200), randrange(50, 200), randrange(50, 200))

            # loop through the scrolly characters and move them and stuff
            for single in scroll_text:
                single.x -= 5
                single.y = 420 + Program.get_disty(single.mystery_angle, 30)
                single.mystery_angle += 20000
                if single.x <= -25:

            # Check for pressing escape
            if Program.key(K_ESCAPE):

            # Leave frame
Exemple #8
	def begin(self, level, x = None, y = None):

		if (x != None and y != None):
			self.x = x
			self.y = y
			self.x = 200
			self.y = 200
		self.graph = level.g_ship1
		self.level = level
		animate = False

		while True:

			if (animate):
				self.graph = level.g_ship2
				self.graph = level.g_ship1

			animate = not animate

			if (x == None and y == None):

				if Program.key(K_UP) or (K_UP in level.game.read_joystick()):
					self.y -= self.speed
				if Program.key(K_DOWN) or (K_DOWN in level.game.read_joystick()):
					self.y += self.speed
				if Program.key(K_LEFT) or (K_LEFT in level.game.read_joystick()):
					self.x -= self.speed
				if Program.key(K_RIGHT) or (K_RIGHT in level.game.read_joystick()):
					self.x += self.speed

				# bounds
				if (self.y < self.graph.get_height()/2):
					self.y = self.graph.get_height()/2
				if (self.x < self.graph.get_width()/2):
					self.x = self.graph.get_width()/2
				if (self.x > self.level.game.screen_size[0] - self.graph.get_width()/2):
					self.x = self.level.game.screen_size[0] - self.graph.get_width()/2
				if (self.y > self.level.game.screen_size[1] - self.graph.get_height()/2):
					self.y = self.level.game.screen_size[1] - self.graph.get_height()/2

			e = self.collision("Enemy1")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 10

			e = self.collision("Enemy2")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 20

			e = self.collision("Enemy3")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 30

			e = self.collision("Enemy4")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 50

			e = self.collision("Enemy5")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 10

			e = self.collision("Enemy6")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 50

			e = self.collision("Enemy7")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 20

			e = self.collision("Enemy8")
			if e and level.game.millis() - self.last_enemy_collision > 500:
				self.last_enemy_collision = level.game.millis()
				self.health -= 20

			if Program.key_released(K_SPACE) or (K_SPACE in level.game.read_joystick() and level.game.millis() - level.game.last_joystick_btn > Config.joystick_button_delay):
				level.game.last_joystick_btn = level.game.millis()

	def begin(self):

		# Set fb device for Raspberry pi
		#os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = Config.fb_dev

		"Ininitializes a new pygame screen using the framebuffer"
		# Based on "Python GUI in Linux frame buffer"
		# http://www.karoltomala.com/blog/?p=679
		disp_no = os.getenv("DISPLAY")
		if disp_no:
		    print "I'm running under X display = {0}".format(disp_no)

		# Check which frame buffer drivers are available
		# Start with fbcon since directfb hangs with composite output
		drivers = ['fbcon', 'directfb', 'svgalib']
		found = False
		for driver in drivers:
			# Make sure that SDL_VIDEODRIVER is set
			if not os.getenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER'):
				os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', driver)
			except pygame.error:
				print 'Driver: {0} failed.'.format(driver)
			found = True

		if not found:
			raise Exception('No suitable video driver found!')

		if (Config.detect_screen_size):
			self.screen_size = (pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h)

		# Set the resolution and the frames per second
		Program.set_mode(self.screen_size, self.full_screen, False)

		# set mouse invisible

		# load playlist
		self.playlist = Playlist()

		# init mpd
		self.mpd = MPDClient()
		self.mpd.connect(Config.mpd_host, Config.mpd_port)
		if (Config.mpd_password is not None):

		# collect mpd playlist
		for item in self.playlist.list:
		# get active song from saved state
		self.state = State()
		self.active_song = self.state.load()
		self.last_active_song = self.active_song

		# init serial encoder instance
		self.encoder = Encoder(self.active_song, 0, len(self.playlist.list)-1)

		# play

		# run scene
		scene = Main(self);

		while True:
			# This is the main loop

			# Simple input check
			if (Program.key(K_ESCAPE)):

			change_scene_request = self.encoder.try_read()

			if (self.millis() - self.last_changed >= Config.save_timeout and self.last_active_song != self.active_song):
				self.last_active_song = self.active_song

			if (Program.key_released(K_SPACE) or Program.key_released(K_RETURN) or change_scene_request == True):
				change_scene_request = False
				if (isinstance(scene, Menu)):
					scene.signal(S_KILL, True)
					scene = Main(self)
				elif (isinstance(scene, Main)):
					scene.signal(S_KILL, True)
					scene = Menu(self)

			# The yield statement signifies that this object is finished for the
			# current frame, on the next frame the loop will resume here until it
			# hits the yield statement again. All objects are designed to act this way.