Exemple #1
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create funds so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 10000, 500))

    block_number = status.exit_code
    v = contract.query(api, 'get_init_block_number_state')
    assert block_number > 0
    assert block_number == v, \
        'Returned block number by the contract ({}) is not what expected ({})'.format(
            v, block_number)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_block_number_state', 400, entity1))

    assert block_number <= contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
Exemple #2
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 10000))

    BALANCE1 = 5000
    BALANCE2 = 3000
    assert BALANCE1 != BALANCE2, \
        'Contracts must have different amounts of funds' \
        'to ensure that balance() queries the balance of its respective contract'
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, BALANCE1, 200))
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract2.address, BALANCE2, 200))

        contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 10000, entity1,

    result_balance1 = contract.query(api, 'query_balance_state')
    assert result_balance1 == BALANCE1, \
        'Expected BALANCE1 {}, found {}'.format(BALANCE1, result_balance1)

    result_balance2 = contract.query(api, 'query_c2c_balance_state')
    assert result_balance2 == BALANCE2, \
        'Expected BALANCE2 {}, found {}'.format(BALANCE2, result_balance2)
Exemple #3
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    print('Create wealth...')
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    print('Create contract...')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)

    print('Query init state...')
    init_result = contract.query(api, 'query_init_test')
    print('Init state: ', init_result)
    assert init_result == 123

    print('Execute action...')
    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))

    print('Query action state...')
    action_result = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    print('Action state: ', action_result)
    assert action_result == 456
def run(options, benefactor):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()
    address = Address(entity)

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # Need funds to deploy contract
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity, int(1e7), 1000))

    # Load contract source
    source_file = os.path.join(HERE, "contract.etch")
    with open(source_file, "r") as fb:
        source = fb.read()

    # Create contract
    contract = Contract(source, entity)

    # Deploy contract
    fet_tx_fee = api.tokens.balance(entity)
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, fet_tx_fee))

    # Printing balance of the creating address
    print(contract.query(api, 'balanceOf', owner=address))

    # Getting the 9'th token id.
    token_id = contract.query(api, 'getTokenId', number=9)

    # Testing
    contract.query(api, 'isEqual', number=9, expected=token_id)

    # Locating the owner of a token
    print("Finding the owner of ", token_id)
    print(contract.query(api, 'ownerOf', token_id=token_id))
Exemple #5
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

        contract.query(api, 'some_query')
        assert False, 'Expected query to fail'
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Unable to look up contract' in str(e), \
            'Unexpected error message from server: {}'.format(e)
Exemple #6
def run(options, benefactor):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()

    host = options['host']
    port = options['port']

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(host, port)

    # Transfer tokens from benefactor
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity, int(1e7), 1000))

    # Load contract source
    source_file = os.path.join(HERE, "hello_world.etch")
    with open(source_file, "r") as fb:
        source = fb.read()

    # Create contract
    contract = Contract(source, entity)

    # Deploy contract
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, 10000))

    # Printing message
    print(contract.query(api, 'persistentGreeting'))
Exemple #7
def main():
    # create the API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create an entity from a private key stored in hex
    entity = Entity.from_hex(

    # create the contract on the ledger
    synergetic_contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity)
    print('Creating contract..')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, synergetic_contract, 4096))

    # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
    random_ints = [random.randint(0, 200) for _ in range(10)]
    fee = 100000000
        [api.contracts.submit_data(entity, synergetic_contract.digest, synergetic_contract.address, fee, value=value) \
         for value in random_ints])
    print('Data submitted.')


    print('Issuing query...')
    result = synergetic_contract.query(api, 'query_result')
    print('Query result:', result)
Exemple #8
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 1000000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 20000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 20000))

    current_block = api.tokens._current_block_number()

        contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 40000, [entity1],


    later_block = contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
    assert later_block > current_block, \
        'Expected number larger than {}, found {}'.format(
            current_block, later_block)
class SynergeticContractTestHelper:
    def __init__(self, name, api, entity, workdir="."):
        self._api = api
        self._entity = entity
        self._name = name
        self.contract = None
        self._workdir = workdir

    def create_new(self, fee_limit):
        self.contract = Contract(_CONTRACT_TEXT, self._entity)
        print('Creating contract..')
            self._entity, self.contract, fee_limit))
        if len(self._name) > 0:
            with open(self._workdir+"/"+self._name+".json", "w") as f:

    def load(self):
        print('Loading contract..')
        with open(self._workdir+"/"+self._name+".json", "r") as f:
            self.contract = Contract.load(f)

    def submit_random_data(self, n, number_range, hold_state_sec=10):
        # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
        random_ints = [random.randint(*number_range) for _ in range(n)]
        txs = [self._api.contracts.submit_data(self._entity, self.contract.address, value=value)
               for value in random_ints]
        self._api.sync(txs, hold_state_sec=hold_state_sec,
        print('Data submitted.')

    def validate_execution(self):
        result = self.contract.query(self._api, 'query_result')
        return result != -1
Exemple #10
def main():
    # create the API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create an entity and provide it some wealth
    entity = Entity()
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 100000000))

    # create the contract on the ledger
    synergetic_contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)
    print('Creating contract..')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, synergetic_contract, 4096))
    print('Contract submitted ({}.{}).'.format(
        synergetic_contract.digest.to_hex(), synergetic_contract.owner))

    # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
    random_ints = [random.randint(0, 200) for _ in range(10)]
                                  value=value) for value in random_ints
    print('Data submitted.')


    print('Issuing query...')
    result = synergetic_contract.query(api, 'query_result')
    print('Query result:', result)
def print_address_balances(api: LedgerApi, contract: Contract,
                           addresses: List[Address]):
    for idx, address in enumerate(addresses):
        print('Address{}: {:<6d} bFET {:<10d} TOK'.format(
            idx, api.tokens.balance(address),
            contract.query(api, 'balance', address=Address(address))))
Exemple #12
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 999,\
        'Expected to receive default value of 999, got {}'.format(result)
        contract.query(api, 'check_x')
        assert False, 'Expected query to fail'
    except RuntimeError:

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_x_to_3', 200, entity1))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 3, \
        'Expected to receive value of 3, got {}'.format(result)
    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x')
    assert result == 3, \
        'Expected to receive value of 3, got {}'.format(result)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_x_to_5', 200, entity1))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 5, \
        'Expected to receive value of 5, got {}'.format(result)
    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x')
    assert result == 5, \
        'Expected to receive value of 5, got {}'.format(result)
Exemple #13
def main():
    # create our first private key pair
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8100)

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 1000000000000000))

    # create the smart contract
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 1000000000))

    # update the graph with a new model
    fet_tx_fee = 100000000
    with open(GRAPH_FILE_NAME, mode='rb') as file:
        print("reading in graph file...")
        rfile = file.read()

        print("encoding to base64 string...")
        b64obj = base64.b64encode(rfile)
        obj = b64obj.decode()

        print("updating smart contract graph...")
            contract.action(api, 'updateGraph', fet_tx_fee, [entity1], obj))

    print("finished updating smart contract graph")

    # set one real example input data set
    fet_tx_fee = 100000000
        contract.action(api, 'setHistorics', fet_tx_fee, [entity1],

    current_historics = contract.query(api, 'getHistorics')
    print("current historics: " + current_historics)

    # make a prediction
    current_prediction = contract.query(api, 'makePrediction')
    print("current prediction: " + current_prediction)
Exemple #14
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1000, 500))

    assert contract.query(api, 'query_init_test') == 0

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 200, [entity1]))
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    assert 800 <= v <= 1000, \
        'Expected query_action_test result to be between 800 and 1000, found {}'.format(

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test')
    assert 800 <= v <= 1000, \
        'Expected query_clear_test result to be between 800 and 1000, found {}'.format(

    # Provide the contract with funds
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1234, 200))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 200, [entity1]))
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    assert 2000 < v < 2234, \
        'Expected query_action_test result to be between 2000 and 2234, found {}'.format(

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test')
    assert 2000 < v < 2234, \
        'Expected query_clear_test result to be between 2000 and 2234, found {}'.format(
Exemple #15
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    block_number = status.exit_code

    assert block_number > 0
    assert block_number == contract.query(api, 'get_init_block_number_state')

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_block_number_state', 400, [entity1]))

    assert block_number <= contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
Exemple #16
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    assert contract.query(api, 'query_init_test') == 0

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_action_test') == 0

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test') == 0

    # Provide the contract with funds
    api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1234, 200)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_action_test') == 1234

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test') == 1234
Exemple #17
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    saved_address = contract.query(api, 'query_owner_address')

    assert str(Address(entity1)) == saved_address, \
        'Expected owner address {} but found {}'.format(
            Address(entity1), saved_address)
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 400,
                             entity1, str(contract2.address)))

    result = contract.query(api, 'query_eleven')
    assert result == 11, \
        'Expected 11, found {}'.format(result)
    sys.exit('File not found')

if 0 == len(contract_text):
    print("Contract is zero length.")
    sys.exit("Invalid contract")

# Private key of the address to deploy from
# WARNING: Unencrypted private keys should not be present in production code
entity = Entity(b'... your private key here ...')
address = Address(entity)

print("Deploying contract:", contract_name, '\n')
print("  Owner:", address)
print(" Length:", len(contract_text), "byte(s)")

# Perform the deployment now
    contract = Contract(contract_text, entity)
    gas_fee = 600000
    api.sync(contract.create(api, entity, gas_fee), None, 0)
except Exception as e:

# Deployed, so we can now announce address and owner
print("\nContract deployed:\n")
print("Address:", contract.address)
print("  Owner:", contract.owner)

# Confirm by querying the contract
print(" Output:", contract.query(api, 'sayHello'))