Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, alias):
        # setup
        self.alias = alias
        parsetype = alias.split("/")[1]
        self.parser = LegalRef({
            'SFS': LegalRef.LAGRUM,
            'Short': LegalRef.KORTLAGRUM,
            'DV': LegalRef.RATTSFALL,
            'Regpubl': LegalRef.FORARBETEN,
            'EGLag': LegalRef.EULAGSTIFTNING,
            'ECJ': LegalRef.EURATTSFALL

        # this particular test method is set up to use lagen.nu style
        # URIs because the canonical URIs are significantly different.
        dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        basedir = dirname + "/../"
        space = basedir + "lagen/nu/res/uri/swedishlegalsource.space.ttl"
        slugs = basedir + "lagen/nu/res/uri/swedishlegalsource.slugs.ttl"
        extra = [
            basedir + "lagen/nu/res/extra/swedishlegalsource.ttl",
            basedir + "lagen/nu/res/extra/sfs.ttl"
        cfg = Graph().parse(space, format="turtle").parse(slugs,
        self.metadata = Graph()
        for ttl in extra:
            self.metadata.parse(ttl, format="turtle")
        COIN = Namespace("http://purl.org/court/def/2009/coin#")
        # select correct URI for the URISpace definition by
        # finding a single coin:URISpace object
        spaceuri = cfg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=COIN.URISpace)
        self.minter = URIMinter(cfg, spaceuri)
Exemple #2
 def sameas_minter(self):
     # make a resourceloader that only loads resource from
     # superclasses, not this actual class. This'll make it
     # look in ferenda/sources/legal/se/res, not lagen/nu/res.
     loadpath = ResourceLoader.make_loadpath(self)
     if "lagen/nu/" in loadpath[0]:
         loadpath = loadpath[1:]
     rl = ResourceLoader(*loadpath)
     spacefile = rl.filename("uri/swedishlegalsource.space.ttl")
     # print("sameas: Loading URISpace from %s" % spacefile)
     self.log.debug("Loading URISpace from %s" % spacefile)
     with open(spacefile) as space:
         cfg = Graph().parse(space, format="turtle")
     # slugs contains space:abbrSlug, but space contains
     # urispace:abbrSlug... We do a little translation
     src = URIRef("http://rinfo.lagrummet.se/sys/uri/space#abbrSlug")
     dst = URIRef("https://lagen.nu/sys/uri/space#abbrSlug")
     for (s, p, o) in cfg:
         if o == src:
             # print("Translating %s %s :abbrSlug" % (s.n3(), p.n3()))
             cfg.remove((s, p, o))
             cfg.add((s, p, dst))
         elif s == dst:
             # print("Translating :abbrSlug %s %s" % (p.n3(), o.n3()))
             cfg.remove((s, p, o))
             cfg.add((dst, p, o))
     slugsfile = self.resourceloader.filename("uri/swedishlegalsource.slugs.ttl")
     # self.log.debug("sameas: Loading slugs from %s" % slugsfile)
     with open(slugsfile) as slugs:
         cfg.parse(slugs, format="turtle")
     COIN = Namespace("http://purl.org/court/def/2009/coin#")
     # select correct URI for the URISpace definition by
     # finding a single coin:URISpace object
     spaceuri = cfg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=COIN.URISpace)
     return URIMinter(cfg, spaceuri)
Exemple #3
 def setUpClass(cls):
     with codecs.open(cls.spacefile, encoding="utf-8") as space:
         with codecs.open(cls.slugsfile, encoding="utf-8") as slugs:
             cfg = rdflib.Graph().parse(space,
     COIN = rdflib.Namespace("http://purl.org/court/def/2009/coin#")
     # select correct URI for the URISpace definition by
     # finding a single coin:URISpace object
     spaceuri = cfg.value(predicate=rdflib.RDF.type, object=COIN.URISpace)
     cls.minter = URIMinter(cfg, spaceuri)
Exemple #4
 def minter(self):
     # print("%s (%s) loading minter" % (self.alias, id(self)))
     filename = self.resourceloader.filename
     spacefile = filename("uri/swedishlegalsource.space.ttl")
     slugsfile = filename("uri/swedishlegalsource.slugs.ttl")
     self.log.debug("Loading URISpace from %s" % spacefile)
     # print("Loading URISpace from %s" % spacefile)
     # print("Loading Slugs from %s" % slugsfile)
     cfg = Graph().parse(spacefile, format="turtle").parse(slugsfile,
     COIN = Namespace("http://purl.org/court/def/2009/coin#")
     # select correct URI for the URISpace definition by
     # finding a single coin:URISpace object
     spaceuri = cfg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=COIN.URISpace)
     return URIMinter(cfg, spaceuri)
Exemple #5
def coinstruct_from_graph(graph, subject, minter=None):
    if not minter:
        configgraph = Graph()
        # FIXME: The configgraph should only be loaded once, but be
        # configurable ie load the correct COIN n3 config
        minter = URIMinter(configgraph,
    result = minter.space.coin_uri(graph.resource(subject))
    return result  # only return the "best" ie most prioritized template
Exemple #6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # this particular test method is set up to use lagen.nu style
     # URIs because the canonical URIs are significantly different.
     space = "lagen/nu/res/uri/swedishlegalsource.space.ttl"
     slugs = "lagen/nu/res/uri/swedishlegalsource.slugs.ttl"
     extra = [
     cfg = Graph().parse(space, format="turtle").parse(slugs,
     cls.metadata = Graph()
     for ttl in extra:
         cls.metadata.parse(ttl, format="turtle")
     COIN = Namespace("http://purl.org/court/def/2009/coin#")
     # select correct URI for the URISpace definition by
     # finding a single coin:URISpace object
     spaceuri = cfg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=COIN.URISpace)
     cls.minter = URIMinter(cfg, spaceuri)